
Chapter 142 - 041: The Warrior’s Cries [2]


"Do the others know?" Arya asked the question everyone wanted to ask but didn't know how to start considering the state of their friend. She wanted to know if everyone in Nikita's circle knew that he was Qiao's ate. From the reaction Natalya had given that day, it was clear she had understood what the tow had meant by mate. She had also found out that Qiao Xi was a wolf, but Natalya hadn't told a soul. That was something she would keep to her grave. From what she had learned from Arya she knew how hard it was to tell someone that they were soulmates. But if soulmates were anything like Raya and her fight for Nikita, then Nataya was open to seeing Qiao and Drew happy. Sure she had known Qiao since he was a youngling, but she also trusted Drew. only because he was Arya's warrior and Natalya knew just how picky the alpha wolf was.

"Know what?" Drew asked like ray was speaking Greek. Ken, Enrique and Rohit were waiting to hear what this art of the conversation would entail and where it would lead them. Maybe there were answers hidden somewhere and all they had to do was look around, but maybe there weren't even questions in the first place.  So much time had passed, but here they were. Maybe by dawn they would have been able to fix the warrior, after all, a broken warrior was useless in war and right now, they were at war with more entities than they would care to admit openly.

"That you are Qiao Xi's mate?" Arya asked.

"How would they do it if they didn't even know that the man was a werewolf? The only way I knew he was one was because he touched me and we fuċkɨnġ stod there like stupid ingrates calling each other mates" Drew cussed out. He had never thought that his first meeting with his mate would make him look like he was high on something. The conversation he had had with Nikita traumatized him even more than the fact that he was mated to his crush. What the fuċk was ehe even suppsoed to say and how the fuċk was eh eevn to being the conversation? It really didn't help that he had found out that night that Qiao always had nightmares. He was usettlesd about the whole thing. Hsi first day sleeping at the Pavlenko house, his mate had slept and walked to his room and slept beside him. They had struggled throughout the night, but when Drew woke up, he didn't find iao beside him, it was almost like he had been dreaming, and it could have remained a dream if Qiao's scent didn't fill the room later on. FDrew had been pissed at that but he wasn't even able to act on it, besides who was he to stake a claim on Qiao? There were people who wanted him, people who were of the same class as him. But Drew was just his driever and security guard. He was literally a nobody in the human foodchain and that didn't tpiss him off earlier, except now it irritated him to the fullest because the fuċkig socila claasses were alway going to be a hindrance to his relationship with Qiao. clearly eh coudlnt tell Aria that he had shared the bed with his mate. He would tell her someday, when he was sure the man wouldn't reject him, or when they had rejected each other though he hoped to the goddess that they didn't reject each other, he already cared too much about the warrior. It was unhealthy but was oher option did he have anyway?

"Oh Drew" Arya said, comforting her broken warrior.

"Do you think he doesn't want me?" Drew asked, making everyone turn to look at him at the same time. Whatever Qiao had done to Drew, they needed to change that because this man was not the Drew they knew. The Drew they had grown up with, never questioned hsi choices. He always knew what was right and wrong. He knew what strategy would work best and what needed to follow. He was always on time and never had time to whɨnė. Actually, they had never heard the man complain about anything at the pack. But arely months in the human realm and he was already questioning everything he believed in. He had never doubted himself but here he was, doubting himself and that too, publicly. This was insane and they needed to fix it. They couldn't afford to have a warrior who was hurting and second-guessing himself. Drew was the standard for the warriors of the moonlight pack and even beyond, he was known for his planning and the successful missions to the point that whatever he was saying right now, it felt strange and forecgn t the ears. Thai is not what they had all subscribed to. Not this Drew anyway.

"He could have already rejected you" Ken said, his tone calm for the first time since Drew had come from work. He had never seen the head warrior in this state and he was willing to do anything to make sure his friend was back to normal. It was impossible to reject Drew. he was good at his job. He was a master of all trades and nothing could pin him down. So they wouldn't let thi pin him down. Nto ever.

"But his silence—" Drew argued.

"Maybe he's also trying to come around the fact that you're a wolf like him and his mate" Arya said and that made sense. Maybe they didn't know how to act around each other because technically werewolves were not supposed to exist on this side of the world. They were separated y realms for a reason. It was so that the wolves wouldn't disturb the humans and the humans wouldn't try shit with the warriors. It was always clear that the wolves were beasts and no matter how anyone wanted to look at it, there was no going back from who they already were. Come rain come sunshine they would always e the hunters and giev the ability the humans had to annoty the fuċk out of everyoen and everythinga roudn the,  it was a risk, having the wolves and the humans in one place. It was unadvisable for anyone. So that made more sense. Hopefully Dew would understand that too.

"He could ask me, and I won't lie to him" Drew countered

"Maybe he's scared, '' Arya said, making Drew scoff.

"Or maybe he's busy with the company and Nikita," Enrique suggested.

"Why not me? Drew asked and Arya facepalmed. How long was she supposed to endure this?

"Because you probably scared the guy away" Ken said before he walked further away before he was fried. 

"How about this Drew, you go sleep it off and tomorrow, we will find a solution, no?" Arya said and Drew just nodded.. He was worried about himself too.

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