25 Aug 7444

Back at everyone, I thought I'd take a shower and refresh myself, but now it seemed right after Guine jumped into the shower room. I thought he was a bastard trying to take a bath before me, but when I thought about it, I remembered that Guine was quite careful not to find out about her unique skills to deliver Ginger. Yeah, Guine has the most bath rights today, doesn't she?... Next, it would be Belle. Then I guess Tris will be next. I don't mind later. I'm not very tired.

"Mr. Bell, hot water ~"

Looks like Guine took off her leather armor and clothes and went into the shower room. Bell says yes and climbs into the box behind the shower room and puts hot water in the bucket. Xenom soaked his feet in foot water without even taking off his armor and seems to be taking a breath. Tris and Zulu have the hands of Ralpha and Engella to take off their metal belt armor (Banded Mail). Take off the armor and hang it on an armor hanging lined up on the wall, and then check for blade spills on each item. Looks like Giberti set fire to the magic props on the stove. The sound of a jar frying chopped meat and vegetables echoed.

It's a bad but peaceful killer (Slaters) routine for sunlight (Sun Ray).

When I got to Giberti's side,

"This time I'll be back tomorrow or the day after, so don't worry about the amount of the rest of the ingredients. Make them their share, too"

So the five of us sat in a circle, pointing out with our jaws the sunlight (Sun Ray) discussing something with the blubber.

Giberti grinned,

"Yes, sir."

So I added vegetables and meat to the frying pan. In the stove next to the frying pan a large pot was on fire.

"How much longer will you be able to eat?

When I heard,

"About fifteen minutes."

And the reply came back. So much so that Bell finishes his shower? I also removed the rubber protector, and when I got under my armor, I said to Bell, "Next time, Bell bathe. And thank you for today. This is my chance. I'll use it well," I said, and I started checking my sword. Actually, I haven't used it once today, but you need to check it out. As soon as I made sure there was no problem, I headed to the sunlight (Sun Ray) on the other side of the room. Apparently they just started fishing for each piece of luggage to eat too. That was a good time.

When you look at the spread food of the guy who was taking it out early, it looks like there's a menu of two garrets of soba, dried meat and one cucumber that's cold and turns into a kachi. Damn it. It's just not a preserved food like a bad cookie. It's better.

"Mr. Semunel, would you like to join us because we have prepared your meals, if you please? I have something warm. Plus, after dinner, you can have a shower. It refreshes you."

I said and smiled. The Semunel

"No, I appreciate the offer, but that's it..."

and tried to shy away,

"Please don't hesitate. Besides, the meal that I have prepared around the corner will be wasted."

I replied and smiled at the other members, including Ginger. The members of Sunlight (Sun Ray) meet face to face and await the decision of Semunel.

"Okay. Let me sweeten your words. Please join us."

I made sure Semunel answered that and I turned my heel back.

Zenom and Ralpha, Tris and Bell, Ghine and Engela, Zulu and Ghiberti share dishes in pairs, and if we serve a spare set of dishes, we can prepare dishes for five. Me? Of course I'll use it alone. I behaved like stir-fried meat vegetables, stewed onions and cabbage, pumpkins, carrots, and square-cut bacon, and also prepared a warm soup made of dried meat.

"It's not a big deal, go ahead, warm up"

That's what I say and eat. The members of Sunshine (Sun Ray) were reluctant to eat at first, but I guess they were still hungry, and it was the first decent meal in a few days, they immediately started eating guts.

I quickly ran out of food, but I think I could serve enough.

"No, Mr. Gried. You just protected the members, even the meal... Welcome. Thank you. It was a pleasure to have a warm meal for the first time in four days."

said Semunel as he gave the dishes to Giberti. To suit him, the members of Sunshine (Saint Ray) also thanked him orally.

"No, I don't care...... By the way, it's an overdue question, but those of you who aren't back yet, what do you do?

That said, it's not more than a social dictionary. I can't find it, and I just have to go back to the crystal bars I transferred to the original six layers on my own, or even to the crystal bars room with the six layers of transfer like we did. The chances of discovery where we headed to the six layers to the dark clouds would be minimal. Semunel answered my words with a seemingly difficult face.

"... I have no choice, but a search won't be possible. I'm going to camp here for a few days and wait, but the preserved food that individuals carry is for a day. Three days would be the limit for stretching the meal..."

Oh, I guess so. I...

"Let's at least hope all three of them aren't falling apart. Because it's more likely that two or three of us will be alive safely than one."

And I said it with a serious face and encouraged him.


So Semunel leaned down. Of course, but I guess I feel responsible. That's right, almost 100%, it's on you. Anyone can find out if they hear a little rumor about transferring even though there are no crystals on the six layers. Instead of saying that, if you're an adventurer in this city, what's wrong with you not knowing? It can't be that only they didn't know. Naturally they must have been cautious too.

There's nothing you can do about being disturbed by another monster in battle, but it's your problem that can't contain the members who try to run and avoid it in that degree of circumstance. I don't know how Nikko (Sun Ray) is picking a leader, but I guess there aren't many people to see that the leader of a team like the one that comes to the sixth tier first is this much. I guess I just said I was an adventurer.

"Well, it's not to be too distracting. Why don't you take a shower and refresh yourself? Mr. Coroyll, get some hot water ready."

It's good to reflect on failure, but I can't help worrying about what's gone by forever. More than that, all you think about is putting up camp here as long as you can and waiting for your people to come home. If I were you, I would have let you leave all the food of my people who are here now, put them all back on the ground, and thought about waiting for them here for a little longer. Or maybe he'll negotiate to sell us some food.

Naturally, we also assume that if someone is misplaced in a transfer trap from a killer (Slaters). He says to give everyone, including slaves, a copy of the map of the part he was able to create and, if possible, to aim for the center while leaving a mark on the ground, giving priority to defending himself anyway if he feels it's dangerous, moving to a place that looks okay, and waiting for help without moving as far as possible. Especially when the map was less than or equal to 50%, I was very careful not to deviate. So it is also significant that the speed of exploration was slow. I'm sure Guine can come home on her own.

Don't worry if I'm the deviant one. Anyway, leave me this five-storey room, or leave me a gibberty and wait on the ground. If it's not me, leave me and Gibberty and we all go back to the ground once, hire a loader (porter) to hold as much food as we can hold and do something about it and get back to this point. It would be more efficient for me to look alone, and in case you get back here before I do, you'll be reassured that there's a gibberty.

So no wonder the four of them were there when I brought Ginger back. I don't think only dog-like intelligence is available to the Dog People (Dogwars), but is this guy an idiot? As much as I thought. It was just now, and if I hadn't called, we'd all have had dinner.

You told me, and you still wanted to change your mood. Seems like Semunel decided to take a shower. The bell, which I was commanded to do, also stood up and turned toward him. I behaved tea to the remaining members and tried to speak brightly.

"You're a good leader. He seems to be worried about the deviant members from the bottom of his heart."

With that in mind, a word came up in my brain that Mizuchi said, "People who lie fine seem to be paranoia." Is Paranoia too much to say? Psychopaths. Either way. I don't know, and it doesn't make much difference because I feel the same way.

"Yeah, Bean is a big leader even though he's young. Commanding the battle is accurate, too. Well, he's an up-and-coming guy like Hidden Ball of Daylight."

A thirty year old Pu man answered. But you're about thirty, too. He's definitely using a shield (round shield) and a battle stick (mace). I don't remember the name, but I'm sure the level was 16.... Oh, Hulkaine Hoomiz, level 17? If this guy was out of line to replace Ginger, he'd be able to use his shield, and you'd be happy to drop him into slavery.

"But Mr. Gried is a big man, too. You're so young, you saved me with almost as much money."

Ginger said reluctantly to Bell. Bell is creating hot water in a barrel with a clear face as if nothing had happened. It should be noted that the faces of the Killers (Slaters) had a bitter smile. Zulu and Engela were the only ones who were snorting as impressed. It doesn't matter how young you are.

"No, because it's not sneaky to abandon those who come for help... And it wasn't a lot of trouble."

I said it like it lit up. A member of Sunshine (Sun Ray) gave me a verbal thank you.

"Hey, that's not quite what I can do. I couldn't complain about being abandoned Ginger. Thank you so much."

"You sound like a pretty good guy, as rumored. The boulder just runs the top of Balduk."

"To be honest, I thought Ginger was going to be a slave. But sometimes I'm glad you missed your expectations."

Is Daylight (Sun Ray) the only one with an abalone? The Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood), the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), and the Purgatory Flames (Gehenafrea) don't even deserve these idiots to belong to the party. You can say as much as you want when you get back on the ground.

I took great care to keep my expression and keep my words going so that I wouldn't get a frightened look. Fools just have to use it. Well, he's always the "top team corner," so he's not just an idiot. I guess you can do quite a bit of fighting, and you must have some experience in the labyrinth.

"By the way, I think you should all take a shower when Mr. Semunel is done. I think even warm water will calm you down. Especially since Mr. Ginger would have felt quite frightened."

I smiled again.

"Right. Let me do that. I did refresh myself when I rented a shower before noon."

Ginger said. I asked Giberti when she came back, and she said two of the three people who wouldn't return were watering out with water magic. Summer, though, water showers would be tough in the labyrinth. The magic of fire magic will be restored soon, and it would be nice if you took a break and then went.

"Please feel free to use that one in the future, too. I'm sure it's refreshing, but more than that, six layers of pigs are sensitive to smell."

"You know what? Shit!"

It was... Gertrude Ramirez who raised his voice as he was suddenly convinced. Twenty-four. Level 13?

"It's a borg. He didn't take a shower because he said it was cold or something. So pigs in a row..."


"If you say so..."


It was only in the beginning that I seemed to be pompous, but I was convinced. Was there a guy who wasn't in the shower? To be honest, I don't even have to ask the pig if it's that relevant, but this is convenient. Everyone in the slaughterhouse (Slaters) is snorting. Actors.

"That's why I take a proper shower before I go to the sixth floor to get rid of the smell."

Tris bought an explanation and got out.

"Now, as our Gried said, pigs have a nose like dogs. Dogwart's super sense of smell, too... You probably spent a few days in the labyrinth getting here, didn't you? Of course, some of you will be receiving demonic returning blood, etc. It's important to wash away everything you say."

and Tris politely said. The four of them in the sunlight (Sun Ray) were nodding as they were impressed.

"So we're trying to build a facility like this here to take a shower, with a lot of effort"

and Xenom also took over the words of Tris and said:

"I see..."

"Hmmm... right..."

"You need it."

"We have to do something about this."

Hmm, I'm glad you think so, too.

"So it's an essential facility for six-story exploration. Please don't break it when we're gone."

I said with a chuckle as Guine tilted her neck slightly. If I didn't have a mustache, I'd be a little bit more... okay.

"Oh, of course. Honestly, I didn't think it was that important..."

"If we can use it too, I can't think of breaking it."

"I have to tell everyone when I get back."

"Maybe we should keep an eye out for someone like all the slayer (Slaters), too."

Yeah, yeah. Do that. We will eventually aim for seven layers, and eight layers, like Lombart I. I want to keep this five-story base even then.

"Sunshine (Sun Ray) would have been better for all of you. Don't worry about it."

Ralpha spoke in the language of leeway. I nodded at Ralpha and bowed my head as I watched the members of Sunshine (Sun Ray).

"It would help if you would all acknowledge it. You want to keep going in a good relationship."

Look at me with my head down. A member of Sunlight (Sun Ray) said in a panic.

"Oh no... after you helped the members, even the shower..."

"Keep your head up, please. It's this one who lowers his head."

"Yes, as for this one, please, I'm in a position to use the shower."

"It would be nice if we could all give each other money and buy a slave on the lookout like Mr. Killer (Slaters)"

Oh, make sure you do. We don't feel comfortable moving on either.

That's how the Semunel came back after showering when we were having a conversation.

"What? What were you talking about?

In response, members of Sunlight (Sun Ray) explained that it was also important to keep an eye on how important showers were to explore the six floors. I guess this wouldn't have worked out for the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) or the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz). But now we can do a sort of fait accompli, saying that the killers (Slaughters) and the sunlight (Sun Ray) put up a joint front in a sense. There's only five of them. Two of the top teams work together.

No matter how strong you say you are in the Green Regiment (Berdegli Brotherhood) or the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), you won't and won't be able to get your hands on the guard gibberty anymore, like breaking a shower. The three remaining top teams have to work hand in hand to fight us in a decent way. And in my view, you probably can't do that. All three are quite distinctive in any case, and the Green Group (Verdegli Brotherhood) in particular are confident in their power.

It's a well-founded confidence that I've been keeping up the top in terms of my earnings. If we look at each other in the drinker, we drink, we joke, but that Vilheimer's old man is probably the type who doesn't trust anyone. It's my guess, but I don't think even the members of the party trust me from the bottom of their minds. Then it would also be difficult for the remaining black yellow balls (Black Topaz) and purgatory flames (Gehenafrea) to join hands. That Andersen's sister can calmly judge the damage with that too. Don't try to stick around badly, but I saw you snuggling up here.

The Mountain Nation (Dwarf) of Purgatory Flames (Gehenafrea) will also, as always, not like to antagonize with Guineh. Bad or neutral, you can think of it as being favourably treated, though it would be unfamiliar if it were good.

Sunlight (Sun Ray) is a bit special among the Balduk adventurers, so I thought these guys would be the key (key) if anything were to happen in the future, but I knew you were right. No, I haven't come to a conclusion. As rumors have it, these guys (Sun Ray) spend most of their income on drinks and walks like most other common adventurers, or even goes to hold a woman. Probably not "don't" but "can't" because I don't have any money.

So I don't have much contact with the other adventurers. The other four top teams are pretty good with each other. So I understand and will be about what they are, what they are interested in and what they value. But only Sunlight (Sun Ray) went our way, almost nowhere. I think it's huge that the inner matter just looks like it, but makes it look like we're putting up a friendly joint front with here.

"I see... It's a very special story indeed."

I heard from my buddies. Semunel is nodding yeah. Well, I wonder how the leader Semunel concludes.

By the way, if I were him, I'd avoid a quick answer here and buy time by saying I'd negotiate with the other members. Seems favorable to us, of course. Afterwards, negotiate with us if possible and request funds for the operation to persuade your peers. You can say that you need this, but the more effective way is if you disagree with half of the sunlight (Sun Ray), or if one of the people higher than you disagrees, and the other proponents instructed you. Of course, working capital is not an end in itself.

Doing so could narrow down the options for future killers (Slaters), and in a weird way, it would appeal to the fact that sunlight (Sun Ray) is not a single rock, so if you're lucky, you might get the killer (Slaters) caught off guard. It would be a disincentive to not be stupid, even at worst.

"Mr. Gried. It is a very grateful story, and as far as I am concerned I would like to jump right away, but I must also confirm the will of the other Members. But now we have to wait for the deviant members to return, so we can't even get in touch. I would like to formalize your reply at a later date. I'm really sorry, but I'm saddened that I can't give you an instant answer. But I think we can always get a good response."

Semunel bowed his head when he said he seemed sorry. Hmm.

"No, you don't mind, you can discuss it and decide. But I don't think you have any disadvantages either."

replied with a smile and a laugh. Looks like Ginger's gonna take a shower next to Semunel.

26 Aug 7444

The next day, as usual, we woke up early in the morning. We had breakfast, showered, got gear, etc., and were about to go on another six-layer expedition. I noticed Semunel woke up and greeted him.

"Take care..."

"If I can meet someone who's misplaced again, I'll send them here."

"I'm sorry. The five of us are not confident..."

"No, never mind, then"

Everyone grabbed the crystal rod and cast a metastasis spell.


It looks like an area I haven't been to yet, according to Guineh. I made sure I didn't see any demons around me, and I started following her saying, "This looks better".

"Hey, Al. Working with Sunlight (Sun Ray)?

Ralpha said.

"Sounds like they're not bad people, so I hope they're the ones to put together"

Tris said. That's a catchy way of saying it.

"Right. But you did a great job with that leader."

Xenom said. I agree, but if you're not negotiating with anyone else, it won't be much of a problem.

"But doesn't it feel better than any other party?

Bell said. Well, where?

"I'd love a purgatory flame anyway."

said Guine. You, you're not thinking about anything. Don't say it if you like. Shall I stop my leg?

Everyone said a mess that I didn't bother to answer and thought I was going to be wrapping up my thoughts, but I settled into the feeling that it seemed like the best way to join hands, in conclusion. Yeah, I've never been over it for everyone to convince me. I could make a high-pressure decision, but if we could, we wanted ourselves to think about it, discuss it, and draw conclusions. Especially for these guys.

"Yeah, I'm pretty much in the same opinion as everyone else. Probably easiest to give over there. There's a lot of people out there for you, and you're so grateful. They should have a hard time asserting their opinions on this one. Besides, I didn't mean to explore amicably when I said I'd join hands. Number one, you won't let that happen over there either. It's just a matter of managing the room for the crystal rod of the transfer. So I don't know what to say, I think it's better than the more assertive ones."

That's what I said. I looked around at everyone.

"There's hardly anything bad going on over there. I wonder if it would be a bit expensive if you would let me out a slave. If you're exploring on five floors and six floors, that much gold, if you think you're going to come out, you can give it out. We're just talking about whether it's worth the expense. At least think about working together if I'm a member of Sunshine. All that's left is the question of how to put it together. Everybody, be careful with the sunshine (Saint Ray) guys. I don't know where you're gonna try to cut me off from. I don't know if you're gonna do that."

So I just started walking around saying I was done talking.

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