Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2766: City of Purgatory (seven)

Chapter 2766 City of Purgatory Seven

Rumble and rumble! The whole city is instigating, and the St. Peter's Basilica in front of Arthur's group is gradually fading in this shake!

This ancient building, which existed in the fourth century and has a history of thousands of years, was originally part of the Vatican's cultural heritage. The building with a strong ancient Greek style was supported by a large number of columns, which was extremely stable and could not be shaken by ordinary earthquakes.

However, the current earthquake is not unusual. There is something huge from the bottom of the Great Church, and the foundation of the Great Church has been broken in the process of rising and floating. The ground is collapsing, and the Great Church is naturally destroyed together!

Looking at the collapse of St. Peter's Church, people who know its historical and cultural values ​​will be shocked, but Arthur is unmoved, but rather surprised by something else.

Things that rise from the ground are not as simple as buildings, nor are they a trap. Arthur only looked at the edge of the rising thing and immediately recognized its essence.

That is a ship.

More correctly, it is an airship, an anti-gravity airship, and perhaps even a larger anti-gravity warship.

This clearly should not be the technology that people of this era should have. It should be left in the original world of Arthur, their 900 years ago, and the effect of the [Holy Grail] erased its existence. Why is this kind of thing actually appearing here, why is it in the hands of the church? !

No, compared to surprise, the most important thing to do now is -

The Cavaliers suddenly jumped out of the carriage and planned to jump out and climb onto the anti-gravity airship that was gradually lifted. But Johnny Zurst took Arthur from the back and shouted, "No, Master Aslan! The ground is collapsing, we have to retreat!"

"Don't stop me, I can--" Arthur originally knew that with his own footwork and agility, he should be able to use the ground that has not collapsed in front of him, rushing over and jumping on the boat, but he was pulled by Johnny. He missed the moment, the ground in front collapsed, the rubble of the building collapsed and a lot of dust and shock waves were raised, and it was impossible to get close!

"Damn!" Arthur was confident in his own skills, but he was not blind believer. He knew that there was no way to achieve what humans could not achieve if he missed the opportunity. Now he will only be crushed to death when he tries to board the ship. Or fall into the deep pit left by the collapse of the foundation below!

Johnny whipped the horse and let the carriage turn around, accelerate, and escape. The ground quickly collapsed behind the carriage, like a hungry beast, wanting to swallow the carriage into its **** mouth!

"My God!" Verne looked at it from behind the wagon carriage and saw the St. Peter's Basilica become a pile of worthless rubble. A huge ship emerged from the ground and rose to the air. Both surprised and excited: "This is the benefit of taking risks with you. The mortal can't touch so many wonderful things in his life!"

"You know how to play!" Because Johnny's obstruction was too late to get on the boat, Arthur was a little angry, and then heard Verne, and it was inevitable to swear.

Verne spit out his tongue and didn't answer.

"But are they crazy?" Bayuetta looked at the collapsed Great Church: "Have the spaceship hidden in the ground? The ancient buildings of thousands of years of history were destroyed?"

"That boat is not the technology of this era." Arthur said bluntly. "The church has mastered that level of technology. I guess it is not difficult for them to repair a building."

Perhaps the building was a fake from the beginning, and the real St. Peter's Church has been hidden by the church in some other way. No wonder the number of guards at the main hall of the Great Church is very poor, because it was originally part of the trap!

In the west of the city, a large number of sea beasts and [female faction] fleets also landed. The sea beasts began to indiscriminately destroy on the coastline, and the army on the fleet also fought against the ground forces of the church after landing. One time, the slashing sounds come and go. They naturally noticed the spacecraft that rose up and down (in fact, although there is a lot of smoke everywhere, it is not clear, but from the scale of the ship, Arthur is more like a large warship!), starting to face the spaceship mobile.

But as a result, Arthur can already guess that the ground forces have no choice but to take the kind of large-scale anti-gravity warships. The most capable of attacking the battleships is the deep red wave guns of the sea beasts. That may not necessarily pose a threat to the warships.

In the past, the warships of Great Britain, even the smallest assault ships, had the ability to deal with dozens of giant sea beasts alone. The deep red wave guns of the Shanghai beasts could not penetrate the shield of the assault ship!

What's more, the shape of this warship does not seem small. And why? As the smoke dissipates, its outline looks more familiar -

The unique shape of this bridge should not be, like the ancient artifacts of the Terran, the Skid Plattney Ark? !

More than a thousand feet in length, the fearless warship of the ancient gods and humans actually fell into the hands of the church! ?

Now it has not yet emerged from the underground of the entire warship, only a part of it. If it rises completely into the air, it will tear a huge gap in the entire Vatican's ground.

Just seeing the corner of the Ark, Arthur knew that there was no win in this battle. The forces of the Virgins could not beat the Ark. Even if all the sea beasts fired together, they used the deep red wave guns to attack the Ark. At one point, their power is completely incapable of penetrating the shield of ancient artifacts! "Come out of the city!" Arthur yelled.

"I know I have to escape, but what should I do after I escape?" Johnny also shouted. There were deafening slashes on the battlefield, and there was a huge vibration from the ground, which made people feel tired.

"In short, go out first," Arthur subconsciously touched his earlobe. "I have the method of boarding the ship, but I need a lot of space."

"Good!" Johnny quickly wrestled, slamming the carriage like a chariot and rushing toward the gate. When they came, they came from that direction. There was a large group of chasing soldiers behind them. Now the original way back, the group of pursuers are naturally blocking the road. These defending soldiers did not seem to find the ground that was constantly falling behind the carriage. They thought that the carriage was just fleeing here and trying to stop it.

So Arthur continuously cast out the bricks caused by [Golden Powder] and used their explosion to open the way. It’s not necessary to warm up [Golden Powder] until now, and you can use it as much as you can!

Verne and Beyuleta also fired consecutively, killing the enemies on the front side one by one. Even Joey used the crystal flying knife that Arthur had prepared for him to attack, and used his precise flying knife throwing skills to lay down dozens of soldiers along the way.

At this time, the [Shadows] group of young Asians also wandered around the carriages. They started the real thing to run faster than the carriage. They also understood the intention of Arthur and others to escape from the city. Scurrying and slashing the enemy in front with the machete in their hands, opening the way for the carriage!

The carriage forcibly smashed a **** road. When the rushed to the vicinity of the city gate, the horses of the two carts were already covered in blood, from the enemy, and there were bleedings caused by the various arrows being scratched by various arrows. But they still completed their mission, a leap with a carriage to jump over the moat!

lb! ! Nearly 30 yards before the city, the carriage has been unable to withstand the toss and fell apart. The two horses fell to the ground and drove the entire carriage of the carriage. The crowd in the carriage jumped agilely back and forth, and rolled off the ground for a while to stop!

"Well," Arthur got up and patted the dust on his body: "Isn't everyone hurt?"

"Fortunately." Verne also licked the sore shoulders, only a little bruise on his arm, no problem. The soldiers on the wall of the city watched the carriage fall and began to shoot arrows at this side, so Arthur and others immediately hid back to the carriage and used it as a bunker to counterattack. Verne has already released [the legion-gun array], and the heroes have a series of arrows and arrows, and there is no movement on the wall. Even a part of the wall has been collapsed by powerful large arrows.

"They won't chase for the time being." Johnny looked at the soldiers near the city gate and said, "But what do we do next? Is it not a way to consume it here?"

Arthur also glanced at the gate of the city. The soldiers could not catch up because they couldn’t cross the moat, but there was a huge shadow behind them. The huge anti-gravity warships had completely risen from the hidden ground. Float into the air!

That shape is indeed the right thing for Skid Plattney, and it is indeed dominated by the church.

This can't be beaten unless Arthur can board the battleship. The artifacts of the ancient gods and humans were not able to shake a few sea beasts in the area. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not even make a scratch on the Ark of the Skid Plattney!

Arthur reached out and touched his earlobe. There, Laolong Patunas once left a token, a small thing like the size of a gold earring.

"You are watching all this in the dark, Patunas?" The Cavaliers suddenly said: "The power of the church is not the level at which we can fight. If you are willing to lend you strength, now is It’s time. Later, everything will go back to heaven."

Arthur is only the truth, and he believes that Patunas is listening.

After about a dozen seconds, the sound of the old dragon came out of the earrings: "Ha ha ha ha ha. You are right, Cavalier."

So this embarrassing old dragon looks at everything through the earrings.

"Who are you talking to?" asked Bayeretta.

Arthur made a "Hey!" gesture, indicating not to interrupt.

"Take it to the deck of the ship." The Cavalier King added: "If we can enter the ship, we have a way to destroy the top of the church. They look at everything from the sky and think they are invincible, but in fact they are also瓮中鳖."

Patunas replied, "Throw the token in the open space, you may want to stay away from it."

The small earrings that Arthur couldn't pick up suddenly turned into a golden bead that fell off his earlobe. King Arthur cast it on the open space and signaled his companions to stay away from it.

At the moment the beads landed, a sub-space channel opened.

The old dragon Patunas, who was wearing gray-black and old-fashioned dragon scales, was eager to smile from the transmission channel. "So let us have a big fight."


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