
Chapter 141 - 040: The Warrior’s Cries [1]


The atmosphere in the room had changed form pity and annoyance to disbelief. That was the most unexpected thing to have happened to them other than Arya having a human mate with a lot of baggage.  What else were they supposed to be prepared for? None of this made any sense.  What kind of life were they supposed to live on this end? If Qiao was a wolf,  then we're was his pack? Why was he on this side? What had happened to him? Why did he choose this end? Did he know about Arya? Was there something they didn't know about? Clearly there was a lot they needed to talk about,  a lot they needed to handle.  If Qiao was Drew's mate then that meant he was automatically part of Arya's pack.  That could mean that the wolf had trapped his alpha? What kind of game were the dates playing? What was the goddess planning? Clearly it was crazier than Arya herself.  They had never thought their situation worse than Arya being born a female, but now there was and it was here with them. A situation they couldn't have fathomed.  This explained the shift that Ken and Arya had felt. It wasn't because of Sammy but because women more werewolf had joined their pack. Well fuċk. 

"The commander is a wolf? As in werewolves like us?" Enrique asked disbelievingly. Of all the things he could have expected  from Drew's crush,  him being his mate had never even crossed their minds.  It was impossible. This was wild but there was a chance that this would be fun,  but who knew,  right? 

"How many wolves are on this side of your realm?" Rohit wondered out loud,  unsure of how to react to the news. It didn't make sense to him,  but maybe he didn't understand because he was a human. 

"Wow, I felt the gift but I never thought it would be you. Of course I knew it would be you, but I never knew it was because you were mated to a wolf, like us. Wow." Ken said, still amused by the turnout of events.  This should have called for a party but seeing how hopeless their friend was,  there was not going to be a party. They would sit through the whɨnės until he was done.  They had no option anyway. 

"My life" Drew whɨnėd as he positioned his head well on Arya's ŀȧp. Rohit had no reason to play pretend jealousy anyway. The warrior belonged to another.  A man as interesting as him and with a hard head like his.  It would be tough seeing as they were two dominants. 

"Two dominants, ha. I would like to know who will be submissive and who will be the dominant in this mate bond" Enrique laughed, making Rohit smack his head. This wasn't the time, but he was right. They were all curious. They would ask that after Drew had finally come back to hi ssnese and knew what he had to do. What if Drew was the submissive? Now that Enrique had said that,  the boys and Arya were haunted by images of Drew and Qiao getting it on and it was fuċkɨnġ gross. They should have just shut up. 

"What do you plan on doing?" Arya asked politely.  She wanted to help him,  but needed to know his plans. 

"I'm not sure Arya, I really don't know what to do" Drew said like he was holding onto the last straw of hope.  There was no point for him to be hopeless though. None with eyes could see the chemistry between him and the commander,  even though they had only worked together for three weeks.

"You're a warrior Drew, you always have strategies' ' Arya said reassuringly,  but she didn't believe her words this time.  She didn't know whether it would be okay or not.  She was just hoping the warrior didn't go on to reject his mate. That would be cruel, not just to himself but to Qiao. they could give each other a chance, but that was also dependent on the two of them.

"This time he's in battle with his heart" Ken laughed, making Arya roll her eyes defeatedly. What was she going to do with this man? However, she also understood the situation. They didn't know whether to be happy for him that he had found his mate or sad that they didn't know what to do with each other despite knowing how special their relationship was. Maybe time would help them fix their shit. Maybe when all of this subsided everything would be okay. Maybe it was because they were both busy trying to focus on the same man but for different ends. It was hard, but it had to be done.

"Did he reject you or did you reject him?" Arya asked, unsure of what had transpired between the two warrior wolves. Fingers crossed, ARya hoped to the goddess that none of them had made that mistake. 

"We didn't do anything. It's like he doesn't even acknowledge that i am his mate, which doesn't sit right twitch e, but i can't go on and tell him that we're mates and need to be together. We just fuċkig met three weeks ago!" Drew whɨnėd hopelessly. He needed a solution. He needed everything to be better. He wanted to talk to his mate. He hates that he met his mate on his first day on the job and now they were treating each other and sneaking around each other like thieves. Screw professionalism whenever it came to mates, because at the end of the day, the heart would always win. They both knew how this could turn out but maybe they wanted to be sure about it all. Then again, for what reason?

"Time does fly fast," Enrique said.

"Maybe he needs time," Ken added.

"Time for wahta? To think of the kindest ways to reject me or what. Fuck this is frustrating. We have been working together for three weeks. Three weeks and nothing happened. He looks at me formally just like everyone else. There is nothing and yet there is a bond between us" Drew complained. He was feeling frustrated by his emotions around Qiao and whenever his mate interacted with females. He could see them openly ggling him and the man would always smile back at them. Drew hated that the women saw his smiles while all he heard were commands about the schedule and errands he needed to run. He hated that this was happening.. He had thought his mate would be a woman, but the universe had given him a male mate, which he never objected to. He always trusted the decision of the woman upstairs, but still, why did it have to be this complicated? Since when was love so indistinct?

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