230 – Goal (7)


“… It’s gone.”

Yuri muttered in an empty voice.

No one was hasty to open their mouths. Silence fell heavily. No one expected that they would enter the portal from there. As a result, Ezio disappeared, and they were left alone.

“… Hey.”

Myu, standing on the frozen ground due to the scattering of ice magic, gritted his teeth. The ferocious eyes glared at Rubia as if to kill her.

“Open. Right now.”

“… ….”

“Open! Can’t you hear me!?”

Ruvia was on the verge of exhaustion. With her blurry eyes, she faces Mu with difficulty. Rubia, gasping for breath, lowered her head.


“Stop it. No more.”

Stella stepped in and stopped Mew.

“In that state, you could open a completely wrong portal. Surely, you don’t want to voluntarily be sucked into the nihilistic dimension, do you?”

“…… I have to go help.”

Stella nodded her head in sympathy.

“I know. I’m going too. However, it is difficult to open the portal, so we have to go there on foot. Where Mr. Ezio is headed.”

Everyone was thinking the same thing.

There is no time to criticize or blame him. They quickly made up their minds and were ready to pursue Ezio.

… However.


The incident happened suddenly.


The earth shook again. Mew, who happened to be standing on the ice, slipped and fell. A shrill scream flowed from Mew’s mouth, frowning.

While they were not nervous, they were wary of their surroundings.

“… Hey! What!”

This time Yuri screamed.


The shadows of the fallen people stretched and stretched, smearing like black paint and permeating the floor.

The whole area is dyed a dark color like a tidal flat.

Yuri gulped, and Stella silently prepared her magical chant. The flame of magical power burned brightly from the tip of Myu’s sword, which had fallen and stood up.


A gloomy voice came from somewhere. It was a sound that permeated my eardrums even if I covered my ears. When the voice rang low, the temperature dropped even further and it seemed to get cooler.

“What, what, what, what. What else I hate it now, really….”

Yuri, who is not immune to the fear of the unknown, trembled her body. Although she is Yuri, who has gone through many things and has grown mentally… After all, ghosts were still scary.

─More… More…

Although the sound stretched, it did not break. Longer, longer. The background sound hit my eardrums. The voice, saturated with burning thirst, invaded her brain. Yuri grabbed her head and crouched down.

“Ugh… stop it baby… Please….”

It was then.


As cotton absorbs ink, the shadows that had spread on the ground converged to a single point. Sucked in in an instant

Myu, who was watching that, said quietly.

“… That person.”

It was a human shadow. There were shadows that absorbed all the shadows of those who were still down, gathered their sorrows and desires together, and eventually turned them into sources of strength.

“A while ago… Different.”

Mu recognized the person.

Did she come to her senses at some point? Or maybe she still hasn’t woken up? She couldn’t know She had already turned black from head to toe. She continued to swell even after covering all of Carmelo’s eyes, ears, face, upper body, and lower body. She swelled and swelled. She is as if she is in the form of a giant.


─I… I…

A shadowy giant, well ten meters tall, raised two gigantic hands high into the sky with tears dripping like sludge.


“… ! Be careful! Come!”

The judgment was quick.

Before that thing that had already turned into a monster could do anything, Rubia gathered a handful of mana. Mu grabbed the hilt of her sword. Stella fired the magic that finished her chanting. The glass that overcame fear raised the shattered bricks and the like with telekinesis. And fired at the giant.

All of that was to no avail.


Don’t say anything.

What Mew caught at the edge of her field of vision was the figure of a long, sharp object embedded in Rubia’s chest with her eyes wide open.

The black giant absorbed all the shock. Bounced off The shadow blade returned to the speed of light and pierced Rubia. It pierced her teachers, pierced Yuri and Stella. Only one Mew succeeded in responding with miraculous reflexes.


If you don’t attack first, it won’t even reflect. It was fortunate, but the present situation was not fortunate. Mu, who looked back at the party pierced by the shadows one by one, bit her lip. Damn it

“Oh, uh… Nana… body… Strange….”

Rubia trembled her hand.

The Law Jin, which had been floating in the air until just now, disappeared with sparks. Her sunken eyes gradually darkened from the outside. Rubia raised her head and stared blankly at Mew.

“…… Strange. Suddenly angry.”

“… ….”

“…… Why? Is it because of you? I see you now… I feel weird. I’ve never had anything like this before.”

Her goosebumps Mew quickly looked the other way around her.

… I knew it.

“Ah, ahahahaha. In addition. In addition. It’s abandoned Abandoned. Why are you leaving me do not go. Don’t throw it away am i useless Is it because I’m useless? I did too. Just die then I would follow her brother and die with him….”

Yuri crouched down, her arms around her knees, her teeth clashing. She, too, had the color of her eyes black.

“… ….”

Is Mew himself the only normal one?

She turned around.

“…… You.”

Likewise, the dark-eyed Stella was standing. It was a perfect contrast to her mysterious silvery white hair. That made her even more bizarre.


One word.

After uttering that one word, Stella untied her collar abruptly, took off her cardigan, and even put the straps of her dress over her shoulders on her fingers.

“You don’t have to worry about anything.”

“… ! Hey, hey!”

And then he tried to get off.

“What are you doing! You crazy bitch! It’s out of here!”

Myu grabbed Stella’s hand. No matter how crowded the situation was, there were things that could be done and things that could not be done. Since she had no intention of watching a noble princess’ outdoor public striptease, Mew hurriedly dried her Stella, grabbed her hand, and lifted it up again.

Stella, who was about to reveal her immaculate upper breast, just tilted her head. The eyes were still black.

“Why stop? I will do what i want to do Anything. Do you have any reason to keep an eye on others?”

“I understand your taste, please shut up.”

The most important thing to knock out was Stella…. I don’t think this guy had an exposed wall. Interesting information, she said, but she had more important things to do now.

─Ah… Ahhh…

As soon as the sound was heard, Mew turned her body again.

A towering shadow giant saw Mew.

The monster speaks with its mouth wide open, muddy like mud.

─You… Mine…

Actually, the secret story of the birth of a giant was not so grandiose. It was all about catching and choosing someone with a strong desire among the hosts. In other words, I had to get lucky.

Of course, Mew, who should not have known that fact, was completely speechless and couldn’t even find words to say.

“… ….”

His head was spinning and he was dizzy.

“…… Gee, dog, fuck.”

It sucks. As a group.

In the end, it was Mu alone who had to overcome this difficulty.


It was surprisingly night when I came across this place through the portal.

A night when the sky is dark.

…… No, that’s not it.

The flow of time was different, so it wasn’t only night here, it was simply terribly dark and gloomy.

Since the shadows have covered this place.

‘…… It’s too quiet.’

The demon attacked us right through the portal.

So, he thought that if he went into the portal, he would be able to run into him right away, so he prepared in advance….

It was just dark here. There was no wind, and it was very quiet. I looked around slowly, tensed up.

The floor is black. The sky was black, pitch black all around. It felt like being in a cave where no light could penetrate.

I could only feel the touch of the ground under my feet. In other words, this place was absolutely real. It’s just a space where all the light has disappeared.

I didn’t walk that many steps.


“… ?”

Something caught on my front leg. It didn’t hit anything like a brick. It was something softer and softer than that.

‘What… ?’

I carefully clenched my fist while looking left and right and then behind me. You don’t even need to use flash magic. If he had a lightning punch, he could easily clear his sights.



When I checked the identity of something caught on my foot.


I was taken aback by the flagship.


“Seo, senior… !?”

A woman who rolled her eyes and passed out.

It was Elena Crymore.

… Nonsense.

Senpai was beaten?

In my mind, it was Elena who was always considered invincible. She always gave me helpful advice when I needed it, and she was always a reliable person.

By the way, senior Elena… It was helpless to the point of futility. It was so terrifying that I couldn’t believe what I had seen with my own eyes.

… My astonishment did not end there.

When the light source was created, the surroundings became slightly brighter. The shape of the object was revealed and the outline was revealed.

As if relying on a dim lamp, I clenched my fists and approached, confirming the identities of the people who had fainted like Elena.

“…… !”

And I was even more surprised than before, and with a chilled mind from nervousness, I slowly called out their names.

“… Professor.”

A boy in a torn blue uniform.

Three swords of the Empire, Abel Lioner.

“Sir Gileon….”

The captain of the imperial guard in a broken armor.

Imperial double sword, Gileon Astabelle.

“My God, Sue….”

The strongest people on the continent were helpless. Even if I slapped his face and shook his shoulders, his eyelids wouldn’t budge. Maybe it was eroded by the shadows. I do not know. Why did they suffer and how did they suffer? How strong is the devil?

I have no idea.

“What is this….”


The first thing I thought of was that.

It wasn’t just Elena, Abel, and Gileon that suffered. The corpses of numerous frontier teachers were all around. They were all corpses eaten by the shadows. Their faces were horrifying to even describe, to the point where I was terribly reluctant to keep them in my memory.


People like this have died.

Without any resistance.

So, what can I do?

I thought I could deal with it alone. However, he was mad that he would never be conceited. Because of that, the mace of reality was handed down.

The demon was stronger than I imagined, and I lacked the strength to stand against it. I jumped in recklessly, unprepared. The time has come to pay the price.

… Die.

I thought about it again.

This is no joke.

I really die.

We have to run away from here.

… Have to live

“Mr. Ezio.”

At that time.

Someone called my name.

“Here it is.”

It was a very small voice.

From the far corner, he beckoned to me.

“Quiet, no noise. Come here.”

He whispered again. It was thin and thin like a thread, and it was the same voice I heard everywhere.

I reflexively mumble out of familiarity.

“… Lenny?”

A person whose face I saw a while ago. He was a friend who took a liberal arts class on mana control together.

I don’t know why she’s here… For once, I was relieved that I wasn’t the only one alive.

“Shhh. Quickly….”

Thump, pound.

At Lenny’s urging, I followed the voice and walked forward cautiously. My fist continued to glow. Little by little, as he got closer to Lenny, her figure gradually became clearer.

A female student wearing a maroon uniform. Lenny was right. I had to try to calm my frightened heart.

“What are you doing here… ?”

“I told you to be quiet. If you get caught, you will die.”

“… To what?”

Lenny didn’t answer.

Thump, pound.

“Do I need to ask? Of course….”

Thump, pound.

“Anyway, I lived because of Mr. Ezio.”

“… Yes me too I feel relieved because you are there.”

Thump, pound.

“Isn’t it? Okay, so turn off that light for now. If you keep doing that, you’ll find out. Quickly.”

“… Okay.”

Thump, pound.



“I’m so glad you are here.”

“… Yes? Yeah…. Same for me. Why do you-“


Lenny couldn’t finish her words. It was because her head exploded with her fist, which she swung with all her might.

The head of what used to be Lenny was blown off. A light flashed, and darkness filled its place again.

Lenny stumbled, missing her head, and she continued to build a black shadow over his neck.

“Ah, aha… hot….”

The monster in the shape of Lenny laughs.

Black foam bubbled from her severed throat.

… Yes.

I was really fortunate.

This guy’s existence convinced me.

“How about it, K…. Lying down…. Noticed….”

The closer I get to the devil, the hotter my heart gets.

But from earlier, my heart was on the verge of exploding.

In other words.

What is in front of me right now is

It means that he is closer to the devil than anyone else.

“No one died. There is no way he will die.”

It must have been the intention to inflate my desire for survival by directing hopeless fear, but I don’t know. It turned out to be a failure like this. Even while the blood was boiling hot, he touched the bracelet and glared at the front.

“There is only you and me here. Devil.”

At the same time as doubt was replaced with certainty, the illusion was shattered.


Helena’s form melted into the shadow and disappeared. Abel and Gileon disappeared in turn, and so all disappeared.

Except only the devil and me.

“That is wrong.”


The devil who returned to Lenny speaks. The charming girl with a bright smile and an innocent smile speaks in a voice like a oriole.

“I am not the devil. The devil is just a means of calling me. There must be a more accurate name than that.”

“Shut up and attack. Or I go.”


Lenny, or the devil.

Or Glutoni smiled and raised his index finger.

“My name is Glutoni. It is a precious name given by him, so I hope you will remember it.”

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