166 – It’s My Fault Mea Culpa (8)

Watson saw Holmes leading the way, holding his breath, like a wild animal slowly approaching its prey, and secretly taking out a pistol from his pocket. He hastily took out his own.

Although she was a witch, Watson was unable to use magic freely due to the cost. It had been a long time since she listened to Holmes’ advice that was not advice and prepared a separate pistol.

Of course, from Holmes’s perspective, she was giving careful and kind advice to Watson, but to Watson, it was more of an order and an abusive language.

However, Watson always thought that Holmes’ ‘advice’ was definitely effective. In fact, even Holmes, who had given him such advice, could not help but be a little surprised.

It was clear that Jane Watson was more talented at her shooting than she clearly thought.

Watson’s shooting skills were so outstanding that even Holmes, who had been practicing shooting for several years and used to visit Mycroft Holmes’ house whenever she was bored and draw various pictures on the wall with bullets, was surprised.

No, it was clear that she surpassed Holmes’ skills with just a few weeks of practice.

This did not mean that Holmes’ skills were bad. However, Watson’s shooting talent exceeded expectations. Thinking to himself that that useless lump of fat might actually help with shooting, Holmes calmly announced that Watson would be in charge of shooting from now on, and so it was.

“Is it okay?”

“I have to do it. “The exit will be on that side anyway.”

When Watson cautiously opened his mouth, Holmes answered as if making a promise to himself. She wasn’t just trying to comfort Watson, who was afraid. He was giving advice to himself not to be afraid.

The guy was already giving off the smell of blood, as if inviting them. The scent of carnage became more intense as he went up to the second floor, where he had originally planned to search with Inspector Lestrade.

Even Holmes, who had been practicing his facial expressions to avoid showing his true feelings to others, was momentarily unable to manage his facial expressions.

If it wasn’t an urgent situation, I might have lamented.

Room at the end of the hallway on the right. There was definitely something there.

As they got closer, strange patterns greeted them on both walls of the hallway. The walls were not suddenly decorated with different wallpaper.

Although Holmes was not conscious of it, he could tell that it was all bloodstains, very old bloodstains at that.

Of course, even Watson noticed this. At least when it came to dead people and blood, Watson was not a third party who knew nothing.

Now I can hear him humming. Did he really not notice them?

Even Holmes could not judge this clearly. There was a possibility that it was a trap. Maybe he was waiting for them like this, or maybe he had already run away somewhere and left the two of them in a strange magical space.

All possibilities were open. But there was only one option facing Holmes now.

– Bang! Bang!

Watson missed Holmes’ momentary movement. His friend rushed into the room where there was someone at a speed so fast that no one could react, and he quickly pulled the trigger.

For Holmes, it was the best surprise attack.

I had to pay attention until the very end, considering the possibility of shooting my own troops. There was no time to observe the scene of the room that appeared before my eyes.

Her eyes, which usually read everything quickly while looking at people, were only focused on the back of someone who was busy moving around in the room.

He is a man. And judging by his attire, at least it wasn’t Inspector Lestrade or the officer who came with him.

There was, of course, the possibility that his clothes had been changed through magic during that time. Therefore, he had no choice but to gamble in his own way.

I quickly aimed the gun and fired. At least it was so fast that he couldn’t have reacted.

I didn’t think about neutralizing it from the beginning. He was this crazy about killing. And it was clear that he was a wizard with unusual abilities.

No matter how much he knew that he would have to stop his nemesis someday and reveal his identity, he couldn’t put Watson’s and other people’s lives on the table.

Quickly aim for its head and heart and fire accurately.

And at that moment he realized that he had made the wrong choice. Since he couldn’t back down, he had no choice but to take the guy by surprise. Because I thought that was the most reasonable way.

However, when he saw the other person turning his head towards him, grinning and swinging something sharp and shiny in his hand, Holmes realized that it was a mistake.

He should have run away. He had to somehow find a way to retreat.

But that thought did not last long.

As soon as the bullet disappeared, the guy laughed like crazy and beckoned to Holmes and himself. His body was dragged as if he had been grabbed by the collar by an invisible hand, and he flew through the air and was thrown into the wall.


Watson urgently tried to grab her ankle to save her friend, who was suddenly dragged through the air and into her room, but at that moment, she was thrown into the wall by a small fireball flying towards her.

Meanwhile, Holmes quickly tried to get up.

The room he was in was definitely not an ordinary room. Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say slaughterhouse? Even Holmes, who often scolded Watson for being too close to literature, had no choice but to use this boring analogy.

There were various objects that made up human bodies that looked like they had just been dissected were placed here and there on the floor, or were hanging from the ceiling. However, without realizing it, what caught his eye was the figure sitting right next to him.

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It was a dead woman, but her corpse looked like a rag doll that a child had made with poor workmanship, by tying together parts of someone else’s body instead of her original body.

However, it was a truly disgusting sight to see some madman decorating it with a flower crown and carefully dressing it in a dress as if it were a precious doll.

“Wow… My wife also said hello to me, saying she was happy to meet me! You guys… You’re lucky. “I was preparing to run away because of an order, but you came here like this!”

“Crazy bastard.”

There was a very small chance of escaping this danger. The fact that he didn’t die right away was proof of that. Either he was relaxed, or for some reason he started talking to himself.

On the outside, he looked like an ordinary middle-aged man. Because he was thin compared to his above-average height, his eagle-like hooked nose was impressive.

However, his hair was sticking out here and there as if he had not taken care of it, and the razor blade was shining in his hand.

More than anything else, he started talking alone, staring into space as if he were trapped in his own world.

“I’m Sweeney, call me Sweeney Todd, ladies…” … hehehehe! That… by the way… Are you in trouble? Female… also…… Buy… It’s the same as the picture, right? Then come over there… It must be Miss Watson and Miss Holmes……. Because the professor emphasized not to harm you……. That… Yes, just neutralize it……. Maybe he could run away with his wife. mmm…… Okay, then-“

But at that moment, Sweeney stopped talking, as if he had suddenly come to his senses, and stared intently at the lady in front of him. To be precise, I looked into her special sparkling eyes.

I have fairy blood, and since that day 10 years ago, I have always been intoxicated with a certain emotion, so my pupils, which should always be black, sparkle red like rubies.

He was instantly convinced that those eyes would suit his wife.

“Yes… Those are pretty eyes? That… Still… Disobeying the professor’s orders… Then…… Radish… He’s a scary person. Still… Wouldn’t it be okay if I just plucked out my eyes? That… Okay, as long as I don’t kill him… Because it will work!”

“You crazy bastard!”

And then, faster than a speeding carriage, the madman in front of him ran towards Holmes, reaching out his hand. To pluck out the eyeball to give to her wife.

It was a disgusting sight, but it wasn’t the worst thing for Holmes. If the guy had tried another trick, he would have been pinned down, but he was able to stop him by kicking his head.

He didn’t seem to feel any pain, but the fact that he had been disturbed made him even more angry, as maniacs do.

However, a fireball flew out from behind him, and he had no choice but to fall forward for a moment.

“Good job, Watson! “Run quickly!”

Holmes quickly passed the guy and shouted to Watson. At the same time, he didn’t forget to throw the homemade bomb he had kept in his pocket next to him.

After a while, Watson could see smoke and small flames rising from the hallway he and Holmes were running through, all the way behind them.

“What… what!”

“It’s a bomb, so run quickly, Watson!”


“Shut up and run, Watson!”

“I will kill you! “I will kill you!”

I expected it, but the cries of a madman could be heard through the smoke. It seemed like it wasn’t enough to deal with him. But for now, it was more important to make as much time as possible.

Because he started throwing sharp razors at them as if he was struggling.

Holmes felt pain in his side and thigh for a moment, but did not show it and quickly asked Watson to run away faster.

But she could sense at that moment that her last moment had come.

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