June 20, 7444.


Making a tearing sound of air, he stretched from Mizuchi's left hand to the Dark Elf (Dark Elf) where the "Lightning Bolt" electric shock was about to spin in, instantly causing him to faint. It only contains standard magic, so there is no instant death damage. I guess I just paralyzed him.


I made the same noise again earlier, and now the electric shock flies from my right hand. The goal is one of us coming from the front, the second-place warrior Hargo zone. Warriors below second place cannot use "Anti-Magic Fields" because of their Elemental Magic Mastery Count. In particular, it cannot have reached the realm of masters where it could be used to deploy faster than electric shocks. Without aiming, the electric shock hit the abdomen of the Hargo zone and fainted on the spot.

As for Mizuchi, he wanted to use "Chain Lightning", which splits toward nearby goals after hitting multiple targets, but the other day, the level of wind magic had just reached 5. Therefore, it is impossible to demand that a skilled technique be activated in an instant because it has never been used in a busy manner. If it is "chain lightning", it is likely to cause serious injury even if it does not kill the first hit target, so it was not an option in the first place.

Wind magic was also used to jump up into the air to instantly move out of sight and twist out just two seconds to use magic. I'd love to give you another shot, but it's the limit. I'd like to use wind magic a few times to make a soft landing, but I can also confirm that I'm already sticking my arm out toward this one or pulling my bow. In order to camouflage the targeted landing point, wind magic was used continuously downward diagonally, rotting not to be read about the landing point or the aerial position leading up to it.

Mizuchi's wind magic shakes the trees and bushes growing on both sides of the road that has passed, and the trees that are more than 10 m high, with storms as if even a local typhoon had occurred. I can't say it's superior, but I wore leather armor securely, and if I hadn't put my trousers hem in my boot, I would have gotten extra wind everywhere like a feather-woven robe and had a big deal going on. The robe was breaking the string that had stopped him in front at the first ascent, bulging on his back and hanging like a cloak. But I might say that this robe has made me more prone to the wind.

The flying arrows didn't have to be flickered, they twisted the direction with wind magic, they also dealt with it by blowing themselves in another direction after being released, and they managed to land without taking any damage. It didn't mean there was no damage at all because the impact of the landing caused it to roll for about 5m, but it was right on target that there was no fracture or sprain. As Mizuchi quickly rose, ignoring the pain of landing running around his body, he dashed violently over Mount Kinlu, where he had just spoken.

But I made them uncombatable, but there were five of them. Although it was only slightly better compared to the initial one, there has been no change in the passive situation in many cases. I stunned him with paralysis caused by electric shock, but the magic of "Remove Parallax" has no problem with the activation itself, apart from the time to activation if the elemental magic of the earth and water can be used at four levels. There is no denying the possibility that sooner or later you will return to the front.

"There it is!

Running out, Mizuchi heard him screaming like that behind him. Sounds familiar. It's the voice of a man of the same age in the third rank of warriors. We have spent the first year of the education and training process together. What did you say your first name was?

(You... you had a bad magic score...)

Looking back slightly and grinning as he hid in an affordable tree trunk, he jumped out at the right time. I've already pointed both hands at the target. and a blue-colored gas occurred between Mizuchi and the chaser.

"It's" Stan Cloud "! Watch out!

Someone else screamed. Silly. I wish I could shut up and turn around and avoid it, or I could stop my legs immediately and use attack magic...... The "Stan Cloud", which had already begun to diffuse, was used in succession.


Five times more magical than usual, creating a mud about 2m deep and 10m wide to the right from Mizuchi. And created mud as well on the other side. It felt like Mizuchi's magic was superior if he could use cloud-based attack magic twice already. The guy embedded in the mud isn't cloud-based, and it looks like he'd better use arrow-based magic. I don't want to hurt you, but I can't help it.

Several "flame arrows" and "stone arrows" flew towards Mizuchi. When I rolled them gently, I jumped further up into the bushes that were above me and saw if there was a clue to fit into "Quagmire".




Looks like the three of us got it together, as expected. Slapping a "stone arrow" into the abdomen of three people who couldn't move as they thought with their feet taken from the mud, they now deliberately made a flashy noise and jumped out of the bush to make it look more like they ran out for the top direction of Mount Kinlu.

(No one dies to that extent, so you'll be fine. It would hurt and I wouldn't be able to use any very magic)

He lurked his breath, killed the signs, removed the throwing arrow (dart) from the chest of leather armor while laying low in the bush, and removed the distinctive capped bottle from the bottle in the lumbar compartment. Inside is a paralytic made from a mixture of gambi grass leaves and frog blood. I soaked the tip of the dart and immediately misled myself when I bottled it (because I haven't officially heard it was a mock fight, okay). It's the neck and chest you're after. I'd like to be as close to the head as possible. I didn't even give him time to use magic, and the aim was to pour paralytic pills into my brain and make him faint.

It's a pure poison, so it's an excellent thing about poisons that can temporarily paralyze your brain, too. This is not the case if it is a magical paralysis poison. Martial arts, witchcraft, etc. are so prominent that it is often said that the first-place warrior class takes its part and is stronger than the other warrior classes, but true strength lies in the knowledge that I said this. How well do you know how to make various chemicals and their strengths and weaknesses? Knowledge that is open only to the first rank of warriors is diverse.

It would have been easier if we hadn't run out of scattered diamonds at the end of this assassination mission. But I was lucky enough to let two more people fight decently.

(Seven, if you're not lying...)

With that in mind, Mizuchi also thinks there will be seven opponents.

You lost sight of this one, cautiously put a long sword (long sword) in your right hand, and found a third-place warrior-class man trying to get past the side of this one a few meters as he reached around. I fucking laughed trying to put up with him for another ten seconds or so and hit him in the dart for that neck muscle from behind.


The dart thrown from Mizuchi's hand was stabbed in the man's right back neck, aimlessly. The man fell disappointed on both knees, even as he accidentally tried to stretch his left hand to the neck muscle where the dart hit him.

One more.

It was hateful that the bow and arrow also went somewhere when they popped out into the air. But one more will figure it out. It's better to jump in and kata at once, even if it's slightly more dangerous than prolonging it. If left alone, the first two people I cramped with a "lightning bolt" will recover.

I couldn't find the one person left after a careful peek around. Lifting the left-handed paralyzed dart back into his right hand, Mizchi rose and moved to the opponent who had earlier been rendered powerless by the dart, provoking the remaining one by pressing a bladed missing knife against the collapsed opponent's neck muscle.

"A coward who suddenly attacked me without telling me why! I'm here! I only have one more knife and a dart! Come on, come out and fight!

I raised my voice and went on.

"If you don't come out, I'll kill this man in five seconds! Oh!"

Nearby there is a moaning voice in the pain of dark elves nestled in mud and moaning about Mizuchi's attack magic.


I heard the horse's foot sound coming from up there. Has he raised his voice earlier to inform me of the danger?


"Stone Arrow" flew in from the left. Mizuchi scolded it without difficulty. The next one to fly would be an arrow.

As expected, arrows flew in from the same direction. If you know where you're going to fly in advance, it's easy to take it to Mizuchi and avoid the arrows. There was one dark elf woman about 30 meters away, trying to put the next arrow on the bow.

I rushed out towards her. Of course it wasn't going in a straight line. It's a little off direction. The moment the arrow was released toward Mizuchi's future position, he threw a dart as he lowered his posture and rolled.

The woman pulled out a long sword (long sword) from her waist and threw a bow at her as she darted. As soon as Mizuchi stared at the knife left behind, he regained his grip and dropped his hips. The woman who saw it seemed to think that only the knife left a weapon in Mizuchi. I could see a little room on my nervous face.

With the knife in his right hand, Mizuchi ran towards the woman. Soon the distance shrunk...... a woman used wind magic in front of her and bounced herself off. And at some point, he threw a knife that he was holding in his left hand against Mizuchi. It would have been a lucky move to play it with a knife in your hand.

The third-place warrior-class woman soon used wind magic again on her own back, this time storming with a terrible amount of disease with a long sword (long sword). Using wind magic in front of his eyes, he played himself backwards, as well as keeping the other woman away. It was really where I wanted to build walls with earthly magic, but by the time the walls were formed, it would take me about a few seconds to comma because the soil would come out of the ground to flourish. The distance was too close and I had to give up.

Confronted by a woman across a few meters, Mizuchi lays down his hips and holds a knife in the form of a protrusion of his right hand. The woman holds a long sword (long sword) in her right hand, so that her left hand accompanies it. The use of attack magic at this distance makes no sense unless you are as proficient as that man. The Dark Elves define it as masterclass because it takes less than a second to activate attack magic, but still takes about a few seconds to comma. Of course, it is still the earliest activation time near the top of the magician.

A woman licked her tongue with a cracked tongue first. I guess I'm confident in sword moves.

Mizuchi against was faceless.

We staggered each other with lightning-like steps, making clear noises.

The blade crossing of a well-maintained, glittering Mizuchi knife is less than 15 cm long.

The woman's long sword (long sword) is about 80 cm across the blade.

I stepped in again and the two blades swung.

The silver arcs exchanged, and now they made a noise of crap and stopped moving against each other.

We're on the verge.

The short knife with the pattern could only be handled with one hand and was overwhelmingly unfavourable.

The pattern is short because the woman's long sword (long sword) is also supposed to be used with one hand, but still enough to catch the left hand.

Mizuchi gets in a bad shape by squeezing and losing.

A woman who wins by squeezing and pushing against and is advantageous in her posture.

The battle seemed attached.

"Damn! Where!?

Looks like Hargo Zone has recovered already.

Depending on the type of elemental magic you are fixing, another "lightning bolt" victim will also be resurrected early.

A sweat conveyed Mizuchi's face.

But the next moment, the woman couldn't open her eyes and try to raise her voice.

Mizuchi's left arm, who grabbed the dart, stood on his right arm holding the long sword.

Paralysis pills applied to the dart immediately exerted their effect, losing power from the right hand, and immediately becoming unfavourable, the paralysis turned to the body.

When I opened my mouth to raise my voice here, I was going to lose my strength at once.

But it's only a matter of time now.

That's a few seconds, too, at best.

"I didn't say it was one to the dart. You're a great enemy."

Mizuchi said, looking down with cold eyes at the woman who could snub.

He immediately took a long sword (long sword) from the woman, lowered himself and began moving.

It's the Hargo zone where the last one, possibly the commander, is targeted.

Actually, there's hardly any more magic left in Mizuchi.

About three to four arrow-class assault magic tricks?

It would only be to the extent of restraint.

But Mizuchi thought (now I can get there enough). Regardless of the veterans, I even thought there was no element I would lose if I were to fight second or third place warriors of the same age as myself. Even now, you took the opponent's hand and bounced back the gear disadvantage.

You can calm him down next time. There are hardly any more gear disadvantages. Returning the knife to the sheath of the femur, she clenched the long sword (long sword) that the woman had been using and continued to move without making any noise at all. The two names Mizuchi in silence are not Dada. Within a skilled first-place rank of warriors, Mizuchi's skill in blocking signs is already comparable to that of a veteran warrior at age 16. There were times when Zagerfol's # 1 warrior chief just pushed his heartbeat on assassination technology.

"That would be it! Isn't that a triumph for Chizu tuna lol!? Hey, Hargo zone! Treat the injured!

Arcaine, a second-degree warrior chief, appeared out of nowhere and declared. A little behind it, Krozak, the first warrior class, towed Mizchi's horse, making him happy with Niyaniya.

"Knock... Roger that."

I heard Hargo zone from a short distance away. I also make footsteps that rush right back.

Mizuchi is

(Was that Mr. Krozak's voice earlier?)

I thought, approaching the two with the long sword (long sword) in my hand.

"Mr. Krozak. The first warrior, Mizzerit Chiztunolor, has completed his assignment of the four Kinds of A and is now returning. I will report the details to Warrior Zagerfol later, but this... that..."

Klozak, who had niggered until earlier, listens to Mizuchi and nods, saying something to Arkane. I heard that. Arcaine nodded one thing,

"Chiz tuna lol. Sorry for the sudden mock fight...... Ask me what happened later. I'm going to have to treat the injured."

And I said it with a sorry face. Immediately, if you change your expression to harsh,

"Hargo zone! I'll take care of him around here! And then you! Say the first place is the other person. What does it mean to lose seven to one! I'm going to work you out straight away! Be prepared!"

He shouted and turned to the woman he had been dealing with Mizuchi until just now.

Seeing the unexplained look on Mizuchi's face, Klozak says.

"Good day. Let's get back to Elle Hay first. You'll be tired from a long journey, and it's the mountains that I want to give you a quick rest, but when you get some water and freshen up, show up to the Warrior Chief for an explanation. But you did a good job with the seven of them. I'm sure you'll be complimented. I promise."

That's what I said and I showed my teeth and laughed.

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