105 tues – each purpose (3)

‘How far can I go?’

Kang Do-yeon, crossing the dark night sky, did not slow down.

Higher and higher, he accelerated even more towards the vast sky and the dazzling stars.

As her body reached its limit due to the gradual drop in oxygen and the sudden drop in temperature, a dark red barrier based on the power of shape automatically enveloped her.

The power of form is a miraculous energy that can be anything. In addition to being able to manipulate her body at will, she didn’t even need to breathe or make her heart beat if necessary.

In the state of replacing all that energy with the power of form, Kang Do-yeon finally puts the world under her feet.

A blue planet similar to Earth. But there were no artificial satellites around.

She paused for a moment and looked at the scene.

‘What’s the reason for that action? Don’t get off track. The energy it takes to rebuild your body is enormous.’

Eve didn’t really like the behavior. because it was inefficient.

‘When are we going to go out to space?’

‘If there is an enemy in space to eat, of course.’

‘I just practiced once. for that day.’

Kang Do-yeon smiled bitterly and turned around again. The coordinates of the destination were already etched into the brain.

She began to fly towards it at the same speed she soared into the sky. The less air resistance, the faster the speed.

With the sun gradually approaching, she crossed the continent in an instant.

After reaching the destination, the speed continued to descend, and the barrier around the body began to burn.

‘As always. Kill them all.’


Finally, the city she had chosen as her destination was approaching her eyes.

A part of the skin of the face was twisted and a mask was put on. Of course, her mind was blown.

Ever since the day she admitted that she was a monster and chose the path, with such a fierce spirit, she has carried out Eve’s slaughter order.

The number of humans who died by that hand had already surpassed the triple-digit number.

“Ugh, ooh!”


She quickly accelerated and smashed the city’s magic defenses with her body, pierced the tallest tower, and landed shaking the ground with a huge impact.

The cracked and exploding ground burst into dust, and those who were caught in the vicinity fell screaming and rolling on the floor.

The defenses, the last stronghold of this small rural town, shattered as they collided with her barriers, and the gigantic clock tower she had broken through with her body staggered and collapsed slowly.

‘Where’s the enemy?’

She rushed at her without even paying attention to the people around her who were shocked to see her, looking for the commanders and warriors here.

He considers himself hypocritical, but in the end, this was the minimum defense he tried for his own ego.

The reason she voluntarily fights is to eventually become stronger.

Therefore, the only opponents to kill were always commanders or warriors with weapons. The massacre of ordinary people was handled by other legionnaires who had come with them.

“Chi, Mayor!”

“Don’t hesitate, let the people evacuate!”

Hearing the news of Menas, the mayor of a small town, who hurriedly evacuated the residents to the city further behind with the gate, was immersed in the sight in front of him, as if he had come to know that he was about to run away.

It was seen in the distance, along with the dirt and dust. A pair of fluttering black feathered wings.

“Wings of despair…”

The market saw it and clenched its teeth. While detailed information about the Legion had already spread, the existence with those wings was also included.

It must have had a beautiful female body inside that grotesque skin and carapace, but inside it was a monster without blood or tears that neither knights nor wizards mercilessly cut to death.

But those wings were just the beginning. The wings never moved alone.

It was a terrifying rumor circulating that the true bloody calamity would begin from then on, always moving together with the hordes of monsters called subordinates.

“Mayor. We’ll go and take the time.”

“But Sir Randolph!”

“I heard that, unlike other monsters, that wing doesn’t care about the weak and only kills knights and wizards. So instead, I will definitely come here to kill the mayor, the representative of this place. Evacuate the people quickly. Let him do it, we’ll get his attention and buy him some time.”

The escorts who were escorting the market led their men and came forward with a firm face.

The mayor’s face was distorted, but now there was no way to stop them.

“You must come alive.”

“Of course.”

The knight commander, Randolph, shook hands with the mayor with a determined expression and shared a warm hug. And pressed the helmet.

“Let’s go. Let’s show the monster of the abyss the power of our knights.”

He, along with his men, crossed the screaming citizens who swarmed here.

As they ran down the ground, they drew their swords in unison and at the same time.

The enemy had now killed several soldiers and wizards, and stood trampling on their corpses.

As if the rumors were true, the little child who had fallen to the ground next to him and was trembling didn’t even look at him.

“You monster who knows the honor of a warrior! Fight us!”

Randolph, holding the sword, shouted and turned his gaze away.

He smashed the ground with all his power.

And, without the slightest vigilance, he threw out his sword with everything.

It was a blow that contained a sense of duty, fighting spirit, passion, and anger.


‘This guy is something special. Is it the same type of unit as him?’


A square lined with the corpses of knights.

Gang Do-yeon, who unwittingly trampled on Randolph’s body, which had been split in half, grabbed the neck of the last survivor who had both legs amputated and lifted it up.

Eve, seeing the scene through her eyes, immediately discovered foreign parts in the survivor’s body.

The same composition as the unit of the same affiliation as the Dark, which had already been analyzed in the last battle.

‘The power of form flows in the bloodstream, and they use it to perform various tricks.’

However, Eve’s reaction was bittersweet. First of all, the ability was impossible to duplicate. Like some kind of magic, there is a special system of form power, which cannot be brought about by cloning living things.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Moreover, learning it was also unsuccessful.

The only thing they had in common from the captured prisoners was the testimony that the only one who received the power of pure blood called ‘Jinjo’ and that only he knew the secret of this blood magic.

‘So what?’

‘Except that dark guy, just kill them all. They are tough guys who survive even if they cut off their limbs and throw out the porridge, but in the end they die if you leave them alone. beheaded.’


After letting go of his hands, Kang Do-yeon swung his wings and cut off the head of the survivor who had fallen to the ground.

And as it was, spread its wings and flew towards the gate where people were evacuating. Now, in a few minutes, the legionnaires will arrive.

The city, whose defenses have already been broken, cannot stop even a handful of legionaries.


“The knights…”

As she glided swiftly over their heads, the evacuees began to roar in despair and panic.

‘Look at the stupid and savage people pushing and stomping on each other to escape.’


Kang Do-yeon just didn’t pay any attention to such a scene from the beginning.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Moving forward only to destroy the gates they had set on purpose, they finally arrived in the middle of City Hall, in front of the gates that people were rushing through.

“Stop… Don’t let the sacrifices of the knights be in vain!”

The mayor and the last wizards of this city started a resistance to protect the people. He opened up an urgent defense and fired a spell at her.

Kang Do-yeon, who stopped in the air in response to their resistance, spread her wings.

The power engine embedded in the joint of the wing began to glow with light.


Immediately after that, two flashes of light from their wings pierced them and caused an explosion.

This attack is possible because the power and efficiency of the power engine have been increased by absorbing the heart of the polyp.

The mayor’s head, who had unknowingly let out a sigh, was separated from her body and flew by her body, half-burned.

“Anyway, there was no Dark here either.”

‘It doesn’t really matter since I have the testimony.’

Kang Do-yeon, who flew into the sky, looked away from the people being slaughtered by the legionnaires.

Eve got more detailed information this time.

It was information that humans who lost the continental capital, Menas, were gathering at another key point at the eastern end.

Of course, there were still a lot of people who could not go there, all over the continent.

They became a small group of survivors and were rushing to a deeper edge to avoid the dragon species that were taking over the center of the continent.

“Shall we go right away?”

‘Do that. I’ll attach Reina too. Go, put an end to the Dark and destroy all hopes of humans.’

Once you have the information, there is no reason to hesitate. Eve moved all the remaining troops to avoid the polyp.

To sniper an opponent who is barely breathing.

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