Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2764: City of Purgatory (5)

Chapter 2764 City of Purgatory Five

At the same time (?), on the hills five kilometers outside the Vatican City.

"It's amazing, it's really fierce." Verne lifted the telescope and observed it. Arthur and others did not use telescopes to observe the details, and they looked far away at the sea animals that came from the sea and attacked the holy places.

Several giant sea beasts came out of the water and fired a deep red wave gun at the Vatican. When the gunfire was not in contact with the city, it was blocked by some invisible protective wall, deflected, and then landed in the open space and suburbs on both sides of the main city, causing a series of explosions.

The church's forces (although they couldn't even see the figure from this distance) also made a fierce counterattack, using their "miracle" (actually magic) to fire thousands of magic bullets and hit the sea beasts. The power of the magic bomb was actually quite big. After hitting the sea beast, it bursted one by one. It was a huge sound. Unfortunately, the sea beasts were all huge monsters with a length of more than a hundred feet. It was still not painful to be hit by such things, at most The extent to which the layers of moss on the skin are constantly peeling off. The sea beasts continue to advance with this violent artillery fire, which is close to half a kilometer of the coastline of the Vatican City. Excluding the threat of the sea beasts, there are sea animals to open the road, the fleet that has been following, have not yet come up with their true strength. Probably intends to maintain the fighting power, only to start a white-bladed battle after landing.

"It's amazing." Strong Nizuster blew a whistle: "The French Virgins can actually make such a powerful sea beast, or a large group."

"It's not the [Saints' faction], but the Grand Marshal Gilles, the madman who trades with the devil." Arthur whispered.

He wondered if the Grand Marshal Gilles had a copy of the Abyss Magic. Calling and serving such a large group of powerful sea beasts is not something that magicians of this era can do. No, I switched to Arthur's original world nine hundred years ago, and it is estimated that few magicians can do this. People who can grow up are generally called the Grand Master, occupying their own position in the ivory tower.

Gilles, perhaps the genius of the magician of this era, or he sold his massive "cost" to the abyss, in exchange for such a huge force. The man has almost lost his sense of reason, is a madman. Isn't his "cost" paid to the abyss his own reason?

Still, what is the truth of this unhurried atmosphere? Arthur narrowed his eyes and thought about it. In the face of the onslaught of the sea beasts, the Vatican's priests did not resist, and even resisted fiercely. Not only did the protective cover not stop, but there were always deep red wave guns that blocked the sea beasts, and even the magic bullets fired by the priests did not stop bombing. But the feeling is still very strange, it is like -

It is as if the Vatican had anticipated this wave of attacks from the beginning, pretending to be unable to resist, but actually stepping into the traps set by them.

King Arthur frowned.

"Not good." He: "The real battlefield is not in the Vatican."

"What?" Everyone is surprised.

"Intuition tells me this way, I don't understand the specific principles." Arthur touched his chin and said: "In short, the people of the church are tempting the [Saints] people to go deep into the Vatican. Probably there is any plan. The women’s people all landed and entered the city to plan a white-bladed battle. The traps laid by the church will be launched."

"Isn't this very bad?" Bayuetta pouted: "I have to inform the Virgin!"

"No." The Cavaliers continued to urge Johnny to drive the carriage forward: "Let them make bait. It is more important that we penetrate into the Vatican."

"Can't you die?!"

"Yes," Arthur replied categorically. In order to win a tough battle, these are the necessary sacrifices.

The problem is that even if Arthur entered the St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, it would be a problem to find Joan of Arc (Greenville). If Jude has been moved elsewhere? If even St. Peter's Church is a trap?

There was a drop of sweat in his forehead. It was really uncomfortable to be unable to contact Elaine who went deep into the enemy at this critical moment. The Holy Land of the Vatican was protected by the huge protective cover, and as long as there was something, Merlin could not enter the interior of the Holy Land to get in touch with Elaine.

and many more.

Since the shield is in the way, can you invalidate it?

The protective cover is nothing more than a kind of enchantment. It is a force field. It needs to be generated by an enchantment generator. It also needs huge energy to maintain. It is able to create such a strong enchantment and block the deep sea wave guns of the sea beasts, proving that there is an amazing source of energy in the Holy Land of the Vatican that provides enormous energy for the enchantment generator of the Holy Land.

Finding the enchantment generator or its energy source and destroying it, the entire Vatican defense system will be instantly powerless. As long as they can disrupt the plan of the church, then the traps they will lay down will not break.

The question is, how to find it?

The carriage is speeding up approaching the Vatican. Because there was a fierce battle along the coast, the east side was not so strict in defense towards the inland side, and there was no sentry post on the way. Arthur is even more suspicious. The church may not only be as simple as assembling the army to the west, but also let the army hide in it. Waiting for the [Saints] army to enter the trap under the Vatican, and then use a certain Ways to pinch and destroy the army of the Virgin. Sure enough, this time it’s still mixed into the city. Whether it is destroying the enchantment or finding Jude, it needs to be carried out in the city.

"Dear your mask, Johnny." The carriage was about to reach the edge of the Vatican's wall, Arthur reminded.

"Well," Johnny chose to hide his identity, so he masked it with a black mask. The vampire hunter's equipment can't be used naturally, but he got the old Bettiville legendary whip [Sacred Demon Hunter] from the Shadow Brotherhood, and it is better to use this almost unknown artifact to deal with the enemy.

"Stop! Who are you!!" The soldiers of the city wall saw a carriage approaching at high speed and shouted. At this time, the gate is naturally locked, and even the suspension bridge is raised. The carriage rushed over like this and only fell into the moat below.

"Don't slow down, rush straight." Arthur, already holding dozens of pieces of [golden powder] in his hand: "Verne!"

"Come on!" The boy poked his head out of the carriage, and while Arthur threw the "golden powder" of the cake, he also shot with a smashing arrow. The smashing arrows accurately hit the piece of "golden powder" in midair, hit them and finally nailed them on the city gate and the suspension bridge. The next wave of burning arrows also followed, and once again accurately hit the gold powder pieces nailed to the suspension bridge on the door.

They are instantly ignited.

Bang! !

The deafening explosion is no less than the fierce battle on the battlefield of the West Sea. The buildings of this era are all enchanted to make up the strength, so they are actually very fragile. The church people originally thought that using the solid wood head to make the gates would resist most invaders (they might be right), but did not expect that the gates and suspension bridges would be so easily crushed by "golden powder"! After all, the "golden powder" made by Arthur is not something that should be in this era. It is a very basic science, but it still transcends the cognition of the times!

"Drive!!" The roadblocks have disappeared, but the carriage needs to jump over a moat that is ten feet wide. Johnny then whipped the two horses of the cart and let them go forward in desperation!

Maybe even the horse knows that he has no retreat, even if he stops directly, he will crash into the moat. They run particularly energetically and leap when they reach the edge of the moat. Arthur also circled the rear of the carriage, and found the opportunity to release the vacuum shock wave three times with alchemy gloves, giving the carriage enough power from the rear!

Hey! ! The carriage leaped, soared, and then landed heavily. Arthur's rubber-reinforced wheels made of alchemy are not only strong, but also have the effect of slowing down the impact. This drop of impact does not make the carriage fall apart! The soldiers who defended the city looked silly, and watched the carriage rushing into the city, crossing the gate that had been blown up, and going away!

"Block, stop them!!" For almost half a minute, the captain of the defending city soldiers looked at the shadow of the dozens of yards and shouted: "Invaders! Don't let them run!!"

However, most of the soldiers in the city are concentrated in the west of the city, and they are participating in the garrison with the Master (the priesthood) team. The strength of other places is very loose. The Vatican is in the midst of fighting with the Virgins. The battlefield information is not very efficient. Most of the troops do not know that Arthur has broken into the city.

"Don't stop!" Arthur shouted: "Go straight to St. Peter's Church! We can hope for victory if we can get in!"

Johnny is driving hard! In front of the street, a group of soldiers rushed over with a thick shield. They planned to stop the carriage. Arthur cast a "golden powder" brick. Verne also fired a flame arrow and lit the "golden powder"! After a burst of explosion, the soldiers were blown up and the defensive array completely collapsed. The carriage crashed and slammed several soldiers who had not completely fallen down and easily crossed the enemy's line of defense!

In front is the Great Church of St. Peter. Moreover, there are only a few dozen guards at the main entrance of the cathedral. With a long gun, they want to stop the pace of the carriage.

"This kind of guy--" Arthur took the other two pieces of "golden powder" bricks and tried to throw them away to clear a **** road by explosion.

It is also at this time -

Rumble and rumble! !

The whole city is making a loud noise!

The sea beasts in the west landed, they hit the Vatican's protective cover, so the whole city is shaking!

No, is it wrong? !

The source is not from the west, but from the bottom! There was something in the ground of St. Peter's Church that was violently shaken. It even shocked the St. Peter's Church, the walls were cracked, the bricks began to peel off, and the church itself was disintegrating! !

Something is slowly rising from the bottom of the church!

"My God" Johnny exclaimed: "What are the churches hiding?!"


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