Time goes back, different worlds [Anams].

The class led by Tenkamiya Fai was in the process of healing his injured body after losing his battle.

"Uh, they did a brilliant job. Damn."

"Ha, don't push it."

"Are you okay? Broken arm"

"Yeah, it's better than before. Now you can still wield your weapon. haha."

In the infirmary in the castle, the classes speak and encourage each other.

From what I've seen, they're laughing and talking, but I can tell they're forced to laugh.

Today's sky is dull, gray-like cloudy.

It was as if they were manifesting their mood now, staring terribly.


Heavenly House, watching how it was going, didn't know how to speak to everyone, just looked at it with a glimpse.

I can't do it.

He makes laughs when he shows his weakness.

Thanks to previous experience, I haven't thrown up a weak tone as a person.

What a painful sight it looked to the Heavenly House that I knew it was.

"Dear Heavenly House,"


Luciano, the princess of this castle, spoke to the Heavenly House looking out the door.

The voice color is the same as usual, but the face is cloudy and a little darker.

"Thank you for your safety."

"No, everyone is better than me......"

That said, the Heavenly House turns a blind eye to the class.

This time, the Heavenly Senate lost.

The opponent lost to one of the Four Heavens, the Demon Clan.

Last time it was because we could have won, somewhere they might have all been chronic, including the Heavenly House.

Even though it was a 38-to-1 situation, the Heavenly House and others were defeated.

It was overwhelming. I couldn't get my hands or feet out.

After all, one of the Four Heavenly Kings who fought before seemed weakest, and when he fled, the Four Heavenly Kings who fought told him, "He is weakest".

The Heavenly Senate wanted to scream how weak the last one was, but now I don't even have that kind of energy.

One regrets that the words heard in the liquor store one day turned into reality and that the Heavenly House should have thought more seriously.

"Was Miki okay?

"Yes. Wounds are no big deal. I just use too much magic, and now I'm asleep."

Hearing Lugliano's words, the Heavenly House howls, "Good".

There are miraculously no dead in the battle against the Four Heavens King.

There is no other reason for this. It is found in Tendo Miki, the user of [metastatic magic].

As soon as possible during the battle with the Four Heavens King, Miki was sensing the strength of his opponent, instantly moving everyone around with a transfer.

However, because everyone was falling apart, they could not transfer to one side, and because of repeated metastases, they lost their magic and are still asleep.

After confirming Miki's safety, the Heavenly House relieved herself for a little while and quickly became a full face of determination.

"Princess, I have a favor to ask you"

"Please, is it?

When asked for a favor and wondering what Luciano would be, the Heavenly House opened its teasing mouth for a little while.

"Let me leave here for a little while"

"What do you mean, this country?


Lugliano, who suddenly wanted to leave the country and wondered why, but the Heavenly House told him why with a straight eye.

"I'm still weak. I still don't have enough power to beat that demon clan. But there are limits here. So I want to leave the country and train."

"Do you have that?

"First I'm going to go to a different dungeon than here. For a higher level."

The level of the present Senate in Heaven is 83.

The fact that you can't win at this level means that those Four Heavenly Kings demon tribes are more than that.

To the determination of the Heavenly House, Lugliano shows a bare gesture to think a little.

I am delighted that the Heavenly House will be strong.

Honestly, Lugliano was also worried that the hearts of the brave men would break as they were.

Even with the Heavenly House gone, the rest of the class will be fine.

Brave men with them.

Even if they are originally from different worlds, they have also grown in the last seven months.

Even without the Heavenly House, it's okay to some extent.

But that's not the problem.

"Is that okay? About Miki."

To Lugliano's concern, the Heavenly House squeezes its mouth.

The class is fine. But Miki is different.

Miki likes Heavenly House.

I don't just like that either, I really like it.

Leaving someone you like is too spicy for Miki because we've been together for seven months.

And, in fact, the Heavenly House had recently begun to notice the favor of Miki.

I can't deny the feeling now, but when asked about Miki, Heavenly House gradually cut it out like this.

"Sure, I think it's bad for Miki. But uh-uh."

The Heavenly House stares straight into Lugliano's eyes.

"It can't end like this. I'm a brave man. Don't let the brave break in here."

Control evil with courage.

Heavenly House is now trying to do everything it needs to be done in a straight line.

Keep standing up to them, no matter how big they are.

After hearing such Heavenly House words, Lugliano thinks with his eyes quietly closed.

"So please! Let me go!

Heavenly House of Heaven to bow its head and plead.

In an attempt to respond to that Heavenly House wish, Lugliano heard a cheer from the infirmary at once, the moment he opened his mouth.

"Well said! Heavenly House!!

"That's our leader!!

"Be careful and go!!

"I'll take care of Mr. Tendo!

"We'll be right behind you!!

I was too enthusiastic about the conversation and the Heavenly House forgot.

This is in front of the infirmary.

The door is also left open, and conversations with Lugliano and others are wasted and leaked.


To the cheer from everyone, the Heavenly House raised its face, flashed, and gradually moved a little.

Am I so supportive?

Was I so admired?

Hearing the class cheer, Lugliano loosened his cheeks.

"You were worried."


"I was worried about Miki, but this doesn't seem to be a problem"

Even if there is no Heavenly House, there is everyone.

Listening to that Lugliano word, the Heavenly House clogs the words "Well, then..."

Lugliano giggles at the Heavenly House, which is unable to say what he wants to say well and is pampering his mouth.

"But there's one condition."

"Ji, terms?

It is said to be a condition, and the Heavenly House looks anxious as soon as possible.

Looking at the anxious Heavenly House, Lugliano said with a fuzzy, mean grin.

"Call me Luli from now on"

"Uh, Luli, is it?

"Yes, or I won't admit it"

Lugliano gives a slightly excited look to the Heavenly House with an unexpected face.

It's a chilling heavenly house wondering what the hell conditions are to be served, but no matter how far she goes, the princess has been laughing lightly with the princess.

"Yes, I get it. Luli."

"Go with care"

"Thank you"

Hearing Lugliano's consent again, the Heavenly House ran with a smile at the same time as it thanked him.

Hehe, that's the Heavenly House.

Lugliano laughs happily as he looks at the back of the running heavenly courtyard.

Seven months after the interracial summons.

The Heavenly House of Lords continue on a new path to defeat the Demon King.


At the same time that the Heavenly House was talking to Lugliano.

There were two men and women outside the castle asking what was going on inside.

"Something, they all look dark. I can't. I'm laughing."

The girl tells the other man as she lets her eyes pat open with both hands.

Fluffy beige hair, green and red odd-eyed girlfriend.

A small magic formation was at the end of the girl's eyes as if she were using what skills or playing the role of glasses, and the girl was looking at the castle through it.

"You don't have to do that to look normal. Mana."

"Uh, that's good. It's a matter of mood."

Seeing how to open his eyes with both hands, the man points out in a frightening manner, but Mana never tries to stop him.

He was a man I don't think he quite understands as usual, but he switches to, well, okay, turns his back on the castle.

"Enough. Let's go."

"Huh? Enough?

"It's a waste of time even then. Besides, they'll be fine."

That said the man walks out.

"Oh, wait! Ren (...)!"

To a boy called Len walking out, Mana follows him on a small run.

Dark eyes on dark hair.

A rare figure in this other world [Anams], he was part of a class that was with the former Heavenly House of Lords.

He died in a dungeon a few months ago. It's still a long way off how he's going to meet them.

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