Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 132.

"This is the St. George-sensei I told you about, and although he may seem stereotypical, St. George-sensei is a very gentle person~"

At the news, Hydra took stock of the St. George before her.

Although it was in the middle of a church, the man named St. George was still wearing a solid armor with a hideous dragon's head at the shoulder pads, the armor was light brown, and the armor was covered with a cloak similar to the holy wreck cloth like the Crusaders.

The face looked hard and stereotypical, but one could feel that gentle dunniness from the inside out.

"From the feel of it, it doesn't seem to be a strange existence like Michael's..."

While Hydra was sizing up St. George, St. George on the side was also sizing up Hydra.

With a gentle and handsome appearance, and in order to conceal his identity, Hydra had deliberately enveloped the power of holy light around his body, so in St. George's perception Hydra was like someone blessed by holy light.

The power of the holy light that was almost overflowing from his body could be felt by relying on sensation alone, and according to Jeanne, he also received a revelation....

A smile rose on St. George's face as he thought.

"I don't know much about revelations, in fact, Jeanne, you are the only one who has received one in the last two hundred years. But Hyde the power of the Holy Light in you is too strong. And I believe in Jeanne's qualities... Go to that shelf on the southeast corner of the library, where the writings of the last prophet are."

As he spoke, St. George pointed to a summer vacation in the corner.

At the sight, Jeanne nodded, then quickly took Hydra's hand and headed to the shelf.

A smile rose on St. George's face as he watched Hydra's back.

There was no doubt about the importance of prophets, and in a way more than that, prophets were even more important than holy women.

The Holy Virgin in Christianity was not the kind of being in Hinduism called the Holy Virgin, who was actually a prostitute. In Christianity, the Virgin is sacred and lives her life in her faith. The Virgin not only has the right to control the lifeblood of a nation. And has the ability to talk to God, etc. However, the Virgin is destined to be alone, unable to have love or desire.

The Virgin is noble and inviolable, but of course, this has nothing to do with the Hindu Virgin....

The Virgin was ascetic and noble, but the Prophet would not. Prophets are integrated into society and into the people. Every prophet in history has represented a great leap forward in human history. They taste people's pain and suffering, learn what they need and what they hate. Then they carry out God's will for reform.

"It would be wonderful if it really was a prophet."

A serene smile rose on St. George's face as he thought.

As one of the saints. St. George was strict and law-abiding, noble and compassionate to the weak, and gentle to anyone. He believed that all people make mistakes, and because they make mistakes, they are able to work for a better life. If a prophet does come, St. George is more than happy with the unknown and does not fear that the prophet will threaten his position.

On the other hand, relying on St. George's guidance, Hydra reluctantly and Jeanne in front of her came to the bookshelf.

Although it was obvious that the books here hadn't been opened for a long time, what could be noticed was that there wasn't any dust on the shelves, and they were obviously regularly taken care of.

The last prophet of this world was Moses, that's right, the prophet who parted the sea-Moses.

According to the book of Exodus, Moses was commanded by the Lord to lead the enslaved Hebrews out of ancient Egypt to a rich land: the land of Canaan. After more than 40 years of arduous travel, Moses died just as he was about to reach his destination.

And under Moses' leadership, the Hebrews escaped the misery of slavery, learned to obey the Ten Commandments, and became the first people in history to worship a single god religion.

And Moses is the author of the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Moses is mentioned about 767 times in the Old Testament and 79 times in the New Testament. This is enough to show the importance of Moses.

And now, Hydra would be the next Moses, the next prophet.

As she thought about it, Hydra glanced over to the red book not far from the shelf she had stuffed herself into last night.



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Volume I: Text - 170 - Pope Antonio III

Quietly reading through the book of so-called prophets, Hydra stroked her chin with small interest.

Although he wasn't a so-called prophet, nor had he received any so-called revelation, that didn't stop him from playing God. God was being restricted now, and while it was unclear what exactly and for what purpose was restricting Jehovah, one thing was certain, that first now Hydra was safe.

And in times like the Middle Ages, divine authority was superior to royal authority. And the prophet is second only to the true God among the theocratic powers.

Every era is full of prophets, limits lead the way in every era, and of course, in some places, such people are called sages.

Sage and Prophet in general both meant the same thing, and if Hydra succeeded in becoming the Prophet here, then it would undoubtedly have a very significant help in what Hydra was going to do in the future as well. Even the angels had to buy themselves three thin faces, after all, the Prophet was one of the only existences that could actively communicate with the true God.

And besides, if we go deeper, Hydra did communicate with Jehovah....

It wasn't what everyone thought, though.

Accompanied by Jeanne, Hydra returned the Book of Prophets to the shelf in her hands.

"I can't confirm it, but if I follow the book, I do have some similarities. But I am somewhat unconfirmed."

Upon hearing that, Jeanne nodded and looked at Hydra with surprise in her eyes.

Prophets represented a leap forward in human history, and it could be said that the existence of prophets was the greatest gift of the true God.

If Jeanne remembered correctly, according to the reports from the frontline crusaders, the Hell Satans were getting more and more aggressive, and if it wasn't for relying on the Legion of Light and the power of Michael's Holy War, the Satans would have poured into land by now.

If a prophet appeared now, it would definitely turn the war with Hell around.

As she thought, a smile rose on Jeanne's face, and then she looked at Hydra in front of her.

"Follow me! We're going to see the Pope together!"

At the news, Hydra raised an eyebrow, then nodded without refusing.

The Pope was undoubtedly the bearer of the Catholic Church and the Christian world, second only to the saints and prophets.

This is understandable, according to Hydra's knowledge, the saints in this world are not canonized by the Vatican, but angels. According to the books of the church library, to be canonized not only required a pious martyr's heart, but also a great strength, perfect quality and many other elements. And even then one has to complete the trials laid out by the seven angels, and in the case of St. George, his trials were to slay the poisonous dragon, destroy the bestial oppressor and protect the defenseless, among many other trials.

St. George exists as a saint because he preaches the spirit of protecting the weak, confronting the aggressor, and achieving holiness through sacrifice.

And needless to say, the Prophet is an existence to which all the seven angels must pay homage.

Therefore, although the status of the Pope in this world was not bad, he was still a bit lower when facing the saints and prophets.

The current Jeanne d'Arc was not yet a saint, but rather should only be a sub-saint, as the current Jeanne d'Arc had yet to receive the trials given by the angels. But nevertheless, as a sub-saint, Jeanne had just as much right to see the Pope directly.

"I want to see the Pope, the Prophet has appeared!"

Hearing Jeanne's words, the guards who were guarding the palace quickly led Jeanne to the meeting hall to wait.

The Pope, who was praying, looked at the forbidden guards who suddenly came in with great displeasure.

"How many times have I said that this cannot be done under the Lord's watchful eye..."

Before the Pope could finish speaking, the temple guard bowed his head and said.

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