16. I Want Meat

Translator: Antonia

Du Chuxuan was a little annoyed. Why this person just had no idea of what should be said? Yet, now he was in a great mood and didn’t plan to argue with him.

He pretended not to hear anything, stood up, curtsied to Yuxing Tianrui respectfully, “Your Highness also look happy. Why don’t you go out and have fun with people?”

Now the entire barracks was in a light and joyful air. Some people heard about the betrayal of the Dragon General, but in order to keep the morale up, Yuxing Tianrui didn’t publicize the news.

The title of Shenglan’s Dragon General wasn’t obtained by family connections but through countless times of victorious battles. The news of a Dragon General being the traitor would turn down the spirits of the soldiers. Du Chuxuan didn’t care about it. He only knew that he would get good food from the celebration party outside.

The two were in a deadlock, when the guard shouted from outside, “Your Highness. Dinner is ready. Do you wish to join in the celebration feast or stay in the tent to have dinner with Her Highness?” These guards were from the mansion of the Crown Prince, familiar with them.

Yuxing Tianrui narrowed his eyes slightly. He keenly captured Du Chuxuan’s cheer on hearing the words celebration feast. Even his face gave him away.

He thought of what the searching squad had reported to him. She, a woman, stayed outside for so long and didn’t hurry to go back to him. Did she have any concepts of female virtues and rules?

Maybe she had a crush on certain soldier again and wished to hook up with. The thought, once coming into being, grew stronger and stronger in Yuxing Tianrui’s mind. All of a sudden, he snorted.

“I’m going, but bring in the food. Her Highness must be hungry.” He hugged himself, pretending to be nice, and happened to saw Du Chuxuan’s frozen expression in that moment.

What the hell?! Du Chuxuan only found Yuxing Tianrui very hateful. It had been him who forced him to join the army. Now everyone was celebrating, but he was forbidden to go.

Seeing the guards came in and served food, all of which were greens, Du Chuxuan gritted his teeth until the muscles around were sore. He fought it back and asked, gritting his teeth, after the guards left, “I think I’m an intimate guard of your Highness. Is it proper for me to eat alone here?”

Of course not! What were they eating there?! Roasted suckling pigs! Roasted lambs! He sat here with a table of greens. Was he treated as a bunny? Yuxing Tianrui learned from somewhere and insisted that a woman on a green diet had better fertility. Du Chuxuan almost passed away from anger the first time he heard it.

Du Chuxuan was determined to go to the feast and eat meat. If he missed this great opportunity, he would write his name backwards! The thought lit a fire in Du Chuxuan’s eyes. He was now in high spirits.

Yuxing Tianrui didn’t understand what was in his mind at all and became more upset seeing his increasing interest, “I heard that people shouldn’t eat much meat, especial for us imperial members. We shall not display to the world as people indulging ourselves in sensational pleasure. Do you understand, my princess?”

Fuck off! Du Chuxuan turned his face away, avoiding to see his dogmatic look. They were all humans and imperial members! Why could Yuxing Tianrui have meat while he had greens?! What kind of life was this?!

Gritting his teeth, Du Chuxuan rolled his eyes and suddenly turned back with a smiling face, “Of course I agree with your Highness’s opinion. However, her Majesty also said that I should think on your behalf since I followed you out. It will be a disgrace on the imperial family if I don’t stand by your side at this occasion.”

Yuxing Tianrui lurched at his remark. For the first time, he got the art of language. His mood worsened as the smile on Du Chuxuan’s face became brighter.

“You guys!” He suddenly shouted towards outside just as Du Chuxuan believed he was going to agree, which scared Du Chuxuan to take a step back.

“Guard the Crown Princess well and don’t let her leave the tent. If she got a cold or anything happened to her, you’ll be held accountable!”

Finishing it, Yuxing Tianrui smiled complacently at Du Chuxuan. Obviously, the antennas of the two never connected.

But at this moment, amazingly, Du Chuxuan, understood his meaning: Want to go out? I just won’t let you!

Seeing the man turned around and left, Du Chuxuan flew into a fury. The man wasn’t cute at all, wasn’t a bit like the person he had ever met.

He must be crazy as a child to believe that he was a nice and lovely little fool like a next-door brother.

Yuxing Tianrui now was overjoyed seeing Du Chuxuan’s disappointment and walked to the crowd with his guards, without the knowledge that his status in his wife’s heart had plunged to the bottom.

“Ahhhh!” Looking back and seeing the greens on the table, Du Chuxuan couldn’t help moaning. What an awful marriage! Earlier when he was in the river, he remembered something from childhood.

Truly, he had met Yuxing Tianrui before. But at that time, Yuxing Tianrui couldn’t see anyone else except for his eldest sister, so this hateful prince didn’t notice him at all.

Du Chuxuan by then was merely a child, not interested in another spoiled boy in luxurious clothes. Naturally, they didn’t get to know each other.

Through so many strange twists and turns, now he, replacing his sister, became his Crown Princess. The world was so weird.

“Your Highness, are you all right?” The guard on duty was a little startled and asked carefully.

Asshole. Don’t want me to go out? I can still get meat! The moment he heard the voice from outside, Du Chuxuan thought of a hundred ways to get meat.

He picked up two dishes on the table and brought to the door, “These two dishes taste strange. I’m afraid they’ve gone sour. Go and get another two dishes.”

The guard at the door now was one on patrol and didn’t know the rules here. Hence, he naturally took over the two plates, looked at the greens and couldn’t help asking, “What do you want to eat, your Highness? Still two greens?”

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