June 1, 7444.

At the end of the lesson, Fantoz pulled up to the office and then summoned the warrior chiefs of each rank. Headed by Zagerfol, the first warrior chief, Arkane, the second warrior chief, Amud, the third warrior chief, and soon the three warrior chiefs assembled in Fantoz's office, which was not as wide. They are all older than Fantoz. Even Fantoz still managed to keep his mouth open while being oppressed by the breathlessness stuffed by compelling warrior chiefs in a small room. Naturally, I do my best to be younger.

"Yesterday, as there was a circular, your orders are coming down from His Excellency the Warrior General of Yolette. I just gave the second warrior, Hargo Zone, to the captain for a total of seven interception units. As deputy director general, no, I do not believe that as a single Lyle kingdom national I have ever had such a stupid order. I know the Inspector General has the Inspector General's thoughts, but I also have mine. I would like to move on as something that everyone already understands. If anyone doesn't understand it yet, please offer it now. I'll explain everything."

Third-place warrior chief Nemelkor Amud stepped forward as he scolded his thin blue long hair. Like Zagelfol, she is a female warrior dressed in fine black and crimson dyed leather corset armor and wearing a cape to the middle of her back. The skin colour is quite intense. Amud opened his mouth with a tense face.

"What I am informed of is putting on a mock war against the first warrior class returning from the outside. We haven't even told you why."

Similarly, Duskri Arkane, the second-ranking warrior chief, takes a step forward by scolding his slightly reddish hair. He is also dressed in leather corset armor, but the armor is dyed black and yellow-green. I'm not wearing a cape.

"I haven't asked you about the reason either. I was hoping you could explain this to me."

After hearing the two words, Fantoz still nodded with the face he said.

"... Really? It's good to hear it. The reason is too much. First of all, the Warrior General wants to make the Kingdom of Lyle bigger and richer. Of course I do, and everyone thinks so. This case is due to differences in its methodology. The Warrior General believes that we must improve our productivity in order to enrich our kingdom. So far so good."

Confirming that the two warrior chiefs advancing forward nod, Fantoz continues ahead.

"For this reason, the Warrior General wants to reduce the number of warriors in each rank by 20%, assign them to the service rank, and increase their productivity.... Yep, that's definitely what you think anyway. As you already know, since the Warrior General took up that position, he insisted that the number of warriors should be reduced.

The number of warriors has hardly fluctuated because they continued to be evacuated in the Presbyterian Church, but that's what they claimed. And the other day, your divine order came down from His Majesty Lils. The content was unprecedented and diverse. But little was touched upon about the warriors in it. Slightly, "first place is good. Deal with the loss of quality in second and third place."

When I heard that, Arkane and Amud leaned down with a regrettable face. As far as they are concerned, they were referred to directly by Her Majesty the Queen as "quality loss”. Sure, they weren't playing either, but sometimes they do feel less quality than they did a decade ago.

"What do you think when you hear this? What do you think we should do?

Fantoz asked the two warrior chiefs.

"I would like to spend more time in training. We'll discuss the details later with the Amud Third Warrior Chief, but we'd like to work out something for both of us so that the extended time will be effective."

Arcaine answered.

"I would like to review the training content as soon as possible, scrutinize the content and abolish the previous one-off joint training, stretch the strengths and weaknesses of each individual."

Amud also answered.

"Right. You should start with that. But the Warrior Inspector General seemed to want to be more effective sooner. You intend to retire 20% from the lower quality of the warriors of each rank and incorporate them into the service class. Perhaps the idea is to motivate the warriors left by the act. And if you do that, the remaining warriors will lose some morale. I think you planned to defeat the first fighter by the second and third fighters as a workaround."

Of course not all Fantoz's imaginations are shooting straight, but with a confident look, Fantoz saw two warrior chiefs when he said so. Neither Arkane nor Amud could hide their surprises. Only Zagelfol refrains behind him with a face like he chewed up a bitter bug.

"The Warrior Inspector General underscores that thought,“ The power of warriors of all ranks is not so far apart. The difference is about magic arms. "I think you already know that there are things. I dare ask, what do you two think about that?

Fantoz asked as he stroked his gray hair, which was not very beautiful as a Dark Elf.

"I think it's a good idea to say that you're generally right if you're second and third. Of course, I think there are a lot of parts where the second place outweighs the third place, albeit slightly by a proper comparison.... In first place, however, we are enemies of simple martial arts or naturally magic. If you're going to take first place...... if you have one opponent, you'll need at least three people to throw them away. Though you two are prepared to be killed or seriously injured. Naturally, favorable conditions also need to be put in place."

said Amud, third-ranking warrior chief. Arkane, the second-ranking warrior chief, is also nodding when he hears it.

"You almost agree with me. Zagerfol # 1 Warrior Chief. What about you?

Fantoz, who concurred with Amud's reply, asked the first warrior chief who remained standing in the back.

"… I agree…"

Zagerfol replied with a remorseful distortion of his blurry face.

"Hmm? I remember you saying it was enough to deal with the second and third of the seven...?

Meaningly, Fantoz said. As far as he was concerned, he still had Zagerfol's rudeness the other day at his root. I don't think he would have been able to get this far if he hadn't said something extra.

"Well, fine. In fact, Zagerfol's first warrior chief spoke in the Presbyterian Church about what I just said. It takes the form of a Warrior Commander."

Fantoz carries on the words with the two warrior chiefs elsewhere who keep an eye on him.

"Dark Elves who are not already wrapped around their arms with the landmark yellow ribbon have been given orders to prevent intrusion above the fourth. The target audience is reported by the two and Warrior Sergeant Zagerfol. It is possible that Denzudas and Chiztunolor will return more than externally within the next two months.

Together, we have heard that they are likely to have completed a mission to honor more than 100 million Zs of foreign currency. You'll even be tired from the long journey. If you are accomplishing your mission well at the end of the line, you may also be losing your mind when you enter Mount Kinlu. Earlier orders are orders that could hurt such compatriots. Killing is forbidden, but Denzudas and Chiztunolor should have no reason to know that. You know what this means?

Seeing the three warrior chiefs who had responded by silence, Fantoz continued his words.

"I believe that this lopsided, unsaveable order is clearly the wrong one. But there is also no mistake that it was issued by the Warrior General, a position above mine. If you don't want to hear what I have to say right now, if you're here, I'll get you out of this office right away and allow you to go back to work. That makes no special detriment.

Just think about it. About what the warriors gain by hurting each other. You will lose as many as 20% of your numbers from the entire warrior. Of course, their national power will increase because they will serve our country as a service class. However, 20% fewer valuable active warriors have been trained to say how to carry out the King's Road Rakudo construction plan in the future.

Think about what it means to reduce that spineless warrior when His Majesty Lills decrees a plan to build a royal road paradise... "

He confirmed that no one was going to leave, and Fantoz grabbed his chest.

"I now pronounce myself once again to conclude my explanation of the reasons for this mock warfare order over me, Deputy Warrior General. It's not forbidden, but I wanted each warrior chief to know. From now on, it's my solitaire."

said Fantoz with a serious face.

"Hopefully you'll wander around the vicinity of the fourth inning for the next two months with the warriors in your handcuffs unmarked. I want someone wandering around the third and fourth perimeters at all times while I sleep. The second-ranking warrior Hargo Zone, who was elected captain this time, comes from a division of Warrior General, so he'll try to respond faithfully to orders, but even they need to take a break. It would be helpful if you could just wander around so I can't get some rest. So, in case a mock fight starts," It's a mock fight! "I want you to raise your voice and call in your nearby companions. If anyone gets hurt, I want you to do healing sorcery as soon as possible. Hey, only for two months. Not a lot of length."

When I said that and looked around at the three warrior chiefs, I made only one final remark.

"Naturally, the Warrior Chiefs want you to forget to sleep and raise your blood trail to patrols in the third and fourth place."

And, younger, but staring at the warrior chiefs with an elderly look,

"Hmm? Were you still there? Looks like you've been talking to yourself too long. Exit and do your duty."

and spread out the paper documents, which were valuables.

June 20, 7444.

(... but... why?

Mizuchi's head was confused by the attack. But it doesn't mean it stays confusing. Anyway, the situation is behind us. All you have to do is do what you can right now about the situation and then take your time to check it out. Keep an arrow on your bow as you lower yourself in the bushes you roll into. You don't have to hit them if you can see them. You need traction. If the opponent is frightened, he moves to another bush that looks a little more prone to defensive combat, and if he doesn't seem frightened, he can now shoot a "flame arrow" from here as he was attacked earlier.

However, earlier "flame arrows" were slow to the extent that they were normally allowed to. Are you telling me you don't want to kill me? Even the first arrow wasn't aimed at the steeple. If you're serious, you should be the first to target your face or your heart. That's what I've been aiming for my belly. I happened to have a borrowed plate in my clothes pocket under my armor so I could have prevented it without taking any damage at all, assuming there were no plates, I would have been injured, but whatever the "Cure Light" is for arrow wounds to my belly, if it is "Cure Serious," there is nothing else in my life.

Except if it was poisoned, but it wasn't poisoned or anything.

I made that decision in a flash, but now I just have to stick. I'd like to jump into Elle Hay's entrance somehow but there must still be quite a distance. Gently return the stated arrow and place the arrow on the ground, grabbing two bottles gently out of the lumbar compartment with its right hand. Each of these bottles contains a special chemical, which raises red smoke by mixing the chemicals in it. Place one bottle on the ground and put another bottle of contents there and the red smoke will rise as soon as possible.

It should also be called an emergency smoke generator for dark elves. The dark elves who see this smoke are obliged to go help the user no matter what they put down. Basically, third-place warrior classes hunting in the mountains and exorcising demons often use them. It is common to try to stay about 20-30m above the wind when using it, but it is definitely not. Many things cannot stay in one place during battles with demons, etc., and it is conceivable that there is no just right waiting area on the wind.

Mizuchi wonders if he should use a bottle of smoke.

It's easy to use, but at the same time you'll be spreading your whereabouts on the other person.

If you don't use it, they could kill you.

Are they... alone in the first place?

If it were more than one, it would seem that Mizuchi would never win.

Mizuchi, who can only lay low on the ground, kill his breath and lurk, is lost and thinks.

What Mizuchi could rely on now was about his arm and this vial.

I wonder why this sudden predicament occurred. At least, it's hard to think of saying someone will be after you in the Lyle Kingdom's sphere of power. So, is it a monster? It's hard to think about that, too. There won't be a single thing like using a bow and arrow or a monster wandering around here, much like using magic.

Things don't turn around where I've been thinking grandiose while laying low on the ground forever.

Mizuchi glanced around softly and returned a bottle of smoke to the store.

"Oh, another mock fight! Good luck!"

I heard voices like that from afar. The voice was quite far apart, but it sounded as if it was going out of its way to tell Mizuchi that a simulated battle was taking place. Although Mizuchi was somewhat convinced when he heard it, there are still points that do not fall into his heart.

(Simulated battle? But why did you aim at me? Mostly, there's never been a mock fight in a place like this before...)

That's what I thought, carefully keeping my eyes open in the direction the arrows flew in. There is really a mock battle going on, and if I have been mistaken for the subject, the earlier attack has to be satisfactory as well. But I couldn't figure out that I had a mock fight without being informed of it by this one. Anyway, Mizuchi didn't know anything, so if he fights back, he fights back taking into account the fact that he will lose his opponent's life first.

(Something's wrong...)

As soon as I thought so, people showed up in my sight. It won't be ten seconds since the first arrow.

I thought about using "flame arrow" reflexively. The other person is the same dark elf as himself. I've seen your face, too. That's definitely a young second-place warrior class Hargo zone. Two in the back, third place warrior class. This also seems to follow the young.

(Huh? Why are second-place warriors in a place like this?

Mizuchi's surprise is natural. The warriors of the second-place warrior class are usually referred to as the front entrance to Elle Hay. The guarding of the entrance and exit of the table and some secret entrance and exit should be the task. There's no way I can be forgiven for wandering around like this away from my place. Of course, there must be times when one enters into archery on a part-time holiday, but it's unnatural nonetheless. An archery can say that such equipment is strange. Whatever it is, it's not just the bow and arrow, it's all up to the long sword. Wearing leather armor securely and looking around without alarm is hard to say archaic.

(This place, that outfit, is just a mock fight?... or still, in action?

"I don't know because there are seven of us! Watch it, man!

I heard an earlier voice in Mizuchi's ear. Closer than just now.

(Huh? Warning? I'm the other guy? What is that? What do you mean? I don't know what that means......)

That would be the case, too. Even if we carry out simulated warfare, we have not been notified here. Moreover, the number of raiders has been carefully taught that there is no explanation. The faces of the Hargo Zones are hatefully distorted when they hear voices. That's about as far as I can hear you pounding your tongue.

(If there are seven of you... you mean one left and one right apart from the three in the front... use one more behind it to go around and siege this one... are the three of you approaching along the front road?)

"We've secured the horse!...... Chizu tuna lol!? A mock fight! Don't kill me! I'm fine!

My voice sounded like I was panicking from the middle of nowhere.

I thought it was okay to leave the horse alone, but I appreciate you securing it. Anyway, that saddlebag contains a particularly heavy demonic stone, of course, for valuable luggage (business tools). It weighs about 6 kg or more in adult fists. That one value is easily comparable to one's annual income of more than ten years.

At the same time, I lost a lot of shoulder strength. Apparently, they're sure they're really putting up a mock fight. So, there's one thing to do if there is. It's a mock fight, but it's a loss. Mizuchi stretched his broken tongue ahead and shot a bow without thinking of hitting it in the direction clammed that it would be around if he licked one of his lips and hid himself in the trunk of a large tree that was beside him at full speed.

"It's behind that tree! Nail it!

Hargo Zone's orders sound. Hidden in the shadow of the tree, Mizuchi confirmed the sky as he took a distance from the tree to hide from the three men of the tree, and made a groundmagical, donut-shaped wall to surround himself in a great hurry, making it an impromptu shelter. The level of elemental magic in Mizuchi today is 5. It can produce up to thirty cubic metres of soil in one go. Inside, even with a diameter of 60 cm and a wall thickness of 1.5 m, a shell of at least 3 m in height is formed. I can't be stubborn. It's a battle before they stick it in the dirt.

Immediately climbing the soil about 50 cm used level 5 wind magic at my feet. In an instant, as much as 30,000 cubic meters of air is generated, and even considering the height, a shell of about 1.5 m bounces Mizuchi over more than 20 m. The impromptu shell and shelter should be smashing downstairs and causing earthquake around where I was.

How many "lightning bolts" can be hit in less than 2 seconds before falling to about 10m above ground again? One guy who will hang around if he can. I want to keep at least two of one person out of combat due to electric shock.

He jumped up into the air and a blue and white electric shock burst from Mizuchi's left hand on his distorted face.

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