165 – It’s My Fault Mea Culpa (7)

Like a secret spy, James Moriarty watches the building that his beloved disciple, Watson, and a group of police officers entered just moments ago. He was looking at me with expressionless expression.

Of course, he was not usually an expressive person. He didn’t smile often, and even his smiles were usually closer to the cynicism he used when he despised and looked down on others. However, Moran, who had served and seen this master by his side for longer than anyone else, could tell that his expressionless face was different from usual.

Nervousness. Yes, it was nervousness.

This made Moran curious and anxious.

No emotion was as incompatible as nervousness and her owner. However, Moran did not dare to point this out. She was afraid of hurting her master’s feelings, but she was even more afraid of him becoming aware of it.

Why am I afraid? Peony didn’t answer, and she didn’t even know. But she felt it had to be that way.

Fortunately, her owner continued to remain silent.

They were spending time sitting at an outdoor cafe. Naturally, her owner, who was weak, spent more time sitting than standing, so she had to sit even when walking outside.

Of course, being weak was Moran’s personal standard, but Moriarty did not necessarily point out her attitude.

The teacup in front of her was getting cold, and the pocket watch in Moriarty’s own arms continued to tick at an unchanging pace, but Moriarty did not stop glaring at her mansion.

“That’s strange.”

“What happened…?” Do you have this, master?”

“… “No, no.”

In response to Moran’s question, Moriarty shook her head and managed to shift her gaze to her table. It was a strange thing.

He didn’t know why he was like this. But it was clear that he was nervous. He tried hard to think that it was because of residual diseases, which are evidence of aging that appear here and there on the body as he gets older.

But he could tell. No, he couldn’t help but know very well. At best, it was definitely not the lingering physical illness that made me feel so strange. However, even if he thought about it rationally, he clearly had no reason to be like this.

Probably something emotional.

Moriarty thought and clicked her tongue involuntarily.

This is why he hated anything emotional. Because he wasn’t rational, he was usually stupid, and he didn’t give the right answers.

But he tried to ignore it.

Moran did not open his mouth further in response to the owner’s attitude. Instead, she took care of her master as usual, and for a moment, she straightened his disheveled clothes.

“I would have said there was no need to act like my mother like this every time, Moran. “If anyone sees me, they’ll think I’m a nine-year-old kid.”

“… It’s my job to take care of my master. In the first place… It would have been better if it hadn’t come out like this…….”

Moran still couldn’t figure out why the owner bothered to come here. He didn’t even want to know. It was welcome to go for a walk with the owner and serve him, but it was a different story if the women were involved.

Unfortunately, her owner opened her mouth again, as if she still could not completely escape from the incomprehensible feeling.

“Did you say Porok was there too?”

“… No. That magician…… Hmm, excuse me. She understands that Sweeney has been staying all alone. Memory… “You may do it, but Fred Forlock only visits periodically to take care of it at your command.”

“It means Sweeney is alone.”

“It was always like that.”

For a moment, Moran thought it was a mistake. Moriarty turned his head towards her for a moment as she added, as if to make an excuse, and she quickly added, embarrassed.

“My… What I mean is… If it were Sweeney, he would have run away on his own in the first place. The owner was like that in the first place… Because you planned it.”

“Yes, I did.”

Moran’s answer was not wrong. No matter how many dozen police officers come in, Sweeney will run away without being caught.

At least for the time being, we’ll have to keep him quiet in the hideout we provided, but that’s all.

But without her knowledge, Moriarty, who had been tapping his fingers on the table as if impatient, suddenly stood up. He could see that the window of the mansion that was once again in his sights was broken.

“… Master?”

“… I guess Sweeney is doing his job properly… “I guess I should go and check.”

“Yes? Master? Master!”

Moran could not help but be embarrassed. When he witnessed a completely unexpected behavior, he couldn’t help but stare blankly at his owner’s back as he slowly walked away.

But at the same time, Sebastian Moran was an outstanding secretary. Quickly coming to her senses, she ran to Moriarty in one step, grabbed his arm and shouted:

“Ji… What are you doing now, master? “It’s dangerous!”

“I’ll just confirm, confirm.”

“The officers are inside! It’s really dangerous, master! This… What you’re saying is… “It’s not like you, master!”

In fact, she was able to stop her master with her strength. However, since Moran had an instinct deep in her bones that she had to obey the man in front of her, she did not dare to do so.

That’s why she couldn’t stop Moriarty, who was dragging her as if he was an inconvenience, only holding on to her arm somehow.

However, Moriarty stopped her steps at the moment of Moran’s urgent cry, and only then was Moran able to feel relieved.

She could have done that if she hadn’t listened to what he said.

“Okay…. “It’s irrational.”

But will that be a problem?

He thought arrogantly for a moment.

Moran was by his side right away. If she had the choice, she could have eliminated all the witnesses inside. In the first place, Moran probably didn’t say what she said because she was genuinely concerned about that.

It was just to make sure Sweeney was doing his job properly. So he thought hard. So it wasn’t such a strange behavior.

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Of course, James Moriarty couldn’t come up with a reasonable answer as to why he wanted to go inside himself.

It was accurate to say that the thinking did not reach that point in the first place. Because he didn’t think about it, half knowingly and half intentionally.

Is it because he is worried about his student who is slowly becoming less fun? If he had thought of such a thing, he would have laughed at it, calling it a foolish idea, but he could not even think of such a thing.

Instead, he headed to his mansion, feeling the weight of a pistol in his pocket, a pistol he always carried for self-defense, but which he had never used.

Peony bit his lip and discovered in his master’s actions an intention that the master would never acknowledge, but he had no choice but to follow his master.

“Not good… “I have a feeling.”

As he crossed the already broken front door, he muttered to himself as if making excuses.

This was also the same for Holmes inside.

“I have a bad feeling, Watson.”

But Watson had no choice but to agree with Holmes.

“This is not an ordinary opponent… …. This… for now… Stepping back… Wouldn’t that be nice, Holmes?”

“I agree a bit this time, Watson, but the most important thing hasn’t been resolved. How?”

Watson also didn’t really think about ‘running away’, so he could only nod slightly at Holmes’ valid question.

It was just a moment. It really was just a moment. There were no signs, and there was no sign of anyone using magic.

But when Watson came to his senses, he realized that Inspector Lestrade and the police officer who had gone ahead of him had disappeared, and that only Holmes and himself had fallen into the strange hallway.

He was a little relieved that he was not alone, but he couldn’t help but feel anxious.

As Holmes pointed out, it was impossible to retreat. Because behind their backs, there was a brick wall blocking them as if they were trying to move forward.

Watson secretly knocked on the wall, but it didn’t budge. Even though Holmes hit hard with his cane and Watson, who tried to avoid using magic as much as possible, tried to use magic secretly, there was no use.

“An ordinary wizard… no.”

“I’m going to turn around. Is it really like a fairy that was hiding?”

I could tell by looking at the strange, uncorrupted corpses that this guy was no ordinary guy, but this was more than expected.

Holmes felt his mouth becoming dry. He thought he had prepared, but it occurred to him that even that might have been his own arrogance.

After much deliberation, Holmes had no choice but to open his mouth again.

“First of all… …. “I don’t know what will happen, but I’m sorry for getting you involved in something dangerous, Watson.”

“Don’t apologize, I did it because I wanted to.”

“Thank you. Still… For now, I have no choice but to go to something that might be at the end of this hallway. “If I stay here, I won’t be able to do anything, and it will be even more difficult if he comes again.”

“…… As soon as you see something suspicious, use magic… Wouldn’t it be nice, after all?”

“Don’t push yourself too hard, Watson.”

“It’s okay. Buy… Because I will only forget the little things. Unless you force treatment…… Are you okay.”

Holmes smiled slightly at Watson’s words, then moved forward with a tense expression on his face again. Eventually, what appeared in front of the two was the scene they had just passed by, the interior of the mansion.

“I guess… This might actually be his mansion. The two of us… No, I can hear a sound.”

The two had no choice but to walk to a room on the second floor where someone was humming.

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