Magic Punk

Chapter 127 Single Chapter Release Notice

I have applied to the editor and it will be on the shelves this Friday.

I am concentrating on being a salted fish, and I would like to thank all my friends who like this book.

Please explain in advance, I hope you can make an initial reservation at that time.

I won’t be miserable and say that I can’t live without a certain amount of even subscription. After all, people can always survive, especially since we live in a country where although it is difficult to live well, it is still very easy to just survive.

I only hope that the results can be slightly better, although no matter how bad it is, it will not be worse than the previous book.

I can only assure you that the eunuch will not fall anyway, after all, it was written down in the last book.

Let me explain in advance that there are only three updates on the day it is released. If the first order is high, I will add more updates - but in fact, I don't have any hope, so please don't get your hopes up either.

Finally, thank you to my friends who have read this, thank you for liking the stories I tell, because I also like my stories very much. Even the most desperate and dark stories still contain hope as warm as spring.

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