My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

Looks like there's a lot going on here.

When I hear of a monster, I think surprisingly and calmly.

You never even thought about it.

Monsters had pushed in on Metron's mistakes before, but I didn't think monsters existed on Earth.

Vegetable Sprouts (Stop) Fox Race LV2

Health 120/300

Magic 350/350



I tried [appraising] it, but it's definitely a monster.

[Change] is confirmed at a certain point in the Skills section.

Besides, what bothers me is that there's a name, which means someone's giving it to me.

Who the hell gave it a name?

I thought about it a little bit, but there was one thing that bothered Mel before that.

"Oh, my God. Where did you learn that?

Pick up your phone and I'll ask Mel.

"The other day, when the master told me to go to the former master and harass him, he also ordered me to bring him some information that might be useful, so I brought him a lot of things."

That's what I hear, and I look like I've been forgetting.

Speaking of which, you said that too.

Though I completely forgot about one of Scala's things.

Xia Lian grabbed my shoulder when she heard me and Mel talking like that and wondered what you were talking about.

"Hey, what were you talking about earlier? Is there something over there?

I respond to Summer Lotus, who grabs her shoulder with both hands and shakes her with a glass, and asks, "Hey, hey, hey," I can't seem to talk.

"Ah, ah. Here's a fox that looks like a monster."

"I want to see"

Before I finished saying there was a fox, Xia Lian came down with a voice with no "show me" and no discouragement.

As usual, you have no emotions, but you're quite concerned about the guy from Summer Lotus.

I saw a chill on my face, but my eyes were slightly wide open.

This is proof of intrigue.

But even if they told me to show it.....

How did you forgive this curious sister?

I didn't know what to do, and Mel helped me out when I was in trouble.

"That would be possible."

Listening to Mel's words, Xia Lian stopped shaking and looked at Mel in her phone.

"Is that true?

"Yes, Master, please hold Master Xia Lian's hand"

"Oh, oh. Okay."

Mel told me to take Xia Lian's hand as I was told.

Suddenly he shook his hand and Xia Lian looked at the hand he shook slightly itchy, but Mel keeps talking.

"And let the Master's magic flow to Summer Lotus," he said.

"Is that all right with you?

Something tells me that if I do too much of this, my body will stop wearing it and it feels dangerous.

"It's no problem at all. It's dangerous for boulders if you do it in large quantities."

Then we have to be careful.

Hearing Mel explain, I meditate my eyes to concentrate on Summer Lotus's hand behind me.

Concentrate the magic in your body to pour just a little bit into Summer Lotus, gnawing at nature and Summer Lotus hands! Stronger grip.


Do you see something pouring into your body, Xia Lian puts her strength into her body and speaks slightly.

Is this any worse?

"Do you see it now? Xia Lian"

I stop the magic in Xia Lian's reaction, and that's what I ask.

Then Xia Lian looks at the fox as if she was surprised that she could see something by stopping the magic.

"I was really there. Besides, I have two tails."

Apparently now I really see it.

Mel tells me, "Don't let go of my hand after I see you," and don't let go for once.

Safe Summer Lotus can also see the fox, and I will observe the fox again.

I knew you had one, two tails.

You're not hallucinating me or anything, you actually look like Summer Lotus.

I wondered why Mel had a monster on this planet.

"Hey, Mel. Why is there a monster on Earth? God in this world died a long time ago, didn't he?

It's managed by surrogate Metron now, but he doesn't seem to be bothered to even manage this monster.

He said he wanted to play more games than that.

When I asked Mel, Mel took out a bunch of paper that she wanted to see where she had taken it from while she said, "Erm..." and said as she checked.

"Once upon a time, the original Earth God had created monsters in this world just like his former master. But it's different from the way the former master does it."

"Something else?

Mel nods yes to my return.

"The God of the Earth made monsters grow just like humans. Unlike the world of former masters, the planet's monsters were highly intelligent and made themselves. And they created monsters that grew with each other just like humans. To make them coexist."

I mean, was the Earth's God trying to make monsters have high intelligence and self to coexist with us humans?

Summarize Mel's story, and I realize there was something similar to this fox at the same time as I understood it, and I tell Mel.

"Maybe those monsters are monsters or something from humans?

"Exactly. Far away, they say it's a demon."

Mel affirms my statement, I look up to heaven "seriously" and Xia Lian looks at the fox with a little "ooh" glowing.

Was there really a monster?

Summer Lotus asked Mel a question from behind as I shut my mouth for a few moments to the shock fact.

"Why is there no monster at all now?

To Xia Lian's question, Mel turns the paper in bundles as she says, "Wait a minute ~".

Then you found it, and Mel said, "There it is!," and then responded to the question.

"At first it seemed like we were being careful not to meet either of them, but one day it seemed like a human being had witnessed a monster. People who saw monsters who looked strange panicked and tried to get rid of them immediately."

That's it, me and Xia Lian face each other.

If you've heard so much, you can predict later.

You thought you'd be attacked, what a common mortal fool.

"Then the monsters, who were known to exist by the humans, feared being attacked and didn't show up in public very often. But some of them seemed to try to fight back, and at that time, humans were asking people like Yin Yang Masters and Exorcists to get rid of them."

You've got a name like you heard here.

To the mystery of history, which is being preached more and more, I listen to Mel in silence, even as I perceive future developments.

"They defeated the fiercely counter-attacking monsters one after the other. The Earth gods who saw it rushed to take their power and to some extent the monsters were at peace, but it seems that the Earth gods also just died there. After that, the monsters stopped showing themselves as they were, and eventually evolved into a physique they couldn't see except a human with more than a certain amount of magic power, and they still live in seclusion."

After reading the material, I said to Mel, "How was it? I was asked," Ha.... "I just breathed more admiration, and I couldn't say anything.

That's a deep story inside.

Xia Lian thought the same thing, he was soaked in sentiment after hearing it.

"Oh, my God, that's a sad story"


You read it and thought Mel, too, and I agree with you.

If humans had to fail, they would have had a society to spend time with the monsters by now.

Me and Mel were swallowing, "Hey, hey," swayed Xia Lian from behind, pointing to the fox.

"You're not going to help me?

When I look at the fox pointing at me, I say, "Ah."

Shit, I totally forgot because I was distracted by Mel's story.

I wrapped my hands around the place where the fox was injured to cure the injury.

At that moment, my hands are wrapped in pale light and I leave my hands shackled for a while.

After some effort, I let go of my hand and the fox wound there disappeared.

This will be okay now.

Confirming that the wound had healed, the sleeping fox's eyes gradually woke up.

"Hmm, that? Where are we?

At the next moment, I woke up. I heard a high voice like a child from the fox's mouth.

I heard this. Me and Xia Lian don't speak up, but they open their eyes and look at each other.

Come on, I just talked to you, you fox.

I expected you to talk a little, but don't be stunned when you actually see it.

I was confused by the fox, but I decided not to talk to him.

"Are you all right? Looks like he was hurt."

"Huh? to, human!?

All of a sudden he spoke and the fox saw this one with a Kyotong face, but gradually he distanced himself from us with great surprise.

Well, if you can talk to a human who can't even see you, then you will.

I try to calm the fox down as I say "well wait" to the fox who asks this one in a slight freak.

"Nothing. We don't do anything. I just wanted to help."


"You had a foot injury, didn't you? I was just curing that. And if you're gonna do something about it, you're gonna try to catch me first, right?

I was told, and the fox checked his feet and said, "It's true! It's healing!!" He gave a similar surprise to joy, and when he ran around for a while, he came under me.

"Thanks for your help -!

"Glad you're cured."

To thank the fox, I smile and stroke my head.

When I stroke my head, the fox narrows its eyes to feel good and squeals "Kyuuuuuuuu".

When I saw that, Summer Lotus also wanted to stroke me. I said "I'll do it too" and took turns stroking her.

"Glad you're cured."


Me and Mel talk happily as we watch Summer Lotus stroke her head as she says "cute".

After some stroking, Xia Lian let go satisfied and realized that the fox was looking at me.

"Wow! Human!! He has great spiritual powers!!


"It's magic where we say it is. Master."

I tilted my neck at a word I didn't know, but Mel put in a supplement for me.

I'm a monster, so can you tell the strength of magic or something?

Seeing my tremendous magic, the fox began to run around me happy.

"Wow!! This will help Mr. Huang Hua!!

When I was confused by the delightful fox because I didn't know why, the fox stopped and asked me for a favor.

"Please!! Meet Master Huang Hua with me!!

"Master Huang Hua?

Who the hell is Huang Hua?

Before you hear it, the fox moves to the temple in a hurry and calls us.

"Come on! Come here!!

What the hell is that?

I can't figure out what's going on and I'm confused, but once I follow the fox, I move forward from behind the temple.

"Follow me!!

When we made sure we moved, the fox dashed into the temple.

Disappeared? The fox that jumped into the temple disappeared, and I was a little surprised, but interpret it at will as a kind of [metamagic].

"What do we do?

Summer Lotus asked me to turn her face to the side while holding her hand, and I thought a little, but gave her an immediate answer.

"You want to go?"

I can't think of it as a trap because of that, and if anything happens [space-time transfer magic], it's fine because even if the space is different, you can travel.

When I was so determined, Xia Lian also said "OK" and I didn't disagree.

Getting ready, I slowly reached out to the shrine, and when my fingertips hit the shrine, suddenly there was a white light in front of me.


To the sudden light I meditated my eyes, and eventually there was no longer me and Xia Lian on the spot.

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