sharp claw’s innocent squad is also very experienced in combat, otherwise it would not have the guts to come to the depths of the gray valley.

And they are well aware of the dangers of the gray forest. With sharp claw invisible, shield war, sharp claw invisible, and Pokemon stand back to back.

The thieves have also entered the stealth state, waiting for opportunities.

After a short while, everyone did not find any traces of thieves, nor were they attacked.

“Maybe it’s a bluff.” The Pokemon commanded his Fire Essence spirit to spray flames continuously, but still did not find the thief.

“Not good said, let’s continue walking.”

sharp claw is slightly frowned, and potential enemies are the most terrifying.

Hearing someone talking but not seeing anyone, it means that there is an enemy lurking in the vicinity, but the enemy does not come out. They are not sure whether the opponent is a person or a group of people.

The people in the squad are experienced at first glance. The shield warrior takes the lead, and the sharp claw Wuhen they practiced as a line to slowly advance, and finally the summon pet, the element elves.

In this case, it is difficult for thieves to find the back. Even if you have a sneak attack on the rear side, the stun effect of the sneak attack will be greatly reduced because the skill completion is not high. In addition, the sharp claw team also has a thief lurking, which is also a deterrent. This is an experienced team.

“Naive, do you think you can escape a disaster like this.” It was still that voice, his voice was full of mockery, as if playing cats and mice.

The assassination of thieves is an art. In stealth, it is not only testing the mental quality of the sneak attacker, but also testing the mental quality of the thief.

The thieves try to find the weak spot of the opponent, so as to stun the opponent and then take them away in one set. They even lurks for several hours in order to kill a person, just for a suitable opportunity.

This is a game that puts pressure on both sides. Of course, in the wild, thieves generally take advantage. Just a stealth can cause huge psychological pressure on ordinary players.


A wooden stake suddenly flew over, sharp claw Wuhen face changed, didn’t expect the other party really occupied this section of the road, and actually set it up trap.

sharp claw rolls directly without trace, avoiding the stakes.

But although they avoided the stakes, the formation of their three people was broken.

sharp claw Wuhen just got up and his brain hurts. He has been successfully attacked by a thief named Assassin 25. The silhouette of a thief slowly appeared behind sharp claw Wuhen, and the dagger in his hand plunged into sharp claw Wuhen’s back again.

Back stab!

Sharp claw Wuhen’s blood volume suddenly dropped by a bit, and the shield warrior responded very quickly and immediately launched a charge.

Stun the Assassin 25 for one second, then Sasser stuns the thief again.

However, behind the shield warrior, an Assassin No. 29 also stunned the shield warrior.

Sharp Claw is ruthlessly a thief, he is about to rescue the shield warrior, suddenly feel something. Launched an attack.


He collided with another sneak attack’s Assassin No. 5 dagger, and his figure was revealed.


Another Rogue Assassin No. 30, taking advantage of the Fire Essence spirit attacking Assassin No. 29, stuns the Pokemon.

For a time, the battle broke out suddenly. The sharp claw team at first is at a disadvantage. If the normal battle continues, sharp claw Wuhen will be entangled and controlled by thieves, and there is no way to increase blood.

The shield warrior and Pokemon will be taken away by thieves.

Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… .

The other two arrows also smoothly killed the other two thieves in seconds. There will be no luck.

“Unfortunately, the angle is not enough.” Li Yao’s silhouette also appeared from the shadows.

Sharp claw ruthlessly blocked the silhouette of No. 5 at this moment. At this moment, there was a hint of surprised and angry flashing in No. 5’s eyes, a backflip.

A dazzling rays of light flashed by, and everyone quickly closed their eyes. When they opened it again, the silhouette of Assassin 5 had disappeared again.

“You killed an assassin in our Assassin Alliance, we have let you go, why bother with me?” Assassin 5 said.

“What a big tone, you let me go?” Li Yao sneered.

“Don’t think that you can be arrogant if you have good skills. If you are anxious, our Assassin Alliance is not easy to mess with.” Assassin 5’s voice changed another direction.

“It seems that you know me.” Li Yao said this, but he kept simulating calculations in his mind.

“The name of Liaoyuan, who doesn’t know now. We are eating the assassination again, so we must study it.” Assassin 5’s voice changed another direction.

“It makes sense, it’s really professional, but I don’t like being looked at by a bunch of men holding my photos.” Li Yao said with a smile.

“I’m not in the mood to crack a joke with you. You don’t know how many people paid for your life, but our Assassin Alliance doesn’t want to provoke you. If you leave now, today’s grievances will be wiped out. Don’t interfere.”

Li Yao’s record and skills are amazing. Killing thieves is the same as playing, which really makes them jealous.

“It’s ridiculous, you don’t think the price is enough.” Li Yao slowly filled a steel arrow and said: “Besides, you said to let me go, did I say to let you go?”

While speaking, he had already pulled the trigger, and the steel arrow shot suddenly on a large tree in the distance, and then ejected.

The silhouette of a thief appeared, and the steel arrow flew out of his neck. Although he escaped fatal damage, he was still scratched.

“This is impossible, how could you know my location.”

Assassin No.5’s eyes were full of surprise, he deliberately changed the direction of his voice and hid in Li Yao’s field of vision In addition, didn’t expect the other party to find himself.

However, it’s only here. Li Yao’s next arrow has arrived, and it penetrates his throat directly. Rogue No. 5 has already wanted to roll and dodge. Didn’t expect Li Yao’s attack It will be so fast.

“Sorry, I’m not in the mood to explain to a dead person.”

The heavy flame crossbow that Li Yao put away was slightly sighed in relief.

The sound of changing direction is also traceable. You can’t hear anything at one time, but if you speak many times, it is bring about one’s own destruction.

Previous life, after the game has been running for a few years, hunters have gradually emerged. In order to compete for the title of king of the wild, hunters and thieves have launched an unprecedented melee.

This technique of calculating the approximate position of the thief by changing the direction of the sound many times has also been summarized by countless hunters, and has played a very important role in a period of time.

“Many thanks, friends for help.” Sharp Claw said awkwardly: “Let Brother see a joke.”

He was going to rescue Li Yao, didn’t expect instead. Saved by Li Yao.

“Expert, are you famous?” Pokemon ran over and asked excitedly.

“This, so so, not too famous.” Li Yao face full of black lines, this question is asked, do you have to brag yourself?

“Anyway, thank you brother.” Sharp Claw Wuhen said.

Li Yao nodded, asked: “By the way, what task did you take?”…

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