
Chapter 114 - Meeting the duo


Arya sighed at Jacob's response.

She knew this wasn't going to be easy and whatever he meant by the worst of the worst? That didn't worry her. She couldn't care less. The only person who could make her feel down was Nikita and if he wasn't coming, then what was the point of all this anyway.

As she sat there, listening to the crude woman on the other end talk to Jacob, Arya wondered how Andrew was doing. She wasn't sure what Andrew was going to do to blend in the human world.

Maybe he would work as a security guard. Then again, with the temper Andrew had, it was just not adding up. However, the alpha could only hope that her head warrior didn't get himself in trouble with the humans.

If that happened, she would have to clean a lot of blood off her hands and she wanted to stay clean until she got to Nikita.

Arya touched the transmitters she had been using to communicate.

She knew that it was just a matter of time before they could hear her and he couldn't hear them and that was okay. But then again, communication was two-way through right now, she was hoping that no matter what happened to her, she would be able to reach them.

"Hello Samantha," Rael said as she walked in. She was a beautiful woman who apparently had a love for black leather wear. Her hair was up in a nice bun, and her lipstick was dark like she wanted everyone to stay the fuċk away from her, but wanted someone who could break through her walls.

Her beautiful round eyes looked puffy like she had been sitting behind the screen for long or maybe she was writing, but that was something Arya couldn't figure out at the moment. She had to give it to Real though, she looked really good. 

"That's not nice, Rael. we should greet her well, like, hello, your royal highness" Morgana mocked like this is what she did on a daily basis. In her gray sweats, she looked like she was going to a pageant.

She had every detail of her face brought out. She was perfection, the kind we saw on the modeling runways. She was the breath of fresh air, almost like a balance to the dark aura that surrounded Rael.

Together, they could have made a perfect couple, but then from the look of things, they didn't play for their teams.

"Whatever. She looks so pretty for pain in the boss's ȧss I must admit," Rael said as she walked towards Arya. there were no cuffs on Arya or even any restraints.

Whatever was meant to break Arya was on the CCTV footage, but Natalya knew what she was getting into, so Arya wasn't the least bit worried about that. The woman would be okay, and given that Jacob had not come to plead with her humanity, then nothing is happening to Natalya.

"Of course, she has to be pretty. The boss wouldn't just sleep with anyone" Morgana said with a laugh. She made it sound like Arya was a loose woman, but was there a point to it?

The woman had slept with her mate, without telling him what it meant. Even though Arya had not triggered their bond, it still wasn't right to get into bed with him. She didn't care though, besides, she never claimed to be chief of chastity. 

"You ladies look so good too, how about we make a ladies club considering how you guys look ready to do anything to me now eh?" Arya said flatly, her voice bored as fuċk.

If they wanted to ask her shit, they could just do it already instead of just sitting there and pretending like the world was going to stop functioning because of them. This right here was why she never believed humans.

They were all talking and nothing.

Arya wanted to get out, she wanted to run to Nikita. She wanted to be there for people, she wanted to be the girl Nikita chose in the end and the only way she would know that was if Nikita himself showed up. But from what she was seeing, she wasn't about to meet him, ever.

"Oh wait, we haven't done introductions yet," Rael said, as she scratched her neck with her handgun. It was a beautiful weapon on a beautiful woman. They could have truly formed a nice little club of the misfits of the society.

They could have reigned in their power and made people bow to them. It was obvious they all were three women who knew what they wanted even though they were on different sides. 

"Right. Anyway, My name is Morgana, pleased to make your acquaintance" Morgana said, stretching out her hands for Arya, only to fold back when Arya didn't even spare a glance at her hand. Well, there was no point in pretending, right?

Arya rolled her eyes at the women in front of her, wondering how they had gotten to this point. One thing was clear though, they were among Nikita's most trusted people.

The legion she had known about, but there two had to be part of the elites. Well, they may have been crazy, but at least they had ranked in the human world.

That had to mean something, right? But not to Arya.

"And I am Rael the crazy one," Rael said and Arya held back a scoff.

'You're nothing like crazy' Arya thought to herself. If this woman could know who Arya Knight was, she would never call herself crazy again.

Arya was a crazy rebel that had made the great packs surrounding moonlight packs submit. The gluttonous alphas who had wanted her home, the people who believed that a woman was not fit to be in power.

The people demanded that her parents get another child because the girl was just going to be a weakling. They had all submitted, and Ricardo Knight didn't even have to lift a finger. His daughter, the rebel of rebels, had done it all.

There were times Arya wanted to open the mind link and explain to her parents why she had come to this end and this far into the human realm.

She wanted to tell them she would go back home and she wanted to give them a proper explanation, not the half-assed explanation she kept giving them. She wanted to be straight with her parents and make them understand that she had no other option.

Hopefully, they would understand, besides, as she watched the two women in this room, Arya knew it was a good decision to keep the mind link closed because her parents and people would feel her pain if ever she got burnt and she didn't want that, not when she did know when she was going to go back home.

"Won't you introduce yourself?"

"Oh hi there, I'm Samantha," Arya said to Rael in a tone that mocked the women in front of her.

They would be okay though, right?

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