
Chapter 140 - 039: What In The World?!


After Drew's angry outburst, they had reconciled and evn cooked and eaten. Then came the hardest part of the night, the reason Andrew had come back home. The reason he was hopeless and angry at anything and everything. It had been three weeks since he found out Qiao Xi was his mate. He hadn't known how to deal with that truth, not to mention the fact that the alpha had ordered him to stay at Qiao's residence. It didn't help at all. He would wake up and see his mate preparing food in the itchen. It was iek they were strangers who were forced to live together. One was good at making food, while the other would do the cleaning. All thai time, they were being professional with each other, and they both hated it with a passion so strong. Of course they wanted to talk it out, but they were both scared of each other, not to mention the fact that they didn't want anyone to know they were wolves. They lived like strangers but when the time came for them to go to work, Drew would always be there to help him with everything. Today, he had asked his kind oss for permission to take the day off tomorrow, and Qiao had agreed reluctantly. He had gotten used to the scent of his mate in the car and didn't want him to leave, but he was ready and willing to do anything for him and maybe someday, with him. 

"Arya '' Drew whɨnėd for the hundredth time since he had calmed down. He was like a  kid who had been frustrated for a long time by a foster system and had finally found his real parents. He wanted to be higgs and Arya had done that. The poor woman had even allowed him to rest his head on her while they watched whatever was left of the game. He was no longer the big bad warrior wolf. Right now, he was a hopeless man who was in love and didn't know notghinabotu it. The worst part is that he was leaning on people who knew nothing of love too. Together they were hopeless. Arya and the boys had even tried to bribe him with food so he could shut up, but Drew wouldn't. It was like his heart was hurting and he didn't know how to heal it. He had just realized that a bleeding heart didn't heal like their wounds and that scared him. Maye that was alsi why he had come to Arya. the woman understood him, they all did. They felt bad for him and frankly his state was new to everyone. They all knew Drew as the warrior who got shit done, but here and now, he was hurting and they knew nothing of help. So they had to just listen to him while his ȧss was off. They all would have preferred his grouchy self, but clearly that wasn't going to happen. Or maybe they needed to invite Nikita in. That way the warrior would shut up and go back to his default warrior mode. He would even be whining anymore instead, he would be protecting his alpha. Standing in front of her so no one would hurt her. He would protect her, but who would protect his heart? He didn't know what to do.

"Aryaaa" Drew whɨnėd again and Rohit had just about had enough of it. How long was he going to cry out like this? They were all not used to being emotions. They didn't know what to do when it came to emotions. The one person who could have helped them was Arya, but even she was approaching her mate in the opposite way. Normal mates met each other, and either rejected each other, but Arya used chaos to introduce herself to her mate. It was crazy.

"I swear if this man doesn't shut up, I will cuff him to the poles. I swear" Rohit warned even though he knew Drew would easily break free of the cuffs. They had been listening to him for an hour and he wasn't shutting up. They even increased the volume, but it was pointless because Drew would just call Arya louder. They considered putting cotton in his mouth, but that wouldn't be a nice thing to do. So they watched him.

"He's confused, let him whɨnė it out" Enrique said understandingly. Of the group, he was the only one with an idea of love, but that was because he had a crush on one of the humans and realized she was dangerous.. She wasn't his mate, so he had stayed clear of women in this realm. He didn't want trouble, in case his mate was cartier than Arya.

"How the hell does a chief warrior get confused?" Rohit asked like he needed an explanation. The matters of the heart were hard to explain and they all knew that. But still, they could try, no?

"When your crush turns out to be your mate" Ken said with laughter making everyone let out laughs. It had been a while since there was some joy in the room. Drew's dressing tone had left them all feeling depressed for no reason. At least now they would laugh about it. Maybe then it would all get better.

"And he also turns out to be a wolf" Drew added quietly before picking up his whɨnės again, "Arya" and the alpha wolf wanted to disappear. Such were the times Arya wished she wasn't his best friend. He always did this, whenever he had an emotional issue, he would always whɨnė to Arya, the rebel everyone thought was emotionless. The girl no one could understand. But Drew knew Arya. He knew only Arya could understand him. She may have been a cold woman, but she was love when she cared. She bȧrėly cared for anyone, but if she cared about someone, she would treat them like angels. She would go through hell for them just because she would make their lives her priority and she would love them with a love like no other. Drew understood every choice the alpha girl made and he always supported her. They were like Tom and Jerry to each other and on the outside, they were the wolves no one dared to look at twice for fear that they would be ripped apart. Here and now, the tough head warrior was gone and they were left with a hopeless man who had just realized the harsh truth.

"What?" Everyone else exclaimed, except Arya, because she felt the shift last night. It was then that they realized that all this time, Drew was whining because he was mated to Qiao, and not because he had a mere crush on the man.. If they through they had been fuċkėd earlier, right now, they were literally screwed. How the hell were they supposed to respond to that? How were they supposed to comfort the man? Wherever mates were involved, the heart would always make the choice, but which one was it for Drew?

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