May 29, 7444.

After 4: 00 a.m. Early morning things that still don't even shine sunlight.

There is a riddle of rides outside the southeast city of Balduk, the kingdom's direct jurisdiction. Another shadow that loses so much and approaches its shadow. The ridden shadow descended from the horse when he admitted to the approaching shadow, becoming one with the approaching shadow. When the shadow, which had often overlapped in one, parted into two parts, and returned to one and one horse, the rider proceeded down the street to Mount Outer Ring, which covered the outer perimeter of Balduk.

Approximately 1.5km away from the summit of Mount Outer Ring? The streets are diagonally towards the summit so the horses will actually walk longer to the summit. From the southeast almost to the true east, the rides proceed at an almost constant pace along the streets that aim diagonally at the summit of the mountain. When it took about 20 minutes to climb to the summit, the rising morning sun finally illuminates the rides from the front.

The sunlit rider looked back only once as he glared at the sun. The shadow we broke up with earlier remains standing where we broke up, as if we are dropping this one off forever. There was an untrained and distorted look on the rider's face facing forward again. The rider, who slapped his cheeks with his hands properly and changed his expression, looks firmly forward and goes down a slope illuminated by the light of the sun.

It can be seen that the rider illuminated by the morning sun is not just a man. Unusual, but not unusual, dark hair is fine, but the color of the skin covering its face and hands is a little improbable. What race is it? I can also say that it would be a race not in this oath if I were to judge just at first sight. Dark Elves (Dark Elves), also known as Durrows, can be said from some if you have dark purple skin, but the color of that rider's skin cannot be called a very dark elf. It's a lighter, slightly bluer purple color. I can't say I'm an elf if I'm forced to fit in. Except for the colour of the skin, it has the characteristics of an elf, the species on which dark elves are based.

The rider was trembling subtly as he descended down the streets lit by the morning sun. If you look at the tears that spill out of your eyes, you will know that it is a tremor in the face of crying.

What saddened the rider? Would it be a goodbye to the shadow earlier? But the rider's expression is not colored by grief. What came to mind in that face was a kind of expression that could be described as joy. But at the same time, he has an indescribable look like confusion. Clearly, it's creepy.

"Ha... I'm not used to it yet..."

Mizuchi was alone. The great confusion that has occurred in her since yesterday has not subsided. Besides the memories of life that I've been experiencing since I was born, this is confusion caused by the sudden unsealing of memories even in my previous life. I do have the confidence to say that my personality is this one. But I feel like I'm a little better than my current personality in the memory of my previous life.

Mizuchi's head was a mess when the seal of memory of his previous life was unwrapped. When the seal of memory was broken, a sharp pain ran through his head, so much so that he accidentally crouched. That was such intense pain and shock that even the first-place warrior class dark elves, who should have been working out since childhood, could not stand, even though they had symptoms of out of magic. And instantly understood the memory of a previous life that was liberated at once. Again, this is the life I've certainly lived.

Perhaps Mizuchi's personality so far would have also been somewhat transformed by his memory, but its fundamentals have not changed. There was a lot of confusion then, and it was flushed by the easy-going, that is, the memory of the previous life and the personality of the concomitant vertebral puroko. I wonder if that would be comparable, it was my first experience of being exposed to such a great spiritual confusion, and I would be more right to say that Mizzerit Chiztunolor's personality feared the confusion and gave the lead to Junko Vertebra, feeling almost like a defensive instinct.

Later, in the hour or so after the rest was pinched to restore the lost magic, Junko Vertebra and Mizzerit Chiztunrol carried out the organization of liberated memories as well as the integration and folding of personalities. The result was a slightly special Orth with two almost intermediate personalities and fresh Japanese memories in a sense that had just been liberated. Of course this was not done consciously. It was made natural. Therefore, in fact, we will have experienced in a short time the three personalities that should also be expressed with Junko Vertebra and Mizzerit Chiztunol, as well as their intermediate Mizchi. Naturally, she couldn't have recognized more than one personality.

Cutting down the ramp, Mizuchi looked up and firmly forward, restocking his reins, placing his heel on the horse's belly. In addition to his work clothes, the saddlebag holds luggage, including fine (sesame) weapons, and carries a small bow and arrow barrel on his back. The limb is wrapped in leather armor (leather armor) and is woven with hooded robes from the top. To avoid inadvertently losing the borrowed plate, he puts it in the pocket of his clothes under his armor and the knife is on his right thigh with his belt.

(Steady, this armor design, Dassa......)

I had a lot of better looking, better looking armor in my memory of my previous life. Many are strangely highly exposed, so I wonder what that's like for boulders, but the leather armor design I'm wearing now is wild nonetheless. Of course, I had memories of such items before I freed my memory, but I had never cared about their appearance before. I have only used durable, inexpensive, and long-lasting products.

I naturally understand that she (Mizzerit) has her (Mizzerit) circumstances, and I don't think she has a choice. But she's a woman, isn't she? We need to dress a little better). She (Mizuchi), who is familiar with and understands both circumstances, is calm (this is all she has now, and can't help it. But let's make some new armor. Either way, it's time to get hurt and close to life expectancy).

The look on her face (Mizuchi), rocked by a single horse's back and organizing her (Mizzerit) and her (Junko) memories, was very busy laughing, crying, grieving, smiling and blowing out. Simply put, she (Mizuchi) embraced her parents, close people, common sense, etc. as fresh because she (Mizurit) was just a personality mixed with her (Junko). She (Junko) was also uncomfortable with the man she was holding.

Vision? No, it's not already a vision. I got the man myself yesterday. I was able to exchange feelings with the man and gain a deep sense of satisfaction. You just gave me a hug and I just felt that temperature. She (Junko) says (it's not good anymore, we should still go back and be with him). But she (Mizzerit) is (my brother needs me. very unlikely to let it go) and it was a parallel line.

Anyway, Mizuchi thinks (it's the only way to be). Whatever it takes, I'm not going to go for a relaxing hometown. There's no fine dust. Step on the journey, which would normally take more than four weeks, as soon as possible, and exchange the demonic stones you receive for gold, deposit the money with your uncle and his wife, and resign from your position. And...... I want to go back to Balduk as soon as possible. But you're letting your brother go and put it down? Goto stays.

"Your wife is your wife too... it's terrible, not really"

I'm just saying. At the same time, I think of His Majesty the Queen, whom I saw yesterday, in my brain, and I almost lay flat across the horse. I just managed to keep my head down. Calm down and think calmly, Mizuchi thought it wasn't that bad that the memory was sealed, maybe.

(If I had stayed remembered, I would have absolutely failed... I could never be the first warrior class or anything... It would have been a life of making mushrooms in the service class by now, even if I had lived. If I was bad, it might not have been strange to be dead in warrior training......)

Mizuchi recalls. When I was a vertebral pure child, it wasn't that I wasn't good at taking it up and exercising, but I wasn't good at it either. You can call it standard health. But I can assure you that in that degree of athletic ability and strength it was negligible to be in first place and absolutely impossible to belong to the warrior class even in third place. On the contrary, it can be said that even if we consider ourselves as simple combatants, we are significantly inferior to the even lower ranks of the lowest service ranks. It was not difficult to imagine that such a Japanese, growing up with the memory of Junko Vertebra, would have been a somewhat pitiful fate to have lost his life in his first training when he was seven years old.

"Ugh... I might not get my head up after all..."

Nature and words uttered again. I remembered at the same time. My dear Lils told me that I should have a child with him. There's no problem interpreting me as admitting it. My face burns. At the same time I was aware that my lower abdomen got hot as if I had a fever.

"Ha ha."

I stroked my face naturally. I felt a cheek wound on my left hand, soothing.

(You didn't say anything about the wound...)

Then he also touched the wound running on his forehead,

(How about this wound on the boulder?

I think.

(You were young... you looked like that... at a glance)

The face I remember is the face of the man I broke up with earlier. The characteristic of the Orth's Pu tribe was somewhat mixed and redhead, but she (Mizuchi), no, she (Junko) couldn't have seen it wrong, a special face. It's not handsome. There will be many more attractive faces from the aesthetic sensation of her (Junko). But that face is best for her.

Well, I want to travel to the city of Rembis today. The road is quite well maintained under King Romberto's direct authority, so maybe we can get there.

May 30, 7444.

One rider leaves Rembis "home pavilion" early in the morning. Of course it belongs to Mizuchi. Sleek land without much ups and downs continues, but very slightly up and down. Can we reach the village of Torrey this afternoon? Should I have lunch in the village of Tobai in front of it? Mizuchi advanced the horse with that in mind.

When it was time for the morning sun to glance completely at my face and illuminate the fields colored with bright blue, I decided to water the horses because I had found just the right stream. A little pause. The horse who gave him a drink of water regains his energies. It would be more efficient to give him a little rest for about 40-50 minutes.

(You didn't even know this, did you, me)

Mizuchi thought so and crossed the horse again, he went down the street.

When I went around for a little lunch, I would pay the owner of the store for a lunch of oatmeal and bean soup and just a stir-fried pork in the dining room in the village of Torrey. My husband, who saw Mizuchi while receiving the money,

"Are you a dark elf? Or an elf?

And I've spoken to him casually. In fact, about two months ago, I was asked the same question when I ate in this village.

"I'm going to be a dark elf myself...... for some reason the color is lighter. Sorry, it's hard to understand."

To Mizuchi, who answers with sorrow, my husband,

"You're struggling. Right... Here, take this"

and has pressed the bread.

"Thank you. But I'm used to it."

Mizuchi also replied lightly, receiving the bread and putting it in a saddlebag of horses that had been connected to the pile in front of the store. I'm totally with you two months ago.

It's not like they hate dark elves. Some people leave the country and live normally, and some work under foreign local lords as warriors. Only the upper-class people know one way or another that they are making a living with the assassinations they undertake with money. I have never said that I was hated or despised just because it was a dark elf. In the knowledge of Junko the Vertebra, who had not disappeared, there was a dark elf hated, but it was nothing like that that that I learned when I worked with a senior woman in my first job in the first warrior class.

"No, you, you saw it a while ago. Are you going home?

Mizuchi was surprised that his husband remembered him.

(Well, dark elves are rare)

I was convinced. At the same time,

"Yeah, after work..."

I answered and smiled.

"Oh, a business trip. Well, be careful."

and my husband replied.

Generally speaking, the image of a dark elf is a merchant. The mushrooms they grow become raw materials for various secret medicines. It processes it into secret medicine or travels and trades through a large city of some size (the capital class of the advanced aristocracy) while still processing it. Cloth and some groceries are the focus of what you buy. He also purchases weapons, etc. There is nothing at all strange about this area because it is not limited to dark elves because there are differences in the produce and minerals that it produces on its land.

Passage is freely possible if we show a black-black license issued by the Kingdom of Lyle, commonly referred to as the Dark Certificate, which only emerges in "light" sorcery, both about commerce and in any neighboring country. Licenses with similar effects can also be found in foreign countries. Many of them vary in nomenclature from country to country but serve as proof of authorisation to trade with foreign countries, such as a kind of exemption for the Kingdom of Romberto, a blue exemption for the Kingdom of Dabus, and a Chamber of Commerce certificate for the Kingdom of Cambit.

There is no distinct aristocracy and free people, slaves, in the country of Mizchi, in the Kingdom of Lyle. All the elders treated as the highest ranks and the merchants known as the winning ranks also belong to the civilian ranks of various foreign countries: the Lyle kingdom civilians (lilacs). Sounds like the queen's policy, but the queen is considered a god of the present.

I can snort at Mizuchi for finding out more about the Queen. I'm sure you hated class societies like aristocracy and slavery and you wanted to create a small but classless society that operated only in a single nation. I don't even know if it fits, but Mizuchi decided to think so. Until the reason why the elders and the winning classes are hereditary is unknown, but I suspect it is to the extent of proving the first inhabitants of the large part. Also, to the best of Mizci's knowledge, only two countries, the Kingdom of Lomberto and the Kingdom of Lyle, do not overlap the authority and aristocratic class of officials to be said even with military and civil servants.

In countries such as Dabus and Cambit, Colact and Granan, you can't be first unless you're better than an army troop commander and you're noble, and intermediate and above officials demand some sort of title, to some extent.

Mizuchi, who became a man on the horse, manipulated the reins and went down the street again. The sun is past Jomtien. I want to be in the next village within three to four hours. From here there is the village of Tongord. It's small, but there must have been an inn.

(I hope the room is empty)

June 17, 7444.

Through Count Falgers' territory, he entered Viscount Mongot territory. My hometown, Elle Hay on Mount Kinlu, would be about 100 km away already. The majority of them should be prepared for at least four days as the steep mountain path continues, but they came home at a good pace. So far the demons only raided twice. I had no choice but to get off the horse once because the horse was frightened and I had to fight magically. He retreated from the other side when he defeated one because he was a pig (oak). Again, the other day, a large group of "green slugs" came across me moving through the woods. I hurried around the horse's neck and went away.

But if we get this far, we'll have one breath left. If you work hard for two days or so to get into the realm of power in the Kingdom of Lyle, you don't have to worry very much about demons. It's more reassuring than Viscount Mongot territory because the third-ranking warrior class should be eager to look around.

June 20, 7444.

I finally entered the realm of power of the Kingdom of Lyle. We'll be able to get to the entrance to Elle Hay as early as tonight. Besides, there is the realization that it is the only area in the world that can be camped with some security. Up to this point the camp did not take place as a single time. You won't have to consider getting attacked by demons much from here on out. There are beasts, but they say there are no large beasts of carnivore.

A few hours while safely climbing the road, the sudden raid happened at that time.

The plate I borrowed from that guy protected me. Sorry that it would have been scratched and shaken and deformed, but thanks to the plate that was in the pocket of my clothes under my armor, I was spared major injuries. But I didn't expect to raid the dark elves in this place...... Mizuchi pulls the sword out of the saddlebag as he jumps off the horse instantly and slaps the horse's ass with a flat sword.

(Bandit...... is it stupid to raid a dark elf near Elle Hay?

Despite the raid, there were times when he wasn't wounded and I can even look at Mizuchi's expression. If you do it badly, the raiders will be worse than killed. There is a good chance that a rigorous claim for compensation will be made for the raider's origin. Of course, some demons never use bows and arrows, but that's very unlikely.

After the arrow, a magic warhead followed. Consider it in common sense. Inductibility (missiles) could not have been added either. When I lowered my profile slightly, I jumped into the bushes beside the road with a flaming arrow that flew and hid myself. I put my sword (short sword) on the ground and pulled the bow and arrow out of the arrow barrel (quiver).

No spare shards have already floated on Mizuchi's face.

(The other guy... no way)

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