One hour later, several people came back to life again.

This time they didn’t dare to eat and drink to recover their blood, they went straight into the stealth state, and quickly dispersed.

Arrow rain!


Mark of death!

It was the same trick again. The three thieves who had just entered stealth were shot out by a rain of arrows, followed by a wave of scattering.

Li Yao’s sensitivity is no problem even if he doesn’t need to shoot quickly and bless two arrows for one second. The three thieves slammed into the street again in grief.

Assassin 5 is about to cry. Seeing Li Yao rush the crossbow towards him, he doesn’t know what to do.

Like last time, I used the cloak of shadow to remove the death mark, then disappeared and then shot through with an arrow.

But he has no other better means now.

“Liaoyuan, you are ill, just keep it once, but it still keeps me a second time.”

Li Yao said with a smile: “Who made you not resurrect? , Let me wait so long. In fact, you know, sooner or later, it’s a death, why waste your time.”

“You are a pervert, my Level 11 made you reach level ten, and then again Let you defend it once, now you have 0% experience at level ten, and you will not lose level 9 if you kill me. You still guard the corpse. I just want to ask, do we have such a big grudge?” Assassin No. 5 is depressed. Don’t mention it.

“No.” Li Yao raised the heavy flame crossbow and said: “Actually, it’s just a little bit. You are too stingy. Anyway, the No. 5 character of the Assassin Alliance, he died twice and dropped green twice. dress, how can this be tolerated.”

“Fuck, my ancestors.” Assassin No. 5 is in a breakdown at this moment.

Made, for such a broken reason, he didn’t do anything, so he stared at this place motionlessly for an hour. He couldn’t describe his mood at this moment.

“Explosive weapons.” Li Yao said, already pulling the trigger.

“Grandson, you are waiting. This is not over, just wait for me and our Assassin Alliance’s killing order”

Assassin 5 doesn’t even have the thought of avoiding. Just waiting for death, their senior management had carefully studied every powerful goal and felt that they had looked at Li Yao high enough, but only when they really faced it did they know what powerlessness is.

Run, can’t run. Fighting, not being able to touch, is really aggrieved.

He knows that Li Yao is simply playing with Mao catching mice. The more he cooperates, the happier the other party is.


The steel arrow flew past Assassin 5’s neck…

“Sorry, I thought you would dodge, didn’ T expect you to wait for death motionless.” Li Yao reloaded the steel arrow and said: “Okay, don’t move, this time I will shoot accurately.”

Ah pu…

“I fight with you.”

Assassin 5 prides itself on being a character, didn’t expect Li Yao to have no shame like this, suddenly a roll, using the shadow cloak to solve The death mark was dropped.


When he rolled up, he had already used the disappearance, and he immediately entered stealth.


His speed suddenly increased, and his body erraticly ran towards Li Yao.

And Li Yao also put away a smile and heavy crossbow.

Great power!

Juli throw!


The whirlwind spear flew upside down with Assassin 5’s body.


After the thief last time, he was also nailed to the tree.

“I said don’t move. I have to run around and force me to use a short spear. Okay, you will be happy this time.” Li Yao walked over slowly and dropped the three thieves. The equipment was picked up, and then the purple dagger dropped by Assassin No. 5 was picked up, and then he turned and left with satisfaction.

The thief who was taken away by No.5 asked: “Head, why are you hanging up again?”

The other three thieves: “…”

Assassin No. 5: “…”

Assassin No. 5 went offline, and then went online. In private chat with Assassin No. 1 he said: “Brother, I can’t bear it.”

Assassin 1 said puzzledly: “Didn’t you say that you will go to Dabaojian together tonight? I can’t stand it for a long time?”

“No, I mean, I can’t stand Liaoyuan Forced. I’m going to kill him.” Assassin No. 5 angrily said today’s matter.

“Fifth, I understand the mood, but I still feel stable. First, because we don’t take orders, the price of the prairie prairie is soaring. Second, they kill you guys just like playing. No matter how much it is, it’s useless. So it’s the right way to do elite missions as soon as possible.” Assassin 1 was afraid that the fifth was dissatisfied, and then said: “However, you let someone scan the Liaoyuan news on the regional channel and say he wants to challenge. The whole bright camp is a bit more arrogant. There are so many murderous madnesses in the Dark Valley. When the location of Liaoyuan is exposed, a lot of people will naturally take action.”

“You are right, Madd , There are so many madmen who want to step on him to become famous. I am not calm anymore.” Assassin No. 5 said so, but his heart was dripping blood.

I have lost Level 3 equipment, and there is also a tenth-level Ziwu. He has also lost a lot of military merit, and he can’t be blamed for almost suffocating internal injuries.

The military merit system of the ancient gods is very special, divided into total military merit and active military merit.

The total military merit is the sum of the military merits obtained. This is the standard for pacifying the military rank. As the military rank increases, the better treatment is obtained.

However, after death, the total number of military merits dropped will be compared according to the rank of the player who killed him.

Live military merit is the value of military merit that can be exchanged. It is easy to understand. A part of the corresponding proportion will also be dropped after death.

But when you gain military merit, gaining a little active military merit can increase the value of total military merit a little. This is the value of accumulated military merit.

Li Yao wants to upgrade his rank as soon as possible to prepare for the next step. Because the military rank reaches a certain point, there is an attribute bonus.

Soon, he discovered the situation of the regional channel, but he and Li Yao’s heart were not hidden, he was sitting directly on the shoulders of Death God 4000 and walking the road.

Soon, a hunter carrying a longbow with a golden giant bear stopped Li Yao’s path.

“You are a prairie prairie fire, you dare to call it a hunter king, have you asked me if this bear king?” Bend bow and place arrow pointed at Li Yao and said, “I want to challenge You.”

Speaking, the golden giant bear rushed up. Li Yao also pulled the trigger.


The two arrows collided together, however, before Rampage Wuji bends the bow, Li Yao’s second arrow has penetrated his throat , And the golden bear king let out an unwilling roar, the silhouette faded and disappeared…

Then, after another distance, another player stopped Li Yao.

His body is enveloped by a layer of ice weapons, holding two ice one-handed swords, pointing at Li Yao and saying: “I heard that you are very arrogant. Guys, remember, I am…”

“You don’t need to tell me the name of the dead person. I don’t like listening.” Li Yao pulled the trigger directly.


Death Knight crossed two one-handed swords, the ice mist around him suddenly gathered into a shield shape, blocking Li Yao’s arrow.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang…

“Your arrows are useless to me.” Death Knight The road to death slowly moved towards Li Yao.


ps: Thank you Yaxin for the reward, I owe one more and I will make it up as soon as possible. At the same time, I would like to thank my friends for all their support, recommended tickets, monthly tickets, subscriptions, and reward friends, Mario thanks.

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