18. General and Hare

Translator: Antonia

Yet, since the general was already waiting outside the tent, he couldn’t drive him away. Hence, poised as an audience of a drama, he invited the general in.

The general was an upright man and never looked around once coming inside. After all, this was the place where the Crown Prince and Princess rested. Probably there were unpresentable toys and the sort of things. He understood it.

“My name is Leng. Sorry to bother you, your Highness.” General Leng stood in the tent, folded his fists to salute, yet it wasn’t a way to greet a superior.

Du Chuxuan cocked his head to one side and took a glance. He believed that he was a nice person, but this man was really weird. He called him your Highness, but didn’t greet him in a due way.

“You’re being too polite, General Leng.” Du Chuxuan motioned slightly in the air and saw a shadow flashing over outside the tent. It was someone he had never met before, so he was more annoyed.

Yuxing Tianrui was such a fool. He had to help him deal with things that he wasn’t capable of. He would be monkey’s uncle if he couldn’t blackmail a roast lamb out of him with this matter!

Thinking of getting a roasted lamb, Du Chuxuan was excited and totally forgot the fact that Yuxing Tianrui had never made such a promise. Everything was his own wishful imagination.

“Why is General Leng turning to me, a nameless guard? If His Highness is too busy to mind everything, I’ll surely help you pass the words to him.”

After Du Chuxuan expressed his attitude, things were different. Passing down words wasn’t something important. Anyone could do it. Why should he bother the Crown Princess?!

General Leng got sober immediately. No matter where this person before him was, as long as the country of Shenglan existed, she was the Crown Princess. Now, at the thought of his previous rude behavior, he felt sad for himself.

“Please pardon me.” Because of his ill opinion of the Crown Prince, he had also been somewhat scornful towards Du Chuxuan. At this point, he didn’t dare to show any disrespect and kneeled down at once.

“Hahahaha, I said don’t be too polite. Do you have any gift for me?” One should return as good as one receives. Since he was prepared to do this general a favor, of course he wanted to reap benefits from both ends. How could he be taken advantaged by this general?

The general had not the slightest idea that the Crown Princess was merely asking for a little benefit, believed she was still dissatisfied at him and became more nervous.

It was because people said His Highness was obedient to the Princess that he had planned to start with her. However, if she was annoyed by him and talked ill of him to His Highness on bed, he was afraid he would be kicked out at any moment.

Du Chuxuan would laugh so hard until he had a stomachache if he had known what a drama was playing in the general’s mind. Yet, surprisingly, this happened to benefit him a lot in the future.

“Of course, this is what I should do.” General Leng replied quickly, thinking what gift would please Her Highness.

He mentioned several things in a row, which were all painstakingly saved by him over the years. However, Du Chuxuan didn’t seem interested at all. He became more anxious.

Du Chuxuan was also more annoyed. What was in this general’s head? It was him who came here of his own accord but now just didn’t get to the point. In this way, how could he take credit before Yuxing Tianrui?

Now things got creepier. What kind of a household the Du family was? Did he need those things? Did this General Leng do something illegal and was trying to bribe him?

Du Chuxuan sat there, brainstorming. He felt tasteless in his mouth and grabbed over a wild fruit from the plate. This place wasn’t as good as the capital after all. There weren’t even refreshments.

If he hadn’t been the Crown Princess, there weren’t be wild fruit at all. The general was muddle-headed and, seeing Du Chuxuan’s action, was immediately enlightened as if being hit in certain acupoint.

“A few days ago, I hunted a hare. Over these days, it gets much fatter. Do you want to keep it as a company, Your Highness?”

A hare! And a fat one!

Du Chuxuan’s eyes lit up. Fighting back his eagerness, he pretended to be self-composed, “Oh, that sounds nice. What a poor baby! Just send it over here.”

Nice try! This was the first idea came to the general’s mind. At once, he was relieved and echoed Du Chuxuan’s words. A hare instantly smoothened the atmosphere between the two.

At least in Du Chuxuan’s eyes, this General Leng was less annoying and he was willing to listen to what he wanted.

“Your Highness, there’s news that General Leng just went to find Her Highness,” the guard reported the news to Yuxing Tianrui in a low voice.

Yuxing Tianrui frowned slightly, “General Leng? What for?” Recently he had been upset about what was going on in the capital. Because of the Dragon General, the Emperor ferreted out many people. He took no actions, exactly to buy some time for the capital to recover.

However, this General Leng thought of nothing but battles no matter what. Over these days, he almost took this tent as his.

“I don’t know, Your Highness. I heard they just had a normal chat, and General Leng got out of the tent soon. When he came out, he didn’t seem very happy.”

Yuxing Tianrui nodded to show he knew it. Later when he went back, he would naturally ask. Now he had more important things to deal with.

Du Chuxuan had no idea that his conversation with the general was already known by Yuxing Tianrui and was overjoyed at this moment. Supposedly, every three days, Yuxing Tianrui as the general commander would lead the training for the entire army.

It didn’t take either too long or short. Yet, he wouldn’t have breakfast and lunch with him. This time was just right for Du Chuxuan to roast the hare.

On that night, when Yuxing Tianrui came back to the tent, he found something wrong in Du Chuxuan’s expression. Previously, he looked dissatisfied every time he came back.

If Yuxing Tianrui was a piece of meat, Du Chuxuan could rush over and swallow him. But today, he was all smiles, somehow alerting Yuxing Tianrui.

“You’re back, Your Highness. Do you want me to change clothes for you?” Hurry and go to bed. Tomorrow, I’ll enjoy my hare!

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