Magic Punk

Chapter 129 Princess Recipe

After Ye Ya said those ancient words, not only Xuan Yi, but also the waiter fell into a sluggish state.

What a joke!

He was born into a local aristocrat in Lanye. He received a standard education from an old aristocrat since he was young. When he grew up, he came to work in Star City by chance. After three years of training, the guests he received were all rich or expensive, but he was always only With his high quality, he has never fallen down once when a customer was disappointed.

But just now, he roughly understood every pronunciation of the dish name that Ye Ya said just now, but when they were put together, he was shocked to find that he had never heard of this dish name at all!

This is simply an insult to his professionalism.

So the waiter stroked his chest and bent down to salute: Please repeat it again.

Ye Ya nodded and repeated the complicated dish name.

The waiter slowly bit his lip and took out a pen and paper from his pocket: Can you please write down the name of this dish?

Are you really not just making up nonsense about dish names?

Ye Ya calmly took the pen and paper and quietly wrote the name of the dish on it. Then she raised her head and was even more disappointed: Isn't there this dish?

The girl's disappointment was like a sharp arrow piercing the waiter's heart. He looked over the name of the dish written in Quran script again and again, confirming that he had never seen such a dish in his family's recipe, even if his feet were in the ice and snow. , he was still sweating profusely: Sorry, we really don't have such a dish.

Ye Ya sighed, opened her hand and asked the waiter for more paper and pen, raised her hand and wrote down a whole row of dish names on it, and marked which ones were soups, which were main dishes, which were desserts, and which were cold drinks. , Ye Ya was afraid that the other party would not have some of the dishes, so she wrote down alternative dishes at the back.

After writing the Nine Princesses special set menu, Ye Yacai handed the piece of paper to the waiter: Some dishes may not be on your menu. Go get this piece of paper and ask your chef. I feel like he should still know some of them. made.

The waiter broke out in a cold sweat and took the piece of paper with both hands, as if it was as heavy as a stone.

He had received so many noble people, but none of them had such an air of ease as the girl in front of him, so he nodded hurriedly, took out a bottle of red wine and a bottle of ice water from the closet in the private room, and put them on the table. After the two took it for themselves, they hurriedly took the note to ask the chef.

Xuan Yi, who was left behind, poured a glass of ice water for Ye Ya with lingering fear, not even daring to touch the obviously valuable bottle of red wine: Don't let it slip.

This was the first time in so long that Xuan Yi felt that the situation was completely out of his control, because this was completely unknown territory for him.

Looking at Anya's ordering attitude, even if Xuan Yi was given a bill of 100,000 stars during the final checkout, he wouldn't be surprised at all.

Then Xuan Yiyi, who had no way to repay, sold Anya to Tianyige to pay off the debt.

Ye Ya picked up the water glass and moistened her throat, and said with a confident smile: It's okay. I only ordered some home-cooked dishes. They must not be expensive.

I know you are a poor man, so I don’t even dare to order the most expensive one.

But Xuan Yi didn't trust the girl's self-confidence at all. He looked at the other party and said, Let's make an agreement first. If there is not enough money at the time of checkout, I will keep you here to pay off the debt.

Ye Ya looked at the other person, a little speechless - even though she already understood the behavior of the young man in front of her, his straightforwardness at the moment still made the girl very uncomfortable!

If you say this when you are on a date with someone for dinner, believe it or not, the girl opposite will throw wine in your face!

So Ye Ya said comfortingly: Okay, okay, even if the money is not enough, I can still find a way. You see you have been entertaining me for so long, I also want to treat you to something.

When she said this, the girl's eyes sparkled under the firelight of the fireplace, her black and long eyelashes blinking, her expression serious and cute.

It's a pity that the opposite side is a piece of wood that doesn't understand the style. He is just sure that Ye Ya will pay for the meal and feels a little relieved, but in his heart he still has the idea that in the end it will be AA. At this moment, the waiter trots into the private room again. .

The chef likes your recipe very much. He can make most of the dishes above. However, he needs to study a few of them. The taste may be slightly different from what you have eaten before. Are you sure you don't want to change it?

As he said this, the waiter took out the piece of paper. Several dishes were marked with red pen on it, probably because he was not sure whether they could be cooked well.

Ye Ya shook her head: No, just follow this recipe.

The waiter nodded and then said: Your recipe inspired the chef a lot, so the chef asked me to tell you that he only charges for the ingredients for this meal, and you can choose any two bottles of wine.

He'll pay for it.

Two free bottles of wine!

Food only charges the cost of materials!

Even though he was as calm as Xuan Yi, he was stunned by this sudden pie.

Does it turn out that being tasteful and well-educated has this benefit?

Although Xuan Yi is barely a chef himself, he knows that the relationship between chefs and diners is actually a mutually beneficial one.

Therefore, it is difficult to find close friends during the Boya period. A good chef is certainly valuable, but an experienced gourmet with similar tastes is also like a Bole and a horse.

So when Ye Ya casually put together an excellent and innovative recipe based on her usual dishes, the chef was so inspired that he was willing to give her this gift.

Not to mention that this nobleman surnamed Lan may be a gourmet who travels around the world. If he can get her praise, his reputation will be greatly improved. Even if he is not, then the value of this recipe alone is worth his generous gift. .

But Xuan Yi didn't think much. He simply judged that the expenditure this time would not exceed the budget.

After all, take the ingredients he purchased a few weeks ago as an example. Both anchovies and truffles are considered top-notch ingredients that are not produced locally, but the most expensive truffles only cost 4,000 stars per pound. I have never heard of anyone eating truffles raw like bread. In a high-end restaurant like this, a portion of 50 grams of black truffles is considered a kind person.

Since the chef promised to give Ye Ya two bottles of wine, and since the chef made it fresh and was trying out new recipes, the two of them had to wait for a while. During this time, the waiter took away the bottle of wine without even touching it. After passing the red wine, Xuanyi took out the wine list and chose at will.

Xuan Yi opened the wine list, and he was glad that this time each bottle of wine had bilingual labels in Star City language and Quran Yewen. After all, some wines were produced locally in Star City.

Of course, all the wines here also have no price tags, but this time Xuan Yi is a little confident. After all, the chef said that two bottles are free. With Tianyige's status and temperament, he will naturally not deliberately fool him in this regard. The other party said that it is free. , then it is naturally free.

So when Xuan Yi wanted to point to a certain bottle of wine, a small white hand stretched out and pressed on the wine list.

Ye Ya stretched out her hand to press the wine list and looked at Xiang Xuan with a serious expression for a moment.

I want to drink too!

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