Pierce wanted to recruit him before, but was finally rejected by Li Te.

In the end, Pierce didn’t want people to doubt his identity, so he found an excuse to deal with Li Te.

This is the best explanation.

As for whether Li Te would survive, he was not sure.

A trace of worry appeared on Black Widow’s face after hearing this. She didn’t believe that Li Te would die.

But thinking about Bucky’s appearance, I have a bad feeling

“Okay Natasha, go and carry out the order.”Fury said, the first priority now is to destroy the Hydra base!

Then, these people present have their own tasks.

Some people are going to summon Iron Man, some are going to summon Dr. Banner, and some are going to summon Thor.

This A moment later, after the battle in New York, the Avengers gathered again!

At the same time, in Hydra’s secret base,

Li Te was still the same as usual, nothing unusual.

During this period, he had been training fast Silver and Scarlet Witch.

With Li Te’s training, the two grew up very quickly.

Especially Scarlet Witch, who became more and more familiar with the control of chaos magic.

As for Hydra, it was exactly the same as before, and there was no If they find any abnormalities, they will do whatever they want.

Especially the research on Loki’s Scepter has not relaxed at all. It’s just that Loki’s Scepter is the Mind Stone, even if Hydra’s various researches are very thorough, and have the world’s The most top scientists and doctors, but they are unable to study this cosmic-level energy thoroughly.

Li Te has also been exposed to Loki’s scepter, but his power is still not enough to download the Mind Stone.

According to Li Te’s expectations, To successfully download the Mind Stone, he must at least be truly on par with the gods.

After all, the power of this Infinity Stone is so powerful that even a being like Thanos is almost half disabled after snapping his fingers.

To truly use the Infinity Stones In the end, you need to be able to withstand the strength. At this moment, he was standing next to the training ground.

Witch and Kuaiyin were both practicing intensively, and they were very serious.

Especially after coming into contact with Li Te, with the deepening understanding, They had a great change in their view of Li Te.

Even Quicksilver regarded Li Te as his target.

Li Te looked at the twins, and an idea had already emerged in his mind.

This time, he would never let Quick Silver die.

“Ding dong, congratulations to the host for completely gaining the trust of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch!”

“Ding dong, congratulations to the host for completing the mission and gaining energy value: 5000!”

At this moment, the voice of the system came from Li Te’s mind, which made his eyes light up.

The twins before had begun to trust him, but they had not yet met the system’s requirements.

But now, he has met the conditions.

The reward for the mission is actually a high energy value of 5,000 points.

This is already a battle in New York.

Although 5,000 energy points is not much, it is enough for Li Te at this stage.

And the most important thing is, Then the battle between the Avengers and Hydra will begin.

At that time, he can continue to kill Hydra members to gain energy points.

This time, his harvest will definitely be extremely huge.

“Ding dong, the mission is released, please host to facilitate the birth of Vision!”

Before Li Te could get excited, the system’s voice rang again.

It was the latest mission to promote the birth of Vision.

Vision was also formed by Iron Man’s artificial intelligence Jarvis.

This is also a powerful superhero. , there is not much representation in the movie.

Moreover, this task is quite simple for Li Te.

He does not even need to take action personally.

The most important thing is that this time, the vision he contributed to the birth of must be used for himself!

The conditions for the formation of all this are on Loki’s scepter.

For this, Li Te has already thought of some ways.

Chapter 95: The war begins, a beautiful moment [2/5, beg for subscription and beg for everything]

As for how to affect Loki’s scepter, the most important person is Scarlet Witch!

Her power comes from the Mind Stone, and it is extremely powerful and can affect the Mind Stone.

As for whether Vision and Scarlet Witch will be together in the future, Li Te Definitely let this happen.

In other words, although Vision is powerful, it is just a pawn in his hands.

It is not as important as the Scarlet Witch to him.

And if he wants to create Vision, he will eventually have to Ultron must be created first.

Li Te can be the person behind everything.

In the end, he can truly control the overall situation.

“Boom boom!”

And at this moment, the sounds of explosions came, which made Li Te’s eyes tremble.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, who were training, stopped what they were doing at this time, a little at a loss.

They were in Jiutou I have lived in Snake Base for so long, this is the first time this kind of thing has happened.

“The war has finally begun!”

Li Te looked at the sky, with a smile on his face.

As he previously sent the location of the Hydra base to the Avengers base, the plot of Avengers 2 officially began at this time.

“Mr. Bruce?”

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch walked over at this moment, with a trace of doubt and fear on their faces.

They had been training before, but after hearing this explosion, the two of them had a bad premonition.

“When the time comes, you must protect my life. The war has begun. Pietro, go and have a look. I have something to tell Wanda. Li

Te looked at Quicksilver and said, and the latter nodded.

He now trusts Li Te very much.

Then, Quicksilver disappeared directly.

At this time, the Scarlet Witch stood in front of Li Te, with a look on her face. A touch of rosy

“Mr. Bruce, do you have anything to tell me?”

The Scarlet Witch now has a strange feeling towards Li Te. After all, Li Te has fascinated the Scarlet Witch in terms of strength and other aspects. Especially when she was alone with Li Te, she found it difficult to Suppress such feelings.

Of course Li Te could feel Scarlet Witch’s emotions, and he saw everything.

He was not an emotional idiot.

Then Li Te directly held Scarlet Witch’s hand, and a trace of emotion appeared on his face. smile

“Wanda, I have something for you to do!”

The Scarlet Witch’s face became even more rosy when her hand was held, but she still looked at Li Te firmly.

“Mr. Bruce, as long as it is what you say, I will definitely complete it.”

For the Scarlet Witch, she has to complete Li Te’s matter even if she has to use her life.

“Don’t worry, I won’t put you in any danger.”

Li Te smiled, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Next, Li Te explained everything to the Scarlet Witch.

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