Thirty thousand gold sounds very scary, and it feels like it can’t be used up, but in fact it is not.

If Li Yao wants to be a casual player, let alone tens of thousands of gold, even hundreds of them are more than enough at this stage, basically you don’t have to worry about gold coins.

If Li Yao wants to play a small guild, it is fun, and it basically costs no money. Isn’t it just that some people gather together to make a guild? There is no ambition, just play slowly.

However, what Li Yao wants to do is to build a super guild and a club with thirty thousand gold, which is really just a start.

Be aware that the big guilds and clubs of others are actually a huge group.

This kind of interest group with reality as the core group, with them as the backbone, develops the guild. Various departments are also incomparably sound, such as competition teams, team teams, trade union teams, and logistics teams, including guild management groups, life professional player groups, collection and supply, gold-making groups, and other huge monsters that operate and supply in all directions.

These guilds are large machines with organization, discipline and goals. If Li Yao does not have enough funds to slowly build these, he can take it for granted by relying on his rebirth advantages and technical advantages. Contending against the huge monsters of those large guilds is simply a fantasy story.

Nowadays, when the game guild has been regularized, grouped and professionalized, not a few young people can complete the counterattack with passion.

Li Yao was organizing the warehouse, and suddenly received a private chat voice from the sea: “cough cough, brother Liaoyuan, what are you doing?”

“Brother Hai, this is not like you , For the shining fruit?” Li Yao knew his purpose as soon as he thought about it.

“Haha, I still can’t hide it from you. Isn’t this a rush to open up wasteland, but you also know that the guild has exhausted all means to buy some scattered, simply not enough. Auction House three gold sets are Well, let me have three groups. It is a waste of handling fees to list the auction, so it is more convenient to sell directly.” Haikuotian said.

“You are too stingy, so I bought three sets, at least ten sets, otherwise I might as well put up for auction.” Li Yao shook his head.

“Brother, anyhow, we have such a good friendship. I will tell you the truth, my family has a big business, most of the gold coins are trapped by other materials, and the gold coins are really limited.” The sky and the sky complained.

“Come less, I have to let me settle the accounts for you or something. It’s not that I am not friends enough. If you say that you open up wasteland, you can’t say that I can send you two groups. After all, I am 3 silver Accepted. But now you obviously represent the guild, so how can you let it go if you let a big client like you go.” Li Yao said seriously.

“Well, give me ten sets.” The sea said painfully.

“If you don’t pretend to be less, you’d better be the pioneers who explore the way for those people, test me, I tell you clearly, I don’t have a lot of goods. Don’t want to waste time, you can tell those big The guild, if you want shining fruit, you can, at least 20 sets of orders, otherwise I will guard the Auction House all day long, maybe I will auction one or two groups when I am in the mood.”

” Brother doesn’t accept private chats and messages from strangers. This move is too cruel. There are too many guilds who want to get through me. I will record the order and send it to you in an hour at most. You can send it by mail. Payment mode.” Haikuotian said.

“Yes, Brother Hai is so helpful to me. What else can I say. Ten groups have been mailed to you. This time I don’t charge any money. I personally give you Brother Hai, but next time I can I have to pay.” Li Yao said that he had already sent out ten sets of shining fruit.

“haha, I know you are enough brother.” The vast sky and the sky really look down on dozens of gold coins. What he values ​​is Li Yao’s attitude.

Li Yao laughed, it adds up to more than 10,000 groups, ten groups of drizzle favors, which is actually the cost of 30Silver Coin, but sometimes it plays a big role.

After thinking about it, Li Yao took out another fifty sets and mailed them to Qin Fengyi.

Presumably a lot of people tried to find herself through Qin Fengyi. She doesn’t contact herself now, and obviously doesn’t want to cause trouble for herself, so she directly mails fifty groups to ask her for favors and so on.

“If you want to inquire about the news, please help me to accept it and make a record. Every time the order is not less than 20 sets, otherwise, stop talking. I will send you 50 sets, you see Treat it as a favor,” Li Yao said.

“It turns out that you have this kind of plan. I thought you were going to suppress it for a few days and plan to increase the price.” Qin Fengyi said.

“It’s meaningless. Sanjin is almost the limit they can accept. After all, land reclamation is for profit. If most of the proceeds are given to me, no one would be so stupid. And if I didn’t point it on purpose The wasteland master is not so hot.” ​​Li Yao told Qin Fengyi the truth.

“Well, that’s okay, I’ll make the form for you, and you can just send it cash on delivery at that time.” Qin Fengyi also understands that Li Yao doesn’t want to play a price war, just take a bite Price, love to buy or not.

Li Yao didn’t worry at all, and simply collected some cheap goods at auction again. Momentaneous splendor also contacted Li Yao, and Li Yao directly sold 20 sets.

Only in the past twenty minutes, Haikuotian and Qin Fengyi also sent a form.

Li Yao glanced a few times and found that there were many large-scale guilds with enough face to find two people, there were more than thirty.

Li Yao sent 20 sets of cash on delivery mails, and they were basically received within seconds.

All of a sudden, Li Yao’s money bag has swelled like a ball, plus the 600 sets Zhao Lei is about to sell in Neutral and Guangming, and the gold coins on his body are close to the four thousand mark.

Think of previous life. At the 60th level, for a golden horse, he worked hard for nearly two months to save up enough gold coins. That’s hard, and now, I am 10 Level 2, my backpack has three or four thousand gold coins, and there are more valuable goods in the warehouse, Li Yao can’t help but sigh.

Immediately, Li Yao started a new round of sweeping goods. He was not worried. The output mechanism of the shining fruit was in short supply. With Li Yao’s fire, local tyrants swarmed into Grandmaster. The Rank copy is not enough. Simply don’t worry about the problem of getting out.

“I said Big Brother, do you still create a guild?” A voice of dissatisfaction came from the cute and adorable pupil.

“Create, I will go to Silver Moon City right away.” Li Yao is addicted to sweeping goods, and gold coins are spent like flowing water.

Li Yao went directly back to the charging room, then used the world amplifier to make it smaller, and let the Fire Eagle take it to the Tower of the Sun, then took the flying mount, and soon came to the main city of the elves .

The original Silver Moon City has been destroyed in half, and the current kings are all rebuilt in the ruins, but they are still gorgeous and magnificent.

The only important portals are some elven guards, and ordinary patrols have become Arcane guards. At night, there is a magic broom and so on, which maintains this beautiful city almost automatically.

When Li Yao arrived, I found that everyone on the team had arrived…

ps: Add more to send, I will continue to codewords.

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