Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2763: City of Purgatory (4)

Chapter 2763, City of Purgatory IV

Elaine and his entourage intend to escape from the underground shelters and join the King Arthurs.

They were led by the Holy Spirit Platinum Lions, or they had to be led by the Platinum Lions. The guy did not listen to Elaine’s words and rushed to the front.

Originally, Elaine saw the Platinum Lions so reckless that they would inevitably encounter many battles along the way. However, otherwise, the Platinum Lion is complex in this terrain, like a maze, in the underground shelter, left and right, but always avoids the patrol guards.

He rushed to a crossroad at the front, but suddenly stopped his footsteps and even hid his figure into the shadow of the corridor, as if he had already known that a patrol had passed. Elaine and Goff also hid behind the Platinum Lions. Sure enough, there was a couple of patrols passing by the crossroads, and they were coming over here. Elaine was thinking about how it was good. At the same time, the Platinum Lion had narrowed his body and used his power (electromagnetic force) to jump on the wall and stick it to the ceiling, just before the guards saw him and disappeared into the guards. In the field of vision.

The guards approached the hiding places of Elaine and Goff more and more, and when they almost found the two of them, the Platinum Lions descended from the sky, and the Lions slammed down violently, instantly turning the three guards into fly ash.

"It's amazing. It's like being able to know someone close from a distance." Goff sighed.

Elaine didn't answer, but he had an implicit answer in his heart. This is not the case. The Platinum Lion is the Holy Spirit that controls electricity. He may not only be as simple as generating electricity from himself, he can control and even sense all the power around him.

The human body itself is a miniature generator. Bioelectricity drives all physiological activities of the human body. The five senses of human beings are transmitted to the nervous system in the form of electric current; the nervous system emits current to stimulate the muscle tissue to make it move, and humans can make a series of complicated actions; the activity of the internal organs needs electric support; the blood flow generates electricity, even Sweating is likely to produce bioelectricity.

In this kind of building where only human beings are active, it is easy to let the Holy Spirit Platinum Lions sense the surrounding bioelectricity and make countermeasures. The platinum lion Renault, which is capable of inducing current, is equivalent to having the ability to "see through" and "automatically enemies."

Although Elaine didn't know how strong Renault's ability to sense current and how wide the range of capabilities was, he was sure that Renault could sense the enemy across the wall. The patrol team just arrived from the intersection and was almost inducted by Renault 20 seconds earlier. If the patrol's speed is maintained at a steady one and a half feet, Renault can at least sense the enemy, 40 feet away?

Elaine, who had a bad brain, was surprised by his own brains in a critical situation. Adrenaline is stimulating him, and he feels that his mind has become clearer than usual.

The war outside is still going on, and the ceiling is shaking from time to time. The church's large forces are fighting the "infidels" on the ground. I am afraid there is no space to manage this underground shelter. Therefore, although the shelter sheltered a large group of important members of the church, the guards were more relaxed than expected.

If the Platinum Lion Renault is not only a brainless sacred spirit, he has his own ideas and plans, then he does have the ability to take Elaine and Goff away from this danger. It is by virtue of Renault’s ability to secure the enemy, and it is possible to avoid most of the church’s patrols.

Although she knew that there was a great chance to escape, Elaine was thinking about something else.

"Take, take me to Joan of Arc." Elaine ordered the Holy Spirit Platinum Lion: "You can, can find it, right?"

The Holy Spirit Platinum Lion looked at Elaine with deep thoughts and could not speak to Elaine.

"Can't just, escape like this." Elaine took courage: "St. Jude must be in the shelter. I found her."

When he said this, his legs were shaking slightly. Goff behind Elaine looked at it all in his eyes.

Obsessed with fear, but swollen face and fat? - No, he was a fat man.

It's good to have courage (even if it's a hard scalp), but it's another thing to be brave.

"Is there a way to find it?" So Goff asked, he thought his duty was to calmly remind Elaine not to act recklessly: "The Vatican is very big. This shelter may have tens of thousands of people hiding? It is like an underground maze. In the same way, it is hard enough to get out of the way, let alone find a saint who doesn't know where to hide."

"There must be, there are guards." Elaine replied: "St. Jude is not voluntarily taken, brought to the Vatican, nor is she willing to stay here. She must always think, want to escape, and someone wants to save, Save her away, so there must be a lot of guards in front of her room."

"Continue." Goff nodded.

"Now is an extraordinary period, room, there may be only one of Joan of Arc, or a few servants and servants who serve her." Elaine analyzed: "If Renault really has a way to sense the breath of people (current ), let him feel a servant, there are many guards outside the room, the atmosphere of one or several ordinary people in the room, the room is not exactly right, it is Jude."

"Yeah." Goff paused for another half second, trying to find a flaw from Elaine's thoughts. But it is not found, this series of assumptions is logical. So he agreed: "Yes, if you can meet your conditions, then the possibility of holding Joan of Arc in the room is very high. If not, the room is definitely a big man, how much can we hijack this big man? Asking about the whereabouts of Joan of Arc, will not suffer. Maybe we can take this big person as a hostage, so that we can escape from the shelter."

White fat man nodded. "Take it as you go - do you have a way for your angels to understand your thoughts?"

"Renault?" Elaine asked. In fact, not much, the Holy Spirit Platinum Lions have long understood the words of Elaine. He is the Holy Spirit of Elaine. He has been intertwined with Elaine from the beginning, and he does not need words to exchange ideas.

The platinum lion Renault walked a few steps forward, suddenly pressing the whole body's center of gravity like a big cat ready to eat, and fell to the ground.

"What is he doing?" Goff looked stunned and asked curiously.

Elaine shrugged.

It seems that there is a circle of white light that spreads out from the ground to the sides, along the walls, ceilings, and at the end of the corridor, extending all the way to infinity.

Elaine they don't understand, but in fact this is very similar to the radar principle, just using the emitted electromagnetic waves to locate the target. The Holy Spirit Platinum Lion is the Holy Spirit that controls electricity. Naturally, it can also illuminate waves. As long as he gives him enough time and concentration, he can even use this "electromagnetic wave radar" to locate a large number of targets within a very wide range.

There are about a thousand people in the underground building, but it is in line with Elaine's description. "There are a few people in a room, there are a lot of guards outside the door." In fact, there are not many, just look carefully to find them.

In addition to the biological signals with current, the platinum lion's radar can even sensitively determine the metal signal. Guards are generally armed with armor and weapons, while ordinary people have almost no weapons and armor. These subtle differences can be well reflected in the radar. In less than a minute, the platinum lion Renault has found a goal that is consistent with Elaine's description.

"Hey." He climbed up and turned his head to Elaine and Goff. At this time, Goff was busy picking up the armor of the guards who had cooled down on the ground and trying to put on his body.

"Already found? Unbelievable." He put the breastplate and armor on his body.

"This, really, really want to wear it?" Elaine had taken the loosest armor from the wreckage of the most guarded body, but he still felt unfit when he put it on, but he was stronger than the burly The guards are only he is too fat.

Seeing that these two guys are busy with their own affairs, the Platinum Lions glared at them with a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, just a little more. This is a necessary disguise." Goff. But he ignored the unseen blackness on the armor.

The strong current of the Platinum Lions directly electro-chemicalized the armored guards into gray. Although the armor stayed, it also "plated" a layer of black oxide. This is not the same as the original armor style of the guards, even if it is not fixed. They can only hope that the lighting of this underground shelter is not enough, and other guards can't see the difference in their armor at first glance.

"Yes, still too reluctant" Elaine bitter face, bare chest stuck to his body, his stomach was squeezed hard, and the waist and leg armor could not be worn.

"Take off the clothes inside." Goff: "A small layer of linen will reduce some of the burden."

"No, don't!" Elaine blushed.

"Arms are also a kind of clothes. Why are you shy?" Goff asked: "I will help you wear them. Hurry up, don't let Renault wait too long."

Elaine grinned, though he was reluctant to take off his pants. He was uncomfortable with the breastplate, and even removed the breastplate and took off his jacket. The clothes of civilians in this era are all kinds of coarse linen, the fabric itself is quite thick, and it is not very breathable. The real Elaine has always been unaccustomed. Now he has only one crotch left, and then put on the metal plate on the outside, the skin and the hard metal contact, friction, squeeze a little uncomfortable, but still more than wearing the kind of rough itching Be a little bit more comfortable.

After the "fart, ass, cool" put on the waist, Elaine blushed. Some parts of the plate are not covered, and it is completely compensated by the chain armor under the plate. The chain armor was laid down like a skirt, and there was a gap between the steel buckles of the chain armor itself, which was ventilated. Under this "iron skirt" is Elaine's crotch, almost unmasked. There were still some fabrics on the soldier’s armor, but the non-metallic objects were turned into ashes as early as Renault’s electric shock.

"It’s okay after getting used to it." Goff, helping Elaine put on the calves of his calves and thighs. This part of the plate is almost hard to the fat man's leg, almost can not fit.

Normally, no soldier will wear anti-wear clothing inside and wear armor directly on the outside. In this way, the armor will wear the skin near the joints, causing the body to be damaged. It is estimated that it is already blood in one day. But now they are only temporarily wearing the enemy's armor to disguise, Goff has not expected Elaine to have a large-scale action, it is okay to make do with it.

The Platinum Lion looked angry at the two humans who were engaged in the West, and kept busy for the fat man to wear armor. The endurance of the stinky lion is almost at the limit. Just want to vent his anger, Goff turned and promised: "We are ready, let's go."

The Holy Spirit Platinum Lion did not smack his head to vent his dissatisfaction, and then flew in one direction.

"Wait, I can't run, I can't move!" Elaine, who wore unfit armor, could only keep up with pain.


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