Mid-summer with the sound of a cicada ringing.

Summer is also in the middle of the year and tourists and travellers will be busy in popular spots right now.

In tourist attractions, it is the mountains of Sekiyama that are ruined by people and swallowed by people's waves.

I don't feel very comfortable going.

In the meantime, I, the Night Rabbit, am also taking a little trip.


The elbow that had arrived slipped because the car swayed so much that I woke up from sleep and the lid opened slightly.

"Time to not get there"

I hear my father squeaking at the view, blurring.

When I heard what his father said, I peered out the window, even though I was still a little sleepy.

Outside you can see fields, skis and rivers, with views of the countryside far from the city.

Dragonflies, even through the window you can hear the cicada squeal, a little noisy.

(Nothing's changed, here)

Nothing has changed since I came here two years ago.

I've always thought of it as country, but I didn't know it was so far country.

This is my mother's birthplace.

My mother was from the country when I saw her, and she wanted to learn about cooking back in the day and went to Tokyo.

And now it's that mother's parents, or my grandfather's, who's going.


"There you are. Everybody."

"Nice to meet you."

When I arrived home safely and went inside through the front door, Grandpa and Grandma picked me up.

"Long time no see, Father, Mother"

"I'm out of time. I'll take care of you."

Contrary to her mother, who says she looks nostalgic, her father bows to discipline.

Is it because it's the other parent's house or are you concerned?

More courteous than usual.

"Nightingale, you and Xia Lian are here."

"Hello, Grandma"


Grandma talks to me, and me and Xia Lian greet me softly.

They're both a little younger when they say they're almost over seventy.

Less wrinkles on her face, and even her hair still doesn't see gray hair if she's a grandmother.

Especially if you are a grandmother, you are always bright and honwacky, similar to your mother.

Because I call my grandmother Grandma because I can feel it calling her Grandma on a boulder.

Something looks sad when I call you Grandma, and I'm afraid to say it.

Would it have been a mistake to call me Grandma back in the day?

"Long time no see. You guys."

"Right. Grandpa."

"It's been two years."

Grandpa talks in a slightly squeamish low voice.

It's quiet, faceless, oligarchy and I don't know what you're thinking, and that's a lot like Summer Lotus there.

In this case, I guess Xia Lian resembled Grandpa, but I felt most hereditary here.

Because I feel a little spoken, I think I might be staring at you silently or telepathically.

Grandpa and grandma, these two darker characters.

For once my parents died in an accident and my mothers took me away, but my real mother is a sister to my current mother.

So virtually it hit my real grandfather and grandmother, and they treated me nicely after I lost my parents.

"Why don't you come on in?"

Grandma urged us to take off our shoes and go into the back of the house.


I finished talking to my grandparents in the living room all the way, and I'm taking a break in the other room.

I hear the room you're in is going to be my bunk for a couple of days.

The room with tatami is not in the house, so when I go to bed, I feel a unique smell of tatami and this is fine.

The wind blowing from the edge in front of you, the chillin hanging and the sound of a windchime ringing.

It feels like summer.

This house is old looking, but big for nothing.

There is no upstairs, but it is wide enough, and there are these extra rooms.

Is it the closest you can get to a house like Mr. Sao-yee's?

My grandmother moaned that it was too wide for both of us.

"Nothing much."

"That's what this place is all about."

I respond to Mel's voice from my phone while sleeping.

"I want to see the view! I set up my phone to fulfill Mel's request, but I don't think there's anything to see.

As he dazzled over the tatami, he suddenly heard footsteps from the edge.

"Oh, I knew I was asleep"

When I saw it, there was a summer lotus there who gave a voice that I said was what I expected.

"What can I do for you?

"Free time"

Xia Lian responded concisely to me asking for help.

No, even if they say "free" with such a faceless look....

I stare silently at Xia Lian's words, which are too concise to convey the guidelines at all.


"....... free time"

"No, I hear you."

They say the same thing twice, I wake up and ask Xia Lian.

"If they say I'm free, there's nothing I can do...."

"I'm free, let's go for a walk together"

Looking down at me sitting on a tatami, Xia Lian finally told me what to do.

Then you wanted me to say it first.

Maybe Xia Lian was expecting me to invite her, but I'm not so sure I can read the mind of someone like that on a boulder.

"I'd like to take a look too!

Did Mel get interested when he heard it was a walk, on his phone screen. Yes, yes! And raise your hand.

Well, it would be boring to see this nothing landscape all the time.

I was free, too, and let's just say I'm going.

Well, let's go.

Heavy hips up, me and Summer Lotus head to the front door for a walk.

Tell the mothers to go for a walk along the way, and I'll take what's out of my pocket while I put on my shoes.

"What's that?

"It's a small earphone camera."

Look at what I've taken out, Summer Lotus looks unusual.

It looks like just an earphone with no looking cord, but it's a substitute with a small camera there.

Recently it was convenient, I bought it because I found it when I was looking for it, and finally it was time to try it.

When I hear about earphone-shaped cameras, Xia Lian stares at me with suspicious eyes at what she thought.

"...... stealing?

"No, why not?"

What are you stealing where there's nothing like this?

Or even if there were, you wouldn't do it.

When I tried to deny the misunderstanding, Mel objected first.

"The master doesn't do that! And you don't have to use those hands to peek, you can peek as much as you want!

Whatever the first half, the second half is terrible.

That's so "Awesome!" You can only laugh bitterly when you put your chest up.

I let my mouth cling to the follow-ups I hadn't followed, and Summer Lotus pulls herself back as she shelters her body.

Such an accelerated mistake led me to hastily solve a misunderstanding. I'm going to be compassionate ahead.


"Totally, weird misunderstanding"

"Followed, accidentally"

I sigh lightly as I walk down the road.

Next to that, Xia Lian makes a peaceful apology saying "I'm sorry" without looking bad.

Do you really think so?

When I saw Summer Lotus giving a flat thank you, and I thought so, Mel was looking at the view in front of me and exclaiming.

"It's full of trees, it's beautiful!

We're walking in the mountains, a little sloped, but covered in trees and a little arched.

Natural and airy, you can't taste it again in the city.

I liked this place a lot because of the shade even in the summer thanks to the wooden cover and it is a cool place.

"You haven't changed anything, here."


I nod in a swallowing tone at the words of Summer Lotus, who grunts.

I haven't been here in two years, but I figured this area hasn't changed anything since before.

In this countryside, they often come in summer and winter, and come all year round on summer and winter holidays.

There was something about me last year, and I didn't have this in the country, but I was a little relieved that it hadn't changed.

Even so, I miss it.

I'm boggling, I'm walking down the mountain road.

I used to take occasional walks here.

I've been in this country since about elementary school, and I used to come here occasionally in my spare time.

Were your hearts danced to places you didn't know back then?

Old memories came back, and as I missed them, I saw a small temple from the front.

"Oh, is this still happening?"

When I saw the temple, I walked over to the temple with a little joy and crouched.

I miss it, I used to come here when I came.

I don't know what kind of people are being served.

Rubbing the roof and I miss it, Summer Lotus saw it and said she seemed to miss it.

"I miss you."


Summer Lotus has occasionally gone for walks with me and knows this place very well.

All the moss creeped up and made me feel like I was in a time, and it kept lingering without getting obsolete.

Sounds like you're still here.

For a while, I looked at the shrine in nostalgia and reported to me that Mel had found something.

Master, something's moving behind the temple.

That's what they say, I'm behind? and stood up heavy and peered behind the temple.

Then the moment I peeked, I saw an organism with a surprised look on my face.


Was there a fox in this mountain?

To an animal I don't see here, I was wondering, but I realized I was injured and rushed closer.

Apparently, he injured his leg.

But when I saw the wound, I knew it wasn't a big deal, and I was horrified, Summer Lotus peeked in from behind.

"What's going on?

"A fox. I didn't know you were here."

To the words of Xia Lian, I say rarely.

But you felt weird about my words like that, Xia Lian said, "Hmm?" I twisted my neck all the time.

"Fox?..... where?

To the unexpected reaction of Summer Lotus, I said, "Huh?" He turned to Summer Lotus, surprised, but Summer Lotus was leaning her neck just in doubt.

It's not like I can't see in the way.

Xia Lian's eyes are directed straight towards the fox.

If so, why haven't you seen it? I asked Xia Lian, pointing my finger at the fox, in order to get confirmation again.

"You, are you sure you can't see?

"I don't see it at all"

Even after checking again, Xia Lian says she can't see and shakes her neck to the side.

What the hell is going on?

I wonder more and more, and I look around the fox again.

Slightly dirty yellow hair, two (...) tails on forefoot wounds.

.... Hmm? Wait.

"Two tails?

A fox had one tail, didn't it?

Surprised to have two tails, I stare at the tail.

Has even a new hybrid emerged at some point?

As I looked at the fox, Mel told me the stunning truth.

"Master, perhaps it is a monster"

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