Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 131.

"Where is your house? I'll see you tomorrow~"4

Upon hearing the news, Hydra told Jeanne the address of the Cullen Chamber of Commerce, and then Hydra left the church without a second thought.

Transported into the shadows, Hydra quickly thought about the direction of the Carron Chamber of Commerce.

Although he hadn't found any news about the original Ether and the specific abilities of Michael and the others, Hydra had gotten the information he wanted by-passed from Jeanne's words.

Hydra had already met Michael's words, and although it was only a brief glimpse, Hydra could still feel Michael's temperament and obsession that was like that of a fanatic believer.......

Narrowing his eyes, he recalled Michael's appearance. Hydra looked a little hesitant.

Hydra had seen the Gabriel that Jeanne spoke of, and even though he was the horn bearer responsible for playing the prelude to the Judgment of Doom, Hydra could still feel goodness and justice in his scent. As for Michael, who was the Vice Monarch of Light... I must say that his scent was a bit strange. Rather than being the embodiment of light, it was more like the back of light.

And then from this association with the fact that Jehovah is confined by something unknown, it's not hard to guess that this Michael has been tampered with by someone else, I'm afraid....

Secondly, there is Jehovah, and as a super primordial God, Jehovah has absolutely no need to lie to himself. As mentioned earlier, Jehovah's power and Hydra are not even in the same dimension, would you lie to an ant? It won't, and there's no need. That's why what's behind Jehovah is a bit intriguing.

But there were different levels, after all, and Hydra was salty about it. Putting the things about Jehovah aside, Hydra got into her bedroom through the window.

It was a Chamber of Commerce, but the bedroom was pretty well decorated. Large velvet blankets, a soft mattress and a luxurious bed. It was understandable, after all, business was one of the few professions with the highest return on profit even in the latter days anyway.

Especially in this era of poor transportation, the completion of a single large transaction could basically be dashing for a year.

Shaking his head, Hydra made contact with the magic that maintained the form of clothes on his body, and then lay straight down on the bed. It would only be funny if Hydra's body would still be contaminated by dust in her current state and strength.

Although most of the eldritch species didn't need to sleep, when they were meditating, it was usually the time when they were most relaxed. There was nothing to do anyway, so Hydra would just go straight into meditation.

The day and night rotated, the moon set and the sun rose.

Opening his eyes, Hydra stood up with an expressionless face. Magic autonomously gathered into clothing on its body. I must say that this was truly a lazy man's benefit, saving the tediousness required to get dressed, Hydra pushed open the door and stepped out of the Caron Chamber of Commerce.

In the early morning, the medieval streets were filled with vendors coming and going, all sorts of fruits and vegetables were placed on the shelves for people to choose from, and from time to time one could hear the sound of haggling between some of the vendors and women.

There were a few noblemen riding their snowy white high horses with a proud face walking towards the cathedral not far away.

Their flashy clothes and strong perfumes were in stark contrast to the surrounding commoners.

The Middle Ages was definitely the most boring time period in the history of the world, there were no soaring castles, knights with polished armor, beautiful princesses and graceful women in the fairy tale books.

Medieval castles were more of a military fortress, and they were often located in the high mountains where water was a problem if you didn't have enough wells to keep the enemy at bay. Moreover, the castle walls had no windows to protect them from thrown weapons, so the corners, which did not receive sunlight, were often covered with cobwebs. The imperfect craftsmanship of the Middle Ages made the castle a dangerous building to maintain because of the dampness.

The funny thing about the Middle Ages is that they ate vegetables raw and fruits ripe. In other words, they ate most of their vegetables raw and their fruits roasted and peppered. Because in the eyes of the aristocracy, eating raw fruit was an inferior gesture, and medieval medicine considered all fruit to be cold, so it needed to be neutralized with energizing spices. Like pepper....

Heh, medieval medicine....

And in medieval times, desserts were extremely rare, and it was even more common for two lords to fight over a few boxes of honey....

Hydra couldn't stop thinking about those sweet, sweet, "fancy desserts".

As for the so-called "first night right"... if you can get your hands on someone who is covered in dirt, reeks of body odor, and is yellow and skinny... you should try it.

In short, fairy tales are all lies, just like in the movies, the Shaolin monks are upright, but in recent history, the Shaolin Temple Shaolin Temple committed enough crimes to make them go to the eighteenth level of hell, the abduction of female incense is only the beginning, in the back room no cover meeting is even more common, tired of playing and then sold into the green house. Posing as bandits to plunder the merchant brigade, extorting protection money to beat people up and kill them, colluding with reactionary warlords, persecuting party members to create white terror, joining the Japanese bandits as aiding and abetting the Japanese, betraying anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians when leading the party, basically everything has been done ... ...

Just relying on the movie Shaolin Temple, they easily cleared themselves.

You know, the real Buddhists all learned Zen in the mountains, Shaolin? Those were all six-headed vultures.

Shaking her head, just as Hydra was about to return to the Kallen Chamber of Commerce, Jeanne rode up to Hydra on a white warhorse as the surrounding farmers watched.

"I'm coming to get you~"

The owner of the Caron Chamber of Commerce at the side even stared out at the scene.

"Holy... Holy Lady?! How did the Saint-in-waiting appear here?!"


In China, in fact, also have the first night of the right to say, and the era is not far from the present us - according to the general's personal investigation, before the liberation of the shaolin temple, is songshan largest landlord, dozens of miles are shaolin temple land. And these called "six roots pure" of the monks, actually blatantly declared that they have "the first night right", told the tenant farmers said, have a good wife to rent good land, no good wife to rent bad land, no daughter-in-law of the land, no land, blatantly messing with women also do not pay! --which resulted in the daughters of farmers near Shaolin Temple not being able to get married and their sons not being able to get wives....

Don't say I'm discrediting Buddhism. Is Shaolin in China a Buddha's foot?

You seem to be teasing me. I've never heard of a Buddhist sect that requires women to strip naked when it opens their eyes.

Taoism was founded on the idea of "protecting the country" and "helping the country". The Taiping Sutra states that a monk should "help the country to gain the heart of heaven". "Heaven is uniquely generous with the Dejun, so it is made for those who can secure themselves and protect the country."

Indeed, Buddhism was just as successful in the war against Japan, and I've heard of many Buddhist masters such as Master Hsu Yun, Master Hong Yi, Venerable Juzen and the 9th Panchen, as well as the famous Wutai Mountain monk-soldiers. But sorry, with today's Buddhism....

Forget about it. We all know about Buddhism nowadays anyway.

I have to say that the contribution of the old man Jin Yong to Buddhism is really higher than Dharma and Xuanzang.

Really to the Buddhist temple to see the monuments on the line.

In short, for me, Chinese Buddhism is not Buddhism.

I reject all attempts to whitewash Shaolin.

It's also the case that a few wisps of clear water can't swing the turbid river.

Volume I: Text-169-So-called Prophets

Amidst the incredulous eyes of the surrounding inhabitants, Hedra followed Jeanne with a grimace to the cathedral once again.

This time it wasn't a dark night, and devout-looking believers could be seen everywhere in the church. Although all of them had some kind of strong or fresh perfume on their bodies, no matter how high-end their perfume was, Hydra could always only smell their body odor from it....

Hydra had no choice but to block off her olfactory organs....

The sense of smell could affect many things, but overall, it was only its secondary role. Besides, Hydra herself was not human.

"You have the same power of revelation as I do, which means you should be the legendary Prophet. But you look a bit young now, so let's go to the library and read the books on prophets first."

As she said that, Jeanne took Hydra's hand and ran to the library.

Usually, no matter what religion it was, it would give rise to the profession of a prophet. A prophet, as the name implies, is someone who can make accurate prophecies1. According to later statistics, there were twenty-five prophets, the first being Adam, the original man, and the last being Muhammad, who was inspired by Allah.

Hydra does not have much ill will towards Christianity, be it the Crusades or the cruel and dark Middle Ages. It was the result of people's own greed. According to the Book of the Twelve Prophets in general, God does not require his people to be fanatical in their worship of him, but rather to have good personal morals and to have more noble people in society. But thought for various reasons, this had gone off track.

As she thought about it, Hydra had followed Jeanne to the Great Library.

As she was about to check out the books, a stereotypical man with long curly hair saw Jeanne.

"Yo, Jeanne, what are you doing here? If you have any questions you can just ask me. Also, this one next to you is?"

As he said that, the man with a somewhat stereotypical looking face pointed at Hydra.

Seeing the stereotypical man, Jeanne first saluted and then said with a light smile on her face, "We're here to check information, the one next to me is Hydra, he received the same revelation as I did, so I have a feeling that Hydra is the legendary prophet. But since I'm not sure, I thought I'd check the information."

Afterwards, Jeanne spoke to Hydra again.

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