Magic Punk

Chapter 196 Round Table

When Xuan Yi sat down on the round table, except for Jiao Yue and Ye Ya, the other two people showed disbelief.

Yes, this is where the final planning discussions take place and no one but the core staff is eligible to attend.

The so-called core personnel are actually the three of them.

Aos Jiaoyue, the princess of the Aos Empire, is walking on behalf of her.

Caesar Osborne, the grandson of the Prime Minister of the Empire, represented the noble faction in the Thousand Stars Trial.

Xi Benan, the representative sent by Wanghai Prefecture, represents the local powerful faction of the Aussie Empire.

The three of them represent almost all the factions in the Os Empire. In fact, let alone here, even in the Os Empire, the decisions made by the three of them together are in a sense consistent with the will of the Emperor of Os. Can be equated.

As for now, they can understand a little bit that the ninth princess Lan Ye Ye Ya can attend the event. After all, the ninth princess Lan Ye has a distinguished status, and even Jiao Yue is slightly inferior to the people present.

But what does this devil kid from Star City mean here?

When did Princess Yue become so confused?

Caesar was more or less stable. Xi Benan raised his eyes directly, looked at Xuan Yi expressionlessly, and pointed his finger at the other party.

You, get out of here.

He spoke in Osmandar, which did not prevent Xuan Yi from understanding him.

His tone was so matter-of-fact, with almost no contempt at all, but complete indifference.

Before Xuan could speak, Jiao Yue said calmly from the side: He is the guest I invited.

Why? Xi Benan didn't even have the face to sell Jiao Yue, so he asked coldly.

Jiao Yue smiled and looked at Xuan Yi: Tell him why you are here.

Xuan nodded slightly. Jiao Yue could continue to strongly endorse him at this time, but at this time, letting others speak for him would not be as true as speaking for himself.

Of course, it's not just bragging.

I am the winner of the seventy-fourth standard test. Xuan Yi looked into Xi Benan's blue eyes and said calmly.

His whole body was filled with a killing intent that was close to madness, but he was also incredibly calm. Xuan Yi felt that he was the most dangerous person he had ever seen.

But Xuan Yi still looked directly into the other person's eyes: Those who participated in the test were Emperor Heng of the Republic of Ste and Zhou She [Li Qianren], Xing Hedu, a member of the Baiyin family in Star City, who is now Qianxing in Star City. The younger brother of Xing Hemian, one of the leaders of the trial.

There are also [Golden Knight] Lan Liuyan from the Lanye Empire's Ninth Legion, and [Electric Eel] Xie Junhao from the Lanye Military Department.

By the way, your country's moon-walking princess Jiaoyue is also among them.

But in the end, I was the winner and they all died except me.

Xi Benan blinked slightly, but his voice remained indifferent: Continue.

Xuan nodded: Just a few days ago, Tianyi Pavilion produced a pharmacy master who can prepare the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion.

That person is me.

Xi Benan turned back and took a deep look at Jiao Yue. Even Caesar was a little moved this time.

They had all heard the rumors, but none of them expected that the master of medicine mentioned in the intelligence would actually appear in front of them, and he was still so young.

Even younger than rumored.

Continue. Xi Benan spoke slowly, without any fluctuation in his voice.

Xuan nodded: Just a few hours ago, the Ninth Princess and I encountered the Xing Dao Chi brothers.

Without outside help, we survived and they died.

It is precisely because of this that you are able to usher in this situation.

Xi Benan had fought with the two brothers, and after hearing this, he finally nodded, folded his hands under his chin, and looked at Jiao Yue, his haggard face still as indifferent as sand: I have no objection.

Jiaoyue looked at Caesar: What about you?

The blond Caesar smiled: Princess, you can always find gold from the sand, I have to admire you.

When everyone present had no objections, the so-called final plan negotiations finally began.

Spread in front of the five people was still the map of the city.

The only difference from before is that the map at this time has been divided into ten areas.

The ten black chess pieces each occupied their own area. Jiao Yue quietly stood up from her position. Her eyes as black as agate faintly scanned the four people present. Of course, it was more to ask for Xi Benan and Caesar's wishes, so Stayed longer on them.

If there are no objections, I will announce the final plan.

Caesar held his forehead: Your Highness, you are the boss.

Xi Benan raised his eyes: Please do as you wish.

Xuan Yi watched with cold eyes and finally determined that Jiao Yue was a lion leading a group of wolves and tigers. In comparison, Xing Hedu could only be called a hunter with dogs, and he eventually died from the backlash of his own hunting dogs.

Of course, if Jiaoyue becomes weak one day, her wolf-like men will abandon her without mercy.

At the same time, Jiao Yue had already smiled.

When the rabbit has run out of hugs, the time will come to alert the snake.

Next, I announce the regional deployment.

Xi Bonan.

She called the other person's name.

Xi Benan stopped lazily and stood up straight. At that moment, it was like a sword was unsheathed.


You are responsible for the three areas A, B, and D, and blast them one after another as soon as possible.

Xi Benan put one hand on his chest and bent down in front of the table to salute.

I guarantee it with my death.


The blond man also stood up. He looked straight at Jiaoyue, his blue eyes calm and respectful.


You are responsible for the three areas of B, Geng and Xin.

After the first batch of area blasting is completed, the second batch of blasting will be carried out.

Caesar nodded, knelt down on one knee, and said calmly:

I guarantee it with my death.

Jiaoyue nodded: I am responsible for the remaining four areas and will act after you.

But I don't want to be so unlucky that I have to turn this city into ruins to find what I want.

Xuan Yi still watched and did not ask what he wanted to do.

After all, he is still inconvenient for miserable outsiders.

Then, Jiaoyue's voice came belatedly.

Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi was a little surprised, but still stood up quietly.


He was quite familiar with this situation.

I appoint you as a ranger, to roam around and monitor all areas and do whatever is convenient.

Xuan nodded, thought for a while, and finally imitated Xi Benan, holding his chest with his right hand and saluting deeply:

As commanded.

Of course he didn't say he would guarantee it with death, after all, he had no actual mission.

Jiaoyue nodded and finally looked at Ye Ya.

Before Ye Ya could wait for Jiao Yue to speak, she pointed at Xuan Yi: I'll be with him.

Jiaoyue showed a narrow look: Girls are outgoing.

Ye Ya looked at the black-haired princess and said a word coldly.


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