Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2765: City of Purgatory (6)

Chapter 2765 Purgatory City Six

At the same time (?), the church's "underground shelter".

This sanctuary resembling ancient ruins is actually illuminated by electricity, and the electricity is enough to make the entire shelter shine. But nowadays, just in the fighting period, in order to use electricity in other places, the shelter is in the "power saving mode", the power used for lighting has been transferred to other systems, so the inside of the shelter will be so deep.

The guards of four people patrolled in a deep corridor.

They walked, and the ceiling on the head began to radiate a series of vibrations, and the lighting in the corridor began to be unstable, flickering.

"Is the battle still not finished?" one of the guards complained: "It’s just the French army. Is it as simple as the strength of the church today to deal with them? Is it as simple as stepping on the ants on the ground? Why do you want to play for so long? It affects the normal operation of the shelter and does not know what the above people are thinking."

"The Pope naturally has his own ideas and doesn't bother us." Another guard replied.

There is another soldier: "What are you still complaining about, Fei Lizi? Even a small number of people inside the Pope's Knights know the existence of this underground shelter, you can be safely guarded in the shelter, It’s good to not have to fight outside with the pagan lunatics."

"Hah, I am not afraid! The pagans in the district only, see me kill them!" The guard who initially complained praised: "The above person must be my talent, actually let me in this kind of If there is no wind and no danger, be a guard. If I let this battle in the city, I can make a lot of achievements!"

His companions began to pour cold water: "It’s bragging again. You can’t win even the clumsy Gruze. Yesterday’s training was fattened. You still want to make a battle. You can survive from the battlefield. It is already very good."

"Hu! I was just yesterday, um, the state is not good!" The guard named Fei Lizi said: "Tomorrow, no, the day after tomorrow! When my abdominal pain has improved, I will definitely win the Gruz." "

They were walking, just passing through a room, passing by the guards with two spears in front of the room.

Others talked and laughed, didn't care about anything, but Fei Lizi looked at the two guards and suddenly stopped: "Wait, you guys -"

The two guards who stood at the door of the room, one of them trembled slightly. The other person screamed back: "Is there any problem, adult?"

"What do you guys guard in this place?" Fei Liqi curiously asked: "Isn't it a room for things?"

The other party paused: "No, adults. The room is for other purposes. It is the order of the Pope. I can't tell you the details."

"Yes." Fei Lizi also paused and wondered what else the room could do. Maybe it's true. But is it possible for the pope to make such a strange decision during this wartime period?

"What are you doing, Ferry? Don't harass the guards to work." The other three guards in front of him urged: "Follow up, or the patrol route will be disrupted."

"哼" Ferry Capital did not plan to come, but just at this moment the ceiling swayed violently, the illumination on the corridor suddenly flickered, and suddenly it became extraordinarily bright. So he saw the weirdness of the two guards at the door.

"Wait for the armor on your body? It’s like scorching." Ferry felt strange, and took a look at the two guards.

When he saw two of the two guards who were overweight in a black-skinned armor and a white-skinned thigh under the armor, they suddenly exclaimed: "Wow, what about your guy? Wouldn't it be a direct armor without wearing pants?"

"Hold, sorry, just halfway to sleep, was suddenly called to duty, just," the fat man guard replied voluntarily.

"Sleeping during the day? You were originally night shifter? Which branch are you from, I seem to have never seen you?"

"I am new, new, and the second branch of Marcus's captain." The fat guard answered.

"Captain Marcus?" Ferry looked at the armor of the fat guard. With the light in the corridor, he observed the carvings on the chest of the armor: "Okay. Really -"

Half loaded with a fool, he suddenly pulled out a long sword against the neck of the fat guard: "Who are you kidding?? This is obviously the equipment of the third branch! The scratch on the breastplate is that I practiced against Gruz yesterday. It’s left, I give him a sword I know best!"

"Amount, oh!" The other side panicked.

"Who are you?! Why wear the armor of Gruze? What did you do to him?!" Ferry yelled, and several other guards also took out their weapons with vigilance.

"Renault." Fat man guard whispered.

"Your name is Renault? It seems that I have never heard of anything new called Renault?"

"No." The fat guard answered: "He, he is Renault."

"Hey!!-" Before the guards reacted, a lion had fallen from the sky, slammed one of the guards, and turned the man into a fly ash at the moment of the flat guard!

"What?!" Ferry was exclaimed and was about to press the blade against the neck of the fat guard. He wanted to marry the man, but his abdomen had a heavy foot and was flying backwards. Not only failed. With the blade against the neck of the fat guard, it also flew over to the lion!

The Platinum Lions just killed the first three guards one by one. There was a last guard who flew toward him. He liked to shoot it back and hit the wall with his opponent! The unlucky ghost named Fei Lizi smashed the heavy palm of the platinum lion. When he hit the wall, he vomited blood. He had not had time to make the next move. The lion's paw of the platinum lion has already been pressed. On his face. The violent current rushed through his body all the time, and the guard turned into a fly ash in a few seconds, leaving only a set of black metal armor that was burnt out, and braved the smoke to fall!

"And again, killing innocent people," Elaine whispered.

"It's not our fault." Goff just flew his opponent and saved Elaine's life. At this time, he regained his foot. "I have to blame them for being too allergic, obviously able to pass the death, but still take the initiative." court death."

"But he is a good, good guard, Mr. Fei Lizi." Elaine sighed: "I actually see our disguise in this ring and environment."

"There are always a few eyesights in the elite of the church." Goff replied that he himself was an elite of the Holy See's Crusaders. He was just "just unlucky" and was rejected by the church.

"It was enough to be dangerous now," Goff said again. "If I didn't fly the guy in time, or if he made the sword's skill higher, his blade would cut your throat. I was just I plan to use their equipment to hide people's eyes and ears, and temporarily hide from them. But now the way to confuse the audience is too much, the guards do not seem to be stupid, can disassemble our camouflage in an instant. You are sure that every time In this way, the enemy must use this method to deceive the past? It is a simpler and more effective way to let Renault adults directly destroy the guards."

"I, I don't want to kill too many people." Elaine was embarrassed and subconsciously touched his neck: "Do as much as possible, avoid fighting, and fool the past."

"Your body is not like this." Goff looked at Elaine's trembling legs. The white fat man did not wear trousers. He simply put the metal armor on his body. When he shook, the metal collided with friction and naturally wanted to cover up and could not cover it.

"I, I am fine," Elaine replied.

He is very clear that in this world he is just a little bit of succubus, but still very common [human].

This body is different from the body of his original white bear, and has no strong self-healing ability. If he is fatally wounded, he will die 100%. Coupled with his help in the Holy Land, he did not have the help of Master Merlin. The moment before death could not escape from this body. In this case, if he dies in this world, he will never be able to return to the original world.

Therefore, no matter how much he exaggerated in his mouth, his body is still very honest. It is subconsciously feared in the face of this deadly death threat, and is constantly shaking.

Despite this, he still wants to be stubborn and still does not want to impede innocent people. Elaine came to this different world after 900 years to help King Arthur find Queen Greene, the ultimate goal is to help Queen Greeneville help save Leopold. But in order to save a person and kill a large number of innocent people, Elaine felt overwhelmed. Even these "innocent" people are not good people, and they all may threaten Elaine's life.

Very contradictory.

"I understand." Goff sighed. "I know that even if you are advised to do this in a more secure way, you won't listen. Then there is no way, just do it according to yours. The situation is out of control. I will take responsibility to protect you."

"Hold, sorry," Elaine apologized.

"No, I promised to protect you. No matter how arbitrarily your requirements are, I will go through it. I will hand it over to me." Goff patted Elaine's shoulder: How long does it take to see Joan of Arc? I still hope that Renault can take us around all guards and avoid conflicts to the maximum -"

"Hey!" The Holy Spirit Platinum Lion snorted and looked very dissatisfied. He does have a way to perceive the enemies around him, but the ability to perceive is also limited by distance, not omnipotent. The series of unreasonable requests made by these two humans only added to him and increased the difficulty of his actions, so he was very angry.

"Hold, sorry," Elaine apologized to the Platinum Lion.

The big lion shook his head in dissatisfaction and led two humans to the end of the corridor and counted the route to follow.

Rumble and rumble -! The entire underground shelter also violently vibrated at this time, as if something was waking up in the underground shelter.

No, it’s the shelter itself that wakes up! Elaine felt a downward pressure, knowing that it was the acceleration of gravity caused by the ground moving upwards, just like taking the elevator up.

Is this shelter all "live", it is carrying all of them, moving up? !


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