103 Tue-Each Purpose(1)

“Hey, what is this, president of the society!”

“…noisy. They steal magic. I don’t know the means, but what if gate-related magic falls into their hands?”

There was no need to gossip.

The wizards were at a loss for words at the words of President Blakel, who burned and killed all the wizards of the Addos Society who were trying to open the gate.

“Today we are going to die here.”

Of course, her decisive decision was passed on to Eve as well. Eve’s face, holding the handle of the throne, was grotesquely distorted.


Compared to other emotions, the emotion of anger was because there was no reason to express it in a human body, so it was because I wasn’t used to it.

Instead, Eve unleashed her anger through the Legionaries, not her avatars.

In fact, this use of anger was all too familiar to Eve, even before ego was born.


The higher ranks drew their swords and narrowed the distance at once.

The resistance of the wizards who hit Bae Sujin took more time than expected, but the difference in the numbers that occurred in the first place was unavoidable.

“…that looks creepy.”

The head of the Society of Blakel, whose arm was severed while holding a staff in the sword of a higher class that had dug into the arms of the wizards at once, murmured as he grabbed the tail that had pierced his stomach.

Eve, of course, was about to behead her neck.

Of course, the punishment of anger on the creatures who dared to interfere with their plans and resist arrogantly was death, the worst punishment for living creatures.

‘Please wait. That mother’s wrath, mere beheading is not enough!’

The problem was that Eve now had a being who wanted human suffering and ruin more than anyone else.

Eve was interested in Reina’s opinion.

‘Is there a punishment stronger than death?’

‘I have an idea.’

‘You think, it’s inefficient.’

‘It would be useful if you were the president of the society.’

For a brief moment, the two beings exchanged views. At the same time, after completing the calculations, Eve did not immediately behead her according to Reina’s opinion.

It was in contrast to the beheading and killing of all the humans around.

“What…what are you doing! Kill me!!”

Her eyes, which had guessed Eve’s intentions, widened for a moment, and rather than the moment before death, she was colored with fear.

Especially when the infectious bacteria that have penetrated into the body start to heal themselves.


‘The fear of death is the fear of the unknown. But the fear he is well aware of is greater than that.’

For Eve, who was pursuing only efficiency, the torture she had so far was just a means to extract information.

But Rayna was different. Because he is well aware that suffering itself can be an end to beings like humans.

“…I thought they were simple guys, but even on this chaotic battlefield, they’re thorough without a single break. What kind of guys are you guys?”

While Raina and Eve were communicating with each other.

Reina, like Eve, also performed the battle against the Dark at the same time and performed her role without any problems.

Unlike Kang Do-yeon, he did not hesitate to become one with the corps, but rather rejoiced, so his adaptability and ability increased greatly.


Reina poured her magic at him without a word.

With the scepter in his hand, he blocked the bombing once more. But now, less than half of the magic in the hall was left.

‘Maybe we humans can survive. But, it has no meaning until I die.’

Dark clutched the scepter in his hand even tighter. The right to kill is meaningless because the other side has also been revived even after being given the right to kill.

[Prepare. The player has made a decision at your request]

“I’m going to have to take care of the lizards. They say they’re persistent.”

Soon his body began to be wrapped in the light. It wasn’t just that.

Some of the units, including him, were engulfed in the light, and then all evaporated and disappeared.

“Right of Tribal Preservation.”

Reina clicked her tongue and looked at the empty front.

Combined with the local power, the players in the Dark who dealt with the majority of units early from the beginning had a lot of gold.

It meant that there were no restrictions on how to buy and use preservation rights at the store.

‘Get out. The dragons coming out of the gate defeated most of our troops. After all, all of the human main force has been crushed and the harvest has been harvested, so it doesn’t matter if we go a little slower now.’

At the same time, the time ran out.

The dragons, who were clearly pushed behind in the size and strength they boasted, eventually defeated the large legionaries by using the gates expanded by humans.

Since it was an urgent response to a sudden situation in the first place, Eve didn’t even think that she would be able to completely drive them out with just the troops she had now.

Reina, who received the order to retreat, prepared without hesitation.


Until someone calls his name.

Her masked face turned slowly. It was Austin who called that name.

“I know what happened. But! Please come back! You are human. You are not a monster!”


Austin exclaimed with a pale face.

For a fleeting moment, Reina looked at him through the mask without any thought or emotion.

‘Poor man.’

Reina’s first emotion was compassion.

‘When you become one with the Legion, you don’t have to suffer so much and you don’t have to be incomplete.’

Of course, he wasn’t swayed by his words. To her now, Austin’s cry seemed nothing but the struggle of a loser.

He became one with the Legion, received new powers from Eve, and was reborn as a new being.

Austin’s call to Reina, who firmly believes that her condition is now nearing perfection, to return to human form was no different from the ants’ call to humans to become like themselves.


Above all, to her, Austin was just one of the trash who betrayed her.

Just before retreating, she aimed her wand at him and fired a flash of lightning.

Austin, frightened, threw himself and managed to avoid the blow.

“How to use the brain and torpedo system magic…”

He groaned in a trembling voice.

The torpedo system magic is a magic that has been researched in the past due to its complicated working principle and difficult calculation formula.

Reina used her maximized brain power and knowledge of the past to finally recreate it as a thorough corps-style magic.


That means that many failure cases that were determined to be impossible with human ability can also be reprocessed. Austin noticed this and took a deep breath.

Reina left without having to finish the crowds flocking to Austin.

So did the other legionaries.

The legionaries disappeared as quickly as the ebb and flow, and only a few who managed to survive in this ruined city.

“Senior. First, take shelter. They… come. In the end, even those terrible lizards set foot on this land.”

And the dragons started to roar in celebration of their victory.

Austin, looking at the drakes soaring into the sky, barely got up with wretched eyes.


[The effect of the right of racial integrity is to immediately move a part of the unit to another location, allowing it to escape from the crisis. But the location is, after all, somewhere in the world. It means there is a limit.]

“I see. In the end, like the right to kill, the effect will be drastically different depending on how you use it.”

For some, the right to exterminate is an unavoidable sentence of death. But for those who overcame it, it was just a means to weaken the opponent’s power.

“It has nothing to do with Eve.”

I laughed bitterly.

Even if the immediate crisis was averted through the right of preservation, as Eve said, it was nothing more than the struggle of a defeated loser in the end.

Even if he hid and regained his strength, there was no way to escape from Eve, who was literally devouring all the land.

“I think Eve will think that the harvest she got this time is more important than those who managed to escape with the help of the player just before she died.”

[And to you, there’s something more important than them]


I affirmed that statement.

Eve eventually captured some of the wizards of the Addos Society, and will soon be able to obtain information about the gate.

In addition, Eve more than doubled the production of large species.

Now that humans have nothing to look at, it was to deal with dragons who were slowly passing through the gate.

Of course, I didn’t worry about the dragons. Those monsters you see on the screen certainly looked strong, but Eve, who has already started to eat the world, doesn’t get tired of such a group of beasts.

All my attention was focused on Eve’s idea of acquiring gate technology. Perhaps sooner or later, Eve will tear the walls of space and appear before me.

“Eve, are you going to eat me after all?”

[Emotions fluctuate. Be careful]


I took a deep breath and controlled my emotions.

All the while, watching Eve’s actions, I’ve learned to control my emotions. Just so that Eve doesn’t notice my thoughts.

Thanks to that, I was able to stay silent even when Eve talked about me with the second submind, Raina, secretly.

[The fact is that Eve’s idea of unity may be different from yours]

“…I don’t really like what happened.”

Is it me? not. My influence is still strong enough to be shaken by my words, but in the end, the strongest were Eve and the Gapdo Eve.

I accepted her request to become one, but in fact, I couldn’t say that I was mentally stronger than Eve now.

I can’t predict what Eve will do with my body and mind.

“Rather than color Eve, I’m sure I will.”

I bit my lip.

It’s obvious what will happen if you get stained by Eve. I already felt that thought process and power while watching the world collapse in less than a month since I met me.

Now, if the brake system for Nara is gone, Eve will spread throughout the universe using the gate she obtained.

Just like the demons that invaded Earth in the past.

[Then what is the solution to solve it?]

“…if it’s impossible for me to color Eve alone, I’ll have to get help from outside.”

Some pictures were drawn on my own. A way to make Eve’s power move the right way, not the right way, but the way I want it to.

“Shinwoo-san. Please prepare. Enemies are coming.”

That’s what I’ve been working on so far. I heard the voice from the communicator, grabbed my sword, and went outside.

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