How to show super abilities within the scope of control.

Just like that, the twins’ training began.

In the plot of Avengers 2, the twins only initially mastered their abilities.

But under Li Te’s training, they will only become stronger.

During the following period, Li Te only did two things. One was the training of the twins.

The second is to become familiar with your newly acquired abilities.

It has to be said that Quicksilver’s speed is definitely the most unique ability in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it is absolutely terrifying when used in combat.

Although the abilities Li Te acquired were incomplete, it did not affect anything.

Li Te has tested that his top speed can reach 1.8 million kilometers per hour.

That’s 30,000 kilometers per minute.

Running with all his strength, he could return to New York in less than a day.

It’s just that it’s difficult to maintain this state. At peak speed, Quicksilver can last up to ten minutes.

Li Te is different. It can last for three hours, which is very long-lasting!

However, after three hours, Li Te’s physical strength is almost gone and he will enter a period of weakness.

Just like normal people running.

At this time, Li Te was sitting in the room.

Nearly half a month has passed since we trained the twins.

In the past half month, the twins have made very rapid progress.

At the same time, during this period, Li Te also used his own speed to visit every place in the Hydra base.

He even saw Loki’s scepter, but there was still no way to download it for the time being.

As for Hydra’s surveillance cameras, they couldn’t capture him at all.

As long as Li Te keeps moving at high speed, no one can detect him.

Li Te also discovered a lot of information about Hydra, and his biggest news was the Winter Soldier.

Pierce’s plan is being implemented, which means that the plot of Captain America 2 has begun.

In the latest news he’s gotten, there’s a huge problem with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Many HYDRA men have been discovered.

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury were both shot.

But Li Te knew that this was a fake death.

As time goes by, the plot of Captain America 2 will completely end.

Soon, the plot of Avengers 2 will begin.

Therefore, Lee Teuk must find a way to get the plot started early.

But Li Te still wanted to complete the task as quickly as possible, so that he could obtain a large amount of energy in the end.

He has thought about the abilities of the Scarlet Witch for a long time.

“It’s almost time.”

Li Te checked the time and immediately left the room.

He came to the place where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were training. Both of them were training very hard. During this time, Li Te also taught them some fighting skills. From then on

, Li Te also taught them some fighting skills.

It takes a long time for an ordinary person to become a superhero.

“Mr. Bruce, is this all my training? I also want to learn some fighting skills.”

At this moment, Scarlet Witch appeared next to Li Te, with a smile on her face.

Although only half a month had passed, Li Te was very concerned about them because he had to complete the task.

It was also Because of this, the twins no longer doubted Li Te.

It was also during this period that Li Te instilled something in them.

Regarding Li Te’s own understanding, he not only wanted to gain the twins’ trust, but also had complete control. They.

Like Little Spider, become a big helper to me

“Wanda, you are a very special person, so you have to learn many things. In the future, you will discover your uniqueness.”

Li Te looked at the Scarlet Witch with his eyes. There was something unnatural on the latter’s face.

Especially that sentence, you are special.

This made the Scarlet Witch feel strange.

But Li Te didn’t care what the Scarlet Witch thought, he just telling some facts

“Is what we, Hydra, do really great?”

At this time, the Scarlet Witch asked such a question, which made Li Te look sideways.

And Quicksilver also came to Li Te’s side, wanting to hear Li Te’s thoughts.

Although the twins had not been exposed to the outside world, many At that time, they were all doubtful.

Because Hydra was too mysterious in front of them, and they were controlled before, so they didn’t think much about it.

But now, the twins have some doubts.

Is Hydra really worth their loyalty?

Li Te After hearing what they said, his eyes were solemn

“Some things cannot be asked easily. As for whether what you do is correct depends on your own understanding. No one can tell you the accurate answer.”

The two of them were thoughtful after hearing what Li Te said.

But Li Te was secretly happy at this moment. The fact that the twins asked such a question meant one thing, that is, they had begun to trust themselves. It won’t take long for the mission to completely make the two trust each other.

Over so many years, the twins have been brainwashed by Hydra, but because of the Mind Stone, they are not so extreme.

So there is still salvation leeway, otherwise I won’t become an Avenger in the future.

“Okay, let’s continue training.”

Li Te looked at their confused expressions and directly asked the two to train.

It can be said that the twins obeyed Li Te’s words and walked away.

At this time, behind Li Te, a figure appeared.

It was The leader of the Hydra Legion, Baron Starrak!

The latter looked at Wanda and the two, then looked at Li Te and said:”Bruce, come with me.”

Starlak will not come to Li Te unless there is something special.

At this time, Li Te was convinced.

The two went to the base together, and Starlak’s face was obviously not good-looking.

Soon after, they appeared at into a secret room.

Almost all of the people in this room were senior members of Hydra.

“According to the news we have received, the main body of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been disbanded, Pierce’s identity has been discovered, and he is dead.”

Dr. Lites put the latest information on the system-wide projection and said solemnly.

After hearing this sentence, the Hydra members present showed a trace of shock and horror on their faces.

“Pierce is an important figure we have placed in S.H.I.E.L.D., how could he die?”

“Damn it, he was too impatient and had to deal with Rogers”

“Will our secret base be discovered?”

Everyone present is very nervous. The base they are currently in is very mysterious.

How they are discovered will definitely be a major blow.

“Bruce, what do you think?”

Baron Starrak looked at Li Te, seeking his opinion.

Although Li Te does not have a clear status in Hydra now, his strength is recognized.

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