King of Eschatology

Chapter 817: Flesh and blood

On the black earth, the originally dim sky was illuminated, and a young man from the earth smashed from the sky, like a meteor falling on the earth.

"First class life?"

"Sun fighter?"


"how can that be?"

The aliens were terrified, and countless questioning voices came out of them, unable to believe their eyes.

A long, long time ago, the Milky Way dominated the entire universe, and the Earth became the center of the universe. Major galaxies would worship the Earth every hundred years and send ambassadors to give tribute.

However, more than three thousand years ago, the powerful men who sat on the earth revealed the mysteries of the universe, and a large number of first-class life went to explore. Who knew that this would never return.

Until the past thousand years, no information was transmitted from the Earth-evolving evolutionaries who went out, so the strong men of all ethnic groups believed that those who went out should be all dead.

Therefore, the various races of the universe saw the opportunity and thought that they could get rid of the rule of the earth people, so the major galaxies joined forces to attack the earth at the same time.

The battle that day was dim and dark, and it lasted for hundreds of years. A large number of Earth evolutionists were killed, aliens invaded the solar system, and slaughtered all the guardians stationed on the major planets.

Until the end, they invaded the earth and killed all the evolutionaries on the earth.

Since then, the Earth's evolutionaries have been removed, and human heads and human brains have begun to be sold in the universe.

Many collectors are willing to pay high space coins to buy human skulls for collection and viewing.

Some evolutionaries have eaten the human brain, hoping that they can also acquire human-level metamorphosis qualifications.

Anyway, the demise of humankind is a matter of course.

But now, there is another human strong man, how can it not be surprising.

"Is he always hiding in this broken universe?"

Someone asked, but no one could answer him anymore, and they were all fleeing wildly at this moment.

Everyone is the pinnacle of middle life, and there is only a thin line from the upper life. However, it is this line that divides the heavens and the earth. There is a difference between the two.

According to the law of the universe, lower life cannot kill intermediate life, and middle life cannot kill upper life.

Therefore, the appearance of this earth man has brought a fatal threat to the strong in major galaxies, and it is no longer a problem that can be solved by the number of people.

Everyone was running, and escaped along the passage that was explored when they came.

However, how fast is Fanfan's degree. After receiving the power of first-rate life, his degree has reached mattness, and he rushed to the crowd in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, everyone can clearly see the appearance of this earth man. Judging from the appearance, he should be very young.

But the horror was that this person was bathed in blood, his skin was cracked, his eyes were swollen, and the corners of his mouth were still bleeding with foam, which was mixed with many internal debris.

This look is even more terrifying than the zombie guy.

Everyone was terrified, thinking that they had encountered a fierce ghost among the earth people and could not run away at this time. At this time, they took out weapons and were ready to fight.

However, 6 Fan didn't mean to fight with each other, at this time he stretched his arms and yelled, "Close!"

However, 6 Fan's voice has become inarticulate, and a loud roar is even more terrifying than Li Gui's roar.

Suddenly, God linked the system power, a strong light appeared, and more than 800 aliens were taken into the storage space.

After doing all of this, 6 Fan Ma kept running, turned around and ran, and suddenly blasted out for more than a hundred miles and rushed to the top of the tiankeng.


6 With an inarticulate roar again, more than 800 aliens were released from the storage space and thrown directly into the chaotic crater.

The 800 aliens hadn't figured out what was going on. Suddenly they felt their feet were empty and fell down.

When they saw the situation below, they were all scared to death and started yelling loudly.

It turned out to be a chaotic crater, and there were countless chaos in it.


Countless people yelled and began to spur the evolutionary force in their bodies, wanting to rush out.

But above the chaotic crater, 6 was standing there like a ghost. At this time, he connected his fingers, and numerous purple beams of light burst out, bombarding the aliens.

6 Where the current strength has been forcibly upgraded to the highest level of life, the power of the Ziqi Dongzhi has become more powerful and can easily blast these aliens.

Suddenly, there was a blood rain above and below the chaotic tiankeng, along with a large amount of minced meat, smashed into the chaotic air below.


The blood and minced meat had just come into contact with the chaotic air, and were immediately annihilated into a mist of blood, and the sound of it from time to time was creepy.

The chaotic air tumbles and tumbling between a large number of flesh and blood. It can be seen that although these flesh and blood are easily annihilated by the chaotic air, the chaotic air is also affected and is rolling unconsciously toward both sides.

After all the bodies of more than 800 aliens fell into the chaotic tiankeng ~ ~ the chaos gas seemed to be motivated, and it even swarmed in the direction that the corpses fell.

Suddenly, Chaoqing Qinglian showed her true countenance.

"It's now!"

The chain of gods roared, 6 Fan immediately swooped down with the momentum of thunder, turned his hands into a large energy fingerprint, grabbed the whole chaotic green lotus, and then uprooted.


Divine Chain roars, 6 Every flees like a life, the scene is too exciting.

However, the horror of chaos was terrible. Although it was temporarily dispelled, it was not sustainable for 6 Fans. With a loud bang, 6 Fan's legs burst into a blood mist.


6 Every time he screamed, his legs were gone, but his degree was not diminished, and he rushed out of the chaotic crater instantly.

However, the chaotic Qinglian was uprooted, and the chaos air was pulled. After annihilating more than 800 corpses, it began to rush towards 6 Fans crazy.

6 Everyone is terrified and retreats madly, but what makes him desperate is that the atmosphere of chaos seems to be ubiquitous and surrounds him silently.

"It's over!"

6 Everyone in his heart feels ashamed that he is aware of his death, and is covering his body and mind quickly.

For a moment, he thought of a lot, one death at a time, and one rebirth. Although he was already dead eight times, when the death came again, he still felt fear.

"After I die, Xiaoxiao should be able to block the alien's attack, right?"

"I am dead this time, can I be born again?"

"Maybe, I will be born again that afternoon, that city, that hotel, everything is in front of me, and it feels so far away."


Thanks myc for rewarding, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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