“I don’t think Pierce will announce the location of the base, so don’t worry, but you can’t relax just because of this. Once they find out where we are, they will call in the Avengers. Li

Te said slowly, and everyone present nodded.

Hydra does not yet have the strength to confront the Avengers head-on.

In fact, when Li Te saw the twins, Hydra was of no use to Li Te.

But he must In order to promote the plot of Avengers 2, he is still retained for the time being. But now, there is no need for that.

“How are the twins doing now, can they play?”

Dr. Li Tes said, it was created by him, and it is the trump card of their Hydra.

If it can be put to use, plus Li Te, the Avengers will not be able to fight when they attack.

“That’s enough. Dealing with the Avengers isn’t a problem yet.”

Li Te said truthfully, letting everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

This is what they want to hear most.

“Thank you for your hard work Bruce, once the training is completely completed, I will let you enter the upper echelons of the organization!”

���Tarak said that he had doubts about Li Te, but now was no longer the time for internal strife.

Li Te smiled and said nothing more.

What identity is not important to him.

Afterwards, Hydra executives continued to study how to deal with possible Avengers, but they still didn’t care.

Because their secret base is too remote, it would not be easily discovered without the Avengers from SHIELD.

During this period, Li Te also walked out of the meeting.

At this time, he stood slowly on the spot, with a smile on his face.

Now, it’s time to start the plot of Avengers 2.

Without much hesitation, Li Te walked to the blind spot of the surveillance camera, and then turned into an afterimage.

At the extreme speed, the surveillance could not detect him at all.

Soon, Li Te came to a room.

The room he originally lived in was completely isolated and there was no signal at all.

Now he came to an empty room and used the power of lightning to short-circuit the surveillance.

Then he turned on a computer.

Although SHIELD has been disbanded, Li Te can still contact Fury and Hill.

After sending the address, Li Te left the place directly.

In order to prevent Hydra people from noticing, Li Te deliberately used the power of lightning to slightly destroy the central control system.

Although SHIELD did not discover the location of the Hydra base in the plot of the movie, they have other channels.

It just takes a while, and Li Te has advanced the time.

After finishing all this, Li Te went to the room.

Now, we just need to wait for the reaction from the other side……

At this time, New York, Avengers base.

Although SHIELD has been disbanded, the Avengers Base is still there.

Cap, Black Widow, Falcon, Hill and Nick Fury are all here.

They are considering how to deal with the aftermath of Hydra

“Unexpectedly, Hydra has penetrated us so deeply.”Nick Fury said with lingering fear.

No one said anything. This matter is really serious.

It’s just that they don’t know where the secret base of Hydra is. Otherwise, they would have taken action long ago.

“Didi didi~”

At this moment, a message came from the projection of the entire system.

This message was very simple, it was a location and a name.

“Hydra secret base!”

Everyone was stunned. They were still thinking about this just now. The location of Hydra’s secret base was sent directly here?

“We need to study it.”Captain America said, his character is like this, he is worried about danger.

“It’s too late, I’d rather miss it than let it go!”

Nick Fury hates Hydra very much, and this location is very consistent with the information they got before.

They can’t delay it any longer.

He looked back at Captain America and the others and said solemnly

“Avengers, assemble!”

Nick Fury is very serious. Because of Pierce, their entire S.H.I.E.L.D. directly collapsed.

If this kind of thing hadn’t happened, he would have never known that Hydra has penetrated so deeply.

Although SHIELD has been disbanded, fortunately Nick Fury still has his own team.

At least it can help these superheroes.

Now that they have finally found Hydra’s base, Nick Fury really doesn’t want to delay it any longer.

This time , is their opportunity for revenge

“Fury, calm down, because you don’t know whether the news is true or false.”

After all, Captain America is a person who has experienced war, so he is very careful on this point.

They had just dealt with the matter of Hydra, and the secret base of Hydra appeared in front of them.

This is something that Captain America It seemed like too much of a coincidence, so he asked Nick Fury to study it before making a decision.

“My people have discovered clues about the Hydra organization before, and the location that appears now is basically consistent with the information we got before. Even if it is not the real base of Hydra, it cannot be missed.”

Fury said, he has carefully run S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years.

It was directly destroyed because of the Hydra change, of course he was angry.

“What if it’s a trap?”

Captain America spoke again. Why doesn’t he resent Hydra? His best comrade Bucky became like that because of Hydra.

But he felt that he needed to calm down. Only in this way can he be safe.

“We have Avengers!”

Nick Fury said, this is his decision, and the US team cannot change it.

“I agree with Fury.”

Black Widow said. She had seen SHIELD’s information about the Hydra base before and thought the news was true.

At this time, Captain America took a deep breath and glanced at the people around him.

Those people all agreed to attack on this point.

“Okay, let’s get started.”Captain America no longer insisted.

Everyone stood up. They wanted to assemble the Avengers.

This time, they will completely destroy the Hydra base.

“Is there any news about Li?”Black Widow looked at Fury and said.

The members of the Avengers basically know where they are, and it won’t take a long time to summon them.

But there has been no news about Li Te for a long time.

“Pierce had previously issued an order for him to perform a special mission. If I guessed correctly, Lee may have been assassinated.”

Fury said that he once suspected that Li might be a member of Hydra.

But later he investigated a lot of things, and there was no evidence to directly prove it.

Moreover, Li Te’s previous performance had nothing to do with Hydra, so he believed.

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