26 Aug 7444

As usual, we explored the six layers of the labyrinth pale without doing anything special or hurrying on the road, returning to the five layers. There was no way I ever met a deviant member of Sunshine (Sun Ray). Ginger was just really lucky yesterday. I didn't think I'd meet him either. No one of our members thinks they can meet a deviant member of Sunshine (Sun Ray) as one.

However, at least two of the remaining three have definitely been found to be able to use water magic at three levels, so I wonder if it's possible that only they could have reached the room of a six-layer transfer crystal stick on their own.

All I did that evening was reiterate that I had not, of course, returned to the room of the crystal bars of Giberti's waiting five layers of transfer. The Semunels still bowed their heads to me. Well, I'll just accept your feelings. I can't say how sincerely I feel about bowing my head is splendid, but I have nothing to lose where I bow my head. I'd bow my head as much as I want at times like this, and I'd be grounded if I thought I needed it. If they tell me to lick my shoes, I'll be happy to lick them.

When I asked Giberti softly, they seemed to have thought of moving towards the six layers several times. You're a really bad bunch of guys. Just in case you come back, leave only one person behind and go get another daylight (Sun Ray), and if possible, hire a guide or some other adventurer party. You can even have kids if you're just worried. If you pay me right, we're not as stingy as working together for real.

Or is that it? Were you even a relative among the deviant members? If so, you should think about that extra. Semunel also seems to have strong arms, but he's probably the type to get drunk on himself. I worry about my members. Am I a good leader? I didn't seem to be the only one thinking about those things, and my reincarnators had the color of contempt hidden in their eyes. Obviously, that attitude doesn't even show shards. Zulu and Engela, even Giberti, it's the look of contempt that hasn't come to mind,

"We should just sell ourselves and make some money and ask your husband"

"Right, so I wish I could serve your husband"

"... I see. The boulder is Master Zulu."

or something strange. But that would be one way. If it's not worth it to want to help that far, just give it up. I can't even think of this, I can't execute it, I don't want a guy who doesn't negotiate at the moment.

Hmm? Does that mean my three slaves are good? No, it seems better to see that you're changing your mind under the influence while you're dealing with the reincarnators. Whatever Zulu is, Engela has a strange way of thinking at first.

Because of this, it seems they were eating their own food for lunch today. Naturally, I fed him dinner. After we had dinner, we discussed whether to go home today or tomorrow, but we all unanimously decided to continue our exploration until tomorrow. 'Cause I'd be lucky to discover it in case. It is unlikely that we will be able to act properly until the day after tomorrow due to the food situation we are asking boulders about. It'll be a good place tomorrow.

27 Aug 7444

I was also dropped off by the sunlight (Sun Ray) today and transferred to the six layers. Naturally, I fed him breakfast. I was able to transfer to my first area like yesterday, so I decided to keep exploring. It was just after lunch as it was just noon after passing through the room where some monsters were nesting.

It was time to move on with the floor as usual. It was a long passage connected to various passages. Bell said, "Shh," he glanced and cleared his ears when he was going down a slightly wider aisle that seemed to be the main line of such a passage. But it seemed like it was my fault and I immediately twisted my neck and said, "I think it was a mistake. I'm sorry," so we were preparing for the monster raid. We lowered our alert levels and started moving on again.

I can't see anything else going wrong on the main line that goes for a while and breaks to the left a few dozen meters away. Turning straight to the left onto the road and looking forward with [appraisal] vision, I saw a shadow about 200 m behind the aisle. Did Bell react to their speech earlier? I was so excited about the survival of sunlight. Naturally, I'm the only one who's noticed so far. But it's far away. I wonder if I could get a little closer and then appraise it. I want to get close to about 50m if I can and appraise it looking at my face. I don't like the mess with your name and face. If you look closely, the shadow looks like a pair. One keeps his back on the aisle wall and sits up. The other sat across the street in front of it and looked like he was taking a break.

Do I warn everyone when I go a little further?

That's what I thought it was about to progress.When I approached him up to about 150m, again, Bell issued a warning in a low voice, "Shit," stopping everyone from moving to disturb Bell's concentration. "One... three..." Huh? Three? I thought you were responding to those guys talking!?

"I can't hear you anymore. Forwarded!

As soon as Bell hears the line that issued the warning, everyone sticks their backs on the aisle wall and squeezes their weapons. Surely it's not like those guys were having a conversation. Ralpha, Ghine, Zulu and Engela are affixed to the wall on the other side of the aisle, and me, Xenom, Tris and Bell are affixed to this side. And a few seconds later, the "cave bore" that appeared on the back of us ran away from us as it was, but soon slowed down and began to change direction. Here's your chance!

"Stone Javelin"

"Flame Javelin"


"Flame Bolt"

A magic warhead fired by Ralpha, Belle, Tris and Guine pierced the torso continuously with a creepy sound from his "Cave Boer" ass. If you inflict four shots of attack magic on a boulder, you will die instantly. Not alive.

"Good, everybody, good job, Ralpha!

Oh, my God, the timing just slipped a little and now another "cave bore" appeared from ahead of us (i.e., behind the opposite direction we just attacked) and was rushing for Ralpha's back, which unleashed magic. Shit, I can't make it to ice pickling right now! We have to stop moving in one shot!

"Stone Catapult"

I rushed too flashly...... the telegraph column, more than 30 cm in diameter and ten meters long, makes a roar, penetrating and poking my body as if I were to make a "cave bore" on the wall of the aisle even with a specimen with a bug pin. Finally, I'm poking at the opposite wall as well. The nose tip of "Cave Boer" was just a few centimeters away from reaching Ralpha. Naturally, "Cave Boer", pierced through the heart and sewn on the wall, is instantly killed by this blow.

Oh, it was dangerous... Even if he was deceived or Ralpha wouldn't die, it was almost inevitable that he would suffer major injuries. Ralpha's face, who noticed and turned around, was also surprisingly distorted.


"Mr. Al......"

"Your husband, that's..."

Oh, no. Was this the first time you used this class of witchcraft in front of everyone?

I don't care about that.

"Hmm... sounds like you're okay now. I heard him hit the wall in the distance."

Although Bell temporarily eased his alert because he was surprised by the telegraph pole but calmly made a safety declaration, it made such a loud noise that it was now not comparable to normal combat. After all, it's dangerous to be suddenly disturbed during battle. I thought as I legged the body of "Cave Boer", who turned off a stone spear as big as a telegraph column and made a loud noise of "Dossa" and rolled over. Ahhh, you won't be able to pick demon stones with this. Isn't that crumbling behind the wall with your heart? Even if it was safe, it's troublesome, and I don't want to take the time to look from inside pieces of flesh and dirt that I stuck my hand in the back of the hole and gutted.

I know they all make that much noise in the current battle, so I'm looking up in the air. The "Cave Boer" raid doesn't seem like a good idea, but "Vampire Bat" could fly. And naturally, there's no way the people who were sitting up ahead won't notice either. I took a peek at the back of the aisle with [appraisal] vision. The guy who keeps his back in the aisle and sits down, and the guy who was sitting across from it stands up and pulls out his weapon and seems to be on guard here.... is the guy sitting around injured? Then can I [appraise] it?

[Corpse (Pu)]

[Pu people]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 26/8/7444]

[Value: 10]

[Endurance value: 1]

You were dead yesterday... it looks like after you pulled out the demon stone if the damage is terrible.

"Pay attention, there's something"

I warned him once and [appraised] the guy who pulled out his weapon and was on guard.

[Binnod Gekdo/2/8/7421]

[M/14/4/7420 · Pu · Gekdo Associate Baron Family Three]

[Condition: Bruises/puncture wounds]

[Age: 24]

[Level: 14]

[HP: 69 (115) MP: 4 (17)]

[Muscle Strength: 17]

[Jun Min: 20]

[Dexterity: 17]

[Endurance: 17]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (LV2)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (LV3)]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic (LV2)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (LV3)]

[Experience: 371240 (450000)]

Yeah, you're definitely the sunshine (Sun Ray) guy. I hear your name. Everyone nervous by my warnings is flying their gaze all over the place and on guard. Spent a few minutes on guard, and since there seemed to be no raids from above, I picked the demon stone from "Cave Boer", and then some meat.

Well, do you want to go?

A little further, Engela said,

"There's definitely something there.... Are you a person?

and said with a sore nose. When I looked in the back, I could see Gekdo looking around with a little restlessness as he clenched his sword. There was a battle noise, maybe for a moment, but you also saw a magical flame. After that, you will understand that you may not even know the sound of us approaching as we scratch the trap with caution, but surely there is someone beside us. Perhaps Sunshine (Sun Ray) 's people or us, we would be wary of being attacked. Maybe even raise your voice and wonder who should do what.

"Are you from Sunshine (Sun Ray)?

Ralpha told me to whisper.

"I hope so."

Guine whispered back. Yeah, I'm from Sunshine (Saint-Ray). I hope I have the money this time. Sounds like you can expect more than Ginger because it sounds like an associate baron house.

"Perhaps, there are people. You smell blood, too. Maybe he's hurt."

Engela said. He's hurt, too, but he's dead if he smells blood... Well, that's just a good statement.

"I'll call you... hey!

I found Gekdo freaked out about 100 meters away. I got back to you right away.

"Hey! Right here! Come on, come on!

Yes, sir.

"There you are!


Ralpha and Guine raised their voices bright.

"Don't make a big sound. Let's just hurry, let's go."

I lost as much and got to Gekdo's. Gekdo was so grumpy, he looked at us.

"Huh!... S, Killer (Slaters). Please. You're right. I'll do whatever I can to thank you."

And it seemed a little surprising, but I've honestly asked for help. Yeah, well, fine.

Everyone is waiting for my decision.

"... who's that?

and I looked at the body in the sitting position and said. Gekdo also seems to be suffering from wounds, but bruising seems to be at the centre, and the bleeding of the abrasion seems to have stopped. There will be no hurry to treat it now.

"Oh, it's my sister. Please, can you get her to the ground? I'll pay for all your property. You may also take your weapon. If you're going to pack up and say you don't get enough gratuities, just my sister's demon stone... this is it... could you bury it on the ground? You're right, please."


I look down at Gekdo, who bows his head and offers his sister a demonic stone to plead with, and I think as I look at Gekdo's tweezers. I'm sure my brother will do the same...... No, can't a brother get into such a dumb situation from the start?

I crouched in front of Gekdo, and when I gazed at him, I put my hand on my shoulder and opened my mouth.

"Keep your head up, please. Then... your sister should be buried. Can you stand?

When I glanced at the body properly, there was a big hole in the flank. It seems to be what she was wearing next door, with hollow leather armor rolling down her flank as well. The flank wounds also show signs of magic and treatment. Then there are bite wounds everywhere that seem to be "vampire bats" stuff. The clothes were closed before, but I guess I took out the demon stone, and the blood trail seeped in.


As Gekdo stood up, so did I.

"Zulu, Engela. Carry this one. Be polite."

and commanded the two slaves. Zulu seems to carry the body. His weapon was decided to let Engela hold it. Multiply Gekdo with "Cure Serious" twice and restore his HP to 87,

"Five hundred thousand Z is fine. Because Mr. Ginger also rescued him at this price. By the way, may I ask your name?

I said.

"Huh? Oh, can you help me too! I'm sorry. Thank you. My name is Binnod Gekdo. Please call me Vince. My sister is Liliere."

Didn't you hear that? And even if you ask me the name of the body... I honestly don't have any thoughts... but I know what it feels like.

"Never mind. I'm Greed. Alain Gried."

"No one in Balduk knows the leader of the Killer (Slaters). Thank you, Mr. Greed."

Well, I suppose so, but for once, you're being polite.

It took nearly three hours, but even came to the room of a crystal rod with six layers of transfer.

"Mr. Vince. We've never transferred with a body in our possession before. So it's possible that we can't even get to the fifth floor with your sister's body. Please forgive me when I do."

I know it's probably okay, but I said it just in case. If that's the case, Zulu has been carrying heavy baggage for three hours and it's not a fuss where he's unlucky.

"At that time...... I had no choice. Of course, I can only thank you."

Yeah? I hope so.

"Put us back."

Returning to the room of the five-layer transfer crystal rod, we were greeted with joy by the sunlight (Sun Ray) for having Vince with us. My sister's body could be transferred together without any problems. Semunel came to thank me for trying to crawl. Yeah, only if you just say so. I'll thank you or whatever you want. Vince and Ginger, it would be cheap if they could sell their favors together for a seven-million Z-push end.

I thought... but I can buy one horse. Damn, it was a lot of money after all.

The best bath of the day is Zulu without complaining, but there are no slaves on the boulder. I'm good, and the other reincarnators probably don't care, but I don't know what Xenom thinks. It's from me, isn't it? I feel like I'm the only one in the shower order, but that's it, this is this.

I took a warm shower and thought as I checked my gunsword. Starting with sunlight (Sun Ray), other top team favors (?) Raising itself, wouldn't be so bad. If these guys will protect five layers of showers, that would be appreciated. When this one is in crisis, I don't even think this one will help me (no one is moving ahead of us, so in our case it's only possible to save myself, and with more strength than us, you wouldn't normally help me), but it would be profitable if you felt any loss to us. Anyway, I've got seven million Zs on the hook. Work as hard as you can.

Vince has the body of his sister, and he's going back once to bury the demon stone.

I'm not saying it's cold that I don't have to hold my sister's body because I have a demon stone. No one would want their family's bodies to be scattered by demons. Even if he's lucky, he'll be absorbed into the labyrinth, and most importantly, Vince told me to bury my sister's body more on the ground than he did on his own, even on demonic stones alone. That mind is good.

Before I went to bed, Larfa said, "Thank you for today." What the heck, he pinned "Cave Boer" to the labyrinth wall during the day with a specimen of insect collection. I don't remember anything small.

28 Aug 7444

A day early, but I decided to go back today. One more member should be out of the sunlight (Sun Ray), but it should be time to think about it from the food you have. Besides, I should be selling enough for you already. But is it the last thing that doesn't hit the altar room?

... didn't hit it. Naturally, I never met the last one. I just uncovered the traps that are set up on a six-layer course. No, I'm okay with this.

Tell them to explore until evening, withdraw the camp, and pull it up to Semunel with a look of sorry. Huh? I erased all the dirt that was on the bed. Naturally, right? Let's just go back and have a drink and go to bed. Anyway, the night after tomorrow, you're going into the labyrinth again and going to Carl's.

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