King of Eschatology

Chapter 819: The collapse of the ancient universe

() The words did not fall, Lu Fan grabbed Du Lingyun's body, blasted down from Penglai Xianshan, rushed out of the coastline, and got into the misty sea.

Lu Fan had just left with Du Lingyun, the black vortex exploded abruptly, the horrible energy exploded above Penglai Xianshan, and the power of extinction came to this land.

Shenshan collapsed, the earth was damaged, and violent shock waves swept all directions. Penglai Xiandao ushered in a terrible crisis of extinction.

Countless local evolutionists rushed out, staring in horror at the crack in the sky.

"It must be the two intruders who broke into the mountain and made the mountain **** angry!"

Some local evolutionists are roaring, pushing all the blame on Lu Fan.

In fact, the broken ancient universe will explode sooner or later. Even if Lu Fan doesn't venture, this day will come, but the time has just been advanced.

The explosion lasted for more than two hours and eventually subsided. Except for the collapse of the Shenshan Mountain, Penglai Xiandao had not changed much.

The only thing that worried local evolutionists was that as the broken ancient universe collapsed, Penglaixian Island would be completely isolated, and there would be no evolutionary force to add it.

This change will greatly slow down the evolution of local evolutionists. Over time, the power of evolution will sooner or later dry up.

Of course, if the seal of the earth is opened one day and the day when Penglai Xiandao will be seen again, then a new recovery will be ushered in.

At the same time, in the depths of the universe, countless strong men guarded a huge altar and waited silently.

At a certain moment, the altar exploded, and it suddenly shocked everyone.

These people are all super strong from eighteen galaxies. They all have first-class life. They have been guarding them for almost seven days, waiting for their members to return.

At this moment, the altar leading to the ancient universe suddenly burst, indicating that the broken ancient universe was broken.

Everyone was horrified. So, would n’t the powerful men of all races who went to explore the treasures in that universe have lost their lives?

The kings of the major galaxies are heartbroken. Each of the top 100 superpowers in the galaxy is a mainstay-like existence, all of them buried at once?

Especially the dwarven people, the loss is huge, the heart of the dwarven king is bleeding.

This time, they are bound to get it. In order to make a big profit, the dwarves took out a hundred Yang-level weapons, but all of them were wasted.

Everyone's heart was shaken. This matter involved too much, and it involved the change of the strength of the major galaxies. I am afraid that the ranks of the various races in the universe must be recalculated and the big shuffle started.

If what happens here is leaked, other galaxies in the universe may seize the opportunity to cause trouble, and the fall of one hundred middle-tenth-level peak powerhouses is definitely a big event.

Near Penglaixian Island, Lu Fan and Du Lingyun rushed out of the foggy area all the way north, and finally landed on a deserted island in the Bohai Sea.

In fact, along the way, Du Lingyun brought Landing Fan flying, and due to excessive blood loss, Lu Fan was already in a coma.

Fortunately, the effect of the life potion is still being restored, and Lu Fan's physical body is being quickly repaired to nourish his breath of life.

At this moment, Lu Fan's body has returned to its original state, and the breath of life has stabilized, but he is too tired and is now sleeping.

In the broken ancient universe, Lu Fan only experienced a short half-hour, but during this half-hour, he peeled off a layer of skin and almost died there.

Especially at the last moment, Lu Fan was just fleeing for his life. As long as he was slightly negligent, he might never get out again.

The power of Lu Fan's first-class life has been exhausted, and his strength has returned to his original state. As long as he sleeps well, his body is not affected.

Du Lingyun brought Landing Fan, found a foothold on the island, and landed directly.

During the civilisation period, it was a tourist area, but it is now deserted.

Thousands of zombies were found on the island, and after the arrival of humans, they all swarmed to try to devour the two humans.

These zombies were isolated by the island and evolved slowly. Now they are only the fifth or sixth order in the lower life. Du Lingyun can shoot dead at will, and they will soon be eliminated.

There is a high-end hotel here, facing the sea, the scenery is infinite, although the eschatology erupts, it looks clean from the surface.

Du Lingyun brought Landing Fan into the highest level of the hotel, placed him on the big bed, saw the other person's bloodstained look, and could not help feeling dull.

Such a serious injury, I am afraid that the average person would have died long ago. I did not expect that Lu Fan could persist in taking her out of Penglai Xiandao, and her body was recovering.

"It's worthy of being the Terran Emperor, and vitality is tenacious."

Du Lingyun saw that Lu Fan's wound had become scarred and peeled off, and the blood on her body had gradually dried up, so she found a basin and took a basin of hot water.

"It's better to use a solar water heater. As long as the sun is present, it can continue to heat."

Du Lingyun thought to himself that this island was originally a tourist attraction. At that time, clean energy was installed on the island, and the advantages can now be seen.

Therefore, there is not only hot water but also electricity in the hotel.

Looking at the ultra-thin LCD TV hanging on the wall, Du Lingyun really had the urge to turn on. She hadn't watched TV for a long time, and didn't know if there were any programs playing now.

Some time ago, I heard that someone is making a movie and I do n’t know how to watch it. Maybe the TV has been eliminated. Now I am watching the light brain image.

Du Lingyun just thought for a moment, and did not really turn on the TV, but was helping Lu Fan to clean his body.

Lu Fan's clothes have been torn into pieces one by one, and it is more suitable to use clothing to cover the body. There was blood stains before, and Du Lingyun didn't care too much.

At that time, Du Lingyun was not frightened by Lu Fan's miserable appearance, and was on his way, so he did not pay attention to Lu Fan's dress.

Now she helped Landing to clean her body, and she blushed suddenly.

The slender body ~ ~ has strong muscles and sharply defined muscle lines. The waistline of the abdomen is more attractive to young girls.

Du Lingyun suddenly felt that his heartbeat had accelerated.


Du Lingyun forcibly resisted her inner thoughts. She found a bath towel, covered Lu Fan's lower body, and began to help Lu Fan to wipe her body.

Du Lingyun cast aside his thoughts and soon recovered his former coldness.

Now, Lu Fan is no longer a person in her eyes, but an item, and it is just dirty and wiping.

I didn't know if I changed a few pots of water, Du Lingyun finally wiped Lu Fan's body clean, and she was dripping with sweat.

Helping Lu Fan take a bath was more tiring than going through a big war.

"Will you wipe your lower body?"

(End of this chapter)

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