Magic Punk

Chapter 195 Angel Investment

This is the first time Xuan Yi has seen Jiao Yue's true princess posture.

No matter which time they met, even the majestic and noble Jiao Yue in Tianyi Pavilion was not as real as Princess Aos who made the other party kneel down to talk to her.

As expected, the Os Empire is known for its powerful emperors. If the emperors of Os were not so strong throughout the generations, I am afraid that this huge empire would have ended up collapsing and disappearing from the world.

Jiaoyue didn't open her mouth until she heard their affirmative answers. The meeting came to an end, and then it was finally time to agree on the final plan.

After all, at this time, the entire city area was finally surrounded by the Os Empire, and then it was time to close the net and fish.

Subconsciously, Xuan Yi wanted to say goodbye to Jiao Yue.

After all, the other party was discussing the final plan, so why would an outsider interfere with it? Besides, he really coveted the artifact, so it was really inappropriate here.

Jiaoyue asked Xue Xing to heal her injuries. If she repays kindness with enmity, it's not that she can't do it, but it just doesn't look good to Ye Ya.

But after saying these farewell words, while Ye Ya stood silently behind him, Jiao Yue raised her dark eyebrows: You can leave if you want. I'll give you gifts with gongs and drums, and I'll be treated the same as Star City. Bite you in the ass.”

But I personally advise you to stay here for a while.

It was getting late at this time.

Xuan Yi and Ye Ya entered Mount Xumi at nine o'clock in the morning on the second day after the start of the Thousand Stars Trial. After experiencing some rough waves in the ocean realm, they were sent to the seaside by Liuli and entered the city realm at about one o'clock in the afternoon. During the tea period, they encountered Xing Jiu. Although the two of them tried their best to escape, they were intercepted and killed repeatedly. If Jiao Yue hadn't arrived in time in the end, Xuan Yi would have fallen into the hands of Xing Duong Crow.

While Xuan Yi was being healed, Xingcheng and Jiao Yue analyzed each other's situation, and finally reached a unified conclusion. Then while escaping and chasing, the Os Empire announced its official occupation of the city.

This day had been so fulfilling that when Xuan Yi looked back, it was a bit incredible.

Now faced with Jiao Yue's attempt to retain her, which was nothing like retaining her, Xuan Yi glanced at the other party and said, Why?

He chose to leave because he had no reason to stay.

Jiaoyue smiled: Do you want to take a guarding position?

You even dared to think about the place in the Thousand Stars Examination in the Forest of Death. Now you say you don't want to, but I don't believe it.

Xuan nodded: I want to, but I can't get the quota for guarding this city.

Whether it's through trickery or robbery, as long as you ten people don't die cleanly, Xuan Yi actually doesn't have the slightest chance. After all, the rules clearly state that after the guarding position is established, it can be changed through competition. Moreover, although the ten of you are still in the internal camp, Yes, but it is a bit too naive to be as chaotic as the 74th Standard Test and to fish in troubled waters.

Jiao Yue looked at him: Have you actually thought about taking the position of city guard?

Xuan Yi looked at her: If I didn't want to take it, I wouldn't come here.

What about now? Jiao Yue asked.

Xuan Yi didn't smile: I can't get it.

Jiao Yue laughed loudly: Sometimes I quite like your upright attitude.

Let me put it this way. Jiao Yue slowly stopped laughing and looked at Xuan Yi: For the position of city guard, my conditions for you are the same as for Caesar and the others.

Those who kill monsters are the guardians.

Don't worry, the promise I made as an Oswalker can only be washed away with the blood of everyone present.

Once you can really kill the guarding monster, then before the fifth day begins, I will make sure that no one will try to take your guarding position. But after the fifth day of competition, if you can keep your guarding position, then It’s up to you.”

Of course, that's a bit of a stretch.

I'll tell you something more valuable.

I heard Ye Ya say that you have seen with your own eyes the tyrannical and invincible appearance of that ship girl Emma when she killed the monsters in the ocean field. Throwing money at people is really the most comfortable thing.

But although her Perseus is handsome, it is not a floating battleship after all. It cannot drive to the shore. Even if it does drive up, it will be useless.

So it's not universal at all.

In the final battle, it would be great if you have a real chance to kill the Domain Monster.

But if you can't kill, please don't attack with the purpose of killing anyone on our side. Otherwise, even I can't protect you. Although the Os Empire has many conflicts internally, it is always consistent externally. This is The principles by which we survive to this day.”

What I want to show you is the true appearance of the so-called land-based monster, as well as a reliable way to kill it, rather than just killing it with hundreds of battleship cannons.

This thing is not comparable to the weak Black Tooth Beast before. To be honest, that Black Tooth Beast is something that I can easily solve by myself.

The so-called domain monsters have all reached the limit of life that ordinary creatures can approach. They are only one step away from the human world in the end but can never cross it.

You need to see it with your own eyes to know for sure what kind of enemy you're going to face.

What do you think? Jiao Yue said quietly.

Xuanyi suddenly felt that he could not see through this Princess Aos.

He has always believed in the principle of equal exchange, just as if he prayed for help from Xuanji, he would have to sacrifice his soul.

And Jiao Yue acted as if she really wanted to help him.

Help without asking for anything in return.

What good will it do to you if you do this? Xuan Yi asked the other party.

Jiaoyue burst out laughing. The black-haired princess didn't even try to hide her smile. She just laughed with her mouth wide open, revealing a mouth full of snow-white teeth like braided shells.

After she finished laughing, she looked at Xuan Yi: If there are any rewards, then the fun is one of them.

Or, you can think of it as my angel investment in you.

I recognize your potential, and you need to give me the necessary rewards in the future.

I wonder what you think?

Xuan Yi could even accept the devil's deal, so how could he refuse the angel's investment?

He lowered his head and thought carefully.

He didn't want to accept Jiao Yue's statement, he just thought seriously about how he could repay Jiao Yue in the future.

But in fact, Xuan Yi himself believed that Jiao Yue would probably lose everything.

What if I can't? Die before I can repay you.

Jiaoyue smiled, her beautiful face full of mocking smile.

You know, investments always fail, right?

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