104 Tues-Each Purpose (2)

“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment.”

A satellite city near Menas that once prospered. Reina, who had been withdrawn from Menas, arrived at this place that has now become a stronghold for the Legion, covered with dark red six walls and twisted divine trees.

She didn’t come alone.

She brought all the ‘loot’ from Menas to this place.

“Ugh! Oops!”

In front of Reina, who had moved her head, someone grabbed her ankle and was delivered hanging upside down.

A wizard of the Captive Addos Society. Some died at the hands of allies, but not all valued their mission more than their lives.

He had already been infected with the infectious bacteria and was now unable to lift a finger of his own will.

Dying, living, and even going crazy are completely out of their hands.

His eyes trembled violently when he saw Reina’s face removed from the mask.

I didn’t recognize Reina. It was only surprising that the face under the mask of the ruthless and brutal massacre was the face of a beautiful woman who still had a youthful appearance.

“The Great One has allowed me to take on this task, and has told me to draw out all that I know of you.”

Reina opened her mouth and spoke to him. Of course, this was possible because it was not a ‘conversation’.

He can only answer the questions he asks.

“Shut up… Kwaah!”

Reina first inflicted the most intense pain on him, the nerves all over his body being twisted and scratched.

He opened his eyes and let out a scream.

In contrast, when Eve tortured prisoners for information, they even stopped screaming.

Instead, it was one reason that made her scream.

‘You crazy.’

All the captured prisoners, including the president of Blakel’s society, were watching and hearing the scene.

The terrible screams of colleagues in the same situation as them, and the despair that even death is not allowed.

The fear that penetrated the inner psychology of human beings shook their emotions.

“There is only one way to get out of this pain. To vomit everything out.”

If he could see the only way out of that despair, he had no choice but to hope for comfort no matter how strong his sense of duty.

“Keep in mind. Reina’s behavior is absolutely not normal.”

“It’s not normal. What’s the standard for that normal?”


When Reina is brutally tormenting the prisoners.

Eve was facing Kang Do-yeon.

The current connection with Reina has been cut off, so she doesn’t know what they are talking about right now.

“Right now, Reina is effectively torturing humans, extracting information and testimonies. Faster than when I was leading. Is that wrong?”

“You, I don’t mean to disobey you. Of course that’s right. That, by our standards.”

Doomed, Kang Do-yeon desperately shook her head.

I know all about Reina’s circumstances, but it’s something that neither I nor the CNU wanted to change Eve’s values in that way because of Reina’s influence.

The problem was that I couldn’t just tell Eve that.

Kang Do-yeon hoped that there would be no problems with Eve’s ‘education’ designed by Shinwoo because of her words and actions.

“The only certainty is that Raina’s hatred of humanity should not be expanded. There are many good people…”

“I have no interest in human-made concepts of good and evil. In the end, it’s just self-consolation for society and survival, created by the human species. It’s so trivial and useless to me.”

Eve laughed.

“Whatever you think, unfortunately, my brother is very interested in it.”

“…that’s right. That’s right.”

But when Kang Do-yeon brought up the story of Shin-woo.

Eve’s feelings became cold for a moment.

‘Does he want me to be a ‘good man’?’

Eve spoke to her with a sense of a colony rather than her upbringing. Because there was no word that CNU was absent right now.

‘It won’t be. It’s just for you. I don’t want to be human, I just don’t want to be a monster.’


Kang Do-yeon calmly spoke her thoughts. Eve responded to the word monster.

‘He is precious to me. I can’t be a monster to him.’

‘…I guess so. Our lives depended on your brother’s life.’

‘But I can’t watch him endanger his wrong choices. Even if that choice is the right choice by human standards.’

‘That is your true intention now.’

Kang Do-yeon was startled by the gentle feeling. Clearly, Shinwoo’s influence is considerable.

However, the current Eve was not a dog who obeyed orders unconditionally, and she knew better than anyone how much power she had.

‘why? Why are you afraid? Shouldn’t it be rather rejoicing? He also wanted to become one with me. Reina said she was happy to be one with us. He said it was more complete and glorious.’

‘Oppa would never want him to be like me or Reina.’

‘It’s hard to understand too, but if you do, I’ll definitely give him the best rank. equal to me. But then he has to talk to me all the time, be with me and convince me. Until he abandons the human way of thinking.’

Eve raised an eyebrow without a word.

Kang Do-yeon couldn’t object. Eve had more than anyone could see, and the relationship between the player and the unit was not fixed.

‘…my brother can do it.’

In the end, she had no choice but to trust her brother.

Now, I can handle this huge being that is encroaching on an entire planet in real time.

‘I love him.’


Kang Do-yeon did not dare deny Eve’s feelings. In fact, Eve’s emotions that can be felt moment by moment were not much different from those words. Even if that emotion is a little twisted from human common sense.

[He’s busy right now, so he’s turning the screen off for a while. There is no need to save yourself]

“The cheeky lizards dare to pollute and ruin my land.”

Eve looked into the distance, annoyed. Where Eve was now looking through the scout’s eyes, there were Redrium dragons protruding from the gate.

They have degenerated into creatures that move only for destruction and slaughter, with no productive activity.

Green hills and plants were trampled on by their feet and burned to become a wasteland, and all living creatures were killed.

“They have become enemies that threaten our lives and our growth. So from now on, we kill our enemies.”

Eve showed several things in front of Kang Do-yeon.

These were the results obtained by thoroughly disassembling and analyzing the bodies of the dragons obtained in the last battle.

“What are these?”

“Still, there were some interesting things like those who became victors and conquered the world. We pay respect to them, and now they are ours, so we should use them.”

There were two things that arrived in front of Kang Do-yeon.

One was a rough-looking translucent dark red ore, and the other was a carapace fragment resembling coarse rock scales.

“The legend of dragons that Reina spoke of. The Redrium primordial dragon, who passed on magic to humans, had a very powerful heart. And even descendants of degenerate descendants possess that heart that would have been the power of form.”

Eve said, holding it the size of an adult fist. And he brought it to Kang Do-yeon’s chest.

“It’s something that will become our and your new heart, which has more than quadrupled its efficiency by using their legacy.”

“…Then that one.”

“Their scales had the ability to absorb, store, or release by weakening the power of shape. The more we know, the more we covet, the more we have now.”

Kang Do-yeon sighed and shook her head. It was because he had predicted what was going to happen in the future.

“How many times have you been remodeled? It seems like I’m a transforming robot now.”

“You don’t want to be strong?”


She grumbled, but shook her head again. In the end, this was your own choice.

Above all, their power obtained by analyzing polyps is the power they obtained by destroying and maximizing a whole world.

In other words, it takes a lot of energy to apply it compared to the existing ones.

Thanks to this, Eve had to expedite the plan to expand the nest to begin exterminating humans.

“So, it is impossible to mass-produce the stronger soldiers on a scale similar to the previous one. The size of the troops will be reduced to less than 10%.”

“If you do that, you won’t be able to stop those dragons.”

“It doesn’t matter. Those stupid beasts, we don’t even know what kind of existence we are, and we won’t even tell you.”

same as before Until they had a large quantity to wipe out humans, they expanded their nests and survived with a small force.

Even now, while those degenerate dragons are being drunk with their nature, which has been erupting for a long time, the corps was planning to wipe out them with more powerful power.

“Scramble, the Legion’s first tooth. Go and sweep them away before the humans do their tricks.”


Once again, with excruciating pain, Kang Do-yeon, who had her entire body reconstructed, sighed and spread her wings.

The speed of soaring into the sky was different from before.

Gang Do-yeon, who rose to a high altitude, tearing the sound in an instant, began to fly toward the east of the continent along with the legionaries moving together on the ground.

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