Magic Punk

Chapter 128 A real man never admits that he is his father-in-law

This is the first time Xuan Yi has walked into a similar high-end club.

Tianyi Pavilion is very big. If the first floor is still a small room blocked by walls and corridors, on the second floor, it is a vast hall that is penetrated. You can smell the strong medicinal fragrance there even before you get close. .

Xuan Yi and Ye Ya only took a glimpse outside the hall, and saw that tall wooden shelves were filled with various drugs and reagents in rows, and the well-equipped white operating tables were neatly arranged. It was obvious that Di Yun had returned. The pharmacist exchange conference mentioned was held here, but it seemed that it had not officially started yet, and the huge hall seemed empty.

The decoration of the entire Tianyi Pavilion is very simple, mostly in black, white, silver and gray. Not only are there no high-tech products that can reflect the magic revolution, but most of the furnishings are half-old.

Xuan Yi didn't know much about it, but looking at Ye Ya's eyes, it was obvious that she was quite satisfied with Tianyige's taste.

The third floor of Tianyi Pavilion is the classics room. Although Ye Ya was granted enough authority to check inside, neither of them had this intention because they both kept in mind the original intention of their trip - they were here to eat.

Starting from the fourth floor, the three consecutive floors are filled with restaurants of various styles, and above are various leisure venues and luxurious suites. However, Xuan Yi and the two of them really have no intention of seeing them all, so As soon as Ye Ya followed Ye Ya, they walked into a restaurant decorated with orchid leaves on the fifth floor. Immediately, an attendant in a black and white dress came up to welcome the two of them into the private room.

This restaurant is in the style of ice and snow. It's freezing cold when you enter, and everything you see is covered in silver. The entrance hall is a huge sailboat capsized in the ice sea, nearly ten meters long, and extremely majestic. .

This is the first time for Xuan Yi to come to such a high-end place, and even his feet are a little weak - although he is not very poor recently, he still doesn't have enough money.

When he and Ye Ya came to Star City this time, except for the several thousand emergency money given by the old man at the fish market, which was considered as pocket money, the bulk of it was actually the Razer cores they got in the afternoon.

Of the seventeen Razer crystal cores, except for one, Xing Lihua remained in the hands of Xing Lihua. The remaining sixteen Xuan Yi and Ye Yaer added five to five. However, when calculating the total amount of property, the two people are actually not separated. of.

According to the market price of one Razer Core, which is about 3,000, sixteen Razer Cores are probably less than 50,000. The only big expense after coming to Star City is the ticket to the Central Business Office plus the first 2,000 plus expenses. , but in the blink of an eye, he collected two gold leaves from Di Yungui, which converted into nearly 7,000 star yuan, and he actually made more than 4,000 in one go, which made him feel a bit dumbfounded.

With a huge sum of 60,000 yuan and only one meal, even in such a high-end place, it is usually easy to hold on to it. Again, Xuan Yi has never eaten pork, and he has never seen pigs running away.

If you eat in a fly restaurant, you can have a full meal of fish and meat for only fifteen stars.

If they are going to some slightly higher-end hotels in the business district, then the two of them should be a little more restrained. Five hundred stars is almost the limit.

Even for a noble son of the Silver Family like Xing Hedu, a normal meal usually costs around one thousand stars. If you are hosting a banquet with dignitaries, it may be raised to three thousand stars.

But this is almost the limit. Some people may use the flesh and blood of high-level monsters as a gimmick for high-end ingredients, but most high-level monsters are not actually delicious. Even if a few taste good, they contain abundant magic power and are not Suitable for general consumption.

And even if high-level monsters are really used as ingredients, Xuan Yi is sure that the price will not exceed 10,000 stars. After all, they are not pigs. They can eat a whole high-level monster, at most one or two hours. Just a piece of meat.

After finishing the calculation in his mind, the young man couldn't help but become more courageous.

Although Ye Ya said she wanted to treat a guest, Xuan Yi was sure that she only had the eight Thunder Serpent Cores he gave her. After all, there were only a few nobles of their level who carried money with them like Di Yungui, and the Emperor Yun Gui is also in a special situation. It is really difficult to wander around all year round without golden leaves to clear the way.

Of course - it is impossible for Xuan Yi to treat himself. After all, he has money left to prepare for the purchase of equipment for the next Qianxing Trial, so he plans to make AA with Ye Ya.

Why, don’t you think it’s normal for boys and girls who have only known each other for two days to go out for dinner?

At this moment, the waiter in front of them had also finished welcoming them, and they were ushered into a private room that was only about ten square meters in size. The decoration inside was extremely simple, but not simple.

There is only one stone table and two stone chairs covered with thick animal skins in this private room. There is ankle-deep ice and snow under the feet. It makes people wonder whether this is in the hot summer season of July, but the surrounding areas are covered with ice and snow. There are four huge fireplaces carved into the walls, and the firewood inside is burning cracklingly. The aroma is like orchid and musk, and it is obvious that the firewood is fragrant wood.

The whole room is surrounded by ice and snow, surrounded by a fragrant wood fireplace. The temperature in the private room has reached a strange balance, which makes people marvel.

Ye Ya took the lead and sat down without hesitation. She was not at all frightened by this continuous attack. On the contrary, Xuan Yizhen was a little distracted. Although he had already calculated it once, he still felt sincerely worried about his wallet.

The waiter then handed a black and white menu to Ye Ya, because whether it was the principle of ladies first, or Ye Ya as a person of higher status, this was the proper etiquette.

Ye Ya glanced at the menu, then pushed it in front of Xuan Yi and said, You choose first.

Xuan Yi didn't refuse, and made up his mind to pick the cheapest ones and order them first, so that Ye Ya wouldn't be embarrassed to order too many dishes - this would protect their wallets to the greatest extent.

But the moment Xuan Yi got the menu, he became completely demented.

There is no price tag on this menu!

This is blatant fraud!

I'm going to the Ministry of Accounts to sue you for consumer fraud, unclear pricing, and deliberate ripoffs!

Do you really think that all the customers who come to your place are the top VIPs of Tianyi Pavilion and do not care about the price when eating?

I! No! yes!

Moreover, even if there is no price tag, the key point is that this recipe is not written in Star City script, but in Quran Ye script.

You're the only one who knows how to show off, right?

Although Xuan Yi knows Lan Ye language, the languages ​​he knows are listening and speaking are far better than reading and writing. After all, practicality comes first. If you ask Xuan Yi to read a book written in Lan Ye language, he will stumble a bit, let alone give him a book. A menu with no clear price tags.

Xuan's head feels as big as two.

He suppressed his headache and pretended to push the menu back to Ye Ya casually: It's okay, just pick something delicious.

How can a real man admit that he is his father-in-law? This is unacceptable!

Ye Ya took the menu and glanced at it and found that it was all very ordinary dishes. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She opened her mouth and said an ancient orchid leaf proverb: Excuse me, do you have this dish?

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