Magic Punk

Chapter 197: Alarming the Snake

When Xuan Yi set up the electromagnetic thunder gun on the roof of the building, the night was already in his field of vision.

This was the first night they spent in the Thousand Stars Trial, and the city in front of them was already lit up with lights.

The lanterns are on.

In fact, it is strange to say that the city is obviously deserted, but when night falls, the lights that should be lit are still there.

Xuan Yi felt in a trance that he had returned to Star City, back to the body of the giant beast with millions of eyes blinking.

Now the boy is on the highest building in the center of the city. Here he can almost overlook the entire city. Beyond that, to the east, south and north are the dark oceans, but looking to the west, he can only see one The dark and huge beast is dormant there, seemingly waiting to devour everything.

That's the forest - the forest realm.

The big gun in Xuan Yi's hand naturally came from the one that Yu Jiao Yue captured from Xing Yue Ming. The electromagnetic thunder gun cannot be used without professional training. And Xuan Yi believes that in the entire Sumeru Mountain, except for Xing Yue Ming, I am afraid that he will He only knows how to use this kind of firearm, so Jiaoyue giving him this gun is not considered a secret act.

Of course, it was precisely because he was holding this electromagnetic thunder gun that Jiao Yue warned her not to take action against her people.

After all, if there is no defense and the ability is not suitable for defense, even in the cave profound realm, as long as it is flesh and blood, Xuan Yi is sure to kill it with one strike.

After all, the young man himself has extremely strong night vision ability. Even if he is really unable to see his fingers, as a sniper who can aim deep underground, his sense of life and death is still enough for Xuan Yi to aim without relying on his eyes.

As for the ammunition, there were only ten rounds, no more and no less. Xuan Yi was not sure that Jiao Yue had collected all Xing Yueming's bullets, but ten rounds were still enough.

After all, when he entered the Forest of Death, he only had three bullets in his body.

Ye Ya watched Xuan Yi lying down on the building, taking alert and aiming at the surroundings, and couldn't help but ask: How confident do you think Jiao Yue's plan is?

I don't know. Xuan Yi replied calmly: After all, I don't know what this so-called urban realm monster looks like and what capabilities it has.

But since you don't know, Jiaoyue's method is the most intuitive and simplest.

“Sometimes, the simplest and most crude means the most effective.”

At this moment, a rumbling sound like thunder came from the distance.

At that moment, Xuan Yiye Ya knew that the plan had finally begun.

Xi Benan quietly walked out of a skyscraper.

Since the area he was assigned was relatively remote compared to the edge of the city, there were not many real high-rise buildings, so Xi Bonan felt very lucky to find such a building that was over fifty meters tall.

He walked out step by step until he was fifty meters away from the building. Then he came to his senses and lightly snapped his fingers.

The fifty-meter-long building in front of him instantly collapsed like a pile of sand castles from a giant whose bones had been extracted.

Huge noise, rising smoke and dust, and a suddenly widened view.

In the blink of an eye, the building was reduced to a pile of sand-like rubble.

Xi Benan nodded lightly.

Compared to other people who may need the assistance of explosives, he can easily destroy a building with his own abilities, which is really something to be happy about.

In fact, Xi Benan's ability is not even clear to himself.

His Realm of Knowledge is only at its peak, and it is always a lingering regret that he did not obtain a powerful enough Perfection ability. However, his Realm of Knowledge ultimately chose a different direction from others.

He chose erosion.

Just as water eats away at sand, fire eats away at paper.

Disease erodes the human body, and shadows erode the earth.

He can make those things that were originally indestructible slowly become vulnerable by touching them with his hands. Armor will rust and corrode, and swords will become rusty and fragile. If it comes into direct contact with the human body, the other party will touch it according to their own taste. The skin either simply rots out of thin air, or it ages and decays.

This is a power that controls plague, decay and death, causing no one in the world to like him from the moment he became aware of it.

Just like no one likes the disease itself.

In fact, Xi Benan knew that the only magic similar to it was the undead magic that gradually declined with the death of [Priest Councilor of the Dead] Rodriguez more than a thousand years ago. The essence of this power is to deprive life.

His state of knowledge is perfection.

The perfect ability is the decay of all things.

If before, he could at most make some creatures eroded and decay, now, as long as they are tangible and qualitative things, he can easily deprive them of life and make them fragile and vulnerable.

Exploration of objects leads to knowledge and understanding, imitation of Dharma, and mysticism creates its own path and opens its own branches and leaves. .

And now Xi Benan is in the Dongxuan realm.

The bottom pillars of those buildings had been drained of their so-called vitality, and now they were as decayed as sand. They would fall down when the natural wind blew, and the leaves would fall silently.

After the test, Xi Benan calmly stretched out his hand.

He pointed to another building and watched it slump over like a thick noodle.

I haven't done anything so happy for a long time.

Xi Benan laughed to himself, his pale face covered with a sickly flush.

Amidst the laughter, the buildings with him as the center collapsed one after another, just like the leaves of a tree blown off by the cold wind.

It was a real pale plague sweeping through, and the collapsed buildings were like the dead cattle and sheep, and like the sheaves of wheat being cut in front of the sickle in autumn.

To alert the snake.

This is to alert the enemy.

After nearly two days and one night of investigation, no one found any trace of the so-called city guarding monster, so either he didn't exist here at all, or he was hidden somewhere.

In the city, there is only one place where such a huge monster can lurk.

That's the underground.

Therefore, we need to scare the snake away. The collapsed buildings are just grass. I wonder if the snake will endure the loneliness and huddle underground and dare not come out.

If that were the case, it would be a bit too boring.

Xi Benan thought quietly.

He stood there and waited for a long time, surrounded by ruins and the smell of baking bread wafting out of the rubble.

Xi Benan didn't wait for the so-called guarding monster to appear. He couldn't help but raise his gray-white eyebrows, then took two steps and reached into a huge pile of rubble.

It was the collapsed remains of a building.

Under the boy's direct contact, this huge pile of rubble began to slowly weather into pale sand. Then a strong wind blew, and the mountain-like pile of rubble slowly disappeared, revealing a flattened oven.

Xi Benan reached out and touched the still warm oven. The area he touched turned into soft rust little by little. The young man easily put his hand into it and took out a soft whole wheat bread.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, then he reached out and tore off a piece and put it in his mouth, chewing it while walking towards the center of the city.

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