May 28, 7444.

"... well, it's time to do something." Hey, I need to fix the words... "

Lils used magic when he squealed like that. An act that reduces the amount of time she stays in this world, but she doesn't really die. Just temporarily move to another dimension. Spend some time there and come back again. Neither does she know how much time has passed here when she comes back. Years, decades, over a hundred years?

She had a grin that also seemed to mock herself, and using magic, she had bumps and things were crushing.

The magic she has now used is "instruction". It is a very convenient magic, except that it is conditioned by a special ritual on the receiving side of the order. Of course, a practitioner can sort the subject to his/her liking to the extent that he/she fits the criteria. The target audience can be one person, or multiple at the same time. Ten people were chosen as the target audience this time.

"I guess this is ok... I hope you're getting it right while I'm gone... I'm new to it too so hey... I might be annoyed to say too much detail... oh look forward to what happens to the city when I get back... and then... just in case..."

I often wondered how to avoid the rules, if there was a way out, and I put my right index finger on the toe, and it seemed like I had used some more magic.

And close your eyes by changing your expression to a slightly satisfied grin.

A few days later, in the deepest part of the palace of the Kingdom of Lyle, the queen's chamber is deserted, leaving behind a hole where the master's feet in that room had their roots down. Leaving intact a number of precious treasures and expensive treasures that were decorating the living room, the living room only quietly awaited the Lord's return.

May 28, 7444.

The kingdom of Lyle, with huge tunnels as its national territory, in the midst of Mount Kinlu. Elle Hay, its only capital, is always dark. Of course the lighting utilizing demon stones is everywhere, but too little to illuminate the whole Elle Hay, and the waste of demon stones is strictly admonished. It is not uncommon for lighting fixtures that are not lit or made for street lights. The building builds walls in huge tunnels with dirt and stones everywhere, and since it doesn't rain, the roof occupies most of the simplicity of just placing cloth on it.

Digging tunnels in the mountains to make it a capital Elle Hay, but due to its small population, there is some room for space. That said, I just said that the average family size of a house with seven to eight people usually has three rooms, a total of 30 square meters. It is easier to assign a slightly larger house when a warrior class is included in the family.

In addition, although this is rarely the case, a small number of families who have been allowed to marry and start a new family line will be assigned smaller and smaller houses with fewer rooms.

In such an environment, Fantozzi, the young Elle Hay elder, who was extravagantly handling his affairs in the office of an individual close to 10 square meters, of the administration, a relatively splendid building (what, not made of fabric, with a decent roof), except for the royal palace, quickly reacted to the voice echoing his head, and when he stood up and sat down toward the direction of the royal palace. It is an instruction from Her Majesty the Queen, who is said to be highly frequent once every ten years. Fantoz, who had been grounded for a while, rose when he finished hearing the sound in his head. We must consult and coordinate with other seniors and immediately implement the instructions.

Fantoz, who left the administrative office, went to the conference room to consult with the other senators. Five elders had already taken their seats in the conference room, and he was the sixth. The other four will come without putting that between them.

The look on the faces of the seniors already seated does not hide the excitement. I don't think he's even trying to hide it. That's with me. It is a direct instruction from Her Majesty the Queen whether she can ask once in a lifetime even if she is in the line of the Elder. Moreover, this time the content also included specific instructions, and above all, I was able to listen to the voice for such a long time that it was not comparable to the time I had heard from the senior seniors who had previously received instructions.

Elder Webndo, who should also be said to be the oldest in his tenth year of presbyterian life this year, became chairman, opening his mouth in anticipation of when they all gathered.

"Everyone used to get together without saying anything. Thank you. As we all have already heard, from His Majesty Lils, a divine order has been given. I would now like to assign you a task in order to fulfill your divine order."

Everyone looked at Webndo and nodded. On that face I have only the pleasure of being able to carry out Her Majesty's direct orders.

"The first is about increased production of edible fungi. Your Majesty is right. If we do not increase production by more than 2% within the next year, we will have a growing population no matter how long. Report and improve…

... and the development of each warrior class. You were worried that the quality of second and third place was falling as first place was good... there are already two dead in third place this year. Let's just say it's a matter of origin. "

"But one of the two is a downfall during the check on the new tunnel construction, and the other is a raid by the Great Ghost (Auga) during the winning class sales escort!? This is a report that there was also a mix of magical augamages...... I was so impressed that I was so often held back by the damage."

Fantoz, who is in charge of bringing the warrior class together, objected. I just want Yolette, my own senior and also responsible for military and policing such as the warrior class, to put up an argument for backup. He went on to

"I find it difficult to increase the strength of the warrior class any more..."

and dissatisfied. Take it, Yolette.

"Then the head of the sales escort should take responsibility for it. Who was it then...... oh chizu tuna lol...... was the first escort assignment then? Less experience, more failure."

And I told him to throw it away. Fantoz couldn't bear the tone and content. Still thirty years ago, I was somewhere to be cautious as the youngest elder who has been an elder since this year, but I accidentally opened my mouth to objection. Mostly that wasn't the first escort assignment for Chizu Tuna Lol. If it was your first time, you'd be on a mission not to leave an orga or something.

"Lord Yolet, what the hell does that mean? Are you asking me to hold Chiztunolol, the number one warrior class, accountable? She's the only one left in the sixty-eighth issue of Ivagane. Even if not, there are only twenty-nine active members. I just want to avoid crushing it for nothing."

I wondered what this man was talking about, and I couldn't stand it.

"Fantoz, isn't it effective, given the whole thing, to hold each young man in first place accountable and tighten the discipline of a much higher number of second or third places? Indeed, His Majesty Lillus was told that first place was good. But as for the second and third place, were you not worried and come? By and large, the first-place warrior class is just an assassin who can use all-element magic. Not that it's particularly good. Misunderstood because of the mixing of numbers in the type... Whoa, I'm not going to criticize His Majesty for his decision..."

I heard what this yolette said, Fantoz,

(I guess that's what you would say because you couldn't even be a third-place warrior class...)

And I was dissatisfied.

Sure, as an elder, it's unusual, but Yolette has taken warrior class development courses in her childhood. Because Yolet had a brother on top, and the elder was thought to be what his brother would inherit. Yolette unfortunately had less aptitude for magic moves and could only master one form of elemental magic. For this reason, only after a mere two years of training, he was removed from the Warrior Class Development Course early, and was thought to deceive his life as a Service Class.

But shortly before Yolette became an adult, his five older brothers, who had not yet become elders, were poisoned by demons and died during an inspection of a third-ranking warrior-class crusade around the land. It was a totally unfortunate accident that the elder who had not experienced the elder, who should be the elder in the future, had gained experience before adulthood, about thirteen years of age, about someone under the active elder, and trained to aspire to be the elder in the future, but that the elder, whose brother had been attached, happened to carry out an inspection that day and was suddenly poisoned by the demons that Yolet's brother, who had followed it, had raided.

But Yolette was ashamed that he could not even become a third-place warrior class, and every time he turned it upside down, he hit the warrior class hard. It was in the middle of forty years when I became an elder, but from the beginning I ran strongly for the warrior class.

Fantoz decided to take advantage of what he wanted to say and put up an argument at another cut. I know it's rude to speak out in the middle of what the other person is talking about, but even though they are distant seniors of the year, Jianmae is between seniors of the same rank. That doesn't strike me as rude.

"The budget and time, plus the first warrior class to invest heavily in valuable people, starting with good instructors, is a treasure for our country. Besides, in the warrior class, you're the only one who can earn foreign currency. Make it easy..."

Yolette opened her mouth as she sidelined Fantoz, who desperately argued.

"Though I don't think neither the first nor the third has such a great opening to my strength as a warrior. So much for some magic, right? I don't think we're going to hold him that far..."

This is not true. Indeed, he has also received a precise instruction in magic and white soldier warfare moves in the training curriculum of the second-tier warrior class, which includes early trainees. However, there are significant discrepancies in absolute training time. Apart from the holidays, it's about five hours of training a day. In time, the magic lecture time has elapsed about four hours since the start of the training at six o'clock in the morning, and the lecture is less than an hour from about ten o'clock. After the lecture, they use up their immediate magic, forcing them to have an early lunch before falling asleep, and then letting them sleep for about four hours before returning home.

However, if you move to a first-place training curriculum, you will basically have a full dorm system except for holidays. In order to cover a total of sixteen hours of training a day. Of the entire training time, the magic lecture time is about four hours and the remaining twelve hours are strict warfare training time as hell. Sleep from about midnight until about 6: 00 a.m. Otherwise, we won't even have man-to-man training time by three shifting instructors, but we will have very intense training time. Teachers are often headed by retired former first-place warrior-class veterans.

Since the chances of a real battle after assignment are more overwhelming in the third-place warrior class, which carries out patrols of the territory's demonic exorcisms than first-place or second-place, it doesn't mean that at first glance the third-place is in total conflict with the facts because it sometimes seems more capable of being superior...

Speaker Webndo pinched his mouth when he saw that the debate was about to get grand.

"That's enough, there's something to see in both words. Beyond my command, I'll let you speak here. Let the chief Chiztunolor himself open the call and decide whether our command was reasonable. Warrior chiefs from all levels should also be present and their opinions should be taken into account. Is Chiztuna Glor in Elle Hay?

Fantoz answers Webndo's query.

"Chiztunolol is currently acting alone at the behest of the four species A. I thought you were in the labyrinth of Balduk in the Kingdom of Lomberto..."

Yolette supplemented the answer.

"The Four Kinds of A are assassinations of lower nobility. We must ensure that the target is not surrounded by accidental death, or assassination in an equivalent manner."

"I know that. So, when's the deadline?

Fantoz answers Webndo's question again.

"It's been six months since I took the request... it's a full July cup"

"Are you going to succeed?

"... the opponent is the son and adventurer of the Marquis of Cambit. They'll have company, they'll be in Balduk's labyrinth... and there 'll be demons... and I have to say it's difficult."

I guess Fantoz still decided that Chizu Tuna Glol could do it. He looked confident.

"What's the reward?

"It's 150 million Z. Of course we receive it in advance."

When he hears that, Yolette tells him to laugh spirally with his nose tip.

"Hmm, that's kind of it. Foreign currency revenues in our country climb to Z20 billion a year. Only 6-7% of them, on average, come earned by the first-place warrior class to only 1.3 billion Z. More than 500 million Z of the sales made by the sale of surplus demon stones...... Nevertheless, the budget for the training of the warrior class exceeds Z3 billion per year. The majority of our country's income is earned by the winning class by selling and walking through crops made by the service class. At this point, we should cut labor costs for all the warrior classes from first to third place. There are 29 in the first place, 48 in the second place, and 193 in the third place. A total of two hundred and seventy. Aren't you saying that you could make extra money by reducing it by about 20% from all classes and turning it to the service class?"

Fantoz wonders once again (why Lord Yolette makes the warriors so eye-catching). Beginning this year as an elder, he was proud that his first job became in charge of the warrior class, which heads the military and security of the state.

But Yolette had some thoughts at Yolette. Of course, I don't feel inferior (complex) to the warrior class, when I say it, I lie. But more than that, what he thinks is the expansion of the economy of the Kingdom of Lyle. Taking the earlier figures as an example, more than ten of the first ranks of warriors are always captains of the wagon convoys. Similarly, there will be more than ten from second place, and about eighty from third place will always be away from the country as escorts. This will have no choice.

Of the more than fifteen remaining first-place warrior classes and around thirty-five second-place warrior classes, and the third-place warrior classes with more than a hundred, what we absolutely need is less than thirty of the second-place warrior classes who are gatekeepers and the third-place warrior classes who are patrolling the territory in groups of five, maybe twelve to three, sixty to seventy? You can have a little more when you think about the holidays. Of course, even the first warrior class will need less than ten people because they get less but more foreign currency around the corner.

As a result, labor costs, but the average first-place warrior class is about Z 8 million a year, which is about double the number of elders. It suddenly falls in second place, to about 1,800,000 Z. Third place depresses me to 1,200,000 Z. But for the service class, the average annual income is about 600-700,000 Z. It is arguably a unique income for the Kingdom of Lyle, where almost self-sufficiency is made up. Metal products, including clothing and weapons, are mainly purchased, and there are some luxuries and preferences, but there are very few of them.

As a yolette, I want to increase the income of the service class, which makes up the majority of the population, by even 1Z. Because with more disposable income, that's how much money goes around the country, and the size of the economy increases. To do this, we need to increase our production base, but I am reading that if we can move powerful adults from the warrior class to the service class, they will show more productivity than the number of people. Anyway, we have to steer the way of 3,842 Lyle kingdoms with just ten senators. More nursery beds for fungi, with warriors who can afford power digging tunnels, sharing hard work, are directly linked to an important increase in production.

He had the will to say so in his heart and was in charge of the warrior class.

"Yolet, keep it around there. Then if the two of us disagree, we can all say what to judge. We should wait for the return of Chiztunolor and let him report back to us when he escorts the elderly. On top of that, if Chiztunolol is responsible, he should be made to blame. But..."

I'm not done talking about Webndo yet.

"" But?

and Fantoz and Yolette join their voices to encourage ahead.

"It's hard to imagine that I'm so inferior to someone in the first place warrior class. I've also been in charge of the warrior class before Yolette became an elder, so I'm going to know quite a bit about that. Together, they are highly loyal to our country (the Kingdom of Lyle) and have extraordinary abilities…. Hmm...... it's also my last agenda, and I wouldn't mind the time. Call Zagelfol."

Zagerfol refers to his name as Edmarin Zagerfol, the current head of the first-place warrior class and a veteran warrior trying to be thirty-five this year. An ideal dark elf with beautiful white hair like snow and almost black, dark purple skin with demonic, radiant lavender eyes. Naturally, my strength as a warrior is commensurately high.

Zagelfol appeared in the conference room about enough time. Even though he has no mission, he is dressed in a blue dyed leather corset armor and weaves a short cape to the middle of his back. Taller than the average dark elf, sturdy enough to handle 185cm.

"The seniors, I am here by summons."

That's what I say and thank you. Webndo speaks up to Zagerfol.

"Zagelfol, I was hoping you could explain to me about the first warrior class to become a thistle tuna. Explain to everyone about Chizu Tuna. I don't want to give you preconceptions, so I'll explain why later. First of all, I want to hear an explanation that is not abhorrent."

Ordered by the elder in his final term, Zagerfol opened his fascinating mouth.

"Ha... Chizu Tuna Glor is my...... er, because I am Uz (Uroboliday) ninety-seventh term...... I am a woman who graduated from the Ivagane (Elesaday) sixty-eighth period of education and training under nineteenth term and officially recruited from an apprenticeship two years ago. I do remember that I was always at the top of my education and training curriculum. I remember doing two solo missions so far, three joint missions and a escort mission… I do do do about six. Of these, one joint mission and two escort missions are under apprenticeship. I was wondering if the job could have been unbeaten...

Personage, introverted and prefers one, infers that this was due to the assassination in his first solo assignment, which forced him to kill his sync. However, the mandate has not been hindered at all. I just said that magic skills are slightly above average. For the current age, which is sixteen, the proviso will be attached. Magic is on five levels, so that would be it.

He is also enthusiastic when it comes to training and does not always fail to train when he is off duty. Normal White Soldier moves are done there, but there are also problems with experience, which is inferior to the average of the active first-place warrior class. The key assassination techniques are high enough and can already be said to be above average. Not as good as I am yet, of course.

It should be noted that most of the benefits appear to have disappeared into the medication bill of a sick brother, who seems to have a minimum of equipment and a life. I think she's a good daughter of brother filial piety. Well, my hair is black and my skin is pale, so I don't even want to get my hands on it because it's not my taste. "

Webndo, having heard Zagelfol's explanation, says a little surprised.

"Well, that's pretty high praise. Besides, was thismagroll still sixteen... oh, you said Ivagane (Elesaday), period sixty-eight."

The other senators are talking face-to-face and whispering.

"Um, what's the chizu tuna lol...?

Zagerfol asked the question with the body he said he was afraid of.

"Um, I have an opinion that she, the conductor, is likely to take the blame for her lack of power regarding the loss of life of a third-ranking warrior class member in the escort unit commanded by Chizumagrol during her elderly escort assignment..."

In response to Webndo, who replied so, Zagerfol says as he panicked.

"Buh... what do you say!? We have received a well-detailed report, but that is force majeure! We were attacked by a herd of orgasms as we passed through the valley!? This is a total of five orgasms, including an orgasm!? No matter how many one-thousand-ranked warrior classes you have, you can't do it without damage. At that time, Chiztunolol had just reached four levels of elemental magic, and the fully usable magic should have taken the Arrow system at best and nearly five seconds to activate the javelin. Well, let's just say we could use it up to Arborest. We should have needed a few minutes! You're protecting your shipments, your men, and your winning class under those circumstances!? Even my men should have had enough skilled people to use Javelin somehow! Besides, there is no harm done to the pivotal loads and the winning class!

In contrast, Yolette says with a cold smile.

"Hmm. A thousand a ride. But isn't it a big deal that about five orgasms seem to be harmed? Isn't it too special about the first-place warrior class? If I saw you as a warrior, you wouldn't be as different as the first or second place, would you?

When he heard that, Zagerfol objected with a glance of willow brow.

"Lord Yolet, what do you say! Sure, a thousand horsemen would be too much to say, but I would say that the escort was originally carried out by two warriors. They used to have no rank of warrior, so it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say two if they were the first warrior rank. If you're going to imitate that, let's say the first-place warrior class is comparable to the third place of the six led by one second. You can fight enough against that! That's how powerful it opens up! That's why I'm number one!

This word probably contains exaggeration. When it comes to strength, there's no way we're going to fight against seven decent combat trained opponents. If I could work hard and bring one or both of you on the road with all my dying power, I'd say I can do it. In common sense, it is more normal that there is no damage on the seven sides.

But Zagelfol is (amateur enough not to know how strong one orga is!), and I argued with the selling words with the buying words. It was a major failure.

"You know what? Zagelfol, the first warrior chief. Why don't you prove it to me? You said that Chizumagrol was in issue 68 of Ivaganese. So you're saying you can beat two of the same Ivaganese (Elesaday) sixty-eighth period by six against one and three? Of course, it would be difficult to get them all together in Issue 68 of Ivagane. You can mix the two hundred and twenty-fourth and eighty issues of Jollo before and after."

I started Zagerfol, who heard that, and the other seniors stood colored.

"Nah!? You're telling me that's why you let Dark Elves kill each other!? Are you out of your mind?

Yorette, are you insane?

"Wouldn't that just polish and reduce the power of our country to jail!

"It's ridiculous, it doesn't matter how many games you play on a one-on-seven basis."

Yolette opens her mouth for a response, cold waiting for those curses to pass.

"... of course, killing each other and so on. It's a mock fight. I will probably get hurt because I use it seriously. That's nonsense, such as taking life for something like this. If the thistle tuna man prevails, that's fine, and we should call him off immediately. If not, it's just good to have it aborted around being able to interject to the point where it can't move. But in that case, as I said earlier, we should turn 20% of the population from first to third place to the service class and use it to increase productivity, starting with food."

Fantoz disproves when he hears that.

"That's what makes no connection whatsoever. If the first place fights the seven and loses, do you reduce the warriors? I don't know what that means. I don't think that's how your Majesty feels. More or less, that's what the KingsRoad Rakudo construction plan is all about. But warriors are essential!

"Fantoz, I know what you meant by that. But isn't it cowardly, such as putting His Majesty's feelings out for you? Of course, it is difficult to speculate on the thoughts of His Majesty and other such nongeniuses. But His Majesty said. He said to increase the production of food in the country, especially in case it should come. Make money, make the economy fat, etc. We can't afford to have extra people in our country. Where do I draw that workforce from? The warrior class also has strength. Even magic works. I'm not going to say everything or anything stupid. The speed of tunnel expansion increases dramatically, and that's all we can do to increase productivity, even if we just turn 20% from the bottom to the service class."

Flat out, Yolet answers. Clearly, it's close to unscrupulous reason. Even he fully understands the importance of the warrior class. But I don't have the manpower. I don't have any money. Still, this is what His Majesty Lils said. “My children, the King's Road Rakudo construction plan is close. Get ready. Make food, spin money, give birth, increase”. Well, the content to this extent is close to pillow words. It's mostly the first word they say when they have "instructions". But this time it wasn't just a word or two of instructions that was always there. It usually ends with words like, "Prioritize tunnel 22 expansion."

However, this time it was more detailed and diverse.

Surely in it, “first place is... good. Deal with the loss of quality in second and third place”. Yolette intends to "deal with" warriors of reduced quality by incorporating them into the service class. The remaining warriors will be attentive and encouraged to train, and the quality will improve as a result. I just think that it's okay to have a sacrificial sheep (scapegoat) from one place to the next. At last, even though his strength is just a little high, he can also harass the mundane first-place warrior class with high pay.

In contrast, other senators, starting with Fantoz, believe that they should "deal with" the mandatory training time, review the content, and also review the curriculum during the education and training process.

Neither of them are big mistakes.

Joining forces in second and third place will confidently lead to defeating the first-place warrior class, and we also expect him to enter future training. Of course it doesn't just mean I hate first place. I'm sure you have a lot of strength, and that's where Yolette admits it. However, I also believe that we should reduce this by a little more in the period. Half of it goes too far, but if we can reduce it by an average of two million Zs, we can float close to 60 million Zs. I can increase my service class's annual income by 20,000 Z. per person I can work for. Indeed, the foreign currency earned in a lifetime is overwhelmingly dominated by the first-place warrior class. It would also be better to have a higher salary than the elder. However, I just always wondered if it would be a little too much.

He is also bitter about what he chooses to leave Errehay and live in a foreign country, albeit about one or two people a few years. Such people have an overwhelming former warrior class. As we look at the outside world with escorts and such, we become more attracted to another country than the Kingdom of Lyle. I also believe that this is a matter of liberation.

But there were also words in His Majesty Lillus's words today: "He who leaves will not chase, but he will be free, but good”. So now I don't have to say anything about people leaving the country.

But we must insist on what is necessary for the kingdom and on believing it is necessary.

Every opportunity available should be used.

June 1, 7444.

Fantoz and Yolette were drooling over the seven men lined up in front of them.

"… so it is decided that care should always be taken. Do not pass through the fourth circle except for those who have worn this landmark. Catch him without killing him. Except for the caravan. In addition to dark elves, no harm should be done. This is an order for you two months from this moment today!

"" Ha. "

A petty reply returns from the seven young people.

After his dissolution, Yolette summoned and talked to the second-ranking warrior class who would be captain, Hargo Zone, one hundred and twenty-four issues of Jolow (Nephiridie).

"As I said earlier, except for the first-place warrior class. The opponent is also quite powerful. If I don't kill you, you may be killed."

With that said, he tapped Hargo Zone's shoulder, which was young and upright with a face of tension, and grinned at an invisible angle.

(I'm sorry to hear there are two first class warriors out there besides the escort of the caravan right now... but dead, no... this is careless... at least I need you to suffer some serious injuries...)

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