229 – Goal (5)



An explosion erupted in the distance. The earth’s axis shook shallowly.

Even if high-ranking magic collided with each other, it would not be easy to exert this much power. Expression of greater power.

‘No way….’

I hope my guess is just wrong.


“…… Uh?”

“Did you open that portal?!”

I hurriedly asked Rubia, who turned her head to the source of the explosion due to the sudden shock.

“Uh… uh! Why?!”

Ruvia answered in a slightly uneasy voice, wondering if she had postponed the battle of nerves with Mew, or if she was being scolded.

But I was thinking deeply.

‘Portal, portal… ….’

The magic that connects space and space.

Dimensional Station.

‘…… Right.’

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Just like the interactive nature of portals.

If there is a way to go, there must be a way back.

‘The shadow that erodes the host… How do you deal with power?’

The outline is gradually being drawn.



The first thing is to figure out what happened there. Looking at the direction, it seems that Elena is the one who turned back. If something big happens to you, shouldn’t you run to it right away?

Therefore, I spoke to Mew, who was still wearing a triumphant expression.

“Could you come and see the situation over there?”

Mu is nimble and fast. Very.

It must be as simple as checking the situation and returning.

“What if I say no?”

“… ….”

I thought you would take it lightly.

As always, it seems that the playfulness has been activated.

“What are you going to do by leaving me alone?”

“I’m not doing anything. Ask… ….”

I was about to say


“… No, I don’t think you need to go.”


“Ruvia! I thought you opened that portal earlier! Maybe you can open it however you want?!”

“Huh? Now, I’m not sure…….”

Rubia didn’t seem quite sure what was going on here yet. A face full of questions. She walked this way with the other two, taking care not to step on the person who had fallen to her feet.

“Ezio, what the hell….”

Why am I here? What happened There will be a lot of things you want to ask. However, I did not have the time to answer them one by one.


She grabbed Rubia’s shoulder as she approached. She stiffens as she cowers her body like a frightened herbivore. I say it while meeting her Rubia innocent eyes.

“Sorry, but I need your help.”

“… Air? Uh, yes yes. Say.”

She seems to be taken aback. Her eyeballs keep rolling sideways. Still, as if she was going to put my words in, Rubia finally made eye contact with me.

I lifted her finger and pointed away from her.

“See where I just made the noise? Can you open the portal over there? ‘Cause it’ll take a while You just need to check.”

This is better than Mu going directly. Safer, less risky.

After hearing my request, Rubia’s complexion became profound. She seems unsure. She was delighted with her nuance that when she first opened the portal and entered, she did not know she would succeed. She said once successful, twice easy, but well. I also knew that her spatial magic was not so easy.

“…… Okay. I’ll try.”

However, Rubia resolutely nodded her head and replied.

“Thank you. Rubia. After all, there is only you.”

“… No, hehehe What is this….”

A light smile was drawn on my lips. There must be a lot of questions, but that’s why Katabuta’s way of following my words was extraordinary.

Myu, who had been watching us from the side, suddenly interrupted.

“Wait, I’m just here—”

“You be quiet. I don’t even have time to play around with it.”

“What, no…. In case you’re upset… ?”

Mu looked at me and said. Unfortunately, it didn’t pout at all. I just thought this was a much safer and faster option.

“It’s not like that, so be quiet anyway. Rubia is focused.”

“…… You’re upset, what?”

A sullen voice floated about.


An explosion rang again. This time it didn’t end there. A cloud of gray smoke rises above the sky. We knew each other without speaking. Whether it was a battle or something, an accident happened.

Rubia, whose composure disappeared from her face, began her calculations. We stood one step away from it and watched the distortion of the space.

In the meantime, when new faces opened the portal and appeared, we showed our student IDs to some teachers who were trying to identify us and explained what happened. ….

─Yes? Yes…. This. Okay. Go right away yes!

─You guys! Don’t do anything wrong and stay here! Never move recklessly!

They soon received a call from somewhere, and as if something urgent happened, they hurriedly ran away and disappeared. Direction… Anyway, it was over there. Where the explosion was heard.

So, all that was left here was the transport to move the fainting person to the infirmary or the temple, the teachers in charge of handling the shadows, and us.

“Hey. What is this?”


While Rubia opens the portal.

Yuri came close to her and stabbed her in the side and glared at her eyes. If I don’t explain quickly, she will stab me even deeper. Did these guys taste the taste as a group when I stabbed my side?

“Because of you, even I got caught up in it. What are you going to do with this I even promised my dad that something like this would never happen again….”

“Why is it because of me? It’s not my fault that the devil broke in. Go and ask the devil.”

Strictly speaking, it could have been because of me. I don’t even need to mention that.

Hearing my words, Yuri’s eyes widened.

“… Devil? Did you say devil? No way….”

“Come. It happened.”

Let’s affirm without thinking too much.

“…… No, what is this?”


It looked as if it had been struck by lightning. “In addition… ?” Yuri muttered and salivated as if her head hurt.

“Wasn’t the war already over? Why do you keep showing up? Is it because you drank or what? Or, like you said last time—”

“That is noisy. Worry too long.”

“What, what? Do you see this as a simple problem? This….”

I rolled my gaze to the side, then down. There was a small tall glass. A look of anxiety that it will turn into a big incident. Still, her mental burst, so she wasn’t confused. If it is progress, is it progress?

Inadvertently, she tried to place her hand on top of his head. It’s not the time for her to be fooling around. Therefore, quietly look ahead and say.

“No big deal. Tomorrow morning will be peaceful.”

Even if it were true, it would be a tacit peace.

At least the people close to me will end without getting hurt. I was so sure

“…… I don’t know if you know that this is a very irresponsible word. What kind of power do you have Do you think it would be possible for you to handle an incident of this scale by yourself?”


“…… On what basis?”

Yuri twisted her eyebrows at my sword answer.

I made this promise with Yuri’s father, in other words King Artina. A promise to protect the princess even if demons invade the frontier.

King Artina believed in me and sent Yuri.

So, if the moment came to break this promise, Yuri would be forcibly returned to the kingdom and he would never take classes with us again.

More than that, this was a matter directly related to trust. I didn’t want to betray those who believed in me.

“-Because I will make it that way.”


I will protect it somehow.

“…… Come.”

The speechless Yuri shook his head.

“Really unreliable….”


“This is the pinnacle of irresponsibility. Keeping in shape is also childish. If something big happens to you, what are you going to do with embarrassing yourself later? No, it’s already bigger than that, isn’t it? Inside and outside, everything was in a mess. Now.”

“…… Mmm.”

I’ll match the rhythm.

I was touching the back of my neck for no reason.

“Don’t be shy. Are you saying this to be safe? I’ll do my best to run on my feet, so don’t worry too much—”

“Yes. So he must have sneaked out alone. Without a single hemisphere. Do you know how anxious Rubia was while looking for you?”


Looks like he got angry too.

With stronger force than before, it pierced my side.

“There is a certain degree of recklessness. If you break your promise to my dad, I’ll have to go back there…. I absolutely hate that.”

Yuri pursed her lips and raised her head.

“Okay? Please don’t do anything weird.”


I got it.

I stroke the chin.

“I thought. Therefore… Can I use the fact that you don’t want to go back as an excuse for worrying about me?”

“…… ! Who, who interprets that?! No it’s not! No! Huh, heh, be patient. That’s ridiculous! Really!”


There is a saying that thieves numb their feet. Right now, Yuri was perfectly putting those words into practice.

My ear lobe is red. I didn’t know that it was real. Is this proof that we’ve become very close? I didn’t feel too bad.

Uh uh uh uh-!

Aside from Yuri, who has become a machine repeating no and no, his portal is about to open. Beads of sweat were forming on Rubia’s nape. She was so focused that it was as if we couldn’t hear any of our conversation.

“…… ?”

Suddenly, my gaze went to Stella.

She stood still, looking at the city in disarray, but like Rubia, she was deeply engrossed in something. What is she thinking

… On the one hand, I’ve told Stella well to make sure this doesn’t happen. Geared up to find me and arrived here.

However, I also had a lot of questions about how I found my location and how I was able to open the portal.

All of that… You will know after today’s day.

“Three, not three times… ….”

“…… ! Lou, Mr. Rubia!”

Ruvia, sweating like rain, stumbled. Stella, who came to her senses just in time, held Rubia up behind her. It was only when I saw that that I realized that I had forced Rubia into unnecessary trouble.


A gap in space was finally opened. Rubia had really created the portal.

Considering her current level of magic, it was magic that was only possible after going up two levels. Because a portal that was safe enough for people to enter and exit intact required very delicate calculations.

… What niche did you grow up in? Is this what genius is?

“Ruvia, are you okay? Sorry. Make it overpowering. If I had known it would be like this, I would have just gone….”

I also went behind her Rubia and supported her. My back is wet with sweat. Rubia smiled loosely and shook her head.

“No, I was just a bit dizzy… it’s okay.”

It’s a shameful thought in this situation, but the look of her hair covered with sweat and her cheeks as dry as snow reddened… No, this is not the time.


As soon as she raised her head, someone called me.

My face was unusual.

“Look over there.”

We followed Mu’s words and looked ahead.

To be precise, the space where the portal opened.

“…… Uh.”

The eyes of the Rubia I was supporting suddenly widened.

The next moment, I narrowed my eyes and muttered.

“Failed… Did you? No way….”


What that word meant was that the portal didn’t open properly.

It really was.

Inside the cracks in space, it was black like an endless pit. As if her wrists would be cut off the moment she put her hand in. It contained a very disturbing color in it.


An unchanging pitch-black darkness is blocking our path. It was empty like a nightmare descending into reality, and I shuddered involuntarily.

“The dimension of nihilism… ? No, I’m definitely, properly….”

Ruvia frowned. As if to quickly close the portal and open it again, I groaned and raised my body again.

“I’ll try again, again. For a moment….”


I stopped Rubia.

Then he speaks quietly.


“… Yes?”

“Don’t open it again. Just close it like that.”

My voice was so cold that it gave me goosebumps even when I heard it. Rubia must have noticed that suspicious atmosphere. However, I stopped shouting at the expression that didn’t know why.

“- Close it now! Quickly!”

“…… !”

I instinctively felt it.

That’s not a nihilistic dimension or anything.

It wasn’t even that Rubia opened her portal by mistake.

“… Ah Okay! Yes!”

If the portal opens normally, and the result is empty darkness. What is in front of us now.

It was the darkness itself over there.

… What is that darkness?


No time to think, no time to explain, no time to tell you to avoid it. It is best to close the portal immediately. That’s why I screamed out loud.


My heart was pounding. Blood flow too fast. The eyeballs are bloody, and the veins are clearly sprouting on the neck. The claws of his clenched fists dug into his palms, dripping with blood.

Bottomless hatred and anger filled me.

I was terribly used to this feeling.

‘It’s a bastard.’


… Right at that moment.



The materialized darkness welled up from the gap. It turned into a black thorn and rushed towards Rubia’s heart.


The speed was so fast that he couldn’t even block it, but Mew, who was faster than that, blocked the jet-black thorn with his sword.

“…… ! Ezio, can’t this… ! Kut!”

But it wasn’t beige or torn like it used to be. There was only a rough, hard sound resounding as if it had collided with steel.

‘Damn it….’

No way, that way is right.

Shadows do not have physical power.

This is the hypothesis I proved earlier.

But that hypothesis was broken.

That means….

“—You guys! Stay close behind me!”

That’s not a shadow.

It is the power of the demon itself that created the shadow.

“Mu! You too!”

When Rubia, who was distracted, managed to get her stance, Mew was busy blocking the rushing thorns that had split into several branches.

“No, no time!”

Kaang! Caang! Caang!

Mew changed the direction of her hilt at each syllable break. Up, down, sideways. Like a tentacle, it attacked Mew freely as if it had its own will, and Mew kept it clenched and struck back with a formidable divine skill.

“Hey! Close this quickly! You keep coming!”

“Now, focus, stay… !”

Rubia bit her lower lip. Bondi Portal’s staying power itself is not long. But every second was urgent. This will force the portal to close. Even if the caster was Ruby, she had to go through a terribly complicated process in reverse order, so it wasn’t that simple.

I put the boys behind me with the intention of deploying the shield. However, now that I see it, it seems that I have to face it directly, not defend it.

Clenched both of her fists and burst into light, she shouted at her back.

“Hold on until Rubia closes her portal!”


The thorn collided with my fist. But I didn’t feel any sensation. It was because the thorns were broken into fragments before they collided properly. The effect is certain. I checked the fact that my strength is not useless.

Geude deuk-

In the next moment, the broken thorns reassembled as if turning back time, transforming into a single shape. It was a clenched fist.

‘… What?’

My fist and the fist of the shadow clashed again. Quaang! I was the winner in the end, but something didn’t go away.

At that time.

“Where is this… !”


Yuri’s hair floated softly into the air. The power to manipulate all things, telekinesis was invoked.

Kude deudeuk.

The thorn wriggled like clay, then became a sharp, long sword. It flew in to split Yuri’s head in two, and at that very moment, Yuri stretched out his hand and concentrated his telekinesis into one point.

Thus, the shadow sword stopped in mid-air, but it began to vibrate and move little by little, as if the bonds caused by telekinesis were gradually being released.

“—This is not a place for you guys.”

Stella’s eyes shone as she spoke briefly. Like a comet swimming in the night sky, her graceful gestures continued smoothly.


A lot of magical powers came to mind. Stella, who finished the chanting in that short time, released her magic with her cold eyes.

“Please disappear.”

4Th tier ice magic, Ice Spear.

Wedge juice!

As Stella reached out, her frozen spear went straight like a flash.

However, the shape was crooked at first glance, so it was not elegant at all and even crude.


“All right, all right! We can fight too!”

“Not yet!”

Yuri telekinetically stopped the shadow sword, and Stella’s ice spear pierced it. I dealt with one like that, but the shadows were still constantly proliferating.

There… The thing that Yuri and Stella had just broken, scolded and clumped together again, then formed a hand holding a long spearhead and threw it at us.

To be exact, towards Stella.


“…… !”

Yuri hurriedly reached out her hand, but I ran faster. Leap to life and death, clench your fists, gather your strength into one point and explode.


“Kuh… !”

There was an explosion of light so intense that my vision went white for a moment. Stella, who had been slow to respond, almost got pierced by the spear, but managed to block it.

Stella, her eyes wide open in surprise, thanked me.

“Go, thank you. Mr. Ezio….”

That was the moment.

─You guys! Back up!

Support fire has arrived. Teachers around here. Their magic, which accurately calculated the target, flew in from all directions.

Quang! Kwaaang-!

At each time, the shadows also absorbed their magic and reflected it in the same way. A pattern not yet seen from other shadows. It seemed to reproduce some of the properties as well as simply copying the shape.

Thanks to the support, I am relatively free. The gap in space was slowly closing. If this continues, it will close soon.

So… You have to decide now.

“Whoop, whoop….”

It was difficult to endure. Such a thick demonic energy permeates my skin. In the first place, it was useful not to lose reason.

I rolled my eyes to see the whole situation. Mew wrapped her right arm around her and lowered her stance, holding her breath. Stella prepares her magic chant again, and Yuri is still staring at him with her hair floating. Rubia, who had been sweating profusely, now had only one final step left.

‘… ….’

It’s really cunning.

It was never intended, but the perfect opportunity to put the plan into action came just in time.

At first, I was thinking of accepting the demon’s shadow without any resistance. So, directly feel the sensation of becoming a host. Engrave all over the body The host’s demonic energy was so thick that it was clearly distinguishable.

I remember more clearly the smell of demons trying to invade my mind, and I use it as a guide to detect the main body.

As Elena mentioned, I seem to have quite a bit of detection ability, so there was no reason not to put it to good use.

‘That’s why I said it was dangerous, but….’

Didn’t I also say that demonic powers do not work on me? It’s not 100% certain, but it was a gamble worth taking.

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Just now, look. The magi emitted by the demon in that portal was thick and thick enough to be perceived even from a very long distance.

Yes, I can feel it.

There is that guy over there where Rubia connected the portal.

I don’t know how it appeared, but its body finally descended to the ground.

‘… The chance is now.’

In case the first plan I explained earlier failed, I intended to entice the devil with a plausible pretext.

The shadows are everywhere, so they will surely listen when I speak. And to me, there was information that the demons couldn’t pass by. As long as it exists as a demon, that name can never be ignored.

The current situation of the demon god.

If you throw rice cakes on this, they will react in some way. I was certain that I did not know why.

However, if even this plan fails….

I will attack directly into the shadows. I set myself up as a bomb and explode it from the inside out. If it’s my strength, if it’s my ability. Even if it wasn’t conceited, it would have been able to deliver a very effective blow.

That was the last plan.

… Anyway, the gist of the plan was simple. I somehow confront the body and defeat it myself. In short, that was all.

And now.

The demon I was longing for was right in front of me.

… There was only one thing to do.

“…… Ezio! Done! Now… ?”

One step.

Ignoring Yuri’s psychokinesis, Stella’s magic, the teachers’ support fire, and Mew’s sword dance, I just took one step forward.

At that moment, time seemed to flow slowly.

The crack that had been created by the widening space narrowed with a squeal, and Rubia reached out her hand. Mew turned to her side while screaming at her. His expression was grim.

“You— what—”

I can’t hear it.

On the next step, I explosively concentrated my leg strength. Percussion—! It bounced like it was shooting itself. It stayed in the air for a very short time.

While I was leaping like that, nothing stood in my way. Even the shadows in the portal didn’t stop me. As if they welcomed me.


In that case, I’m just glad to accept the invitation.


The darkness in front of me colored my vision black. It was just before the portal closed.

No one expected my actions, so no one stopped me. At the same time as the gap closed tightly, my ankle was almost cut off, but I managed to push my whole body through it.

The last thing I heard was all sorts of shouting.

Mostly it belonged to Mew.

… Apologize when you get back.

Thinking of that, I raised my body that had rolled forward.

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