164 – It’s My Fault Mea Culpa (6)

“You’re so big, Inspector Lestrade. By the way, is the Torso Killer really hiding here?”

“I thought that was what the ladies said, so get ready for patrol. I heard it was a building that was once built to be used as a church. “For some reason, the plan was canceled and now it’s such an ugly sight.”

“If he’s really hiding there, the media will make such a big fuss. “It gives me a headache to think of a murderer living in the middle of London and pecking at us from above telling us to do the right thing.”

Inspector Lestrade was sitting and chatting with his subordinates in a tavern overlooking a rather large mansion that could have been used as a monastery.

Unlike Lestrade himself, who was always trusted to quickly apprehend criminals despite his small stature, most of those who participated were of a similar size. It wasn’t just the size.

Even in Scotland Yard in London, there are special people, such as the gentleman and lady who silently smokes near them and stares at the monastery even now, people with fairy blood flowing through them and therefore have great physical strength, or people who work as magicians, many of whom are here. Had been dispatched.

I still don’t know the exact relationship between Miss Holmes and her superiors, nor do I have any desire to know, but I know for sure that the lady and the high-ranking person she is connected to care for her. .

Lestrade doubted whether this number of people would be needed to catch a serial killer crazy about murder, but he chose not to judge.

At first, I thought she was just a rich girl playing detective, but by getting involved with that lady several times, Lestrade was only able to gain benefit.

Holmes sarcastically joked that Inspector Lestrade always took credit for being quick at calculating profits, which did not match his stupid head, but officially it was Lestrade himself who had arrested criminals himself on several occasions.

Of course, it was possible because Holmes also did not dwell on such trivial fame.

For Scotland Yard, which has always had poor support from the top, there has never been as much confidence as those gathered here today.

‘They will always provide support like this.’

Inspector Lestrade muttered to himself. Of course he had to be unusually nervous at the same time.

No matter who the opponent was, if this many people were mobilized, it meant that he must be captured.

Whether he’s alive or dead doesn’t really matter.

As time seemed to be delayed, Inspector Lestrade took the lead and approached Miss Holmes and Miss Watson.

No matter how rough the scene was, even the police officers who were accustomed to speaking harshly like street thugs could not dare to act like normal people to the girls who looked unusual.

Lestrade cleared his throat and opened his mouth politely.

“I… Miss Holmes. Everything is ready……. We have to rush in… Won’t… “Should I?”

“Inspector Lestrade. “Don’t think about it, my head hurts.”

“Yes… yes?”

“No, phew.”

With that, Holmes threw his half-burned cigarette on the floor, rubbed it with his foot, and spoke.

The attitude itself was one that anyone would find arrogant, but it was unusually serious and mixed with a bit of fear, so Lestrade had to be nervous without even realizing it.

“It’s hard to be sure of his exact identity, but just keep in mind that he’s likely a pretty troublesome wizard. “Abandon the idea of capturing him alive, and once again emphasize to the officers that they should shoot him as soon as they find him.”

“… Still, wouldn’t it be better to prioritize capture alive?”

“Inspector Lestrade, I wouldn’t stop you if you wanted to commit suicide, but if you were me, I would recommend shooting you first.”

“…… Let me emphasize that again, lady.”

“Okay, we’ll start in 5 minutes.”

While Inspector Lestrade returned to his subordinates and gave them his final instructions, Watson, who had been guarding next to Holmes, opened his mouth without taking his eyes off the destination they were heading to.

“Is it okay?”

“Watson, why are you so nervous?”

“Holmes, you are like that too.”

“Yes, that’s right. I guess… It might be because I keep thinking about the dead commando. “With this many people, it may actually be excessive, but if you are careful, nothing bad will happen.”

“…… “Do you really think so, Holmes?”

In response to Watson’s half-confident question, Holmes turned his head to Watson for the first time. His nervousness was evident in his reflection in Watson’s eyes.

However, Holmes did his best to ignore that appearance, which was unusual.

“As I said, you can’t truly reach the teacher just by solving these ‘riddles.’ I have to accept that fact, Watson. There are definitely more important things in the world. I am… I am different from that man. “I will no longer treat people as tools, and I will no longer treat murderers and innocent victims like riddles.”

“… I didn’t mean it that way. Just… little… “Maybe it’s my mood, but I’m anxious.”

“… You’re worrying too much, Watson. Could it be that I was so nervous that I couldn’t eat breakfast properly? Looks like I didn’t eat enough porridge today. “Uncharacteristic of Watson, you left half a pot.”

“How did you know?”

But Watson soon smiled. Just these questions and answers were enough to relieve some of the tension. Holmes also did not open his mouth further.

Instead, I did a final check in my head.

Even at moments like these, I had to feel guilty about the fact that I had no choice but to receive help from the Baker Street Special Forces.

However, she should not have collapsed, even if it was to avenge the dead child, prevent any more innocent sacrifices, and ultimately stop the teacher’s sin.

No one has entered or entered the mansion since two days ago. After several investigations, the most likely possibility was that the subject was staying here.

We also secured testimony that a suspicious entity was staying.

So now we had to move quickly.

With confidence.

It was clear that Inspector Lestrade was a man who made up for his lack of brains with his body. Holmes objectively evaluated that he was a useful person in catching the criminal as he quickly led the officers to break down the iron door and storm into the mansion.

He knocked on the door several times and identified himself as a police officer, but of course only silence was heard. No, at that moment, someone’s laughter was heard from inside, as if laughing at them.

“… Inrush… “I must do it, Miss Holmes?”

“Don’t be stupid and just break down the door.”

As soon as Lestrade, who had been beaten by Holmes, gestured, the officers quickly broke down the door and entered.

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Those who were skilled could sense the smell of blood, old blood and flesh the moment they entered the mansion. Some people, mainly the newbies, started gagging when they smelled it, but Lestrade quickly walked up to them and slapped them on the face to stop them.

“Are you out of your mind on the field, you bastards! Come on, let’s hurry up and get started! Like I said, if you spot a suspicious person, act with the mindset of shooting and subduing him!”

As planned, the police officers divided into four groups began to rush into their assigned areas one by one, feeling tense.

“Let’s go too. “Because I said I would check the second floor.”

As Holmes spoke, Lestrade, who had a slight hiccup, nodded his head and began to lead the way up the stairs with one of his subordinate officers.

Holmes, who did not let go of the tension as he followed, began to calmly observe the scene.

At least it didn’t seem like he was the type of person to set up a trap or an ordinary trap and wait for it.

The traces seen inside the dirty mansion were mostly traces of him coming and going, or dragging something, possibly a person, across the floor and disappearing.

But he was definitely not an ordinary guy, so there could have been a trap. Or, he had already quickly prepared to run away.

I wanted to move quickly, but at the same time, tension was pulling on my ankles. Is it fear?

It wasn’t like that.

However, even Holmes, and even those who witnessed many of London’s crimes like Inspector Lestrade, could not solve them, but the atmosphere of this mansion alone was unnerving.

Of course, there was no need to talk about Watson.

Lestrade, who was leading the way, clearly expected to be scolded by Miss Holmes for being quiet, but he had no choice but to joke about it in order to lighten the mood.

“But if we catch him like this, the Thames will become a little cleaner. Oh, of course I won’t be eating eel pudding for a few months, those guys who eat people……. Uh? Like… Miss Holmes? “Miss Watson?”

“Chaff… Inspector! “It’s a wall!”

However, when no response was heard, Lestrade had no choice but to look back, forgetting that it was a moment to be nervous.

The two ladies who were obviously supposed to be following them were nowhere to be seen. Instead, strangely enough, there was a brick wall behind them.

For a moment, I felt like I was possessed by a ghost.

However, Inspector Lestrade looked forward again at the urgent words of his subordinate, and realized that there was a similar brick wall on their side.

“Poem… Siipal, what! You… Is it a ghost? Hey, quickly find a way out!”

“Wow… “We’re all trapped, Inspector!”

Inspector Lestrade and his subordinates found themselves trapped in the middle of a closed-off hallway.

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