Sharp Claw Wuhen said: “We took the task of finding the headquarters.”

Li Yao was taken aback, and said, “It seems that the quartermaster didn’t lie to me. Sure enough, many people got this. Task.”

“Brother also received this task?” sharp claw smiled wryly: “This task has made a lot of people difficult. I also thought that the reward was good before I accepted it, but ended up in a pit. I can’t do it anymore.”

“Hmph, I’m a mission expert. I’ve researched some features. Expert team up with us to make sure you can complete this mission.” The wizard proposed.

Li Yao shook his head and said, “I need to complete an important task temporarily and cannot form a team for the time being. In this way, I will tell you some clues. Anyway, you are also doing this task. Waiting for you to find these clues. I guess the task is almost done. At that time, I will be solving this puzzle, how about we complete this task together?”

This person’s task requires a lot of running, Li Yao sees the reward Yes, I was planning to unlock the secrets of the mysterious eye, so I just ran along, right when the tour was upgraded.

But I met these few people, so I wanted to make friends.

“Brother has the exact clue?” Sharp claw Wuhen was surprised, knowing that they only got a little eyebrow after struggling in the library all night, and they are not sure.

“Well, that’s the case. This is originally the territory of the natural Demi-God. One of the leaders of the ancient elves is the discipline of the natural Demi-God. I read a document that shows that the natural Demi-God can create a A subspace similar to the Emerald Dream. And this so-called command is actually in the subspace.” Li Yao explained.

“Yes, yes, I think so too.” The Pokemon chicken is nodded as if pecking at rice.

sharp claw ruthlessly whispered: “boasting again, you just guessed being hidden, where do you know what subspace.”

“You ruthlessly shut up.” Pokemon Fiercely glared at sharp claw mercilessly, and immediately smiled and said to Li Yao: “expert, you continue, continue.”

Li Yao nodded, said: “That’s it, this kind of Demi-God The subspace created is actually of relatively low grade and can only exist if it is attached to the main space. To maintain the ecology of the subspace also needs to be linked to the main space, so it needs some special rune support. You need to find some special trees, the characteristics are like this …”

Li Yao gave a brief description before saying: “If you guessed correctly, the map location I marked for you can take some time to find, but it is more dangerous. If you don’t want to go deeper, just assume that I didn’t say it.”

“No, how can I give up, isn’t it, brother.” Pokemon said.

sharp claw smiles without a trace, my younger sister is a mission madman and never gives up on missions, but anyway, they are also entertaining and it doesn’t matter what they do, so nodded said, “Okay, then many thanks brother “You’re welcome.”

“You are welcome, you find a few places, and then apply this thing to the trunk.” Li Yao handed sharp claw five test tubes of special potion: “Then just talk privately. I’ll do it, and I will move on to the next step.”

Li Yao sent out a friend request, and several people accepted it.

“Okay, I must tell Brother once I’m done.” Sharp Claw kept the potion away without a trace.

“Well, I will withdraw first.” Li Yao said, arching his hands and walking away.

“Let’s go too, otherwise they will be in trouble again when they are resurrected.” Sharp Claw Wuhen said.

“Sure enough, it’s expert, and I don’t pick up equipment.” Sharp Claw is ruthless and speechless.

“If you get cheap and sell well, it’s not all thieves’ equipment.” The Pokemon rolled his eyes instead.

“hehe.” People were too lazy to ask for it, they didn’t have such a grandeur, so they picked up the equipment directly.

“Fuck, I checked, this Liaoyuan is really famous, and there are many videos related to him.” When he was on the way, the Pokemon said, “So he is so good.”

“Nonsense, take the announcement of that many world and the first kill, do you still check it?” sharp claw helplessly said.

“I said how I heard that Liaoyuan is so familiar.” Pokemon said with excitement: “The forum said that he also created a guild, such a powerful expert, such a good person, otherwise we will join Starfire Guild.”

sharp claw wryly smiled: “You can really think, you think you want to add it, you must be an elite professional, hurry up, I will do this task as soon as possible The elite mission is up, but you can’t let your temper come.”

“Okay, I’ll do the elite mission and the processing meeting after finishing it.” The Pokemon is full of fighting spirit.

The other three people suddenly fell into sweat, this great aunt, I really wanted to come out.

Fifteen minutes later, where was the fight just now.

Several thieves were resurrected, sitting on the ground eating and drinking to restore life.

crash-bang ……

A wave of arrows suddenly appeared and fell on them, and the Assassin 5 on the other side wanted to enter stealth for a while, but found a mark.


Li Yao pulled the trigger, and three arrows fell on the three thieves who were suffering from a wave of arrows in three shocks.

They were just resurrected, and their blood volume was originally dissatisfied. After suffering the first wave of arrow rain, the blood had been left, and with the scattering of Li Yao, the three thieves immediately attacked the street again.

“Liaoyuan, do you really want to do everything?” Assassin No.5 saw Li Yao turn his eyes to him, No.5 suddenly shouted.

“Don’t think that I don’t know your rules. I’ve already been on the list you must kill. Since I am a mortal enemy, how about guarding your body.” Li Yao shot an arrow again.

Shadow cloak!


“Stealth in front of me is useless.” Li Yao still didn’t move, just shot an arrow quickly.


The arrow seemed to be suspended in the air, first Yin Hong’s blood appeared, and then Assassin 5 also revealed his body. He was still as terrified as last time. , I simply don’t know how Li Yao judged the direction of his dodge after stealth, and even hit his throat with great accuracy.

Since entering the valley of gray, too many players have died in his hands. Thieves stealth, cloak of shadows, disappearing in the early stage has never been unfavorable, elite players are useless, they are still taken by him. go.

However, after becoming Li Yao, it seems that Li Yao has become a hunted thieves, and they have become prey instead.

Li Yao twitched his lips, stealth is invisible, but not immune to harm.

Suddenly, Li Yao released an Arcane torrent!

However, with the explosion of magic and the appearance of not at all thieves silhouette, Li Yao frowned. The guy who was first nailed to death with a short spear should have been resurrected, but he never appeared.

“Unseeded guy.”

Li Yao waited on guard for a while, not even feeling the slightest crisis. Fortunately, summoning Death God 4000 again, until Li Yao left, the thief did not appear.

“Head, why stop me, I have a chance to kill him.” Assassin 15 said dissatisfied: “The last time I was second was an accident.”

“You kill me, Sending to death that’s all, I’m waiting for an hour this time, damn, my military service. I thought I would kill here, but no one would pay for it, if it wasn’t for the elite mission.” Assassin No. 5 said depressed, his elite mission Need is to kill people to gain military merit, but…

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