167 – It’s My Fault Mea Culpa (9)

“Uh… What are you going to do? Get out of here… Is there a place, Holmes?”

“Now… for a moment… …. “There’s still one more homemade bomb, Watson.”


They hurriedly came down to the first floor, but the entrance in front of them was tightly closed. Of course, Holmes already knew.

So, out of breath and with trembling hands, he took out an ugly piece of metal from his pocket and handed it to Watson.

Watson accepted it in confusion. Of course, he managed to hold it with both hands, even though his hands were shaking at the thought that it might explode at any moment.

Because the situation was so urgent, Watson did not notice that his friend’s reaction was different from usual.

And then, pretending that nothing was wrong with Watson, Holmes opened his mouth.

“Watson, I’ll be brief because I don’t have time. There is no way, unless we get rid of that guy.”

“… “What should I do?”

“I’m sorry, but I need to use the strongest magic possible. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Watson.”

“… Are you okay. Me… I have to live too, so there is no need to be sorry. Also… “If that’s the case, I won’t lose my memory that much.”

I could hear a hint of guilt in Holmes’ voice. But Watson shook his head.

It wasn’t like he was lying for Holmes either. When he first realized he was a witch, unless he used miraculous magic like when he cured his pet, he wouldn’t pay the terrible price of losing ‘himself’.

In response, Holmes nodded his head and calmly moved to a room, quickly telling Watson what to do.

Of course, in the meantime, she had to unconsciously bite her lip to maintain her calm expression, and also had to tightly grasp her side, which she felt was getting a little wet.

Meanwhile, Sweeney Todd, who felt her face starting to collapse after being burned by the sudden explosion, was furiously chasing her prey without even feeling any pain.

He was a madman, and even though he lost all sense of reason in his anger, he was relaxed. He was humming as usual and I almost forgot to touch how sharp his razor blade was.

He may have been arrogant. But since he was a madman, it was probably good. He was furious for a moment, but it occurred to him later that something could happen in front of such a wonderful collection.

More than anything, there was no way those pretty eyes could escape. Therefore, he took his time and came down to the first floor, and soon he could smell the new blood.

He was a predator. Like a giant lizard that bites its prey, creates a small wound, and then lazily traces the scent of blood that slowly pours from the wound, he hummed his steps towards the living room of the mansion.

“Ah, what a good boy! You were waiting for me! “Okay, okay, don’t worry, I’ll just pull out your eyes and then we’ll let you go.”

“Crazy bastard.”

Holmes could not hold back his swearing even as he sat in a chair, pretending to be calm and looking at the maniac killer approaching him with a terrible look on his face.

Even at this moment, she had to bet on the gamble she hated so much. But she couldn’t help it. There was no time, and there were clear limits to means.

‘Maybe this is no different from Watson.’

Is this why she went with Watson? When she thought that her friend’s gambling addiction might have spread to her like a disease, she smiled in spite of herself.

But it was lucky that he was only focusing on himself. Even though the opponent was a madman who tried to rip out his eyes alive.

Why does the teacher treat such a bastard?

For a moment, Holmes had that thought.

If you think about it objectively, it was a truly strange thing. James Moriarty was a villain, a cruel person who did not know human emotions. It wasn’t all that strange for someone like that to use a crazy killer.

Nevertheless, even at this moment, Holmes had a strangely positive opinion of James Moriarty in mind.

But there was no time to notice the strangeness. Because the time has come to check the gambling cards.



Clearly, Sweeney Todd was quick to prepare to defend himself even from this surprise attack.

He turned his back to Watson, who seemed to be trying to cast a spell at him, and stretched out his hand, preparing to neutralize the magic that was about to come.

However, when he realized that Watson had cast a spell on Holmes, and when Holmes fell through the air toward Watson, narrowly passing him, Sweeney realized something was wrong. I was able to.

That’s why he didn’t realize that Holmes, who was flying away, had thrown away a small gift for Watson.

By the time he realized what was wrong, the sound of an explosion had already hit his ears, and the flames had engulfed his body, which had not yet been able to use defensive magic.

“Do… Did you finish it?”

Watson, who couldn’t even scream and started burning like firewood, quickly closed the door and collapsed, muttering as he relaxed.

“Please, Watson! “Think about it and then speak!”

“Ah… sorry!”

Of course, Holmes criticized Watson. But Watson somehow realized that his friend’s voice was weak.

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Belatedly, seeing his friend still lying on the floor breathing heavily, Watson was able to realize something.

“Ho… Holmes? That… What is that wound? Big… “When?”

“Whoa…” …. Don’t touch me, Watson. I was stronger than the average human, so I somehow held on……. “You know, it’s already too late.”

Watson’s eyes, as he was secretly checking the wound, shook greatly at his calm friend’s words.

Although he tried hard to deny it, Watson, who was actually a more expert on the human body than Holmes, could not deny his knowledge.

When did such a big wound occur?

Blood that could not be hidden was now dripping from Holmes’ side and thigh, staining the floor red.

There was no way to stop the bleeding. By ordinary means.

“Ho… Holmes, now… “Wait a minute, man, call a man!”

“Don’t do that, Watson. What I said… “Listen carefully.”


Holmes took a moment to gather his thoughts in front of his screaming friend.

It was definitely disappointing to end like this, with all the work to be done ahead of time, no, without even starting properly.

But when you look at it rationally, it wasn’t such a strange thing.

Reality is different from fiction. This cold reality was that no matter how fateful you were to face an enemy, it was quite possible for you to die after being hit by a stone that fell from the air.

My first thought was that I should probably ask Watson to pass on the data in his drawer to Mycroft as a will.

Even Mycroft, who had been unable to rationally accept his ‘hypothesis’ because of the lack of evidence, would be moved emotionally in the face of his younger brother’s death.

It wasn’t my favorite method, but if it ended like this, there was no reason not to use it.

But only then did Holmes feel fear. Her fear came over her for a moment.


Because you can’t uncover James Moriarty’s identity and burn in the depths of hell with him?

No, that’s not true.

It was only at the last moment that Holmes felt strange, but it did not occur to him. I just wanted to see my teacher one last time.

He was momentarily afraid of breaking up with him.

He couldn’t understand why he had such thoughts, but he didn’t think about it any further. As he neared his end, he just had a strange thought.

I thought so.

But that’s why Holmes couldn’t understand Watson’s words as he opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“No… …. There is a way…… There is.”

“… “What, Watson?”

There was a moment of silence.

Although he had to move quickly, Watson hesitated for just a moment. He had already made up his mind, but not because he hesitated before sacrificing himself for his friend.

I had no choice but to instinctively stop. It’s definitely not death. But he had no idea how far he would disappear. That’s why I was afraid.

But Jane Watson was clearly a more courageous person than anyone else.

“Watson, don’t do it.”

Holmes soon realized what Watson’s method was and quickly opened his mouth.

This is crazy. It’s a gamble!

Holmes, who had already heard her story from Watson, her master, and her first days using her magic, hastily tried to stop her.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t afraid of death. However, her fear of losing ‘her friend’ just as much as her own caused her to overcome her fear of death.

But Watson tried to smile calmly.

“Trigram… It’s okay, Holmes. Me… I definitely lose every horse race, but this upset… I’m sure it will be successful. And… If I really forget you, please tell me to check my notebook. I make sure to write down things I don’t want to forget. And… If you still don’t remember, be sure to let me know and… “Be my friend again.”


But Watson worked her magic.

A miraculous thing unfolded before her eyes. Watson could instinctively feel that her time and her memories were disappearing one by one.

However, at the same time, she happily accepted the disappearance of her friend, who was dying before her eyes as her wounds healed.

And in the end, the reason she felt such joy disappeared, and when Holmes came back to life, Watson lost her mind and fell to the floor.

“Wow… Watson!”

Holmes tried to raise Watson up. However, this could not be the case because the miracle that happened to her literally only healed her wounds and saved her from the brink of death, but did not restore her to her whole state.

It’s my fault.

Holmes felt guilty and had no choice but to lie down on the floor with Watson for a while. Since the biggest danger was over, the priority was to take Watson out as soon as he regained his strength.

I thought so.

But Holmes soon realized that he might not be as good at gambling as Watson.

– Boom!

The closed door collapsed. And beyond that, a man who was almost like a corpse was slowly crawling towards him, desperately struggling to breathe.

“hehehe……. Rats, you… really…… “I will kill you!”

“Mr…… Foot!”

There was no such thing as a miracle. Holmes tried to raise himself somehow by criticizing the creator, whom he had not been looking for and was not even sure of his existence.

However, he could not even hold a pistol properly.

The bastard was also deeply wounded and dying, so it was literally crawling slowly, but it was clear that it would attack him and Watson at this rate.

And then, at the moment of death, I heard the voice of someone I had so desperately wanted.

“It’s so bad… “That’s not right, Holmes.”

“Seo… teacher… !”

I didn’t want to admit it, but James Moriarty, whom I had missed so much, was standing there looking at me with cold eyes.

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