“Big brother, you are not cracking a joke.”

Zhao Lei just thought that the 50 silver group was dark enough, but he hesitated for a long time before saying it. The result is good, he It’s too little, just ask for a set of three golds.

“If it weren’t for the current players’ purchasing power and copy output, I would only sell higher.” Li Yao said.

“I said, you still consider the player’s purchasing power. I go, big brother, do you know, how much does a player earn per day after playing a level ten monster?” Zhao Lei asked rhetorically.

“Don’t count, at most 20 silver.” Li Yao can’t remember these little things.

“You also know that it looks like 20 silver, but killing monsters always consumes, buys skills and so on. In fact, there is a lot of 2.3 silver left in a day. You sell a set of three golds. , Big brother, it’s strange to sell it, but a fool buys it.” Zhao Lei shouted.

“Big brother, it’s not so good.” Li Yao helplessly said.

“What’s the matter, tell me?” Zhao Lei said unconvinced.

“Okay, then let me ask you, do you think the players you just mentioned will play Grandmaster Rank copies in these days?” Li Yao asked.

Zhao Lei was stunned and hesitated for a while and said: “No way, we should first acquire equipment for normal and elite difficulty.”

“Yes, since these people are not us. Customers, you mention that their income is profitable.” Li Yao said without making steel. “Can we use our brains. Now those who dare to open up wasteland are all who?”

“cream of The crop of the crop must be the big men of various big guilds and clubs, then some gold groups, and well-equipped elite players and local tyrants.” Zhao Lei said.

“So, do you think they are short of money?” Li Yao asked again.

“Still expensive.” Zhao Lei said.


“Don’t apply your ideas to those people, you have to know that the copy of Grandmaster Rank is not the first kill. Kill a small Blame at least a few Silver Coins, killing a boss, a multi-gold coin, not to mention the purple outfit marked with a master, do you think this is a piece of equipment. No, it’s still a face, you know, it’s a capital of pretense. “

Li Yao continued to ask: “Then I ask you the second question. Flash said is the supply in short supply? Is it the only thing that we have a lot of goods in our hands?”

” Yes,” Zhao Lei said.

“So, this is a rare product. Now players who gather herbs are flooded, and the glitter fruit produced every day is also scattered. Not to mention ordinary players, it is even more difficult for the Grand Guild to buy glitter fruit. . Simply not enough for players. Not to mention, more and more players will join the wasteland team. You said, I sold three gold, is it very kind?”

Zhao Lei is speechless , How kind is this, let you say it as if you are benefiting the people.

Li Yao can of course be sold higher, but now players’ purchasing power, the three golds are also painful to those local tyrants, but it is not unacceptable. After all, there are many gold coins that are so easy to receive. .

“Okay, I thought about it. You can sell like this.”

“Why, you finally found out with your conscience, do you want to sell it cheaper?”

“Cheap your sister, you are like this. Divide a set of one hundred pieces, one gold and 50 silver, hurry up, don’t hang more. Take your time, and then you go to the Neutral Auction House to have a look. Buy some there too. Today, no more than three hundred sets will do. You can control it yourself.” Li Yao hung up the communication and touched his forehead, feeling very tired.

As a reincarnator, if you don’t make money, you don’t have to play a big ticket. That’s a mess. Naturally, it is cost-effective to earn the entire world. What a little trouble, I’m sorry, my time is precious.

Li Yao sits in the corner of Auction House and begins to hang glittering fruit.

Li Yao divides the five components into ten, each of which is 1.5 gold anonymously, and then starts I searched for it.

“I knew that some slut was hoarding goods, I found out.” A foul-mouthed who hates the wealth gathering bowl said.

“Five groups were put out at once, it was great generosity, my heart was too dark. I cursed him for not being able to sell.” The Undead Bowl 2 beside him also said.

“It’s not black, it’s not black at all. This product is also an expert, alas, Mader, why can’t I come across such a good thing.” Ju Cai Bo Yu said depressedly.

Not only them, many people discovered the appearance of the shining fruit, they all opened it, and then saw the price, suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

Then they scolded the black-hearted businessman one after another, Li Yao couldn’t deny it when he listened next to him.

“Fuck, someone really bought it. Damn, is this crazy?”

“Uncle, there are only a dozen Silver Coins in my body. Forget it.”

“This bastard used to be a set of 3 silver flashes, but now it is sold for three golds. I want to curse the street.”

“I still want to kill people, send the world Announcement, don’t buy his shining fruit and pay him to death.”

“Yes, pay him to death.”

A group of people aggressively screened on various channels, calling for the boycott of hoarding. Profiteer with shining fruit. Received responses from countless ordinary players.

However, the slow flash fruit that was originally bought was sold out after only a while.

It took so long to start the server, many players completed the mission, and the Undercity began to lively.

There are more and more people in Auction House, they all come in by watching the world announcement.

Li Yao hangs up five sets again, but this time he was sold out instantly.

Li Yao simply hung up one hundred sets and two hundred copies at one time, but they were all wiped out in less than half an hour. I don’t know where there are such tyrants.

The profiteers who have been watching are jealous and hateful.

Li Yao thought for a while, put another hundred sets, and then began to pick up the omissions in silence.

This time is a bit slow, I sell a little bit. Many people expect the flash fruit to be saturated and the price will be reduced.

However, one hour passed, and only 20 minutes of the flashing fruit remained. Many people were anxious, waiting for the hoarders to continue hanging up.

However, until the flash fruit was sold out, there were no goods for more than ten minutes.

“Damn, I shouldn’t hesitate, this is out of stock.”

“Ai, it looks like it’s really out of stock, Maade, who fooled me to say it must The price will be lowered.”

“Madebird, it’s a step too late.”

The same goes for the bright camp. Zhao Lei has already left to neutralize Auction House.

More than two hundred groups, sold, Li Yao’s gold coins suddenly turned into nearly 700 gold, completely becoming a big local tyrant.

However, this is only the beginning, Li Yao is not in a hurry.

That’s it for today. He sold these, enough to allow hundreds of groups to open up wasteland. When someone explodes good equipment and starts showing up tomorrow, it will be the time to make money.

One person takes most of the gold coins produced by the server players into his arms, and this is his goal.

Now the upgrade is no longer appropriate. Li Yao simply keeps sweeping the goods. Now it is not bad for money. Li Yao plans to build the guild warehouse into the world’s first luxury warehouse.

So, he simply didn’t save money, he just bought what was good, what equipment, gems, strong spirit transformation, skill books, Secondary Profession blueprints, and swept a lot of them until it cost more than 500 Jin just stopped.

Many individual warehouses can’t fit, Li Yao plans to establish a union and put it directly into the union warehouse.

Shine Fruit can have at least more than 30,000 gold coins in the account. He is simply not short of money. 30,000 gold coins are his capital to catch up with those big guilds…

ps: many thanks He was so handsome that the donkey was crying. Many thanks for his support.

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