“You are here so together, I am the last one to arrive.” Li Yao said: “I will create a guild, and I will join you at that time. Why is it so troublesome.”

“che , I don’t want to be the first veteran to join.” The cute pupil rolled his eyes.

Guardian angel said with a smile; “Thou tyrant, you made a profit by buying glitter fruit this time. Tell me, do you have a few hundred gold? With a few hundred gold as the foundation, we can work hard to get The guild is structured.”

“Hundreds of gold, you can really think about it.” Li Yao shook his head.

“Despise, I definitely don’t know what bad things I did this morning, I’m not playing games.” The cute pupil raised his middle finger.

“Cough cough, what do the little children know.” The guardian angel saw other people’s faces strange, and was even more curious: “How much is it?”

“Don’t ask. , Create a guild first.” Li Yao patted his forehead and said, “You guys, what’s the name of the guild.”

Ah pu…

Everyone has weird eyes Look at Li Yao.

“Uncle, you are not reliable, you have to create your own guild, you didn’t even think about the name.” Da Vinci was unable to complain.

“haha, the name is just a symbol, it’s not important, it’s not important, or you can help me think of one.” Li Yao laughed and said.

“How is the Hitomi House?” The dull Hitomi said cheerfully.

Everyone at Waterfall Khan, the guardian angel said earnestly: “It’s better to call it the sword of Divine Punishment.”

“The name is good, I also thought of one. How about the new wind?” Da Vinci joined in the fun.

“Didn’t he still have another game called Starfire, it’s better to call it Starfire Guild.” Qin Fengyi said suddenly.

“Yes, this is good.” Sister Li said.

The cute and adorable Hitomi Hitomi tilted her head and said, “It’s really a little better than what I thought.”

“I think it’s okay, so I’ll go and register. If so It’s okay for the name, but Divine Punishment guild is okay.” Li Yao doesn’t care much about the name.

Everyone gathered around and walked into the guild registry. The guild administrator was a young male elf. He saw everyone and said: “Registered guild?”

“Yes.” Li Yao lit up his glorious deeds, which are actually prestige in reality.

“Well, you need to find thirty people to sign, and then come to me.” said the administrator.

Li Yao picked up the form and the administrator said, “Thank you for signing your name.”

When the administrator saw Li Yao’s signature, he immediately eyes shined and said: “It turns out You are Lord Liaoyuan, disrespectful.”

“Do you know me?” Li Yao wondered.

“I know, why don’t you know. You made a sigh of relief for us in this trial.” The administrator snatched the guild registration form in Li Yao’s hands and said, “Someone has ordered it. You create a guild, just create it. You signed the name just now, that’s it, you only need to write the name of the guild, design the guild badge, everything is done.”

“Sure enough, there are privileges everywhere. .” The guardian angel saw the previous official business, but now the administrator with a face full of spring breeze, he suddenly complained: “But it’s cool that privileges happen to us.”

“che, and you Do you have half a dime?” Tongtong dumbfounded.

Li Yao filled in the name of the guild, Xinghuo, available. Later, a badge was designed, a piece of yellow grassland, extremely agile flames, and submitted.

Subsequently, the guild registration, which originally took a lot of time, was completed in less than ten minutes.

When they were sent enthusiastically by the administrator, everyone was still in a trance.

“I set up a membership level, cute, ordinary, elite, backbone, core, veteran, Vice-President, do you think it is okay?” Li Yao asked everyone to join the guild.

“The levels are all the same. You are the guild leader. It’s up to you.” The guardian angel said: “These are nothing to do.”

“I set you up as veterans, as for Vice -President, let’s communicate to be determined.” Li Yao said.

“Yes, now the important thing is the development plan, and all levels are secondary. Let me talk about your plans first.” Sister Li said.

“Well, first of all, let’s talk about the goal. My goal is to build a world-class super-class guild, so I have to follow the formal route at the beginning, not unorthodox. In reality, the credit points are enough to register a guild company. On the basis of the guild, build a world-class team to compete in the World Cup and the Olympics. That’s it.”

Everyone was shocked. Although they knew Li Yao’s ambitions were not small, but didn’t Expect ambition will be so big.

“Big brother, you won’t be cracking a joke.” Guarding Knight touched Li Yao’s forehead.

“I never use this kind of thing to crack a joke.” Li Yao said seriously.

“This goal is a bit big.” Even Sister Li was shocked.

“You come with me.” Li Yao led everyone to the guild warehouse.

Then opened the guild warehouse to the limit space that the Level 1 guild could open, and imported everything into the guild warehouse through the mailbox. There are also the leaks that were picked up in the past, and those more popular things were put into the warehouse in one mind, and then the system was selected.

“Fuck, did you rob the Auction House.”

Although I was prepared, I was still shocked by the scene.

Thousands of pieces of equipment are neatly arranged in the guild warehouse, densely packed, and the blue outfit is shining. There are more than one hundred purple outfits on the top, sending out purple rays of light.

At the top are dozens of purple weapons, which are very attractive.

The important thing is that this is not a low-level equipment, but a tenth-level, mainstream high-level equipment at this stage.

Looking at other pages, there are full of minerals, medicinal herbs, gems and other materials, and the viewers are dazzled.

Open a new page again, the drawings and skill books of various Secondary Profession are even more attractive.

“I must be dazzled, how much did it cost.” The dumb Tongtong stared and said.

“Not much, more than a thousand G’s before and after.” Li Yao said nonchalantly.

“Fuck, what does it mean is just over 1,000G, how much money did you make? This is it.” The guardian angel was breathing fast.

Everyone is curious and looked towards Li Yao.

“Today, the three camps made a total of only 5,000G, and there are more than 20,000G of shining fruit. Don’t worry about selling it.”

“Brother, You are my own brother. You actually monopolized the shining fruit of the three camps. Damn, 30,000 G, what concept, I have no more than three G, OK?” The guardian angel was speechless, The others were speechless.

Even Qin Fengyi was shocked. She thought that Li Yao just bought a batch of shining fruits, and didn’t expect monopolized most of the shining fruits.

“This is my confidence, and the guild warehouse I see now is only for pediatrics.” Li Yao said.

“pu, don’t talk about it, you are overly pretending, although I haven’t seen other guild warehouses, but I bet it is impossible that there are guilds with great generosity like you.” said the guardian angel.

“Well, if you have money, it’s easy to say, it’s better to expand the warehouse five times, especially materials and drawings, skill books, and charge a little more. Then specify a point system so that the guild can quickly It’s really possible to realize your ideal.” Sister Li pondered then said ……

ps: Add more to send, ask for subscription, monthly pass and recommendation, I’ll go to dinner, Come back and continue the codeword.

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