228 – Goal (4)


Nil dimension.

It is also called emptiness, literally a world of nothingness. A world where no matter exists. A world that is completely disconnected from reality because it is not connected to any dimension.

If humans are sucked into that nihilistic dimension,

What will happen to that person?

‘Success, that’s it…… ?’

Of course it will disappear.

In the nihilistic dimension, substances that are not allowed are mere uninvited guests and intruders. Thus, the human body and soul, which wandered in the dimension of nothingness, would be separated into two branches, and would never meet again.


“Lord, what do you mean prepare? Are you telling me to go in here?”

“No, not yet! Wait…… Now, it’s dangerous.”

That’s why space magic is very dangerous.

A single mistake turns everything into nothing.

‘My head is so dizzy…. I feel like throwing up.’

Still, Rubia opened the portal.

To help just one person.

… Originally, it was impossible for Rubia to open the portal. It was simply the limit of their abilities. Although it is possible to use an instant portal belonging to the 5th tier space magic, it is far from easy to move a living person through that magic, which has a very short sustaining power and a small usable range.

But Rubia… Through a special experience, I was able to understand the principle of space magic, albeit in a small way.

An absolute gate found in the heart of a dark labyrinth.

The moment she looked into the heart of it, Rubia caught a glimpse of her ultimate goal as a mage.

Knowledge is a wizard’s greatest treasure. It was for that reason that wizards died and could not live due to unknown knowledge that had not yet been discovered. If it was sufficiently valuable knowledge, thousands of tens of thousands of branches of magic could be derived from it. Samramansang was connected to everything.

Ruvia witnessed the ultimate magic with her own eyes.


“…… Get in touch, dimension!”

She achieved transcendence to a higher place.

In this very place.


Rubia frowned. The moment her space shriveled, her own brain shook as well. It was because the amount of information she had to accept and process was beyond her limits. A few drops of clear gastric juice dripped from her gurgling mouth.

The sound of her space crumpling was like the cry of a demon beast, so many people looked at her in Rubia’s direction and expressed her bewilderment. Rubia had no time to care about him. More, more. Quickly. Safety. Without an inch of error. She has to complete the perfect calculation. Her long hair of her rubia fluttered madly.


At that time,

There was silence.

The silence drips like water droplets.


The ripple became a rough tidal wave that swept away all of her Rubia’s spirit, and finally calmed down.

“Ha ha ha… haaa…….”

Beyond the portal was no longer a void.


I saw a city where people were sleeping.

There, the golden rain was gradually stopping.

“…… Done! Guys, let’s go!”

The source of gates spread all over the world.

The portal that connects dimensions has opened.

Because the magic level of her Rubia was still lacking, her maintenance power was not very supplemented. It was something she had no time to ponder.

“Go, is it okay to go? I’m a little nervous!”

As Rubia stepped into her portal, she heard her fussing voice beside her.

“Noisy! If you don’t come, I’ll go first!”

“…… ! Ah! Yay! Mr. A… Go with me!”

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Just like that, the two disappeared through the portal.

All that remains is one person.

Stella shook her head.

“…… Star, you never said anything like this.”

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A teacher hurriedly ran to stop Stella from going to the mysterious portal, but the portal finally swallowed Stella and then disappeared.



An Epic class that has been swept away by the hustle and bustle.

Abel Lioner in a blue gi stroked his chin.

“It is a strange thing.”

The thing in front of him was a person. He is a person who closes his eyes and breathes as comfortably as if he were lying in a coffin. Exactly, he’s in charge… He was a student who didn’t do anything, only knew his name and face.

Iris von Hegarde.

An international student from the kingdom of Elden, and the daughter of a knight family.

“So, this guy attacked you. Is this what you mean?”

“… ….”

Covered in a blanket, Sasha nodded quickly. As she recalled the situation at the time, her complexion was also pale.



Sasha’s head turned to her left and right.

“Was it a brute force attack?”


“Didn’t you make me angry?”

Nodding… Virtue.

Sasha, who hesitated for a while, agreed anyway.

“Okay. I’m sure.”

Abel glanced behind her.

“Today is… It will be quite long.”

Like Iris, lying on the floor, or sitting still in a half-conscious state, being treated by a priest. What the hell is this

Because the festival was in full swing, students from other classes, including the Epic class, were also mixed in places. It is full of unseen faces.

However, the victims who came to their senses commonly stated that the last thing they saw was pitch-black darkness or a shadow… He said

“These guys aren’t going to be treated in such a futile way….”

Where is the epic class? It is a cluster of stars.

However, the number of Epic class students who suffered immediate damage reached a total of seven. Three first graders, two second graders, one third grader, one fourth grader, and none of the fifth graders… ….

Well, if it wasn’t for the middle of the festival, ten people would have passed easily. Since it was a festival, most of the cases were wandering around.

“I’m bored to death. Really.”

Tyler, whose face was already rotting and rotting, grabbed Iris’ chin, who had lost her mind, and let the liquid in her flask gulp down. His bony fingers trembled and he looked somewhat uneasy.

“What are you doing, Professor Tyler?”

“Treatment. Cure. It’s nothing strange, don’t worry.”

“Hmm. If so.”

At the time of her discovery, Iris lost her reason and was running her magic out of control. She happened to be noticed by Abel, and although she was quickly subdued, her magic reversed, and the true qi inside her body was twisted and twisted. If left as it is, the magic circuit may be permanently damaged.

For this reason, it was urgent to administer a tranquilizer to the magic circuit that was rampaging like wild beasts.

“Now, drink. Drink. Don’t spill a drop Because it’s all money Shit….”

Soon Iris’ brow loosened.

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Just close her eyes and breathe.

“Looks like it works. I have calmed down.”

“Yes, what. It should be. How much is this….”

“Wasn’t the rumor about making the elixir a lie?”

Tyler got up like a ghoul without answering and moved on to find the next student. Abel, who stared at her back, thought silently.

‘Even if it looks like that, they always take care of it….’

It was probably not a coincidence that the title of homeroom professor was suddenly given to the author, who was stuck in the corner of the room doing research.

‘Let’s see, now….’

Have you roughly decided what to do?

‘If he can’t use his strength, he must be a formidable enemy who needs to be fully prepared…. However, there is no reason not to join them.’

The Second Sword of the Empire, Gileon Astabelle.

The Imperial Guard led by Gileon ended up being useless. Even Abel wasn’t very happy with that fact.

I must have sent Gileon on purpose to fight against the demons that might exist… Looking at it now, it was a very meaningless choice.

‘I expected an attack, but did I overlook it?’

Some members of the Epic Class Faculty Council, including Abel, have not been contacted by headquarters. Because of that, I didn’t know about the invasion of demons….


Abel’s uniform fluttered in moderation. As if stepping on an earthworm under her feet, he lowered her raised leg at a right angle. She stopped as if Abel’s shadow, which had been wriggling disquietingly, had been stepped on even for an instant.

“It’s slow.”


I pulled out my sword, unsheathed, and led.

Only that fact existed, and no one witnessed the moment Abel unleashed her.


The shadow split into several parts and returned to its original shape.

“A poor bastard.”

Abel roughly guessed the identity of the enemy.

As expected, he was a stealthy yet deadly guy.

It is also bold. Even though he knows he’s veiled, he catches on behind him. This means that even if it is cut, there is no damage. It must mean that he is good at attrition. As such, the quantity will also be quite small. Ultimately, this is what gets worse as time goes on.

So, before you go catch him.

“Professor Abel, that’s great! I have something to say to you….”



“Ask for a list of victims. I have something to check.”

“…… Yes, yes.”

Taking her clipboard from Professor Zeppelin in charge of magic and slowly reading out the identities of the victims, Abel shook her head briefly.

As expected, isn’t it?

I don’t know if this is somewhere, well….

In Abel’s opinion, it was unlikely that her energetic freshmen would remain silent in this situation.

It is the duty of the teaching profession to guide students on the right path. Traditionally, a student shines the most when he or she is a student.

Abel’s uniform flapped again.

“I will go. Command the scene, please.”

“Yes, yes? Where are you going in this country?!”

While listening, Abel vigorously stepped on the ground.


When the widespread golden rain stopped.

“I am so pathetic. I want to die. I want to die….”

“Don’t die, sleep well.”


She was constantly self-harming and after knocking out a female student who was about to harm herself, she put her back on her back and put her down slowly. How many dozen people have already done this?

Looking around, the streets that used to be so noisy were deserted. It was like a ghost town. Those who were still standing on their own legs now knew how to deal with the shadows, and they were usually teachers and priests.

“I’m done cleaning over there.”

“Oh, good job. Aren’t you hurt?”

“Yes, but….”

Mew came up close and brushed her shoulders.

“…… Ezio.”


“…… Really, are you going to do it?”

I could tell what he was asking without having to say it.

This must be the plan I was talking about.

“I have to, then.”

Usually planning requires prior preparation.

Because a carefully planned plan exerts that much power.

But my plan didn’t require any grandiose preparations.

This is, yes. It’s like a truth I accidentally realized. When you live, a flashing thought in a moment can change your life. In that sense, it was safe to say that the turning point was just around the corner.

“…… The priests said they were preparing a large-scale sacred art. If it develops successfully, you won’t be able to see it for a while.”

“I know. Senior Elena told me.”

“…… It means you don’t have to go out.”

“I hear it takes at least three hours to deploy? Nope, too long Besides, if it doesn’t work, then what are you going to do? He’s a demon who broke through the frontier barrier. He has no idea what card he might be hiding. Just for now, look. They appear and disappear as they please.”


Another hand came out of the shadow of the girl I had just laid down. Jingle jingle, really. He frowned at her and swung his fist at her. The light went out. The shadows are gone

Proceed as usual and continue talking.

“If I were a bastard, I would hide in here and never come out. His power won’t be infinite, so if I keep defeating him like this, he’ll enter a lull someday. But he’ll also save up his strength here… It just repeats the same thing over and over again. No matter what happens, you have to put an end to it now.”

“… ….”

This is the reason why the main body cannot be found. He’s probably in here. So he couldn’t find it anywhere.

I take my hands and feet out of the shadows, but there is no reason why I can’t put my body in. Conversely, he would never emerge from the shadows. He continues to send out only his alter ego as he does now… I will eat people’s desires, and that’s how I will gradually call out my strength.

Here’s the problem.

What should I do to catch a monster wrapped in a blanket in its roost and not even a single hair stuck out?

“Can’t someone else do it instead of you? Someone stronger than you would have spread widely here. Right now, the captain of the guards is there too….”


There are two answers.

“Because you are stronger than me, I have to do it all the more.”

Make it come out somehow.

Or I’ll attack the nest myself.

“Isn’t it more reasonable to achieve maximum efficiency with minimum power? This is a plan that I can do well enough on my own. So I have to do it.”

Of the two options, the answer I chose is….

“Above all.”

It was both.

“I am confident.”

I had the conviction that my very existence would act as a very lethal bomb to him.

The time when I was about to start taking action after making a firm decision.

“…… ?”

Uh uh uhh—

Suddenly, a strange noise rang in my ears.

I felt the coolness of someone licking my back with their tongue. Naturally, he furrowed his eyebrows. I turned my feet at right angles and looked somewhere.

… What is this disturbing feeling?

Could it be that the main body appeared?


I thought for a while.

“…… Portal?”

Mu muttered quietly.


Far away, from the cracks in the space torn vertically, one, two, three…… Jumped in

Thus, the portal that ejected the three humans as if spewing them out closed the mouth that had opened up and down and disappeared.

A female student with light pink hair looked around her and made an excited expression. She even clenched her fist while saying ajah happily.

“Seo, I succeeded… Success! Are you successful?! Thank god! I wondered what would happen if it closed in the middle! He must have split his body in half and died!”

“Are you saying that when you open it?!”

“This is…… ?”

Even this situation gave me an incomprehensible sense of déjà vu.

As expected.

“—Ah, ah! There! Ezio! Ezio!”

As if it had found us when we were about twenty meters away, an even more excited Rubia was getting ready to run this way.

“Ezio! I was really here… Nine… ….”

The tip of his words gradually slackened, and the corners of his mouth, which had been curved upward, went down to become flat.

“I… ?”

“… ….”

Making eye contact with Mew next to me,

I finally stopped.

“… ….”

“… ….”


When you look at us like that with an abandoned puppy look, I don’t really know what to say here.

I understand that you may feel betrayed, but I don’t have any excuses…….

That’s why we keep our mouths shut.

“…… Why are you here… ?”

“…… Pooh.”

Myu could not stand it and laughed.

Right after that, he crossed his arms and put on a proud face.

“Well, why are you here? Maybe fate led me differently than anyone else?”

“… ….”

“Anyway, to come only right before the end…. You are really slow, even chasing you.”

“… ….”


Please don’t….

‘… Uh?’

It was just at the time when I was worried that a useless quarrel would come and go.

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