Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 130.

As she said that, Jeanne lively took Hydra by the hand and trotted towards the cafeteria.

With a glance at Jeanne who was pulling her, Hydra did not break away.

Hydra then turned to the picture in the middle of the church with the pupil changing from brilliant gold to a dragon's pupil like a lizard.

And that Jehovah in the center of the church looked into Hydra's eyes without any surprise, but on the contrary, smiled gently after seeing Hydra reveal her identity.

Then in Hydra's watchful gaze, Jehovah's mouth moved.

"Fear not, child. We are not the enemy."

After saying that, the portrait in the middle of the church lost its activity and became a mere painting....

In response, Hydra narrowed her eyes.

"I hope so..."


And two more shifts....

Volume 1: Text-167 - Eating

Being dragged by Jeanne to the cafeteria, shall I say worthy of being the largest church in the world? Even the cafeteria was two stories tall....

Relying on her saintly privileges, Jeanne easily brought Hydra to mess with the back kitchen.

There was still plenty of dried food on the back kitchen table.

Although it was an open religion, Christianity still had rules about food anyway, simply Christians were not allowed to eat animal blood, animals that had been strangled, animals that had died, food that had been sacrificed to idols such as Buddha, and any animal with blood in it had to be washed clean before it could be eaten, never meat with blood in it. Utility animals had to be slaughtered with a knife, for fear that the blood inside might not be washed clean. Of course, anything sold on the street could be eaten.

In spite of these rules, Christianity was generally a very liberal religion compared to other religions such as Buddhism. Of course, there was also a time when Christians fasted. Of course, fasting here is not the same as in Buddhism, where the Christian fast means eating less and substituting fish for meat.

At first Hydra wondered whether the God of this time was the God of Catholicism or Christianity or one of the many myths of the Orthodox Church, etc. It wasn't until later that Hydra discovered that the God of this time was the God of Christianity. It wasn't until much later that Hydra realized that this medieval period was supposed to be a combination of Christianity and Catholicism, which simply means that there was a divinely created son named Jesus in Catholicism....

Looking at the pensive Hydra in front of her, Jeanne reminded her with a smile on her face.

"What are you waiting for? Won't you sit down and have some? Wasting food is a big no-no!"

At the words, Hydra looked at Jeanne in front of her, and the silly smile on her face was like a spring flowing through one's heart....

But despite this, Hydra's heart remained without any fluctuation.

After thousands of years, Hydra's sight has long since left the human skin, of course, can not be denied to retire this magnificent skin Jeanne just as bright and dazzling to the soul, but even so so what? The last thing that was lacking in Hydra's Hall of English Souls [Maenquil] was sparkling souls.

Not to mention, when Northern Europe had fallen, there were countless British souls everywhere, and more importantly, when they saw their arrival, Michael and the others left Northern Europe after a slight startle, and those souls, they didn't even look at them.

And because of that, there were now enough souls within Hydra's Myenquil to have all the English souls of a world.

White Wolf Gerald, Siegfried, War Tooth King, Beowulf, and Brengelt all slumbered within Hydra's Myenquil.

In terms of the dazzle of the soul alone, Jeanne's soul might brighten Hydra's sudden surprise, but that was all in all....

Making it to the dining sit, feeling Jeanne's gaze, Hydra's put on a pious face of prayer.

Although it was a pious face, but the fact that Hydra's had no respect for the so-called Jehovah, hard to say... or fear mostly, I guess.

After all, no matter what, the suppression of strength had made it difficult for Hydra to breathe.

As for the words of the LORD, "We are not enemies"... Hydra was amazed at these words.

If they were not enemies, then what was the reason for what Michael and the others were doing? With the LORD's power it is completely unnecessary to covet some of the power of faith, and the power of faith may increase the LORD's power, but I'm afraid that the conversion of this power of faith to the LORD is not even one hundred trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth, is it?

Knowing that the upper limit of faith was low, and that different beings could provide different amounts of faith, the power that faith could provide was too limited . According to Hydra's knowledge, Zeus and the others right now were trying to get rid of the bitter consequences of faith, knowing that the believers who provided faith to the gods would be just as affected if they did evil things to the gods whose faith they received....

"What is it that restrains Jehovah..."

As she thought about it, Hydra couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't believe I'm thinking about something that only a Super Primordial God level existence would be thinking about..."

Shaking her head, Hydra let her mind go and picked up the warm grain porridge in front of her and ate it.

The porridge was already cold, and although Hydra didn't care, Jeanne insisted on heating it up before eating it.

Although a little speechless, Hydra did not refuse Jeanne's good intentions.

Looking at Hydra who was eating safely in front of her, a smile rose on Jeanne's face as well.

Then Jeanne also lowered her head and cupped her hands and began to pray.

The meaning of prayer is to tell God what is in our hearts: what we have in our hearts to ask for, we can tell God; what we have in our hearts to be thankful for, we can tell God; what we have in our hearts to suffer, we can tell God; what we have in our hearts to worry about, we can tell God. Whether big or small, difficult or easy, we can tell God anything that is in our heart. But the first step is to confess and repent of our sins.

Of course, prayer is not directly to the Lord, but to Jesus, the Son of God. For no other reason than that, in the Christian interpretation, all men of time are sinful, and God is sovereign, so Jesus, the divine creature, is needed as a bridge between the two.

Prayer is used with an honest heart and is not confined to any manner of prayer, whether walking, lying down, or working. But when conditions permit, Christians usually pray on their knees, because when they kneel, their hearts are more devout and reverent. At the same time the eyes are closed while praying, for there can be a quiet mind, and when the eyes are closed, the spirit of the person is immediately directed toward God.

Having ended the prayer reverently, Jeanne was in no hurry to begin to eat.

The movement of his hands was unhurried, but his mouth chewed like a blender....

Wine has a high status in Christianity because Jesus served his disciples with wine at the Last Supper and said to them, "The bread is my flesh, the wine is my blood. Therefore, wine is also called "the blood of Christ".

In medieval Europe, wine was used to sterilize wounds, excite soldiers, and celebrate victories in battle. In addition, drinking wine can also fight the plague, so the wine in Europe, once also became the antidote to the plague. The wine was red in color, like human blood, plus Europe was mostly of the Christian persuasion and felt that the Lord would bless them if they drank the holy blood.

Of course, to Hydra, wine was wine, made by farmers who worked hard to make it, and had nothing to do with the so-called Jesus....

And one more shift around midnight....

See you in the morning.

Volume I: Text - 168 - Early Morning

Hydra herself didn't feel the slightest bit hungry, so she finished the bowl of grain porridge and didn't eat any further.

Outside was still a black hole in the night sky, and underneath the bright stars was a city without any light.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Upon hearing that, Jeanne who was eating looked at Hydra in front of her in confusion, "Didn't you say you wanted to read a book? Have you read it already?"

Nodding, Hydra indicated that she had mastered the magic regarding healing.

Seeing this, Jeanne nodded, and then looking at this Hydra's back as she prepared to leave Jeanne asked aloud, "Will you come again tomorrow?"

Thinking for a moment, Hydra nodded.


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