King of Eschatology

Chapter 818: Tragic flight

() Lu Fan muttered to himself, feeling that he could not live.

Before dying, Lu Fan thought of too many people and things. Although this life was short, it was vigorous.

He thought of those brothers who had fought **** battles with him, and everyone was so **** that he would not be afraid of any difficulties.

Gradually, the blood in Lu Fan's body began to roll. Not only since, he has lost this passion, perhaps because his power is too strong, and no one can ever threaten him.

At this moment, Lu Fan had an epiphany. The true power is not to possess powerful power, but to possess a strong heart that will never die.

"I can't die!"

Lu Fan yelled, the blood in his body was tumbling, and he forcibly reminded himself that he could not give up lightly.

He took out a large amount of life potions from the storage space. As the momentum shook, all the life potions burst into pieces, and the turquoise liquid medicine and glass **** fell on Lu Fan's body.

Lu Fan's body was full of cracks, and after the life liquid fell on it, he began to flow along the wound and was quickly absorbed by Lu Fan's body.

Lu Fan still maintains the power of first-class life, and his resilience is amazing. At this time, with the help of the life potion, it is even more powerful.

Suddenly, Lu Fan's lower body glowed, and the legs that had just burst started to grow rapidly, and then returned to their original state in an instant.

Even Lu Fan's cracked body has been repaired, and it is no longer possible to collapse at any time like it was just now.

"Xuanhuang Qi, please help me!"

Lu Fan yelled, closed his eyes, and rushed up toward the chaotic air blocking the road ahead.

Whether it is dead or alive depends on this!

There is too much chaos behind him. If Lu Fan can't rush out this time, I'm afraid he can't rush out anymore, and he will be overwhelmed by the endless chaos.


Suddenly, Lu Fan felt a heat in his body, and with his shout, the always restless Xuanhuang Qi suddenly erupted, flying out of his body, like Jian Guang's angry chaos in front of him.


The two innate auras collided head-on, and the horror might suddenly stir up. Although there were a lot of chaotic auras, only a small part of them were blocked, and a passage was cut by the aura of yellowish air.

At the same time, Xuanhuang Qi is fading at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. It seems that this chopping consumes too much energy.

Lu Fan was shocked, and immediately rejoiced in his heart, and then madly raised the evolutionary force in his body to raise his speed to the limit and swept out of this channel.


The air exploded, and Xuanhuang Qi wrapped around Landing Fan's body, like the same shuttle, tearing through the void while rushing farther away.

Moreover, many hidden space cracks exploded and were torn directly by the sharp and unmatched yellowish air, destroying and dying, unstoppable.

Near the chaotic tiankeng, more and more chaotic air poured out, forming a huge abyss, and began to devour the whole world frantically.

The roar was endless. The broken ancient universe finally came to the end of life, and it was about to be broken at this time.

The black ground fissures spread like a large mouth. It is opening, spitting flames, and various unknown gases appear here. It is turbulent and colorful.

In the distance, an immortal light appeared, magnificent, and before it had time to bloom, the air of chaos passed by, and it disappeared instantly.

Lu Fanma kept on hoofing, increasing his speed to the limit and rushing along in the direction it came from.

The speed of the collapse of this world is accelerating, like the Big Bang, which will sweep everything.

Lu Fan shouted again and again, the speed rose again and again, his body finally could not bear it, and he began to collapse again.

The blood flew, the flesh flew, Lu Fan's chest, shoulders, and arms were all blown off, exposing Bai Sensen's bones, terrifying.

Blood was dripping, and Lu Fan's escape was too tragic, and he had done his best.

Finally, Lu Fan saw the black vortex, which was the passageway to Penglai Xianshan. At this time, it was shaking violently and would collapse at any time.

Lu Fan is terrified that if this black vortex collapses, he will no longer be able to leave this broken ancient universe, and it will be broken along with this world and completely destroyed.

Lu Fan felt that he was really playing big, and even when he was killing zombies alone, he was not as crazy as he is now.

Just when this black vortex was about to collapse, Lu Fan ran into his head and dashed inwardly.

Whether it can survive, it depends on the last look!


The world exploded, and this broken ancient universe was completely disintegrated, turned into countless cosmic dust, and stirred up and down in the vast universe.

That black vortex also exploded, and as this universe collapsed, it disappeared completely into the long river of history.

At the same time, beyond the black vortex, Du Lingyun is looking forward to her, waiting for Fan Fan's return.

At that time, Lu Fan told Du Lingyun that he would be back in seven days. Today is the seventh day. Du Lingyun has been waiting here since morning, praying silently in his heart, hoping that everything goes well for Lu Fan.

It is worth mentioning that during these seven days, Du Lingyun's strength has been further improved. With the evolutionary agent given by Lu Fan, she successfully broke through to the seventh level of the middle, and her strength went further.

Moreover, Du Lingyun did not rashly absorb the evolutionary power of this world, and was afraid of being assimilated by this world. All her power needed for evolution came from Lu Fan's evolutionary agent.

Although Du Lingyun has not had much contact with Lu Fan, he has a kind of instinctual trust in him.

Perhaps this is the personality charm of the great emperor Lu Fan.

Suddenly, Du Lingyun's eyebrows frowned slightly, because she saw the black vortex above it shake suddenly, and seemed to be pulled by some force.

Immediately afterwards, the black vortex began to fluctuate violently, as if the calm water surface was smashed into a rock, causing a lot of ripples.

There are more and more ripples, and in a short time, it turns into a rough sea ~ ~ This black vortex may even break down at any time.

"what happened?"

Du Lingyun's surprise is no small matter. This black energy vortex is extremely important. It is the channel for Lu Fan to enter and leave the broken universe. Once broken, does not it mean that Lu Fan is trapped inside?

Du Lingyun Qiao's face was slightly cold, her proud posture stood up in the wind, her silver teeth clenched, and she was considering whether to rush in.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in a black vortex, and Du Lingyun was overjoyed when he saw the scene, and Lu Fan came out.

However, when Du Lingyun saw Lu Fan's current appearance, the smile on his face instantly freezes, and his beautiful face is full of shock.

At this time, Lu Fan's whole body was blood, and most of his flesh and blood broke up, and the white bones leaked out. The scene was miserable and terrifying.

Lu Fan swept out of the vortex, and immediately shouted after seeing Du Lingyun: "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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